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Fiann of the Silver Hand

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Everything posted by Fiann of the Silver Hand

  1. None... except mod added bullshit weeaakkings. The Vampiric Touch items in vanilla are 10, for the record.
  2. I don't understand. They used the "trap" function of ARE files to determine critical spawning?
  3. How does changing where it's hosted matter? I think you're really overdramatizing this. Par for the course, I guess. [edit] This is how a non-asshole would have it linked: prefix request forum the list itself That wasn't so hard, was it? We'll see how long they allow people to skip their ad spam.
  4. Really, the prefix list should be hosted at Beamdog, as that is where the huge majority of new modders are going to be. Whatever reasoning -- or lack of -- allowed it to be at BWL is clearly no longer valid.
  5. Well, that's shitty. If I cared, I'd say that disqualifies BWL from being the official host of the reservation list, but I have no horse in this race.
  6. Use weidu to append a mod.txt in root with folder name - mod name - brief info? Could be useful to non-modders, and is easier than searching for readmes in the different folders.
  7. EE and ToBEx use the same item flag for this purpose, and should work the same. I would make the sure the itm file actually has this flag set (25 @ 0x0018).
  8. I've never looked. Wouldn't a party NPC get a Global "spriteisdead" set, just like any other CRE with a death variable? Could just check that.
  9. It's really about the timings, or how you stagger them, is what I've found when testing. Like, don't have more than one 3-second duration one; do weird "unofficial" durations like 5 or 14 seconds, just to ensure their start and stop points are as unlikely to coincide as possible. Sometimes they wouldn't fire correctly, or at all.
  10. I'd like to donate an idea: (while activated) riposte: +1/2 apr for 3 seconds when struck (non-cumulative)
  11. I would if I used it. Gonna need that rare combination of desire, skill, and opportunity.
  12. Sounds neato. I've always loved the idea of psionics, but never got it meshed well in magic environments. Usually better (for me) in low/no-magic, tech-oriented schemes. Still, The Psionicist's Handbook and Dark Sun setting were real high points for 2e, imo.
  13. Sometimes when people say "valid", they mean "I don't know a reason to do this". Does valid here mean that, or does it mean the engine won't recognize any other value? @sd That's similar what I was attempting. I want to eliminate a useless school from mages and make it all bard (-only) spells. That's too bad. Did any mods in the 12 years (minimum) ever make use of something like this? My use was a melee-focused bard, so I wanted to restrict it from typical damage spells.
  14. You know all the IDS and 2DA files that use hex as markers? STATE.IDS is the best example. Here's a sample: 0x00200000 STATE_NONDETECTION 0x00400000 STATE_IMPROVEDINVISIBILITY 0x00800000 STATE_BLESS 0x01000000 STATE_CHANT 0x02000000 STATE_DRAWUPONHOLYMIGHT Now let's say that, for whatever reason, you want to do a StateCheck in a script for a creature with one of these States (which are always hardcoded set by an opcode). You could do a check for each one, or, you could get your handy hex calculator (built-in Windows calculator can) and... add them together, giving us 0x03E00000 NAMEITWHATEVERYOUWANT Great, right? AI mods did this ages ago to make target checking easier. But what does this have to do with kits and their restrictions? Well, if you look at KITLIST.2DA, each kit's restrictions (under the label UNUSABLE) is in hex. This means if you want to make a variant bard kit* that can't learn/cast Invocation spells, you could combine *Blade and Enchanter, giving an UNUSABLE of 0x00200200 This also means you can combine mage specialists, though this just restricts their spells more. The only thing to consider is that the main/starting kit is still going to have its own restrictions. For most kits, there's nothing hardcoded besides item usability. But some have little quirks like thief skills added in, so know what your starting point is.
  15. The difference is that wizards get a tangible benefit from a familiar, represented by extra hit points. A creature just following you around is not a familiar. Familiars are bound to the wizard's soul/lifeforce. Animal companions are more just super pets. Regardless of historical accuracy (which D&D was never good at), there's a huge difference between the two. Wizards should treat familiars as assets, whereas druids/rangers see their companions as friends.
  16. I hope they drop the BG schtick altogether. New ruleset + new world, please.
  17. So, you know how SCS uses invisible creatures to Shout so that the AI will move out of clouds? I think it'd be awesome (i.e. I'm doing it myself on my end) if we had some actually static spell effects rather than the always-moves-with-the-person-it-was-cast-on. Resilient Sphere is supposed to be immovable, and something creatures can wander into and out of. Same with Silence 15' (except it can be cast on an object if desired). Perhaps we could see if an immobile InvCre casting these sorts of spells every 3 secs or so might give a better result.
  18. Or -- and call me crazy -- semi-intelligent enemies might be more alert in those conditions, negating any bonus. Related, Silence 15' should give a huge bonus to Move Silently.
  19. Even thought what he's good at is one of the things I care about least in CRPGs, I think this bodes really well for Beamdog. I'll always have great admiration for him putting out Ascension. I would not be surprised if he and Oster are co-leads from now on.
  20. I wish Erephine (or anyone at this point) would have made a torch animation.
  21. Is there a thread for this aspect that is as nicely organized as this one?
  22. Thanks. I've got multiple test installs across the different versions, and didn't know where this would be an issue.
  23. NI can convert them to png/whatever. Irfanview can swap colors. NI converts them back to bam.
  24. Without having looked at it, there should only be a handful of scripts to alter to get this to work: the Coronet's ARE script and Yoshimo's, in particular. Those two (at the least) must be getting overridden by later installed mods.
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