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Posts posted by lefreut

  1. The color is embedded in the string that the engine build before sending it to the UI.

    For example:


    You can't change the way this string is built. But you could post-process it.

    In the UI.menu file, there is this function:

        function getDialogEntryText(row)
            local text = dialogTable[row].text
            if (row == worldPlayerDialogSelection) then
                --Color the text white when selected
                text = string.gsub(text, "%^0xff212eff", "^0xFFFFFFFF")
            return text

    There is already a post-process that change the red color to white for the selected answer.

  2. Thanks for the bug report.

    If you remove this block of code from the UI.menu it should fix the crash.

    mageBookStrings = {
        SPWI908 = {tip = engine_mode == 0 and 24615 or 55373, title = 'CHAIN_CONTINGENCY_TITLE', action = "ADD_SPELLS_CONTINGENCY_LABEL"},
        SPWI617 = {tip = engine_mode == 0 and 24615 or 55373, title = 'CONTINGENCY_TITLE', action = "ADD_SPELLS_CONTINGENCY_LABEL"},
        SPWI809 = {tip = engine_mode == 0 and 24617 or 55372, title = 'SPELL_TRIGGER_TITLE', action = "ADD_SPELLS_TRIGGER_LABEL"},
        SPWI710 = {tip = engine_mode == 0 and 24616 or 60420, title = 'SPELL_SEQUENCER_TITLE', action = "ADD_SPELLS_SEQUENCER_LABEL"},
        SPWI420 = {tip = engine_mode == 0 and 24616 or 60420, title = 'MINOR_SEQUENCER_TITLE', action = "ADD_SPELLS_SEQUENCER_LABEL"},


  3. 1 hour ago, Nathan82 said:

    @lefreut hello, is there some kind of limit with ~EEUITWEAKS/EEUITWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #2050 // Simple Centered Dialog: 4.0   in regard to how much text or the number of dialogue options that can be displayed, because i'm pretty sure thats the component thats causing the game to crash in certain circumstances?

    In theory, this component should only change the position of the dialog box nothing else. What's the easiest way to reproduce the crash so I can look at it on my side?

  4. Yes UI mods often uses lua files for text but it is still translatable. These components should be set up to load the correct lua file depending on the language (by providing a ru_ModOp.lua file for example) and fallback to english if there is no translation. It's the way the different authors choose to write these components, I won't change that (I don't have the time anyway).

    It also has an advantage compare to the tlk. All the translation files are available after the installation so you can switch between languages without having to reinstall the mod.

    And to be fair, Beamdog also uses lua files for text for the UI. The modders did not invent this technique.


  5. On 8/17/2022 at 12:27 AM, Guest Drakar said:

    So I consider this mod an absolute must have. Haven't played the game without it ever since the whole Beamdog UI redesign. I do have one minor complaint that I hope you can take a look at (as always, nothing in this world is perfect). When pressing ESC and chosing to quit the game, you are given 3 options. To save, go to the main menu or cancel. This is different from the unmodded UI where you instead have 4 options. The fourth being quit which just cleanly exits the game.

    What this means in practice is that you need a 3 additional clicks to quit the game since you have to go through the main menu. It's not a big deal by any means, but it is a minor recurring annoyance.

    This will be in the next release:




  6. On 8/20/2022 at 8:49 PM, Guest Vnavekul said:

    Hi, lefreut. Playing Baldur's Gate again (right now on my Steam Deck). 2 years ago or something, there was a bug with dialogue text changing size sometimes in the UI. Is that bug still present? Because I think I've caught it again.

    It's still present as it's something that I can't fix on my side.

    On 8/20/2022 at 8:49 PM, Guest Vnavekul said:

    Also, could it be possible to just make the text in the message log bigger, and nowhere else. So only dialogue and message log. That's the only text that looks a bit too small on the Steam Deck, and I don't like the rest of the UI's text oversized.

    Thanks in advance for any tips or updates. :) Deck is 1280x800.

    With the current version, not easily as it uses the same style as a lot of other text.

  7. Version 4.0 is finally out \o/



    • Add Russian translation for Mr2150's Journal Fixes (from yota13)
    • Fix FayDarkAutoRoll to always extract the exceptional strength value
    • Already known spells for Sorcerers have yellow contour to differentiate from what you pick (lefreut's Character Creation Screens)
    • Fix multi-line quest display (lefreut's Journal)
    • Remove extra space in front of innate abilities in the dialog box (lefreut's 1.3-ish Dialog Box)
  8. On 8/5/2022 at 2:33 AM, Mordekaie said:

    Is there any easy solution to have larger portraits on LeUI ?

    There is no component to automatically change this.

    You can use the UI Edit mode to change things in game or you can tweak the UI.menu file.

    On 8/5/2022 at 3:04 PM, xiaoleiwen said:

    I used that function to tweak this UI mod when I played IWD1EE last year, making the portrait in the dialogue box larger:

    The dialog box have bigger portraits now but only the BG skins, I forgot to make the change for LeUI-IWDEE.

  9. Some inconsistencies in spell descriptions.

    Cone of Cold Area of Effect: BGEE/SoD 17-ft. cone with 90-deg. arc, BG2EE 18-ft. cone with 90-deg. arc, IWDEE 20-ft. cone with 60-deg. arc.

    Glyph of Warding Area of Effect: BGEE/SoD 25-ft. radius, BG2EE/IWDEE 12-ft. radius.

  10. Indeed the space at the end of 'Attack Roll ' is necessary.

    For 'Party AI Off' (and 'Party AI On'), it's used in a tooltip alone so it's ok to strip the extra spaces.

    For 'Find Trap Mode' and 'Turn Unded Mode', I don't know if these strings are seen in an EE game.

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