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Everything posted by jastey

  1. Until the download is updated, version 8 including edited French and English translation can be downloaded at Kerzenburgforum: Download
  2. Until the download is updated, version 8 including a Polish translation can be downloaded by Kerzenburgforum: Download
  3. I'm on it, but slowly due to a lot of distractions, BG modding and otherwise. Hm, maybe this gives me the motivation to put Sir Gilmore in Ferelden on a hold for a while and take Ajantis through the Bhaal fights... (Very good job there, Immortality, btw. I am not that far into the game with him yet, though, so he still talks about his capture and the fall of the castle.)
  4. Kulyok: Please try whether you cen download now. Kaeloree: Would you be so kind and tell me your host web provider name. Maybe our spam protection is a bit too strict (but we can only change it if we know about it).
  5. Ouch... I will contact the admin. Thank you for the information!
  6. My newest experience: CHAIN, followed by reply options, does only work properly if the last speaker (dlg) is the same as the first one. Otherwise, the reply options will show after the first line in combination with a "continue" button. If the CONTINUE is clicked on, the interjections show, but the reply options are shown in every line, too.
  7. I used DestroyItem() in the dplayer3.bcs and it was not processed. Everything else in that script block was (creation of a cre and journal entry). I changed the code now so a dialogue pops up (which is better for my purpose) so I would have to recode to check but I did it because the item destruction didn't work in several tries. (Item was in the inventory etc. pp) Why do I get a "Reply to this topic" window if I cannot post as a guest?
  8. I have to take the last thing back, at least for now, as I have the problem that I_C_T %tutu_var%drunk 4 c#q12_Drunk == %tutu_var%drunk @0 END Will not compile with the error message "Cannot process COPY_TRANS". Anyone having an idea why I_C_T works on one dlg, but not on another, please let me know.
  9. What I can confirm is that something like this: CHAIN IF ~~ THEN C#Q01001 alanna_04 @12 == %IMOEN_JOINED% IF ~Global("C#BGQE_NPCReactions","GLOBAL",1) InParty("IMOEN") Detect("IMOEN") !StateCheck("IMOEN",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @111 == %JAHEIRA_JOINED% IF ~Global("C#BGQE_NPCReactions","GLOBAL",1) InParty("JAHEIRA") Detect("JAHEIRA") !StateCheck("JAHEIRA",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) InParty("IMOEN") Detect("IMOEN") !StateCheck("IMOEN",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @112 END ++ @70 DO ~SetGlobal("C#Q01_TalkedToAlanna","GLOBAL",2)~ + alanna_04_2 ++ @71 DO ~SetGlobal("C#Q01_TalkedToAlanna","GLOBAL",2)~ + alanna_04_1 ++ @72 DO ~SetGlobal("C#Q01_TalkedToAlanna","GLOBAL",2)~ EXIT Doesn't work as intended: The interjections of the NPCs don't play. The reply options are shown directly, and the button sais "continue", but the interjections don't play. The CHAIN has to end with transitions only, no reply options, then the interjections play as intended. This is also true if an extra line is added via I_C_T, which actually functions for BG1 under some special cases, as to: No reply options (same problam as above) and best only one transition, e.g. this works: I_C_T %tutu_var%COKSMTH 3 C#Q04_WyvernDeliverer == %tutu_var%COKSMTH @0 END The original state from the COKSMTH is: IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 3 // from: 1.2 0.2 SAY #10820 /* ~I see that you have no use for beating around the bush. Well, so be it. I cast aside my master woodsman facade. You have interrupted my little wyvern-training session and likely set my schedule back by days. I have worked long and hard to gain their trust, but if I they are to be ready for duty at the mine I shall have to placate these beasts with meat! Fight, for you shall die if you lose!~ */ IF ~~ THEN DO ~Enemy() ~ EXIT END
  10. Thank you, plainab, I will comment if I took the time to read it carefully. - 3. Actions DestroyItem() doesn't seem to be executed if triggered via script. In BG1 (+TotSC), no DestroyItem is used via script, and it doesn't work if used, either. Has to be used via dialogue transaction. Can anyone confirm?
  11. The Ajantis BG1 Expansion Mod has an official mirror at Kerzenburgforum and is also v6 (for some time now).
  12. Sorry for my late reply. I have an official mirror here: http://kerzenburg.baldurs-gate.eu/downloads.php?id=62 It's a German BG (and other games) site. Thank you, Cirosan, for helping out! I feel honored that you take the interest in uploading. I have only one request: That you take this version down once there will be an update. Nothing is more depressing than bug reports from things that are already officially fixed (not that my mods have bugs, haha.)
  13. Thank you so much for the praise! I haven't given up on finishing him, but it makes no sense to give any dates.
  14. Thank you for the kind words and your interest!
  15. On hiatus, but it lives. Sorry for the wait!
  16. AmyAE: Of course, please go ahead! -Just on a side note: I am working on an update that introduces NPC reactions (for the original BG1 NPCs). So, in case you want your NPC to interject during the quests' dialogues it might be you'll have to update the code, too, depending on what I changed. But yes, any mod NPC reaction is welcome. And to second Miloch: Yay to half-orc content!
  17. Eridan reports that dialogue names for NPCs have to be not more than six characters long in BG1. I wasn't aware of this.
  18. BGT has some other file names for BG1 items (the ones that are taken by BGII items), to prevent overwriting they are starting with "BG". There are other file name differences but someone with better knowledge would have to tell.
  19. Could be very well that there are things missing. The "rr_" files contain what I needed for BGQE, basically. For dialogue and script: e.g. if you put %UNSOLVED_JOURNAL% into the .d-file where BG1 needs "JOURNAL" and Tutu/BGT "UNSOLVED_JOURNAL" that's what it will be translated to. If you want to add it via "AddJournalEntry" you would write "AddJournalEntry(@0%QUEST%)" which translates to "AddJournalEntry(@0)" for BG1 and to "AddJournalEntry(@0,QUEST)" for Tutu/BGT, etc.
  20. The XP should be somewhere near what the PC has, yes. Ajantis only really leaves if the rep gets too low. Or, I think he will attack then, but that's normal game behaviour. You should be able to argue with him (more than in BG1, for sure), but if the PC is too insulting he will stop talking, I think.
  21. Sorry for the frustration! And thank you for playing the mod.
  22. BG1NPC lib covers the Tutu/BGT variables. There is also tpas that cover most differences for BG/Tutu/BGT. Have a look here: I should probabyl upload this somewhere and give a link at some appropriate place. lib.zip
  23. I haven't decided on how to distribute, but I guess it would be a good idea to support ToB only installs, yes.
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