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Posts posted by Blash2

  1. 7 hours ago, qwerty1234567 said:

    😮 why didn't I see that mod before?

    I searched around, it's almost not advertised and not discussed at all, but the tweaks seem awesome! Many are already present in other tweak packs, but many other are unique and extremely interesting!

    So, it is fully compatible with EET? I'm somewhat confused, since the readme says "It will work with BG1, BG2BGT, Enhanced Editions (not all components are applicable to all games).".
    Moreover it talks about the transition from BG1 to BG2, it doesn't talk about SoD at all.

    I'm referring to:

    BG1 soundsets prevail

    Prefer BG1 sounds, after transition soundsets do not change.


  2. Ok, let's put some order in the mess I wrote.

    Problem: vanilla NPC soundsets change from BG1 to SoD and again from SoD to BG2. Three different soundsets. This breaks immersion.


    Here are the possible solutions I found. It's just brainstorming, don't take anything personally:

    1. @K4thos expands his tweak to include English language;
    2. @Ulb modifies his mod to work in the BG2 part of EET too;
    3. With NearInfinity, I detect all the sound files for every NPC, for every game. I analyze them and find a correspondence for each (for example: Viconia BG1 battlecry, Viconia SoD battlecry, Viconia BG2 battlecry etc.). I make copies of BG1 sound files and I rename them using SoD and BG2 file names, and put the resulting renamed files in the override folder. I also detect voice lines that exist in SoD/BG2 but not in BG1 and for them I use empty audio files. It is quite difficult but technically possible. No mod required, just a lot of work.
    4. A combination of the three previous solutions. For example (but I'm just speculating): @Ulb provides @K4thos with whatever is missing to complete the EET Tweak, I do the dirty work (if necessary) analyzing and categorizing the sound files.


    I'm just gathering some ideas, I think there is material to achieve a nice result, solving a not critical but quite annoying issue.

    What do you think?


  3. Wow, interesting! I see Imoen is missing, but the reason is quite obvious..

    @Ulb, considering @jastey's Imoen4Ever mod, would you think about adding Imoen too? Or maybe it's just about Imoen 4 Ever choosing BG1 soundset instead of SoD or BG2 (maybe a mod option?), since Ulb's mod deals only with SoD "existing" character and Imoen isn't one of those.

    We still have the BG2 problem, the soundsets will still suddenly change from SoD to BG2 (https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/52721/sod-and-bg1-soundsets).


    On a sidenote, two considerations:

    - the voice actors are the same for BG1, SoD and BG2, so voices should sound the same. However, considering 20 years have passed and technology used has changed, they don't. So, even if the person acting is the same, the voice sounds really different;

    - I found the following consideration somewhere on some forum, but can't find it anymore. Anyway, it is true that BG1 had limited soundset, where SoD (for example) has many more sound effects (i.e. characters saying something when in BG1 they would have not).

    EDIT: Found! https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/60343/why-are-there-voice-changes

    I'll paste this relevant comment:

    "The other reason is that BG1 soundsets were incomplete. Less selection phrases, less battle cries, and completely lacking things like 'Hide in Shadows' comments, 'Pick Pockets' comments, and etc. Again, it'd be very inconsistent if new NPCs had full voicesets while the old party members used outdated ones."

    From another forum, an ironic comment (https://steamcommunity.com/app/257350/discussions/2/2906376154317626317/😞

    "I've made it into BG2 at this point, and I guess I'd just forgotten about Valygar, or maybe never used him before, but that dude's VO is some rough business.
    And I want to strangle whoever's idea it was for characters to repeat their successful stealth line every time they make a stealth roll.
    "I'm certain I'm out of sight. None shall see me n-" SHUT UP!"


    So, to recap, adopting BG1 soundset for the whole EET also means deleting some sounds (the ones that don't have a BG1 correspondence), but I'd personally not care.

    This also might prove useful: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/69714/bg1ee-bgsod-and-bg2ee-voice-packs-renamed-for-use-in-the-other-games


    Also, @K4thos, would you consider updating your EET Tweak to work with English too?

  4. I decided to wait until the SoD part is fully published. Having Imoen for all EET is a game changer for me, it also allows me not to multiclass Viconia to thief. I don't ask for ETA or anything else, of course, but please just don't rely on Beamdog publishing 2.6 patch, because we could wait years 😅

    Maybe in the meanwhile, also Project Infinity will have made considerable progress.

    Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help, and thanks again.

  5. In the meanwhile I'm searching for a way to upload my GrepWin search results.. done.





    Seems I was unsuccessful in obtaining an explanation why Almateria's Retoration Project has been marked as incompatible with Imoen 4 Ever: http://baldursextendedworld.com/Vanilla_Forums/discussion/869/imoen-4-ever#latest

    I read the list of components and I can't figure it out myself: http://www.shsforums.net/files/file/1053-almaterias-restoration-project/

    I'll probably risk installing both anyway..


  6. So we have to conclude SoS and I4E are not compatible? I'm not sure I understood what your conclusions are.

    Anyway I tried doing the research you asked me for. I placed the 8 unpacked mods that are placed before I4E in the list I posted earlier in a folder, selected that folder in GrepWin and did a search with the strings you wrote. No result found, but I'm suspecting I'm doing something wrong, maybe I'm not doing the search in the proper way. Is there a particular way to do it? EDIT: I wasn't searching in the subfolders, lol.. gonna repeat properly.

    Anyway, the quote was from this thread: http://baldursextendedworld.com/Vanilla_Forums/discussion/869/imoen-4-ever#latest

    I don't want to feed any controversy (from your point of view, you'll find abundant material), it is just to try to spread any potentially useful information/consideration on the matter.


    P.S. the more I look into it, the more switching from the former BWS to Project Infinity seems a huge work..

  7. I'm seriously trying to learn to use Project Infinity.. It might be a hassle, but also editing different .ini files to modify the mod URL is a long work too. 

    If I succeed in using Project Infinity, I'll set install order as you say (Imoen 4 Ever first) very simply. Let me know if you need me to do that search anyway.


    In the meanwhile, here's a copy-paste of another answer I got on Roxanne's forum (if only there was only one community..):

    "In case the option to rescue Imoen is missing, the path in the other mod is closed.

    E.g. In Fading Promises the friendship/romance path will become unavailable.

    In the case of Shadows over Soubar as another example, the whole mod becomes inaccessible. The quest givers will leave because you are a bhaalspawn seeking revenge and not one acting out of friendship and loyalty."

  8. 42 minutes ago, jastey said:

    Hm, from the technical point of view I would assume the mods are compatible. What I4E does is tagg a lot of reply options with "only show these if Imoen is really gone" and also changes the strings directly from "I am searching for Imoen" to "Iam searching for a mage called Irenicus" (paraphrased).

    The first thing makes it imperative that I4E is installed as soon as possible - if there is only one mod before I4E that either adds reply options by EXTEND_TOP (-> shifts all existing reply options in state numbers) or makes an interjection (-> shifts the shown reply options to a state I cannot identify any longer), then I4E will not work as intended.

    This is why I now recommend to treat I4E as a questmod *and* install it as soon as possible.

    I attached the install order that is set in Roxanne's install tool. I'm not sure, but considering what you wrote it seems not to be ok. All the other mods you don't see are after I4E of course.

    42 minutes ago, jastey said:

    The content-wise compatibility can be a bummer too, though, as I4E and NPC Strongholds showed: if we are "only" talking about "NPCs greeting Imoen as if she was in Spellhold already" it might look weird and break immersion, but for NPC Stronghold this lead to a situation where Imoen's Thief Stronghold would cancel Aran's way to Brynnlaw in Chapter 3 which - if Bodhi was already rejected and Alternatives not installed is a bad situation. (This shoud be fixed in @Cirosan's new version of NPC Strongholds, btw.!)

    Very interesting. My intention is to make a "stable" EET game as soon as possible, so I'm not so sure about risking with a test version.

    42 minutes ago, jastey said:

    Concerning Imoen's class, I4E only checks whether Imoen is already MAGE_ALL for some dialogue content in SoD: Imoen will not talk about how she always wanted to learn magic if she is already a mage class in the Korlasz dungeon (or was it that she wouldn't talk about mage training if she was *not* a mage class yet. One of the two. So it makes sense.)

    What else would you like to see with regard to Imoen's class being mage or not? So far, I4E does not include any kind of class changes and I would like to keep it that way, because it's the players' choice whether to dualclass her or not. But if you have more suggestions, please let me know.

    Of course, I wasn't talking about class changes done by your mod. I perfectly agree it is out of the scope of it. What I was wondering is if a multi-classed Imoen is recognized as mage. In other words, if a multiclassed thief/mage Imoen will talk about how she always wanted to learn magic or not. 

    install order.png

  9. On 4/11/2020 at 11:51 AM, jastey said:

    Keep in mind that I am judging content compatibility, not technical one: I guess all mods could be installed with I4E without technical problems.

    Technical compatibility is what interests me the most. 

    Speaking of content: "clean" SoD makes so Imoen tells me she's absent to study magic, to learn some spells. Too bad in my game Imoen is multiclassed ("NPCs Enhanced for Everyone" by Subtledoctor) and can already cast level 5 spells. So, content-wise can't be worse than this 😅

    By the way, does your mod recognize multiclassing? I may be wrong, but I have the impression I read somewhere that the mod checks if Imoen is dual classed to mage or not, and modifies dialogues accordingly.

    2 minutes ago, jastey said:

    Incompatible with I4E? Her tool pulls own versions of SoS, Fading Promises and Almateria's Restoration Project so I'm not even sure we are talking about the real mods.

    Almateria's Restoration Project "Extended Waukeen's Promenade Cutscene" is explicitely compatible as stated above.

    Back to Brynnlaw happens somewhat later in game - in chapter 6 after being to Brynnlaw the first time, doh. No idea why this would give problems with I4E if the other mod's story kicks in later.

    Fading Promises: maybe the PC can tak with the undead paladin about the missing Imoen or somesuch, I haven't checked.

    SoS: no idea what her version of the mod does.

    That's the sad part, Roxanne likes to tagg (and proclaim) mods to be "buggy" or "incompatible", but never gives any specific reasons which makes the whole statement (and her work to identify bugs - if we assume she did that) mute.

    Thanks, very clear. Luckily I can choose which version to use, editing the tool .ini files in App\Config\Global.

  10. Well, this is a weighty topic you're (we're) raising. 

    I'll start making clear something I already told her in private. It's really sad seeing this sort of division among extremely competent and productive people in the Baldur's Gate modding world. I'm not entirely aware of what happened during the years, nor do I have a qualified point of view, so I won't go into the detail, but let me just say that it is really a pity.

    That said, I faced this issue about one month and a half ago, before starting my last playthrough. I noticed some URLs in the BWS (now "install tool") configuration files that were different from the "official" ones. I can't go into the detail because some time has passed, but let me make some examples:

    - DSotSC:  the install tool correctly downloads the Spellhold Github version. What Roxanne did in her fixpack is correct a found issue about which I also opened an issue: https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/DSotSC/issues/12

    - Secret of Bone Hill: apparently the original mod hasn't been updated and Roxanne is fixing the bugs over the years

    I don't remember other "incoherences" at the moment, maybe because I don't really use NPC mod (I installed many of them just to add some flavour to the game, but I use a fixed party) and I didn't check the addresses from which they're downloaded. Quest mods were mainly ok, as I remember.

    I have two things to say more:

    1. I tried Project Infinity but really couldn't understand how to use it, starting from a problem configuring Github download from inside the program. I went back to the former BWS for a practical reason.

    2. Roxanne provides a kind of assistance that unlikely can be obtained from single mod mantainers. I chose that tool also because of this. She also updated K4thos (discontinued and abandoned) "Protagonist can die" tweak from EET Tweaks to work with 2.5 game releases.

    As for the rest, as you can see I'm often suggesting mod updates as I see them. 

    I'd really like experimenting Project Infinity, as well as I'd really like to see the modding community as a whole and not as two distinct communities.

  11. I moved into the SoD part of the game, and I found quite upsetting that now Minsc, Viconia and Edwin answer me in a different way, I see no point in it. 

    Could this tweak be adopted also for English game?

  12. 3 hours ago, AL|EN said:

    Yes, I knew it, the problem is this: "Currently it only works for Polish version of the game, but I'm open for adding support for different languages if someone is interested in contributing the code."😔

    I'm not Polish and I don't understand it, but I'm very interested in the tweak 🙂 The other problem is that I wouldn't know how to contribute in the code, but I'd gladly start a campaign of some sort to raise interest.


    P.S. Why does it say "Inconsistency between voice artists and/or performance in BG1 and BG2 is a big problem in some non English versions of the game."? I use the English version of the game and I find it a big problem too..

  13. Wow, that's a real time answer, thanks 😀

    I finish my work of digging in my WeiDU log:

    43. The Gibberlings Three Anniversary Mod

    44. A Quest in the service of Oghma

    45. Ulrien of Cormyr - SagaMaster

    46. Almateria's Restoration Project

    47. NPC Flirt Packs

    48. Romantic Encounters (BG2)

    49. Nephele NPC Mod for BGII: SoA & ToB

    50. Alternatives

    51. Fading promises

    52. Ding0's Quest Pack

    53. The Wheels of Prophecy

    54. Iylos NPC for EET

    55. Crossmod Banter Pack for Shadows of Amn

    56. Crossmod Banter Pack for Throne of Bhaal

    57. Deepgnomes of the Sword Coast for EET

    58. Hidden adventure

    59. SoD Banter Restoration

    60. Corwin NPC

    That's all. The rest of my WeiDU log is composed of ruleset and AI tweaks that should have nothing to do with a content mod.

    Thanks again 🙂

  14. Is there a mod/tweak that makes so the vanilla NPCs soundset stays consistent through all EET (BG, SoD, BG2, ToB)?

    I just moved from the BG to the SoD part of EET and hearing Viconia and other characters answer my clicks with completely different voices is very immersion breaking. 

  15. Hello! First of all, thanks for this wonderful mod, it's just what I needed for my play style.

    Since I'm planning to use it in my next EET playthrough, I wanted to ask you about the compatibility with some mods. I read what is written in this topic, but I want to make sure anyway.

    Here's the list:

    1. Shadows over Soubar

    2. Check the bodies

    3. Ascension, specifically "Rewritten Final Chapter of Throne of Bhaal", "Expanded Epilogues for Bioware NPCs -> David Gaider's expanded epilogues for Bioware NPCs" and "Slightly improved cutscenes, by DavidW: 2.0.10"

    4. Adalon's Blood

    5. Tower Of Deception

    6. Dungeon Crawl

    7. Back to Brynnlaw

    8. The Sellswords

    9. The Reunion

    10. Colours of Infinity: Tales of the Deep Gardens

    11. Colours of Infinity: Innershade

    12. Colours of Infinity - The White Queen

    13. Ooze's Lounge: a new area under Athkatlan Slums

    14. Colours of Infinity: I Shall Never Forget

    15. Eilistraee's Song

    16. Fishing for Trouble

    17. The Broken Lanthorn

    18. Item Upgrade

    19. IEP Extended Banter, specifically: "Extended NPC-NPC Interaction SoA", "Extended Minsc/Aerie Interaction ToB", "Imoen "Retrospection" dialogue for BGII", "Wake-Up dialogue for Anomen Romance (By David Gaider with additions from Kulyok) and "Restored Aerie/Jaheira/Anomen interjection in Underdark"

    20. Sir Ajantis NPC for BGII (verified, it's in your list)

    21. Xan NPC MOD for Baldur's Gate II

    22. Chosen of Mystra's Alora NPC Mod

    23. Tiax NPC MOD for Baldur's Gate II

    24. Angelo NPC MOD for Baldur's Gate II

    25. Ninde NPC Mod

    26. Xulaye NPC Mod for EET

    27. Yvette Romance - BG2 Romance Character

    28. Dace Linton NPC Mod for EET

    29. Isra for BGII

    30. de'Arnise Romance for Baldur's Gate II

    31. Chloe for EET

    32. Valen

    33. Pocket Plane Banter Pack for BG2

    34. Viconia Friendship

    35. Mazzy Friendship

    36. Imoen Friendship

    37. Coran NPC MOD for Baldur's Gate II

    38. Sarevok Friendship for BGII: ToB

    39. Branwen BG2 NPC mod for players and modders

    40. Lucy the Wyvern

    41. Shards of Ice

    41. Every mod and dog

    I'll start with these 😆

    They're taken from my actual WeiDU log, that I'm attaching. I'll copy and paste the other mods in the next post, in the meanwhile thanks for your support 🙂

    I want to install a mega mod game that works as best as possible.


  16. Hello!

    Since I want to have both Minsc and Edwin in my party in the BG2 part of an EET game, I installed this tweak:

    ~CDTWEAKS/SETUP-CDTWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3120 // Happy Patch (Party NPCs do not complain about reputation) -> NPCs Are Never Angry About Reputation: v9

    There are also these:

    IEP Extended Banter -> Conflict Revisions (http://readme.spellholdstudios.net/iepbanters_readme.html)

    The Conflict Revisions component includes conflict revisions, which allow the PC to intervene before NPC disagreements turn ugly. It revises the following conflicts:

    • Edwin/Keldorn
    • Edwin/Minsc
    • Edwin/Valygar
    • Keldorn/Viconia


    Tweaks Anthology -> NPCs don't fight. (https://gibberlings3.github.io/Documentation/readmes/readme-cdtweaks.html)

    NPCs Don't Fight
    BGEE, BG2EE, EET, BG, BG2, BGT, Tutu

    At certain points, stock BG/BG2 characters will get fed up with another and start fights, only ending when one or more of them are dead. This component will simply prevent the fights from starting


    Do you think I should install BOTH "Conflict Revisions" and "NPCs don't fight"? Or I risk a conflict?

    I want to make sure I can keep them in party from BG1 through ToB (I already found a way to do so in SoD).



  17. @Jarno Mikkola Yes, that's right, technically ther's a pointer to another file containing the description, so the description is and is not in the .itm file, depending on the point of view 🙂

    @ABlake Thank you very much for you explanation. Thanks to what you wrote, I fixed (and I still do) many items that had "wrong" strenght requirements, weight and speed. 

    I also understood how +X damage and + hit dice damage is implemented.

    One thing remains a mistery for me: in the "Damage" page of a weapon, what does "Power" stand for? I really can't figure it out, while "Amount", "dice thrown" etc. are quite clear.

    Ah, by the way, Varscona +3 (which had been previously altered trying to fix it, I forgot to say) has been conveniently dropped on the ground for good.


    P.S.: The whole topic must be discussed listening to this: 


  18. Wow, thanks @ABlake for the extended explanation! Now I understand what wasn't really clear to me. I thought that the description was inside the .itm file, now I know it doesn't. 

    Here is what we're talking about.


    OLSW1H06 is Long Sword +3 'Varscona'


    Equipped Abilities:
    – Grants the wielder immunity to: stun, domination, charm, panic, horror, paralysis, hold, rigid thinking, confusion, sleep, maze, hopelessness, feeblemind, chaos and imprisonment
    – Grants the wielder immunity to all forms of level drain
    – Armor Class: +1
    – Saving Throws: +2
    – Magic Resistance: +15%

    THAC0: +3
    Damage: 1d8+3, +2 cold damage
    Damage type: Slashing
    Speed Factor: 2
    Proficiency Type: Long Sword
    Type: One-handed
    5 Strength

    Weight: 3


    CMTSW06 is Long Sword +3 'Purifier'


    THAC0: +3 bonus
    Damage:  1D8 +3, +2 fire damage
    Damage type:  slashing
    Weight: 2
    Speed Factor: 0
    Proficiency Type: Long Sword
    Type:  1-handed
    Requires: 6 Strength


    BHFSW1 is Sword of Flame +2


    THAC0: +2 bonus
    Damage:  1D8 +2, +3 fire damage
    Special: Fire Resistance +50%
    Damage type:  slashing
    Weight: 4
    Speed Factor: 5
    Proficiency Type: Long Sword
    Type:  1-handed
    Requires: 6 Strength
    Not Usable By:


    BW05SW1 is Gift of Storm +3


    THAC0: +3
    Damage: 1d8+3, +1d4 electricity damage
    Damage type: Slashing
    Speed Factor: 5
    Proficiency Type: Long Sword
    Type: One-handed
     6 Strength

    Weight: 4


    About OLSW1H06:

    I meant I preferred to have the portrait icon that let me know that the character wielding the sword is immune to that particular effect (stun, domination, charm etc.). You know, like when I wear boots that give me resistance to cold and I see the cold icon in the portrait.

    This is the weapon that troubles me more: not only it's not clear to me if it does what it promises in the description, it also seems ridiculously overpowered even for ToB.


    As for the rest: my initial doubt came because I didn't see the additional damage in the combat log. I thought that in case of resistance I should see the "is immune to this type of damage" or, for example "(3 damage resisted)". So you're telling me that if there is no resistance bypass, I don't see any message at all. So, Gift of Storm +3 seems to be working as expected after all..


    Considering the descriptions I pasted, can you now say if everything is all right?

    Thanks once again 🙂


    P.S. Wait, so CMTSW06 has +2 fire damage in the description but instead deals +4 fire damage?

  19. Hello everybody!

    I'm currently playing a heavily modded EET game, and I encountered some weird problems with some items, specifically some weapons. 

    They should do additional damage, but this additional magic damage seems not to work. Moreover, one of the items should grant various immunities but instead has some weird effects.

    I tried checking the weapons with NearInfinity, but with little result, as I'm not an expert user.


    Is there any willing modder who checks the attached .itm files and, in case, adjusts the items according to their description?

    In case any error is found, I'll personally ensure that every mod's author (the items are from multiple mods) knows about the problem.

    Thank you in advance!


    P.S.: Varscona +3 also has some effects that prevent every portrait icon, could you remove these effects so the icons are visible?

    itm files.zip

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