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iOS port of GemRB (iPad/iPhone)


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It took me a long time, but I finally got the GOG version of icewindale complete up and running.

I am using GemRB-ios-v0.7.0-100-gb79012c.ipa

I have the following structure in the cfg:

GamePath = /var/mobile/Applications/8B1949AD-DFFB-4867-AB11-3DA2654CA4B8/Library/how/Icewind Dale Complete/

CD1 = /var/mobile/Applications/8B1949AD-DFFB-4867-AB11-3DA2654CA4B8/Library/how/Icewind Dale Complete/

CD2 = /var/mobile/Applications/8B1949AD-DFFB-4867-AB11-3DA2654CA4B8/Library/how/Icewind Dale Complete/CD2/

CD3 = /var/mobile/Applications/8B1949AD-DFFB-4867-AB11-3DA2654CA4B8/Library/how/Icewind Dale Complete/CD3/

CD4 = /var/mobile/Applications/8B1949AD-DFFB-4867-AB11-3DA2654CA4B8/Library/how/Icewind Dale Complete/CD4/

CD5 = /var/mobile/Applications/8B1949AD-DFFB-4867-AB11-3DA2654CA4B8/Library/how/Icewind Dale Complete/CD5/

CachePath = /var/mobile/Applications/8B1949AD-DFFB-4867-AB11-3DA2654CA4B8/Library/Caches/how/

SavePath = /var/mobile/Applications/8B1949AD-DFFB-4867-AB11-3DA2654CA4B8/Library/saves/how/

Width = 1024

Height = 768


If you have the GOG complete version you HAVE to install the game as a .how zip file if you use .iwd as the extension you will have invisible characters. took me a awhile to figure that out.


Thanks for this by the way,

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ah glad you figured that out! i would have had no idea what to tell you :)


in other news i just pushed a bunch of changes:

1. pause when suspending gemrb is back

2. I added support for archives that dont have a folder as the root (the progress bar for them is still pretty broken)

3. the auto generated config only adds cd paths if they exist. (still only searches 1 place for them tho)

4. play button is inactive until a config is selected

5. i added MouseFeedback to the auto generated config. (cursors and tool tips are now hidden by default)

6. we no longer specifically need a zip archive, but I havent tested any other formats such as RAR

7. detecting some errors during data installation and aborting the process. prevents invalid configs and deletion of the archive. still no popup message, however.


those are just the iOS specific changes. there has done much IWD2 work lately and some other minor things too.


Edit: almost forgot, we now have automatic uploads to source forge working. so forget about the buildbot link and use this one:http://sourceforge.n...bot%20Binaries/


I updated the wiki with the new link and some new known issues.

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Uh oh


That new version makes things crazy. It puts an extra "/" in the path and generates more folders than it needs to, I double checked my zip afterwards and it's definitely the app


I had Baldurs Gate II in a zip


In my zip (bg2.bg2) I have the Baldurs Gate II folder


The path it generated was:


GamePath = /var/mobile/Applications/8FA4A36B-A9A5-4FF5-B9D0-1F146CD361AC/Library/bg2/Baldurs Gate II//bg2/


Which points to nothing, it crashes and only once I delete the bg2 off the end does it work


Shouldn't it be pointing to the data file? The progress bar still doesn't work as well

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Wow, I finally got it (GOG version). This is what I did:

  • Downloaded the new IPA
  • Fixed the bogus paths generated in the CFG
  • Moved all data from data/Data (case sensitive) to just data
  • Hit play

My paths are now:


GamePath = /var/mobile/Applications/8FA4A36B-A9A5-4FF5-B9D0-1F146CD361AC/Library/bg2/Baldurs Gate II/

CachePath = /var/mobile/Applications/8FA4A36B-A9A5-4FF5-B9D0-1F146CD361AC/Library/Caches/bg2/

SavePath = /var/mobile/Applications/8FA4A36B-A9A5-4FF5-B9D0-1F146CD361AC/Library/saves/bg2/


It works fine so far. I will relaunch it a few times and hopefully it stays that way.


Edit: Yep, it is consistently working. I'm so freakin happy! i'll be back if it crashes! Thanks.

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Okay, I just did PST (GOG) successfully too. It seems you need to do two things each time:

  • Remove the broken paths created by GemRB (yes, it happened again)
  • Move all data to the right folder. In the case of PST, all data had to go from /data/ to the root dir of the game where as in BG2, it was all data from data/Data that had to go into /data/

I hope this helps

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Is the new installer online already? I used the 0.070 one, and it messed up all the folders, so I

am not sure if those are correct?


original is was like /icewinddaleblink32.dll/ etc..

changed all the CD folders, no clue if they are the same.


Everything seems to work except for BG1 if I go in the setup then the screen gets tiny and all messed up. and a lot of overlay flashing?



Here are the 4 files


GameType = iwd2

GamePath = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/iwd2/Icewind Dale II/

CD1 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/iwd2/Icewind Dale II/CD2/

CD2 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/iwd2/Icewind Dale II/CD2/

CD3 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/iwd2/Icewind Dale II//CD2/

CD4 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/iwd2/Icewind Dale II//CD2/

CD5 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/iwd2/Icewind Dale II//CD2/

CachePath = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/Caches/iwd2/

SavePath = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/saves/iwd2/

Width = 1024

Height = 768




GameType = iwd

GamePath = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/iwd/Icewind Dale Complete/

CD1 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/iwd/Icewind Dale Complete/Data/

CD2 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/iwd/Icewind Dale Complete/CD2/

CD3 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/iwd/Icewind Dale Complete/CD3/

CD4 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/iwd/Icewind Dale Complete/CD4/

CD5 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/iwd/Icewind Dale Complete/CD5/

CachePath = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/Caches/iwd/

SavePath = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/saves/iwd/

Width = 1024

Height = 768





GameType = bg1

GamePath = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/bg1/Baldurs Gate/

CD1 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/bg1/Baldurs Gate/Data/

CD2 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/bg1/Baldurs Gate/Data/

CD3 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/bg1/Baldurs Gate/Data/

CD4 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/bg1/Baldurs Gate/Data/

CD5 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/bg1/Baldurs Gate/Data/

CachePath = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/Caches/bg1/

SavePath = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/saves/bg1/

Width = 1024

Height = 768






GameType = bg2

GamePath = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/bg2/Baldurs Gate II/

CD1 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/bg2/Baldurs Gate II/Data/

CD2 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/bg2/Baldurs Gate II/Data/

CD3 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/bg2/Baldurs Gate II/Data/

CD4 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/bg2/Baldurs Gate II/Data/

CD5 = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/bg2/Baldurs Gate II/Data/

CachePath = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/Caches/bg2/

SavePath = /var/mobile/Applications/0DF986A4-ACD0-4AF3-A99E-AE0B3D1C804A/Library/saves/bg2/

Width = 1024

Height = 768

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I'm pretty sure you can use proper config without moving data, by setting up the cd path slots to all usable data paths. But if this was sufficient, then it's fine.


Having one data path with all the data in one folder is surely less confusing


Can GemRB automate this process at all?

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