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Everything posted by kjeron

  1. The REPLACE_TEXTUALLY is likely catching the "EXIT" in this global: GlobalLT("BD_EXIT","BD0114",1) From State Trigger 2 of CORWINJ.dlg.
  2. It suppresses the other two for it's duration, as op50 has priority, but they do resume once it has finished. The only bug is that cycle speed is capped to the first upper byte (0 - 255). Any value above 255 results in no color glow.
  3. You would need to add a new script block before (or after) the current one: IF OR(6) CheckSpellState(Player1,NEW_SPELLSTATE) CheckSpellState(Player2,NEW_SPELLSTATE) CheckSpellState(Player3,NEW_SPELLSTATE) CheckSpellState(Player4,NEW_SPELLSTATE) CheckSpellState(Player5,NEW_SPELLSTATE) CheckSpellState(Player6,NEW_SPELLSTATE) THEN RESPONSE #100 Continue() END and modify the current script check: IF SpellCast([PC],0) !CheckSpellState(Player1,NEW_SPELLSTATE) !CheckSpellState(Player2,NEW_SPELLSTATE) !CheckSpellState(Player3,NEW_SPELLSTATE) !CheckSpellState(Player4,NEW_SPELLSTATE) !CheckSpellState(Player5,NEW_SPELLSTATE) !CheckSpellState(Player6,NEW_SPELLSTATE) !GlobalTimerNotExpired("SpellsBad","GLOBAL") Global("BribedCowled","GLOBAL",0) GlobalLT("CowledWarning","GLOBAL",7) THEN RESPONSE #100 CreateCreatureObjectDoor("COWENF2",LastTrigger,0,0,0) // Cowled Enforcer SetGlobalTimer("SpellsBad","GLOBAL",ONE_HOUR) END The Spellstate will need a duration of at least 2 ticks. Just checking if the spellstate isn't set when the spell is cast isn't enough. It needs to have at least one other script block return true, otherwise it will still trigger when the spellstate effect expires, no matter how long the spellstate lasts (unless you save&reload or leave the area).
  4. !SpellCast() is broken, so you can't specify individual spells to ignore. It works okay by itself, but when paired with SpellCast(), it is generally ignored. IF SpellCast(Player1,0) !SpellCast(Player1,0) THEN This returns true for any wizard spell, despite the obvious contradiction.
  5. The dialogs are attempting to cast "D5ST_05" instead of "D5ST_5", so all of the single-digit "sets" are failing.
  6. No, setting a creature's EA value with op72 sets an exact value, not a relative value. Duration = 1 second. You don't need the charm to last, the effect just has to process long enough that you initially gain control of them. After it expires, control will default based on it's EA value, which as ALLY(4) will be controllable by the player. (It actually takes a minimum of 2 ticks for this to occur, were you to use timing mode 10)
  7. Those opcodes have no trouble setting lower base values. The issue is somewhere else.
  8. When 52## and 62## equip robes, their animation changes to that armor tier. When 52## and 62## equip armor, their animation doesn't change. When the others equip armor, their animation changes to that armor tier. When the others equip robes, their animation doesn't change. PLT files - don't know of any proper way. The mod in this post contains a deprecated component to convert them to BAMs, but they still require manual positioning adjustments afterwards.
  9. A few more things: The 52## and 62## ranges are exclusive to mages. The rest I listed can be any class except mage. The third value needs to be odd, since it's a female animation. (the male version would have it's 3rd value 1 less) If you don't have a male version, you should copy the INI for MAGE_MALE_ELF with a corresponding filename. For example, if you added your MAGE_FEMALE_ELF_LONGHAIR as 6231.INI, you should clone 6201.INI (MAGE_MALE_ELF) as 6221.INI. This way if your gender is reversed, you will end up an appropriate animation.
  10. The E### (EB30.ini) range is for Icewind dale monster animations. You need to use one of the 50## - 53##, 60## - 63##, 55##, or 65## ranges. resref_armor_base and resref_armor_specific need to match the 4th character of the animation filenames. You have both set to "W", they should be "Z". You only have an unarmored(1) and tier 2 armor(3) animations, nothing for tier1 (2) or tier3 (4) armors. You need all four, even if you just duplicate one or both of them for those animations.
  11. There aren't that many with backstab immunity that shouldn't (BG2EE Melissan (NPC version). Sendai, Illasera, and Gromnir Il-Khan. Yaga-shura's Lieutenents, Kiser Jhaeri, and some Tielfings serving a Cambion. 2nd edition gave rather broad immunity to backstabs, just being aware of the attacker, even if you were helpless, was enough to be immune. A bigger issue would be removing op193 (see invisible) from the numerous creatures that don't deserve it, as the game treats it more as an AI cheating tool than a natural ability of some creatures. From what I could find, only Dragons, pseudodragons, hell hounds, and kuo-toa can naturally see through invisibility. With special exclusions for creatures such as slimes, bats and IWD's blind minotaurs, as they don't operate on sight to begin with.
  12. No, he's referring to opcode 253. Parameter2 controls the color of the map marker it creates. 0 = Black (DEFAULT) 1 = Grey (SLATE) 2 = Red 3 = Green 4 = Yellow 5 = Blue (TEAL) 6 = Purple 7 = Orange (SALMON) 8 = Cyan (Map doesn't normally offer this color) These are the colors used in EE games, not those currently listed in IESDP or NI. Which really just correspond to the sequence of FLAG1.BAM.
  13. Alter the first effect (op318) from "Source(43)" to "Allies(49)", and reduce it's power to 0. Using target 5 (everyone but party) ignores the projectile, effecting every creature on the map (except party).
  14. I'm glad subtledocter posted that - reminded me of why it didn't work - (there is only a one-sided conversation about it on Beamdog forums anymore). The mod could do what you want Raelis. It can't remove the old kit, but it can switch to a new one, it's just not written to allow such. Since I need to update the mod anyway(*), the first component now has two options: dual-to-kit or kit-to-kit. Kit to kit allows everything the former does, but also allows giving up the former kit for a new one. You'll keep all CLAB abilities from the old kit, but lose any hardcoded and 2da-based aspects. (*) At some point I added a fix for the proficiency component that resulted in kitted characters LOSING their kit if they dual-classed.
  15. No matter what you do, a creature can have only 1 kit. If you manually switch kits or use AddSuperKit(), you will keep only what is applied through the CLAB file. Any 2da-based or hardcoded aspects will be lost. You can do #2 yourself, by changing the character's kit to TRUECLASS in Near Infinity, before dual-classing, but there isn't any way for the mod to it through the UI.
  16. @ptifab Projectiles use a different Enemy/Ally grouping for neutral creatures, where they consider all non-neutral creatures to be their enemy (or at least not an ally). A neutral creature casting an enemy-only spell will hit all non-neutral creatures. A neutral creature casting an ally-only spell will hit only neutral creatures. This is contrast to script Enemy/Ally checks, where they consider GOODCUTOFF to be their ally.
  17. EA value 198 appears to be "NOTNEUTRAL". It is a combination of EA groups GOODCUTOFF and EVILCUTOFF. Neutral creatures "enemy-only" spells (such as Slow) will target using this EA value.
  18. Fire (and Magic Fire), Cold (and Magic Cold), Electricity, and all physical damage types (except non-lethal) have hardcoded damage visuals. They can be overridden in file DMGTYPES.2DA, as can custom entries be specified for the other damage types.
  19. Just include it in the function header: DEFINE_PATCH_FUNCTION find_zclons_spell STR_VAR spell_to_find = ~~ RET this_spell_ind BEGIN It will return whatever value that variable has when the function completes. Just make sure the return variable always has it's value set before the function completes, as otherwise it will return an error.
  20. TRUECLASS and MAGESCHOOL_GENERALIST are the same kit - 0x4000. 0x0000 is a different, hardcoded (or undefined) kit. It's not enough to check for either - they are functionally different kits, and should not be used interchangeably. It may be indistinguishable in-game, but the differences become quite obvious as soon as you know where to look. Prior to v2.5, Imoen got to save against most innate abilities with a +2 bonus, and impose a -2 penalty to save against most innate abilities she used. Even now, she will suffer a 15% penalty to learn any spell. Were Wildmagic spells to have scrolls, she would be able to learn them. She can't equip the Tunic of Blindeye because it's restricted to single-class mages, NOT because it's restricted from every kit except Wildmage.
  21. @mt17 I'm glad you found a solution, though I still don't understand why it wasn't working. My mod only checks the race allowed to the kits, and the LUA files you showed me had all races open (at least for the kits in question). The game engine still determines which races can use the dual-class button, and as you showed me you could dual-class.
  22. Yes, that's why I'm at a loss. that command would have fixed any potential kit 0x0000 issue. I don't know what else could interfere.
  23. It's not hardcoded, but it is locked in (based on FAMILIAR.2DA) as soon as a new game begins. However, BG2EE and IWDEE already have familiar data stored in the BALDUR.GAM file by default, so you would have to either delete or modify that structure from the GAM file before starting a new game.
  24. I'm at a loss for why it's not working. The character is a TRUECLASS FIGHTER, human, has sufficient stats, and all of the kit info is correct in the LUA files. I can just drop his LUA + UI.MENU files into my override with Dragonspear UI installed and they work, in both English and Polish. If anyone has had similar issues with my mod I am open to ideas/solutions.
  25. COPY - ~mymod/scripts/nuscript.baf~ override SET length = SOURCE_SIZE READ_ASCII 0 nuscript (length) COPY_EXISTING ~script.bcs~ override DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH BEGIN INSERT_BYTES 0 length WRITE_ASCIIE 0 ~%nuscript%~ (length) EVALUATE_BUFFER // if you have any variables in nuscript.baf END BUT_ONLY
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