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Everything posted by lefreut

  1. You can set the portrait to the size you want.
  2. It's when starting a new BG1/SoD/BG2 game or when starting a black pits game? AFAIK, there is no quest displayed when you play black pits.
  3. Usually very early as this mod overwrite the whole UI.menu file (to not break mods that may have patch it). But if you are sure you did not install any mod that touch this file, you can install it at the end.
  4. I tried something like this: if #loot.containerItems == 0 then Infinity_PopMenu('WORLD_CONTAINER') end But there are two issues: 1) The loot.containerItems variable is updated only after the action ends so you have to press 'E' a second time. 2) This will close the container menu but it will not reopen the action bar.
  5. Hello, Do you have the game on Steam or GoG? In this case, I think you need to install Dlc Merger before any mod otherwise you will get strange results.
  6. If I remember correctly, it's not possible to automatically change the portrait of a character with LUA.
  7. The component 'lefreut's 1.3-ish Dialog Box' is not compatible with Dragonspear UI. On BG:EE, EEUITweaks detects Dragonspear UI and will skip this component. This check is missing on BG2:EE.
  8. The component now uses the text area as the clickable zone to advance the dialog.
  9. It's easy to make the text area clickable, but not with a margin of one empty line.
  10. You want the clickable area to be only the text area or both the text and the one currently used by the mod?
  11. v4.0.3 released with a new component 'Clickable dialog box' that let you advance through dialog by clicking on the dialog box. It should be compatible with any EE games / UI mods. https://github.com/r-e-d/EEUITweaks/releases/tag/v4.0.3 @Roberciiik
  12. I can add a component for this in EEUITweaks.
  13. The in-game UI edit mode is very limited. It does not handle the two layers used by the PST dialog box. Anyway, if you want to touch the UI, most of the time you better do that by directly editing the UI.menu file.
  14. You need to download the zip from the Release page (not the source code). For example for the latest version of the BG2EE skin lefreuts-enhanced-ui-bg2ee-skin-4.6.zip from https://github.com/r-e-d/LeUI/releases.
  15. SoD @46138 = ~This is a bloody business we're in, Ajantis Ilvarstarr. Sometimes, we must do things we would find... distasteful... to ensure a venture's success.~ This should be Ilvastarr.
  16. TextureConvert may produce a pvrz file that the game don't like but I don't understand why it happens only for the one used by GUWBTP10. I tried installing TextureConvert but I still don't reproduce the crash Can you attach GUWBTP10.mos and its pvrz file that crash for you?
  17. I assume this is on mobile? I don't have a crash on windows. You could try to check which pvrz file is referenced by GUWBTP10.mos and if the file exist.
  18. In enchant_items.tra, ref @115106 & @115107 are duplicated. The duplicated one should probably be @115108 & @115109 instead. And in scroll_crafting.tpa: //masterwork materials COPY ~%folder%/data/scrolls/B_BPG01.itm~ ~override/B_BPG03.itm~ //blank scroll item SAY NAME1 @115108 SAY NAME2 @115108 SAY UNIDENTIFIED_DESC @115108 SAY DESC @115108 WRITE_LONG 0x0034 ~200~ //gold WRITE_BYTE 0x0038 ~9~ //stack I guess UNIDENTIFIED_DESC & DESC should use ref @115109.
  19. If you want to target only the dialog lines and not the list of answers, you can do this: if (not getDialogRowClickable(row)) then text = string.gsub(text, "%^0x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x", "^0xFFC0CBFF") end
  20. The easiest is probably to add the change in this function yes. string.gsub is used to replace a substring by another one. The first argument is the string, the second the pattern and the third the replacement. For example, this to change all occurrences of '^0xff7da58c' (you have to escape the ^ with a % as otherwise it has a special meaning in regex) into '^0xFFC0CBFF': text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xff7da58c", "^0xFFC0CBFF") or this to replace all colors (^0x followed by 8 hex character) with '^0xFFC0CBFF': text = string.gsub(text, "%^0x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x", "^0xFFC0CBFF")
  21. The colors used in other part of the UI are externalized. But for the dialog as this use the color from your character it is dynamically added by the engine.
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