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Everything posted by Greenhorn

  1. This is a copy of an original area ARD008 aka (AR0508) Durlag's Tower, fire elemental challenge (fourth subterranean level) The area name depends on which game you use. So maybe it can be repaired by making a copy of the mos from that area with the name T-1002.mos. Yeah, thanks although I have no idea what other 3 are.
  2. Thanks for the tip Jarno, unfortunately i discovered 3 more files with the same problem before I managed to finally install WS, I presume procedure is the same for all of them? Bad mos.rar
  3. I guess it is no harm if I upload this file in the hope that somebody can fix it: t-1002.rar
  4. Nope, pretty standard 1024× 768 res. There are no forum and downloads, I just own private copy which I'm understandably hesitant to share and distribute around without author's permission.
  5. Well, that would be hard, he is not in these parts anymore and only rarely visits. I guess you are somewhat proficient with workings of this mod, tell me is CTD guaranteed if I try workaround way described in the post above?
  6. Well, uhm, I don't know is it smart to reveal this and will I bring righteous wrath upon me from the mod author but the mod in question is Xvart caverns and whole point of this beta testing in fact. I was hopping for some hack and magical solution for this problem before I'm forced to remove file in question from Override and finish installation of Widescreen, then put it back risking unforeseen CTD.
  7. I don't have high hopes that somebody can help me with this but I will try nevertheless. Installed today for the first time GOG Original saga classic game BG:TotSC. Then I installed Widescreen on clean install for the test purposes. On my pleasant surprise everything gone smoothly, but then remembering past experiences with Widescreen and some mods which add new areas I decided to uninstall it and reinstall near the end of the installation to avoid possible CTD. I'm currently beta testing several mods, some of them are not yet publicly released. It seems that one of them is incompatible with Widescreen as I got this problem when I tried to install it again: Please is there anything I can do to solve this problem, because frankly, playing BG without Widescreen is the real pain in the a**.
  8. I don't know if they are latest, but I hope this will help you: http://downloads.chosenofmystra.net/bg2/
  9. BQQE, REBG1, Ajantis BG1 expansion. Did I miss something?
  10. Yes, we ( I ) are endangered species. I would be happy to test several of your mods ( among others ) on my newest nostalgic trip through the Sword coast.
  11. I just want to express admiration that you still make your mods compatible with the old BG:TotSC engine. Too bad not all components are compatible with it ( old engine limitations, I know ) but kudos to all of your hard work so far.
  12. Hmm, this and myriad of other similar troubles this player reported might have something with this: http://www.shsforums.net/files/file/968-bg1-engine-fix-extending-limit-of-maximum-global-variables/
  13. I apologize if I completely missed the forum for asking this question but I would like to know are those two ( Icon improvements component and Improved inventory BAMs ) deal with the same issue. IIB mod readme is very spartan and don't reveal many details but my understanding is that Icon improvements deal with items on the ground while IIBams deal with inventory graphics. That means that I can safely install them both without conflicts on my BG:TotSC game? Also while I am at it I wonder is it smart to install Improved inventory BAMs mod in the first place thanks to this topic: http://gibberlings3.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=1353? Does anybody knows is this issue was corrected?
  14. BINGO! Yes, this is it. Thank you very much, it is appreciated.
  15. Yes, well I'm pretty sure that I saw thread connected to it somewhere here but it probably disappeared along the way after one of G3 crashes, maintenance cleaning or whatever. Thanks for your help.
  16. This question is probably shot in the blank as I searched G3 forums for any clue about it, but nevertheless does anybody know where can I found any thread about Sasha al'Therin or plainab's BGfixpack? Found his site here: http://sasha-altherin.webs.com/baldursgatefixpack.htm but I'm curios for some in-depth informations.
  17. "chuckle" No need for that. But if you must make it short, or we will miss you...
  18. As requested, here it is: Hope it helps.
  19. Ah, don't mind me, I like their righteous lot well enough. Don't know why he got so worked up, just tried to bandage his wounds, so he can finally move his ass out of that tavern which is already crowded enough as it is... I did little research on my own, seems that phrase is for the male player in Shadows of Amn RE which triggered by mistake in first part of the game. The fix I used is probably part of the fixpack for BGT BWP ( didn't use it of my own free will, it is integral part of whole megamod setup: BG1RE/SETUP-BG1RE.TP2~ #0 #4 // Extension of Bjornin Encounter (Personal Wound Treatment), by jastey: v1.3 BWP Fix. That fix probably comes from here: SETUP-BWFIXPACK.TP2~ #0 #0 // BiG-World-Fixpack-master.zip. Version is BWFixpack( v. 15.6 EN ). Don't know exact link, is it somewhere here: http://www.shsforums.net/topic/56752-the-official-bwp-fixpack-thread/ or on Kerzenburg site. If it is needed I will upload it here from my comp... EDIT: on second thought, this is probably updated version, ,my installed version doesn't have a number.
  20. There is almost game breaking bug with Bjornin and his wounds. If you offer to help him and he accept you are transported in his room with no exit where some cutscene should happen. But instead we just stand and his only dialogue option is " Greetings. Apologies but I must prepare for my departure." Seems that guy in the room above wasn't afraid of Bjornin without reason. He tried to kidnap my PC and keep him in golden cage forever. Luckily I had Aurora's boots of the pub and transported party out of there. Never trusting again these seemingly nice " goody two shoes". Version of the mod is 1.3 BWP fix in my BGT BWS.
  21. According to my IE the dialogue which only wake person in that tent use is BGMTOWN3. Dialogue tree shows that Jaheira's interjection is not there. I hope this will help you.
  22. a) hmm, so if you don't reach FAI from Lion's way in time dialogue will be blocked? I rested near Gorion's fall and then went to FAI. I usually do this almost in every game, probably didn't in my earlier TUTU games or this timer was changed a little recently... b) well, some mod changes Khalid's biography, add interesting talk about it, and I thought there is reference about that in one of Jaheira/Khalid dialogues " you are not persuading me to change my career again, dear wife". Must be BG2 tweak pack, I always thought that was integrated in BG1NPC project in case you installed it. Oh, well... c) Glad to know that I wasn't completely wrong about everything... d) Thought something similar. Thank you one more time for your time and answers.
  23. Thanks for answer, but: a) that is the point, if such timer exists it didn't triggered for me, I traveled with Harper duo at least two weeks, from FAI to Nashkel and then to Gorion's rest and Candlekeep and rested at least five times but nothing. Her other dialogue about forest lore and meeting Khalid triggered almost immediately though... b) hmm, when I think about this I'm not sure if Khalid's f/m dialogue is the part of BGNPC project or BG2 tweaks which actually changes his class. c) I didn't got it, instead Branwen's comment about scalps fired when I entered the tent and then I talked with that guy in black 3 or 4 times to be sure, but no luck... d) yes, I had Imoen in party all the time but didn't get nothing from Gate keeper except his vanilla game dialogue. It very well could be that Imoen's interjections and talk about Gorion are valid only for chapter 1 and I went back in chapter 2 after Nashkel...
  24. Although my memory from last time playing BG1 NPC project which was on TUTU isn't exactly fresh, some things are definitely changed. This time didn't buried Gorion ( I chosen option in Imoen's dialogue when you pick letter from his body which didn't gave that option ) and when I recruited Jaheira and Khalid didn't get dialogue about Gorion's burial from her. Khalid also has nothing to say to my PC but maybe it has something to do with the fact that he is now plain fighter while in my last run he was multi f/m. Jaheira's interjection in black lotus tent at carnival also didn't trigger. I had to get little stronger in order to survive encounter with Rhialto the Marvelous in front of Candlekeep gates so I returned after week or so in chapter 2 but didn't get the option to tell Keeper of portal about Gorion's murder and burial. Jaheira still has nothing to say about that. Is it intended that way? P.S. playing mod on BGT no EE BWS
  25. Unfortunately, this is a hardcoded issue; there's a warning in the Tweaks readme about it. Barbarians are locked to a d12 roll and ignore whatever dice size are set in these files unless you have an EE game or TobEx installed. . I have Tobex and level 1 maximum hp but barbarian still has 14 hp at the start of BGT. No matter, it is a small thing to add extra 2 hp with SK. I think it is this that causes problem, but then again I could be wrong, I'm trumpet when it comes to modding. http://www.shsforums.net/topic/58571-greenhorns-questions-bugs-and-findings-about-bws/page-8?do=findComment&comment=588131
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