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Everything posted by Cahir

  1. These were the warnings, this component was installed, but with warnings. I've reported it in SCS thread, so you can check if you've got the same.
  2. No worries, guys, I'll just wait for you to update whatever it needs to be updated I think I'm getting closer to a perfect set up, so I can wait a bit more. I'll fire up the game to see if I see weird UI behavior or Proficiencies misbehave. No rage quit this time, promise, this time will be properly documented bug report @subtledoctor any chance you could squeeze a bit of your time to cool this little mod allowing to rename proficiencies, you mentioned a day or two ago? It won't be a big deal if you won't do it, but it would make my day if you do
  3. @subtledoctor didn't install Revised Identify because I remember there was some incompatibility with UI mod.
  4. Yeah that's pretty amazing edge case we've found here Anyway I finished installation. Apart from usual FnP, MnG, Monastic Orders, RR, SCS, TotLM warrnings (all should be harmful) and this Refinements error I've got only one new warning from Will to Power (which I didn't install before). It's something like this (I used master branch, so it's possible it's a beta bug or sth):
  5. Shouldn't be a problem I think. AFAIK it only let's you to summon NPC's to fight alongside you in the final ToB battle, right?
  6. I also needed to upause installation few times on FnP, FnP Multiclass, MnG and Monastic Orders, because of those warnings I've reported before if that changes anything.
  7. I clean an installation using Verify game feature of Beamdog installer on each game (BGEE, SoD and BG2EE). Only thing I did is I installed SoD to BG2EE Item Upgrade on BG2EE before running install order in PI.
  8. @AL|ENis it possible what @subtledoctordescribed? It would be weird, because if it is like that I would expect PI choke on first Refinements component, not just selected few HLAs. Is it possible to force pause installation after specific mod, so I would not need to stare at the screen all the time and hope to pause in exact right moment after MnG?
  9. It's exactly there, right between MnG and FnP multiclass. I didn't move it up or down, all I did is to add the main component which I peeviously forgot to add...
  10. @4udr4n actually, I was wrong. bp-bgt-worldmap:1:Use new Worldmap for Throne of Bhaal as well -> this component was skipped as apparently it's not designed for EET platform. From .tp2 file: If I understand the code correctly it won't install on TuTu, TotSC, BGEE and EET. So I think for EET we should only install component bp-bgt-worldmap:0:Worldmap for Baldur's Gate - including colored Baldur's Gate map icons
  11. @subtledoctor I just realized that Refinements didn't install at all in my previous test installations because I didn't select component 11: Revised High Level Abilities -> Choose which classes get revised HLAs. But now after checking it I have a bunch of Refinements installation errors. 1. Paladin HLAs 2. Monk HLAs 3. Wizard HLAs 4. Bard HLAs Other HLAs were installed correctly. Could you please look into it?
  12. I actually like Valygar, but always thought him to be underdeveloped. His story could be expanded (it's actually quite fun) and his class really should be something different than bland ranger. I think there is a mod that expands his dialogs a bit (not Corthala Romantique), probably made by @Lava, but I forgot the name. I'd say, give the man a chance. Edit: Ah yes, it was La'Valygar, which eventually became Valygar Friendship.
  13. Fighter/Mystic combination looks good. I would also like to see a Magus run. I always wanted to find a perfect Fighter/mage combination, regular multiclass doesn't feel like a natural class. It would be fun to test his disadvantages, cause I feel casting time penalty seems severe. I for one play usually Spellcasters, so would love to see also a Cerebremancer run.
  14. @kjeron have you ever considered putting all your great mods to Github?
  15. BTW, not sure if you guys noticed, but @Lava just today updated Southern Edge to v3.0. I already grabbed it, not sure if you guys did.
  16. Yeah, I thought it might be one of @kjeron's. These are usually the only mods I don't know about (since as you've said, it's buried under tons of BD forum topics). Anyway I've manage to run another test run, but probably it'll finish at night, so I'll probably check how it goes tomorrow. So far so good, no errors and warnings yet. I expect them to start around FnP and MnG (those warnings I experienced last time). Let's see.
  17. First of all, congratulations on finally playing this game! I'm glad I started this fun trend of other players share our installation process experience. I think this would benefit for other's experience, because it's not easy to set up proper installation order. On top of that it already resulted of a couple of mods being updated. I would be very interested to read about psion run (whatever combination you choose) or some class with feats feature from MnG, since it's completely new territory to me. Would you plan to play solo run, full party, only 2-3 NPC's?
  18. @subtledoctor if I install component 122 from Scales of Balance, I don't need to install components 121 and 124 too, because those are included in 122? I'm asking because if I put 122, 121 and 124 on install list, components 121 and 124 were skipped.
  19. @subtledoctor from which mod is this tweak I found int your install order? Also, as I understand since current version of Will to Power is 0.99a, those two hotfixes from your list are not needed anymore?
  20. Yes, but I don't mean installation itself. Were you able to select actual new soundset while starting EET game from BGEE?
  21. 1. Were you able to choose new Soundsets starting from BGEE? 2. Can't tell anything, didn't install it. 3. Same as above. 4. Didn't install those particular tweaks, so can't tell. 5. Didn't use those tweaks 6. Strange, I installed EET Tweaks 25% decrease version without issues. 7. Didn't install this one. 8. Yeah, I installed Worldmap without issues. Check my install order (not the latest one, cause didn't run installation for it yet). Not particularly helpful this time, sorry.
  22. No worries, take your time! I hoped it might be an easy fix.
  23. Well, sure, if it's possible to handle this via PI, I'm all for it! I was asking @subtledoctorabout it, because he mentioned that he "should probably silence those warnings" (quote not accurate, from memory). I wasn't even sure if this can be handled by PI.
  24. @subtledoctorany chance you could fix those warnings from M&G and FnP that me and @4udr4n reported in dedicated threads? I noticed you have fixed Hivekeeper, but this is probably something different that I've reported. I know it's far from priority (since those errors seem harmless), but that would make PI install proces a bit more automatized.
  25. Hmm the thing is, that I don't think DR is natively compatible with EET. Beta 8 is from before EET release.
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