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IA v6 Final

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Vecna is a bit schizophrenic:


If Layene or the Ancient Dragon has it, always available.

If Kaol has it, only if more than 1 party member is alive (checked more than once).

If the Mage in the Illithid compound / Hidden Plot in the sewers has it, no party size/class check, but seems to check against CHARNAME starting the battle under Time Stop.



What does 'checked more than once' mean exactly? What I mean is, where are the checkpoints? On entering Windspear Hills outskirts for the first time? On accepting Garen's quest? On entering lvl 1 or lvl 2 of Windspear hill dungeon? On opening the tomb? Or on assembling the King Strohm mask?

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I edited my post above. I don't want to seem like I'm actually discouraging the use of a barbarian or berserker. Both are very powerful and useful in Improved Anvil.


Further edit: In fact, in the Vagrant group above, it's even quite plausible to drop the riskbreaker (you do already have a dual-wielding protagonist and perhaps Valygar) for the 2-handed berserker or barbarian.


Play some with a riskbreaker, though, and you'll think you can't play without one ever again. They're THAT overpowered. (I tried to tell him that, but it's a pet class, he'd hear none of it.)

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Excellent! Got Vecna! I noticed that Kaol casted somewhat fast during the fight - no robe dropped however. Resurrected 2 dead party members and redid the fight - again nothing! Then I reloaded prior to entering Windspear Hills dungeon, had always 2 party members alive in the back, and during the fight with Samia, Kaol dropped it!


So for anyone who wants the robe - always keep at least 2 other party members alive in Windspear Hills dungeon, and if Kaol has the robe, he will drop it during the fight. It's easy to spot if he has it at all - his casting speed is reduced by 4.

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So for anyone who wants the robe - always keep at least 2 other party members alive in Windspear Hills dungeon, and if Kaol has the robe, he will drop it during the fight. It's easy to spot if he has it at all - his casting speed is reduced by 4.

He has the unnerfed version but drops the nerfed one?

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You think you're so clever and experienced and you're all Envious to Sikret eh? Such as "Bigg" and many others making mods and trying to be good, and gettin comparatively good indeed, yet you all feel Sikret is somehow damn better than all of you :(


No custom "weidu" requests, macros and the rest patching shit to support his mod, yet he's just better and more popular with IA than you with your NPC and weidu industry ;) No matter how damn many times you repeat the "flaws" of IA, the "obsolete methods", the "overwriting preferred to patching", the "overpoweredness", no matter how many people write "I hate IA it's not my cup of tea", you all know that it's just damn much more creative and genuine than your weidu patching tampering ;)


You're all obsessed with IA, you all want it to be a bit yours as well, eh, riff-raff? :laugh:


All The Best,

"Sikret" **


** Or I may safely sign my post as "Baronious", or anyone else (everybody!) from your worst dream dumbasses :) Oh and thankies "Guest!", my butt's feels great, and he thanks for your Interest and care, man.

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Anti-solo improved Amber golem. Now this critter decreases electrical resistance by 25% with each successful hit on him (no save). In IA 5.0 it did the same, but allowed save vs wands. Probably made in such fasion in order to ensure small damage on party members if they all hit 1 Amber golem, but death of a solo who needs to strike a lot more times in order to kill such a golem. Anyway, this means only extensive Wishing for Potions of Absorbtion and stacking the effect of such potions. Still, consuming 10 Absorbtion potions in order to safely beat a single Amber golem no-reload...bad.


Edit: Thanx for the help, the bigg. Without it, I wouldnt've gotten Vecna not only in this, but in many future runthroughs as well.


Edit: I don't think that implementing stupid and unreasonable anti-solo or anti-particular-PC measures have something to do with great modding. Quite the opposite actually. And the fact that even after one and a half year of implementing such measures they are still bypassed shows me how good that particular modder did his job. An actually good modder may for example emphasize and find replacements for some not very useful arcane or divine spells, or make single-class clerics playable, or eliminate some annoying vanilla game glitches (multiple examples, starting with unremovable/ undisarmable traps), or many other actually useful things which will be remembered. So far the only thing I see that will be remembered is that all modifications made particularly vs one playstyle are not only silly (Robe of Vecna check for alive party members) but also ineffective.

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No custom "weidu" requests, macros and the rest patching shit to support his mod, yet he's just better and more popular with IA


weak trolling. just look at other bg2 forums - how many people are playing IA and how many, lets say, SCS 2, not to mention NPC mods (don't like npc mods that much myself but i'm not biased)? IA is a mod for Hungarians mostly. Sikret the Great is the best brainwashing them.


Edit: I don't think that implementing stupid and unreasonable anti-solo or anti-particular-PC measures have something to do with great modding. Quite the opposite actually. And the fact that even after one and a half year of implementing such measures they are still bypassed shows me how good that particular modder did his job. An actually good modder may for example emphasize and find replacements for some not very useful arcane or divine spells, or make single-class clerics playable, or eliminate some annoying vanilla game glitches (multiple examples, starting with unremovable/ undisarmable traps), or many other actually useful things which will be remembered. So far the only thing I see that will be remembered is that all modifications made particularly vs one playstyle are not only silly (Robe of Vecna check for alive party members) but also ineffective.


Yeah, psychology is an interesting thing indeed. IA 6 is the best psychological mod ever. ;)

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Improved Beholders & Gauths: Nasties. Took me some reloads before figuring a way to deal with them no-reload. Even lowly Gauths have Anti-Magic rays, and IA 6.0 anti-magic ray bypasses even Spell Shield. Beholders and Gauths detect invisible characters and will target them with rays too. If the target is buffed, first ray shot will be Anti-Magic ray. They have also improved resistances and good amount of hit points - after several Dragon Breaths half of the group were alive. Still, they're susceptible to allmighty Emotiion, which finally meant that PC had to shoot Greater Malison, distract the enemies for a couple of rounds (!) with a Planetar (dies really fast) in order to shoot a Sequencer with triple Emotion, and afterwards to close and engage the non-sleeping ones in melee, relying on almighty Contingency to cast additional Emotions under the effect of Anti-magic's ray Miscast Magic. In any case - nasty improved Beholders.

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With a Necromancer protagonist I never could find any justification for wasting a party slot on either Nalia or a thief. I consider two mages enough, and the 2nd mage really needs to be a sorcerer IMO.
Would you actually suffer a lot if you changed one mage into an auramaster (Cernd)?

Since the Auramaster comes with silence immunity, emotion, invisibility, wondrous recall, ruby ray, alacrity, custom spells and new summoning spells, can you not use him instead of the sorcerer?


A sorcerer is nice to decide spell casting on the fly but if you use your other mage for wishing and prepare your Auramaster well, you can overcome those problems. No breach I guess, but you can make a semi-mage again from a Beserker->Mage dual or something...


Then from your various descriptions the following party setup would also suffice.

- Necromancer Protagonist or Sorcerer

- Vagrant protagonist or Tank

- Riskbreaker or Tank

- Ranger -> Cleric

- Valygar

- Cernd

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Adding Emotion immunity to enemies in 3...2...1...



I remember the Disturbed Designer once claiming a 'true tactician' did not use Web. I bet that before making 90% of all critters immune to Emotion (which he will do one day), he'll claim the same about Emotion.

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