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Everything posted by jastey

  1. I guess that the IWD NPC mod uses some workaround for interjections to overcome some restrictions in the classic IWD engine. I assume O#DUMP1 is some temporary place for transactions from the original dlg. Somehow, the transactions from the state the whole thing started ended up in there, hence the loop. Because I can't explain the looping back otherwise. This needs some real digging into, ideally with a classic IWD and IWDEE install parallel for comparison.
  2. Just for info: this would not lead to DEDION 31 if O#Nella is present and able to talk, but to O#Nella 493. This is the interesting part. Would you post the whole state 31 of DEDION, and also from O#Nella 493?
  3. Thanks for the update! I'll summarize the changelog:
  4. bg1re Centeol component doesn't add/patch to Centeol herself at all, neither to her area. It's all about making Poe sing about her fate.
  5. There is more mods that overlap. For example, Ascalon's Questpack has content for both. My newer NPC mods and Ascalon's Breagar too, so they should be installed after all quest mods. I wouldn't violate the "first quest mods then NPC mods" rule with meta knowledge about which game the mod is for. Simply because there might be mods that touch both that you are not aware of (or might be expanded in the future. NTotSC for example considers an item that is inside an unreleased quest mod for ToB - this is done independent on install order, but still an example for not obvious hidden dependencies/crossmod.) I didn't change anything so I guess that still applies. No reason other than to keep the friendship mods and BG1NPC together with them being from the same authors. You mention ease of reading later so this would be one instance where it applies.
  6. Thanks for the weidu.log. Which cutscene exactly?
  7. Don't get me wrong, if there is a good reason for a changed format of what is now the ini files I'll comply, and saying that it will not scramble display in other tools is a good reason. Still, I was like "aarrgh not again" when reading the discussion because time to update mods is always scarce and anything adding to the backlog is just just just, mean. PRs sound good, though. (They'd still leave me with releasing a new version including announcements etcpp)
  8. I agree that Alternatives states that it should best come after Quest Pack if both are installed. I do not know where this recommendation comes from; it was stated before I took over maintenance. Quest Pack requiring to be installed this late is a nuisance tbh; again, I do not know why exactly. I know that Quest Pack contains reactions from I think Keto and Kelsey, which, in my opinion, was a bad idea to include these in the QuestPack mod instead of teh corresponding NPC mods. I don't have time to restructure this, unfortunately. All I know is that for example, my Sir Ajantis for BGII mod includes crossmod with Alternatives in the main component because I assume this to be a quest mod that gets installed before NPC mods.
  9. I think I already said earlier (but apparently phrased it badly) that RtD should be installed late, after any quest and NPC mods or actually any mods that would add reply options or interjections to SoD, because otherwise its tracking component might miss (new) transactions. That includes Themed Tweaks, btw. Thus, my advice to install it late.
  10. This would ahve been a helpful hint even for PI, apparently, back then when I wrote most of the .inis. The whole discussion would have been great when AL|EN introduced the .inis. I understand where this is coming from, but I am sitting on the other side: having to update 30+ mods with a new format / file will be a great No Thank You from my side.
  11. Actually, Road to Discovery is fine there. It should come late but how late is (for RtD) unimportant as long as it is after any mods that add reply options / interjections into SoD. My 2c: Edwin Romance should be in the NPCrelated section. It does not have to be installed before Ascension any more. UB should be earlier, right before ARP I heard recently that Cowled Menace should be installed after NPC mods, please confim via readme etc. If yes, it's tpp early. bg1re is more a quest and encounters mod, install before BG1NPC / NPC mods. This was already pointed out, there is confirmed inconpatibilities and an undocumented tweak in the SoD Banter Restoration mod. Better use AstroBryGuy's mod (download the master for now) and edit the tp2 like described here to make it EET compatible. Alternatives is quest mod. Install before all NPC mods. Some NPC mods contain reactions to RE encounters. Install RE before NPC mods. Starting with Thalantyr's Item Upgtade (~THALAN\THALAN.TP2~) I have no idea how to sort the mods listed.
  12. Works for me. The PC says they seek nothing in particular, and Valygar reacts with a comment before telling what he is looking for.
  13. I don't think there is any mod that needs RtD installed before it. All NPC mods depending on its tracking system get the needed input inside the game, independent on install order. (If that was the question.) I'd rather they'd be broken out because it might be I'll include mods that would be after NPC section; (for example like Cowled Menace if I'll come to it (my newer NPC mods will have BGII content in the same package when finished)). Thank you!
  14. Some more comments: bg1re is more of an Encounter&Quest mod. I would install it before BG1NPC (but after EndlessBG1+Transitions). I would install RE (Romantic Encounter) before BGII NPC Mods (exception I4E) in case they react to it. EDIT: Sir Ajantis fpr BGII for example needs to go after RE because crossmod is in the main Ajantis BGII component. Cowled Menace is quite late after the NPC mods, is that the recommended install order? These NPC mods have crossmod components that would need to go late: Ascalon's Breagar AjantisBG1 Expansion Brage's Redemption (Brandock the Mage) (Husam NPC) Grey the Dog Some comments to Solaufein's Rescue: Solaufein's Rescue has crossmod content with Eilistraee's Song (should be installed after Eilistraee's Song - for info, is already considered in the list) Solaufein's Rescue has a crossmod component that should go after any subrace mods. In the list subrace mod is in between NPC mods - I had one bug report for the install order subrace mod - Solaufein's Rescue main component so I usually recommend to install the main component first, compatibility component after subrace mods. - That said, I have no idea where subrace mods would go in install order in general. Crossmod Banter for Solaufein are inside the Crossmod Banter Pack (just fi) This is just a hint that the main component of Solaufein's rescue could go earlier (it also contains a quest that other mod NPCs might react to, although I don't know any specific
  15. Thank you for your work on this. Road to Discovery should be last mod with SoD content. If it is installed after other mods that add interjections or reply options to SoD, not all instances will be tracked correctly. EDIT: The NPC mods relying on it for triggers do not need it installed before them.
  16. EndlessBG1 lets the Temple fight run until all are defeated and offers a component to clear Korlasz' Dungeon in BG1, i.e. remain in BG1 after that. So what you say here is not correct, it gives closure to Sarevok and his followers inside BG1. Korlasz coming out of nowhere isn't handled any different in Transitions. So does EndlessBG1. Just sayin.
  17. Yep, that weidu.log ignores almost all suggestions I put down recently. It's not recommendable as an install order.
  18. Is this a prerequisite for your function to work or could this be expanded upon? - It's common for mods to have all install strings in setup.tra, but ingame strings in another file (e.g. game.tra), then there is the EE specific game_ee.tra which needs to be reloaded (in case of ANSI -> utf8 conversion), and journal entries are sometimes in a journal.tra, all loaded in the LANGUAGE definition because the strings are either used in the tp2 or over several d/baf files (for journal entries, because they need to match exactly for EraseJournalEntry to work).
  19. Is your code snippet what you have inside a d-file? This cannot work, you need to comment out the "xyz.d" lines. The error message means that the specified state name is not inside the dlg you are calling it from. If it is in another dlg you need to use EXTERN dlgname to transfer to it. If you have two characters talking to each other, I'd recommend using CHAIN syntax, though. I can only repeat that it is hard (for me) to understand what exactly you did and where the error came from. Your info is scarce and fragmented and I also can't tell whether you took any of our suggestions (e.g. weidu readme etc.) into account.
  20. @kijikun @AstroBryGuy's SoD Banter mod is scripted in such a stable, intelligent way that all you need to do it delete the following line from the setup-SoDDialogBanters.tp2 (using a simple editor or Notepad++, not MSOffice as it leaves symbols in the files): REQUIRE_PREDICATE NOT GAME_IS ~eet~ @6 /* This mod is not compatible with EET. */ It installed fine for me, used the existing EET bdbanter.2da, and since file names for SoD do not change in EET, this should work as intended. I only tested the install just now of course, but I'm pretty sure that's all there is to do. AstroBryGuy took the idea from Roxanne's mod for EET and thought an EET version would not be needed, but he opened up to an EET compatibility of his mod after I mentioned that Roxanne's mod only considers the continuous NPCs which was the case when last I checked her mod (and, apparently, she also changes banter dlg names for some reason, which is bad for compatibility).
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