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No matter how aligned, and how I feel about the Republic, I would kill Qyzen. Anyway….


Twani, found your story on FF, it was M, so didn't show for me automatically. Kulyok, the handle is MKa3721. Gotta check it out. :)


I want to give Bowdaar a fair chance before I need to update his equipment, because maintaining two heavy armor fighters will be stupid and swapping the items on the dolls is inane. I do get reactions on the sidequests, but they are minor. Bowdaar does have 44’s when it comes to “Nobody deserves to be a slave!” just like Riggs gets his “Help Breasts” bonus. Unfortunately, Riggs doesn’t comment on class quest after the first dialogue. But we only had time for bounty hunting on everyone. I did a Consular thing and healed someone’s knight through his fight with the miscreants, I guess I developed a ‘knight’s dying = heal knight’ reflex, lol.


Yep, I always check GTN before running missions. Unfortunately Xonolite is 800-900 per piece, and I am always out of it. My husband runs the Underworld metals, I trade for crystals.


Atton’s second-hand was about 70 thou on my server yesterday, but I did not like the look on the female character. I will save it for a male, I am thinking now some variation on Rodion, maybe, for my original literary bad boy crash RRR. I spent a little yesterday getting Tishujen's kit updated (she was woefully behind, I was mainly concerned about Riggs and Bowdaar), nothing special, but between training and schematics, I am down to about 850 thou. The unlocks today are 1 mil, and I am thinking I want to hit the 1 mil achievement anyway before squandering it all away, unless I see a bargain Cathar unlock (or like super-cheap other species unlock, under 300 thou, I hear that happens).


So, my hubby decided we’re playing with Tishujen for the 2x weekend! Yay! Twileks will be that much closer. And I will get a break from the Counselor’s voice (I don’t like it).



Cathar Unlock: 75%

Twi’leck: 30/50

Sith: 13/50 (no play)

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Bounty week! By the way, I did the Kingpin Bounty on Alderaan yesterday, might try Voss tonight. Feel free to help others fight during bounty hunter missions - I keep doing that when I can, because they often stay and help me in return. One thing to know, though - many people choose to take their target alive(because of achievements - there are different achievements for alive and dead bounties, and if you get them all, I think you get some cartel coins), so when somebody's target is at ~15 percent of health it's a good time to step back, put your companion on stop(CTRL-2) and not deal damage-over-time abilities.


I think if you're willing to wait a month and check GTN often, you might get that Cathar thingy cheaply. I'd do the same, but I probably have ~300K for all my characters, which is, uh, not so good, so I'd better trade some more, and fast.


I'm not sure what I want on my double XP weekend yet. I can try and get my Agent to 55, but I have to play Makeb with my Sith Warrior first, and I haven't yet. I can play my level 17s, though, easily - go through Balmorra's class quests, then do KDY a couple of times, and go through class quests only. Hmm. Makes sense!


EDIT: Found the story, thank you! Erm, nickname's gotta be very difficult to remember, though! :D

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So far we failed to activate the stupid grenade, because the Jedi duo literally wastes the toon in two rounds (don't ask me how), and with Tishujen, I am so busy shooting for my life and Riggs', I don't watch the enemy. I really want to, to see the animations!

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Mmm, read the "Lessons Learned", and it's GOOD! I enjoyed reading it(I rarely do). I might make other choices in game or like different characters, but when a text is alive and visceral, I value it greatly. Gratz!



EDIT: and it's pretty cool to get the alive bounty. The animation is a usual carbo stream(Quinn does it all the time), but then you're getting a carbonite coffin with you, and it follows you whenever you go. :D

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Heh, my real name is Michaeleen (tis Irish, and a male name, actually), and Mikka came as the natural nickname to that (except for the family, who will forever call me Mikey). So I use Mikka/Mka almost everywhere except the Baldur's Gate community, actually (I'm Mka on the official Bioware social site and on the SWTOR forums, I think). I rarely remember that I'm going by Twani in this community, actually: Twani comes from a character named Tawni in Heroes of Might and Magic IV, a strategy RPG I once liked. She was a pirate captain with a lot of ambition and crazy in that game, but when I registered on... I think it was Blacksheep?... I spelled the name wrong. Whoops.


Thanks for reading my fic. :3 (Yeah, had to go M with a torture scene, even if it wasn't detailed.) They actually don't form Sith Intelligence if you choose to erase yourself, in truth- Intelligence is just Gone-Gone- but Sith Intelligence made for a more interesting story, so I went from that and things spiraled from there. Now I just need to decide if the second chapter is going to follow around my Sith Warrior or my baby Agent.


(I should not be writing this, I should be working on my mod...)



Playing my newbie Agent on the Red Eclipse server (Aarisa being her name) to remember how things went down Agent-wise on Hutta/DKas for story reasons, as I don't quite recall the exact order. Going total LS, rather then the mix of dark and light that Aa'lynne and Aanan went (mostly LS and mostly DS in their cases, but there were some 'for the Empire' cases that went the other way (just on Hutta, Aanan saved the EEEEEELLLLSS for THE EMPIRE, and Aa'lynne killed the father to get the kid Sithed for THE EMPIRE (though she really regretted that one)). May have to do the same thing with a BH, as I don't remember when exactly Jory and Braden bite it. Poor Jory and Braden. Mako will never forget them, at least.


(Saw someone doing bounties running around on Hutta with this adorable Mako with chin length black hair, I was like, "Woah, who's that cutie?... wait, MAKO?!"- I never change the NPC's appearance save for the droids (and sometimes I play around with Khem, as I imagine my Inquisitor dumping war paint on him and it amuses me), so I'm always used to seeing them as their 'default'.)



I just can't get in to Baod... stupid wookie name. Corso, not my type, but he's okay and he's the ultimate boy next door. Risha, totally my type, and my favorite bitch in this game (...well, she is one, but she's so lovely despite it- and she makes a great XO). Sparr, kickass and Mandlorian. And Guss is like my smuggler's BFF in which they both love the money and trolling and playing con games (and Guss is so mild in his disapproval, usually, I appreciate it- yeah, he'd rather I just took treasure from my ultimate fleet, but if I want to give them to the Republic, he's like "Eh, why not -2" not all "RAWRR MMONEEEEEYYYY -200"). But Baod? 'Slavery is bad.' 'RAUUUUUU.' 'Yup.' 'RAUUUUUUU.'


I think part of it is that Wookie voices annoy me. Thankfully, there really aren't many wookies in game.


(One good thing Qyzen does: exterminate the Wookies! My Councilor is totally going to encourage him in that. I am a bad Star Wars fan. Sorry, Chewie.)



I don't think I'm going to be able to play my Emperor's Wraith as too loyal to the Emperor himself- the Empire, but not the Emperor. I think she's going to seek to become Emperor herself, one day. Of course, considering who the Emperor is and how powerful he is, that's... probably not going to work so well, but I think after seeing the Emperor so weakened by a measly Jedi Knight and her little droid and unable to keep control over the idiots on the Dark Council (Darth Nox is included in that, I'm afraid, as my one-day Darth Nox is so freakin' crazy drunk on DS I think my Sith Warrior is going to absolutely hate her), she'll think she can do better. She... well, considering what we learn in the Jedi Knight story, I suppose anyone could do better then the current Emperor. But I don't think Aashlynne would be a good Emperor. She thinks she would, though.


Then again, she wouldn't be Sith if it wasn't traditional to try to overthrow her Master (no matter what Darth Thanton the nut seems to think), and truly, the Emperor will be her only Master. I mean, she tried being all loyal to her last Master, and look where that got her.


(Stupid Baras.)



This is an Imperial Agent spoiler from the next patch:


...But it looks like Keeper/Minister of Intelligence was allowed to keep his head. He's locked up and imprisoned, but it looks like the Sith didn't kill him for his 'failure' to... uh, not save the world from the Star Cabal. That's good, and makes the Sith Intelligence path a bit easier to follow for me. My biggest reason for erasing Aa'lynne's identity was in hopes that it would allow him (and to an extent, Watcher Two/Keeper and all of the other Watchers, Fixers, and Agents you meet along the way) to keep their lives if the Agent causing the biggest amount of fuss and chaos and involvement in the conspiracy was out of the picture.




Satele Shan needs to die. We've lost Killran and Malgus, and basically the majority of the Dark Council (though we probably killed half of them ourselves, admittedly, including the actually mildly competent regular Darth on Voss who decided to side with Malgus), while the Republic only really lost three council members of note (Orgus in Knight's story, that paranoid guy who's always judging people- Yuon, Kira, Scourge- on Ilum, and our old friend in the Councilor's story), and, yeah, BH 3. While as far as I'm aware, the Republic has the rest of the council members (unless the Knight gets two more of them killed through DS choices on Corelia, which aren't canon) including their Grand Master, their former Supreme Commander wasn't even killed, just got retired, and babydaddy Malcom is still around (and like Saresh, his promotion makes no sense), General Garza and the General from the Knight's story are fine, and there''s of course Saresh.


I still like the theory that Saresh is an Imperial puppet of some sort. She's totally DS, completely crazy, and pushing the Republic to total war against whatever stands in her path. If she's not Imperial, then she's just stupid, so I prefer thinking she's trying to drive the Republic in to the ground on purpose.



(My Trooper likes General Garza, but my Trooper is pretty DS in class stories, even though she did save the Havoc brats that she could.)



Congrats on 30 Smuggler, Domi! That, I would say, is definitely over the halfway point. It's a steady run to the top. Well, sort of. Alderran is really fun as a Smuggler, though.



I always take my bounty's dead, unless I already have the bounty. Then they can live, I suppose. I'm sort of mean like that, but honestly, my LS characters don't do bounty's. Because they're, well, LS. I would probably find it very hard to play a full LS BH, in truth. I mean, no matter what, you're tracking down other people and killing or freezing them for reasons that can be anything from "they're an evil sob and deserve it" to "they annoyed someone with a lot of money". It's like the BH mission that starts the chaos, when you kill that Jedi because the Mandlorians wanted 'em dead. No other reason. You also slaughter your way through a ship full of innocents to do so (oh, but you can let one padawan live- you're so merciful, you). I find it hard to rationalize that in any LS way- Mako must have very good ways of self-delusion, because I find it hard to understand how she can think of herself as a good and honorable person (which she clearly does) after stunts like that. Honestly, that's part of the reason I don't like Mako- she's very 'look how good and honorable we are!' when, no, we're not. We're Bounty Hunters. We're basically scum.



Going to write some more today and probably play tattooine bonus on Aash, but I will write a lovetalk. If not today, then definitely tomorrow morning. (I'm working on a boring one. I think once I finish it, I can work on more fun ones, and it'll be an easier road.)

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Wow, interesting story behind your name, I would have never guessed :)


Gods, the only thing that stops me from customizing every character is the fact that you need to travel to get customizations. I really despise planetary transfers. If they added a Customization seller at the bazaar, I would have had Tharan customized already. The clones bother me.


I am really neutral about the Wookies, and Bowdaar is kindda cool. And TALL! It bugs me that Riggs has basically the same height and waist-line as my Smuggler. Good thing I did not make her BT 3, or she would have towered over skinny Riggs. Really, is there no manly-man romance interest in this game? I take it Torian is BT2 as well even Manadalorian?

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Yay, Friday, and a Double XP weekend is COMING! It's going to last four days, too. I'm thinking I'll take my level 55 char and get some double Legacy XP. :) I want that level 30 Legacy, and eventually - my level 50.


You will be able to get some of planetary transfers for free in your higher levels - and Corellia and Ilum have a lot of customizations. Imagine: you'll get your Legacy Fleet Pass, so you'll be able to transfer to the Fleet for free whenever you want, and there're priority terminals near the entrance to each hangar, so you'll be able to travel to some of the planets immediately and without the orbital station hassle. It doesn't work for Republic Balmorra/Taris/lower-level worlds, alas.


(I have the pretty Mako customization, by the way, but I never use it - I just got too used to the default one. Really want a good Risha customization - will try to find one on Balmorra when I get to my Smuggler).


Then again, your repair costs will eventually overwhelm your transfer costs(though I use quick travel whenever I can, since it's free). For example, yesterday I tried to solo a Heroic 4 on Makeb(The Observer), and died a couple of times, and then I tried to do it with two girls who haven't done it before, and died a couple more times. A 40K repair bill followed. Grumble. :D But Makeb is beautiful - more on that below.


Torian is Mandalorian. He's very Mandalorian - a typical token Mandalorian with Mandalorian words, cuisine, customs and armor. Honestly, if they made him a token Russian, he'd be drinking vodka, playing balalaika and dancing with a bear all day long. Facepalm. Ahem, sorry, no slight on Torian, he's a lovely boy - and, yes, he's body type 2. I actually kind of like that man and women are of similar height - makes kissing animations easier. With Pierce(who's body type 3 and very impressive and a secondary "romance interest" for the Sith Warrior, try him out for "big" guys) I really feel way too small with my body type 2.


Speaking of romance, I'm discovering Makeb now, and the quest-givers are nice - a short-haired and short-tempered black ops blonde, and a handsome Sithy Sith guy. I like the Sith guy - pity there're no flirt options. Then again, after Malavai's letter about cheating, I really don't want to cheat on him. (On Torian/Andronicus/Vector, either, but, man, that Sith is handsome! I wanthim-wanthim-wanthim!)



Michaeleen is a very beautiful name. :) And now I will always associate it with being a pirate captain! If readers get to vote, I'd be interested to learn more about your first character, the one who wanted the Minister's head. But I'm dreadful when it comes to characters - I always keep watching the first protagonist I meet; too many different characters get me confused(took me like seven rereadings of Martin to get who's who).


And might I ask, how do you get all this delightful information about the Minister's fate, and would you please give us some more(under spoiler tags, if you prefer)? I don't visit PTS, but I'd love the info.

Also - I plan to give the Black Codex to the Minister with my Operative - it means that Intelligence would go on and Minister would remain Minister, right? He won't be imprisoned or anything?


(also, I wonder why they imprisoned him at all. After all, Darth Jadus, who's still in charge of Intelligence, gave him a ship and resources to aid Star Cabal investigation after Corellia - why would he imprison him? Then again, Minister's pretty anti-Sith, and the lack of deference is reason enough).



My new Operative, Fael, went all Evil on Hutta, mostly because my first Agent, Samanta, was too idealistic before she met Darth Jadus, and went all light. I say, all dark makes much more sense - you hurt Nemrro's(spelling?) rival badly, you deliver a new acolyte to Korriban, and execute a betrayer who aggravated Nemrro(and your task is to please that Hutt, so that's done all the way). I got a bit scared, because my Operative became a thug and a cold brute with such ease, but when she aided a fellow Imperial and came to Dromund Kaas and made some more light points via Diplomacy, I more or less calmed down. It's all the role, I think. She assumed the role, played it, and left it behind. (Just need to remember: Chiss Ascendancy is everything).



Honestly, that's part of the reason I don't like Mako- she's very 'look how good and honorable we are!' when, no, we're not. We're Bounty Hunters. We're basically scum.


Oh, yeah. I think Gault makes much more sense as a companion. Or Torian, whose honor and bloodthirst work well. (Hey, I saw the Mandalore during the interlude at the Battle of Ilum flashpoint! Yay!)

I wish we could corrupt Mako a little more.

(Then again, my Bounty Hunter went pretty dark. That slicer girl on Balmorra? I can still hear her pleading for mercy. I'm almost tempted to replay it all light side, but going through Chapter 1 again ain't worth it - Braden's fate doesn't touch me, and the opponent is ugh. Chapter 2 was much better).


It's like the BH mission that starts the chaos, when you kill that Jedi because the Mandlorians wanted 'em dead. No other reason. You also slaughter your way through a ship full of innocents to do so (oh, but you can let one padawan live- you're so merciful, you).


Oh. I really never thought of that. It was just a job. (Erm, and now I'm officially Eeevil).

But, seriously, I think I could say the same about the Trooper act 1 finale, when you attack lots of Imperials, even though the peace treaty is still in place. (And, yeah, all my characters are brutal killers in the end, even my perfect all-light Jedi Knight. I really didn't want to kill that Sith young man on Coruscant, you know? I REALLY felt it'd be trouble. I KNEW it would be trouble. And, of course, his father turns out to be Darth Angral. Grrrr!!!)



(One good thing Qyzen does: exterminate the Wookies! My Councilor is totally going to encourage him in that. I am a bad Star Wars fan. Sorry, Chewie.)


(snicker) Though, actually, I'm on the other side here - I'd much rather have the Wookies kill Qyzen! Because Qyzen = total loser. :D

Though I can't take Wookies seriously story-wise. When I learnt that the big Bounty Hunter's guy on Dromund Kaas was a Wookie, I was like: "Pheh, a Wookie, who'd take him seriously?" and didn't.


(By the way, if anyone's playing Taris with Bounty hunter, please tell me how it goes is you make the light/spare/happy choice at the end? I wonder what the letter from the Mandalore would be like).




I still like the theory that Saresh is an Imperial puppet of some sort. She's totally DS, completely crazy, and pushing the Republic to total war against whatever stands in her path. If she's not Imperial, then she's just stupid, so I prefer thinking she's trying to drive the Republic in to the ground on purpose.


Heh. I think the Empire would be too ashamed to admit Saresh is their puppet. She's just too crazy. Though that Smuggler guy in Chapter 2? That one is pretty cool.


(And, yes, DEATH TO THE REPUBLIC, let's kill Satele, etc. I don't dislike Satele, she's okay and she's voiced by FemShep/Bastila, but things must be fair. And though our guys are dead, they are WAY cooler than Satele, so there!).



While as far as I'm aware, the Republic has the rest of the council members (unless the Knight gets two more of them killed through DS choices on Corelia, which aren't canon) including their Grand Master, their former Supreme Commander wasn't even killed, just got retired,


Not in my storyline, nope. He doesn't get to retire. (draws her blaster)

Pity I can't make those dark choices on Corellia with my LS Knight. :( Hmm. Or maybe I got corrupted during my Chapter 2 finale? Hoho! Then again, I haven't married Doc. :(



Speaking of cool Imperial guys, I finished the Battle of Ilum flashpoint yesterday. I enjoyed it - old faces, Darth Severin, Voss girl, all that stuff. Besides, I had a good experienced group who were patient with me for being a first time newbie(I died once for going to the exhaustion zone, but otherwise I was okay). Darth Malgus next, and I WANT WANT WANT my HK! :D


I also finally discovered Quesh's map fully(I've done the Microbinocular quest there), and did the Defender of Arcanum quest. Man, was that a huge jumping puzzle! But I'm getting a little bit better, which makes me hope that I will gather those datacrons one day. So far I'm just ignoring them.



Had a funny experience with my Voss Kingpin Bounty. I asked on the fleet, but no one else wanted a group, so I asked again on Voss. A guy joined me, and discovered(by my guild name, MECTb CUTXOB) I was Russian. He was Russian, too, so we went to do the seeker probes. And then another guy whispers and says he could help if we go for the kill. I say okay, and write "we'll kill" in group chat in Russian and in English. Well, guess what, the third guy was Russian, too! :D Heh, we're everywhere.




Also... um. I discovered I had a million ++ credits on my main, and now I don't have this money anymore(I think I have about ~150K), because I did the AUGMENTS thingy! Yay! Let me tell you, because I'm a total newbie about augments, so maybe you'll find something useful and/or interesting here.


So, we've got seven pieces of armor(helm, bracers, boots, etc), two weapons(or a weapon and a shield), two relics, two implants, one ear thingy, and I think that's it, right? Well, each of our items can be augmented - it can have an extra slot, and you could put an augment into it. (Like you put a mod, enhancement, etc in).


So, augment slot = like a mod slot, augment = like a mod.


However, augment slots don't just happen, most armor pieces and implants and such don't have them by default. Mostly augment slots need to be added with item modification stations(on the fleet, crew skills section), augmentation kits and a large amount of money(yes, you have to pay the item modification station. I wonder what it uses the money for?).


And here is when it becomes interesting. Augment slots can be of certain levels, from MK-1 to MK-9. MK-1 is the cheapest and allows only the cheapest augments, and to add such an augment, you only need a very cheap MK-1 augmentation kit and only 1000 credits. And it adds like +2 to strength, nothing much. So, the general opinion is that MK-1 and other lower-level augments aren't worth it at all.


They're especially not worth it, because if you want to add a higher level augment slot later, you'll have to pay money to the item modification station and get a new augmentation kit all over again, and you get no bonus for having a lower-level augment slot already.


So, in short? Augments = very cool, but not worth it before level 50++ and your final, expensive, great MK-9 augment slots.


They are made with Synthweaving, Armstech and Armormech. However, the materials needed are rather expensive, so it turns out that getting the materials(via crafting skills) might be more expensive in the end than just buying this stuff off GTN, ESPECIALLY purple materials.


So I thought a little and decided I'd just augment what I can. It's a really important decision, because each MK-9 augmentation slot costs 36000 credits and a MK-9 kit, which costs about 60000 credits, and it means you're pretty much DOOMED to wear that armor for the rest of your life.


So I augmented my armor and my lightsabers, bought nine might augments 28(purple), and cheerfully discovered that I had no more money. Yay. :D


Anyway, a single might augment 28(purple) adds +32 strength and +20 endurance, so I'd say they're worth it. Blue augments are also worth it, they're much cheaper and you can craft them yourself much easier. Still, ~100K for one augment slot is too much, so I'd not try it on my other chars, only on my main.

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I've gone through this video on Youtube on female Cathar Customization(there are others next to it, just search): www.youtube.com/watch?v=F12ORexl0nk - and I'm not so sure I do want this race, after all.

(Then again, I didn't want Chiss that much, either, and look where I am!) Just think it's worth it to check your options before spending a mil. :)

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Hey, a Mandalorian is better than a typical Americain so many of these characters are. ;) I do wish he was a BT 3. I mean, I saw Riggs kissing animation once, but I see him around all the time and it grates me that he and Tishujen are basically the same toon. And the pseudo body-building stance doesn't help! Oh, well. Malavai seems to be a better option that Pierce, Pierce won;t romance I assume if you get Mal's romance going?


On vanity side, I picked up a prototype jacket for Tishujen, and holy cow, does she look spiffy in dark red. Wish it was moddable jacket so she could keep it. :( It's back to Esseles one for her at Lvl 31 I assume.


I am with Kulyok - let Wookiees kill Qyzen. I'll help. I wish they went non-trad way and gave Bowdaar to the Counselor, it's not like the concept is that different. They are totally swappable.


The only reason I want Cathar is to play a Cougar properly, lol. And, tbh, 850 thou is fine for that. I am not planning on anything drastic like PvP and Flashpoints, so I really do not expect I need any special anything gear-wise. I'll just do it in rags. And barefoot. :) Erm, that me being Abercromie's fan-girl - read his short on Shy's background in the Dangerous Women anthology, NOW I remember whom I stole erm... borrowed Tishujen from. Abercrombie writes the bestest female characters (Best Served Cold, mmgh...) ANyway, Cathars - ran bounty on Nar Shaddaa, and ONCE AGAIN, I MUST protest that Aric is the only UGLY Cathar in the 'verse. Why can't he look like those guys?! Well, is he BT3? I can't remember with all the yelling. Twani?


Boy, the DK is soooo crappy performance today, I guess tons of people playing. I was going to sneak in an hour to get Sith to Lvl 15, but I gave up. Gonna go back to work and then do the gym for lunch break. No luck - yesterday hubby had to tweak with wireless for an hour before we could log into the game, so we run a bounty barely, and I slept in this morning, so Tishujen won't have the full compliment of contracts to do a kingpin. Oh, well. Next time.


Interestingly, my Riggs fic gets more reads than any other fic I have ever written on the ff.net. I guess Riggs has quite the following.

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@Domi, I have read Abercrombie's first trilogy, but that's it. Do Glokta et all participate in "Best Served Cold"? (Aric's default is a bit ugly, yeah. I'm using the blue-eyed customization, seems to work a bit nicer).



Aww, double XP weekend is over! It was the best. 48000 for every quest? Yes, please, give me two!


Seriously, it was awesome Though I used it all wrong, playing most of the time with my level 55 character. Don't do that at home - I only got 1.5 levels of Legacy, which was obviously not enough, (To compare - I played for about three hours with my Sith Inquisitor and completed Belsavis, and got ~0.5 levels of legacy. Much better.)


I'm feeling a bit burned out with all the group content I've done all over the weekend(more on that below), so I'm thinking I should stop with new chars at the moment - I'll have difficulties completing those ten if I get tired of the game! So, slowly but surely, I'd like to complete my six remaining class stories first and then... we'll see.


And I've done a huge step in that direction by continuing with my Inquisitor, who's on the way to Voss now. Belsavis was a bit disappointing at first, because the designers tried to give me an Agent-like "let's do a great break-in with Nikto hackers" instead of continuing the personal story of "my body is in trouble, I need healing/rebuilding NOW!". But they quickly rallied, and I got a great Rakata story with an AWESOME dark choice in the end. And a missile bay of 90 missiles for my ship, I might add. In short, I love dark rogue AI. :D


Planetary story full-dark was good, too. Resisting the Dread Masters! Asking to learn from them! Yay! My sith Inquisitor rocks - and reaches Dark IV rank, I might add.

(privately, I don't understand why there's such fuss over Dread Masters' masks - I think they look a bit silly with all those fake teeth and horns. But I'm mostly choosing costumes as close to modern 21st century as possible. :) )


And the interlude with my cult for my Inquisitor was fabulous! That's one of the best Force Persuades in the game ever. "You want to give me the chip and you want to serve me." - "We want to give you the chip. We want to serve you." - "That's a great idea! Why haven't I thought about it before?"


I've done a bounty just to complete a level, so now my Sith Inquisitor is level 43. The only problem is how to dress Andy properly - I don't want to waste my commendations(I'd rather buy purple level 50 gear for them), but I don't want to waste expensive and rare level 5 mining resources for armor, either. Sigh. Ah, I'll just spend the commendations and craft armor with cheaper level 5-6 mats, anyway.

(And I should really continue with my Jedi Knight, who's doing all the Cybertech stuff - she has to buy components instead of scavenging them, and that ain't cheap).



Apart from my Inquisitor, I've done LOTS of stuff with my main Sith Warrior.


- Directive 7 flashpoint? Awesome, and with a decent story(which is rare for flashpoints) though you really need some experienced players and a good healer, for the final battle is something special.


- World boss battles? Yep! We finally did Quesh World Boss with a very haphazard group of mostly inexperienced people(but I got my achievement, and nobody died, so I guess it was a success. Then again, eight people for one little world boss robot? Shame on us!)


- And I've been invited by my guildies to go on a Section X world boss HUGE battle with 24 people(10 stacks, if it says something - it was like super-hard difficulty). It was laggy as hell and I couldn't see anything, but great healing saved me through and I hope I contributed at least a little bit.


(I don't enjoy these kinds of battles much, though. I do want the experience and the achievement and it's interesting, but we've been waiting for like an hour to complete the Section X battle, and I could've spent that hour on my own doing my stuff. That's why I dread the time when I have to do operations).


- Ilum flashpoints? Yes, both Battle of Ilum(mentioned that one already) and the False Emperor, and we finally killed the False Emperor! Alas, he was such a good guy. Well, relatively speaking, of course. It was cool, because there were four Sith, so he addressed us all as Sith. :D Was like an anecdote: "So, four Sith steal a stealth ship and walk into an orbital station..."



I also spent all my credits and basic commendations again to get better gear, though I'm still a loooong way off. I have mostly level 58 mods and enhancements, but I have decent implants, one good relic and one "temporarily good" one, one "good for now" purple ear, and all in all, 31K hp.



AND I've got my HK-51! YaY! I've completed his quest! And he's mine, mine, mine, MY PRECIOUS!

... And, okay, I'm a tiny bit disappointed, because I'm still in love with HK-47. I love him in KOTOR 1, I want to meet him in KOTOR 2, I've seen and loved him in Foundry and especially in False Emperor("Bitter recollection" - I've laughed for an hour!), but this guy is not HK-47, clearly. He's good, and his personality is fitting, and I enjoy his dialogue, and he's certainly better than most Republic companions, but I don't feel the emotional connection. I still take Malavai with me whenever possible.


Note: HK-51 gets approval on Makeb expansion missions, so if you're dark side, take him, you'll get various +468 approval boosts in no time.

(Unfortunately, I got multiple -624 from him and Malavai for my too-merciful choices, so I had to reload, boot them and take Light Jaesa).



And Makeb. Makeb-Makeb-Makeb-Makeb. The expansion.


It's surprisingly decent. I'd say it was awesome, if not for one disappointment(more on it below). The place is very good, the questline makes sense(well... it doesn't make sense that we SAVE THE PLANET AND TELL NO ONE ABOUT IT(everyone thinks it's destroyed), because, hey, it EXISTS, and you can't exactly HIDE A PLANET!) and it's logical, mostly. Honest.


And I got very emotionally involved in it, because one of the quest givers is a perfect Sith. Lord Cytharat, I think his name is - he's loyal, VERY good-looking, great voice, interesting questline - well, long story short, I fell in love and started feeling real pangs of guilt, because I'm a light side Sith Warrior who's married to Malavai Quinn and is supposed to be loyal. Then again, Sith are supposed to follow their passions.


Anyway. I was shocked when I found the truth: Lord Cytharat WAS romanceable, but only for male protagonists! No Sith love for us girls, that gorgeous guy is not for us! (Awwww.) There was no romances at all for female protagonists on Imperial side on Makeb at all. At least none that I'm aware of. And that's my disappointment.


So, I went and looked Lord Cytharat romance on youtube, and I must say, I didn't enjoy it. I don't think rerolling a male just to play it is worth it. It's too cheesy, but I could forgive that - ealry Vector romance flirts are made of cheese, after all, and Sith Warrior can be pretty heavy-handed with her flirting, too. But the sense of timing , belief, the sense that it's all _real_ - it wasn't there.


(Flirts are mostly "oooh, you're ever the professional" - "I'm ever at your side, my lord". Or, even worse, the final scene in one of the choices, when the guy is badly wounded(like Luke was in Movie 5 on Hoth) and needs a kolto tank, and you're doing what? That's right, kissing him. And he says it was worth it to come to Makeb for that kiss. Well... huh. It's not bad, exactly. Probably it just wasn't for me, or maybe my disappointment shows. Really, when I saw a pesky female quest-giver and a more calm male quest-giver, I expected the lady was an option for guys and a guy was an option for ladies, much like Smuggler's quest on Alderaan. But alas.)


Anyway, I liked the relationship he and my female Sith Warrior("Mighty Wrath", he calls her) have built. And how he told her in surprise "I was taught differently" when she said it was her operation and she was saving everyone. Too bad he disappears mid-quest and you only get a letter.



So, I finished Makeb storyline, and then finished Makeb's bonus storyline - it's repeatable, and can be done in several ways, I tried the simplest one, will try the heroic way next week, as it's a weekly quest.

(Makeb's bonus storyline was a bit of a grind, though).


Darth Marr seems to want to take the Emperor's place, but since I'm the Wrath, I warned him. Basically, he can be the de-facto leader if he wants and it's for the good of the Empire, but smear the Emperor's name, and you're an enemy. He grudgingly agreed.


(And we had to watch an infuriatingly smug Satele Shan and Suresh holograms(who was the third guy, anyway?) delivering a speech that Emperor was dead. Grrr! Idiot women).


I've also advanced my microbinocular/seeker droid quests, and I've done a GSI weekly quest - weekly missions on Makeb and Hoth. Very relaxing - you just drive and search certain spots with your binoculars. A guy from the guild even said he found great treasure items with his seeker droid - cool new speeder, Dread Masters mask, that sort of thing(though I was advised it takes hours).


Seeker droid/macrobinoculars questlines have some interesting heroics, too - I liked the one on Hoth, with the radiation suit. Bring a character who has stealth to avoid some of the battles. Heh, stealth - it's like the king of flashpoints and heroics these days, at least that's what I gathered from my time in the latest flashpoints. Fighting is nice, but stealthing past from boss to boss? Quick and nice.


Speaking of which, that's why I enjoyed my Inquisitor so much - I can stealth past pretty much everything and make planetary questline + class questline damn fast. With my Sith Warrior, I can stealth sometimes and fight sometimes, as my stealth is limited. With my Agent, I guess I can only run past the enemies and then die and pay the repair bill. Which is much less fun.


Now for Oricon and Czerka moon, though these can wait - after all, I have many more characters to level! And I've yet to check out Chapter 3 for the Republic side.




P.S. Also, a small disappointment - seems like people mostly want ranged DPS for the high-ranked operations like Dread Palace and Dread Fortress, so my Mara might be out of luck. I might have to level my sniper a bit - or even go all the way with the operative healer(though again, they say that sorcerers are the best healers and only take sorcerers).




By the way, long ago, when I just discovered unlocks and GTN, I saved my money to buy all account-wide inventory upgrades, cargo bay upgrades(each of the chars has five now) and GTN slot upgrades(100 for subscribers). I don't know if GTN slots are needed, but cargo bay unlocks and inventory ones are definitely making my life easier.



Also, a short note about the adrenals: it seems that a damage-dealer should use an attack adrenal(power), the healer should use a triage adrenal(be careful, it doesn't mitigate the damage you receive, it mitigates damage that you DO!), and tank - an absorb adrenal(well, duh). I tried using an accuracy adrenal, but it doesn't seem to help much, since I have a 100% accuracy/110% force accuracy anyway.



A note for level 40++ players - check your PvP terminal on the fleet asap! There's a quest on Tatooine which requires you just to enter Outlaw's Den(very easy for the Imperials, and I think even easier for the Republic players). Easy credits, easy XP - especially if you're doing a character quest or a bounty task in that area.

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The protagonist in the Best Served Cold is an AWSOME lady. The Abercombie’s other main, Shy, is somewhat similar, in the Red Country. They are both very much Tishujen. Hey, I even once got an e-mail from him! I sent him an OMG, love-it-love-it-love-it fan mail after reading the First Law, and totally did not expect a response. He is the one with the guts to tell different stories in the same world, instead of cranking million installations of the same character’s adventures. ANYWAY!

I am back from the Galaxy far-far away as well, with the following results:


Cathar: got 1 mil achievement and purchased the unlock for 650 thou

Twi’lek: 33/50

Sith: 19/50


Story-wise, our Jedi finished Taooine, though I did not complete the BS, while my husband did – I sporadically rotated Tishujen and Quinly to keep their levels even, and then took Tishujen to Alderan, and completed the first few quests. LOVE this late spring feel of Alderaan, and I have to shamefacedly admit that Tishujen gotta be my favorite character now. I am starting to have my doubts about being able to let go after she gets to the end of the game! Doubts start crawling into my mind about the subscription vs PS. I am starting to ponder Warzones… Heh.


I had a surprisingly decent random grouping experience on Dromund Kaas for a Heroic 2+, nice other player, and we actually worked together, so my Becchino now has some social. She needs to finish a few side quests, but after that the ship awaits her! I haven’t met Malavai yet, but I assume it comes relatively soon. I am not tired of Vette yet, so no problems there. She’s fine, I had a quick snigger when she said she’s gonna call me Mama (lol!) I enjoy the character’s physical feel (don’t envy her, now I am training again, and having high hopes for hitting PBs in the end of this loading sequence, given my decent body fat and rested state, fingers x-d) and the presence in her dialogues. Interestingly, I think her voicing is louder than the games’ ambient characters. Not sure if it is intentional. Good voice, but to my taste too many canned replies.


Finally, my poor Consular still keeps that ‘nothing special’ place in my heart. She has the new super-awesome spells, but her story is flagging. She didn’t even faint after the Taooine Jedi thinggie. Maybe things will pick up on Alderaan.


Future characters note: now I played a bit of Alderaan, I understand what Vector is a bit better, but I still would have preferred a full-blooded alien.


Anyway, I need to sit down and think about character concepts, because I want to build my 8 character cast, so I do not have to mail and re-mail the items when I delete. Elveera, the Human BH got nixed yesterday, so I need some quiet quality time to create my Cathar, send her all the items from Lariko (Rattataki BH), & delete Lariko. I am thinking Twi’lek Female Trooper (give Aric a chance) to replace Mirialian Glean, and that should do it for now. I don’t feel like playing with a male JK, since my husband is playing one, but he is the Legacy Founder, so, not sure how to go about it – I want to have a female Knight (not sure which race, Twi’lek?)). But I am interested in a Male Smuggler and a Male IA; I would make first one a Sith, and the second – a Cathar, but I am afraid to use a Sith. So, Blight (Male Sin), Misericorde (Female BH), Fem Trooper (Twilek? Zabrack), Fem Knight (Twilek? Zabrack?), Male Smug and Male IA – that’s 6 characters, plus Dusk Fell = 7 characters I haven’t run yet, plus if I want to keep my 3 1st phase characters, that will cost me 2400 cc’s, leaving 1200 for any other unlocks I need & can’t purchase through the game credits… or keep the sub till I am done being amused by the game? Or start a new Legacy?

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Congrats for unlocking Cathar! The price sounds very good, and I hope your character is going to look fabulous!


(Heh, knew you'd love Alderaan! And the music! I'm going to visit it tonight for some high-level treasure digging, and I think I'll enjoy it :D And oh, your Smuggler story on Alderaan is going to rock so much! Well, I think).


That's a lot of Cartel Coins! I'm spending mine on character-wide armor unlocks, which I really should stop doing(mostly because I'm out of Cartel Coins). Sith can look cool(I've thought of Lord Cytherat immediately, of course), but a Sith Smuggler -there's a story behind that, isn't there? Wouldn't he be Force-Sensitive?


(Would give Abercrombie's new book another shot; tried perusing the beginning once and didn't like the translation/was ambivalent about the character. But, really, I only read the first trilogy after my friend said "yes, it's good", and I skipped half of the content. I can be lazy like that.)


You'll meet Malavai at the beginning of Balmorra(your next planet), and you'll get him at the party at the very end of Balmorra. Balmorra itself can be very... well, military, but your story there is nice. I would recommend you to play through it first, BEFORE you go to Balmorra after Alderaan with your Smuggler. (Because Republic Balmorra should happen after Empire one).


Warzones, heh. I just thought the same. :) Though I'm still struggling with group content - I'm way too shy/overexcited about playing with other people. KILLING other people - heh, well. :D Maybe I should go and WZ my operative healer, first - after all, nobody would kill a healer... right?

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The only Abercrombie book I didn't get into was Heroes. The rest were awesome! Translations ain't gonna cut it, K. He has a very distinctive style, v. crafty. Gonna send you one in English if you want, PM me w snail-mail?

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Sith can look cool(I've thought of Lord Cytherat immediately, of course), but a Sith Smuggler -there's a story behind that, isn't there? Wouldn't he be Force-Sensitive?

I thought about it while I went for a lunch walk, and maybe he's going to have very low FS, like enough to move a pencil, and that's it? Which he discovered the hard way. Kindda predisposes you to seek carrier elsewhere, and away from the Empire, hence the Smuggling profession... could work. But I need to concentrate on the second generation, which will be Dusk-Fell, Misericorde and the Trooper. So, I need to come up with the Trooper concept to replace Glean... yakes.
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So, I ended up getting a 24 hour virus, basically, that had me down for the count Saturday and Sunday, and I ended up completely missing double XP weekend (and basically the Bounty Hunters event). Boo on that. Then today I basically spent the whole day cooking the traditional meal for the holiday, and that frustrates me, too, as I missed going to the downtown block party for the bash. Bah.



Honestly, I'm glad that they finally put same sex romances in the game, so I approve of the thing with Lord Cytherat (there's a female Republic side, for lesbian characters). Finally, some same-sex action (it's funny, but I actually forced myself to start modding/coding for real to add same sex relationships to another game- but that's another story entirely). It seemed to go well with the gay male population, who it was aimed at, so I guess it worked out pretty well (there are quite a few people who want him to be a companion character now). I haven't heard nearly as much about the woman, though: a lot of praise for Lord Cytherat, but I don't even know who the gal is. She didn't seem to get a similar following. Still, it's good that it's finally in the game. I'll probably try it out with Aanan, who I see as willing to flirt with anyone if he might get something out of it or if it'll amuse him- and not really caring about if Kaliyo minds, because seriously, Kaliyo's not going to mind and she probably sleeps around, too (actually, she definitely does, at least at first).


I hope they'll just add a guy companion that can be romanced by guys, and a gal companion that can be romanced by gals eventually. They can make them like HK and Treek, avaliable for every class. Just having them there would solve a lot of the publicity problems that the Austin branch of the studios has had with this issue (Bioware studios is well known for being extremely friendly for the gay, lesbian, bi, and trans crowd, but the Austin studios has made some serious gaffs, like once claiming that 'gay people don't exist in star wars' (...sort of amusing, when they invented juhani)).



The guy with Shan and Suresh was Jace Malcom (baby daddy Malcom, I call him- he's the father of Shan's son). He's the new Supreme Commander of the Republic, getting promoted from Colonel (his position in the Alderran bonus quests) to Supreme Commander without care to all the characters between him in rank: another completely random republic promotion that makes no sense. So far his achievements include 'not being quite as stupid as the guy before him' (the Supreme Commander who commanded the battle of Illum where the Republic screwed up majorly against Malgus and friends, who got to retire rather then being killed off by the empire, grr), and nothing else of note. He and Shan dated for a while and had a kid together who apparently is going to play a part in the Korriban/Tython flashpoints coming up in the next update, because we need another uber jedi of Revan's lineage, apparently.



Keeper's Fate:


Each class at 55 gets an email from a contact they've made throughout the game. Offhand, Imperial side, the Wraith is contacted by the voice, Nox gets contacted by Marr, the BH gets contacted by that Crystal girl from Act I... and the Agent is contacted by someone who never gives their name, but speaks of forced retirement and speaks like the old Minister did. I mean, I suppose they could drop a bomb and go 'it is actually Hunter, who survived because all you did was confront yet another one of her holograms! Bwhahahaha!', but I doubt they'd do that. The emails sort of hint at maybe the class stories being extended in someway, which would be awesome, but I'm not going to hold my breath over it.


Anyway, Keeper basically says he's playing games in his head to keep his mind working, he's heard about the Shroud and wonders what you think about it, and that he admires you.




Warzones I think are easiest to start with on a healer character. Just run in, and start healing people on your side. Yes, you'll die. You'll die over and over and over (there's even an achievement for pulling off ten + kills in a match where you get ten + deaths). But you'll eventually pick up a few kills yourself. For your first few warzones, the easiest method is to just follow around the largest group of people from your team and stay with them: as you get more experienced, you'll start handling objectives by yourself, but at first it's easiest to just follow the crowd. Just try to keep people alive and don't stand over fire traps/in acid pools if you're playing huttball. In general, warzones are pretty fun and calm atmosphere (yes, occasionally you'll get someone who starts blaming everyone else when you start losing and throwing a fit, but there are jerkfaces everywhere). If you try ranked warzones, you'll find them a lot more... well, horrible, with people yelling at each other for bad plays and generally being witchy, but normal warzones are pretty fun and relaxing. If your computer can handle it, I'd definitely say give them at least a few tries. The money is bad, but the XP is pretty decent. I treat it like space missions: something to do in my spare time. You can get both a weekly and a daily PVP mission on the fleet.


(As a side note, operatives- both DPSing ones and healers- are very good in PVP right now, to the point where you have a screaming nerf crowd after them. Healing as an op in warzones is pretty easy, I find- much easier then doing it as a trooper/BH. Can't really compare it to a sorc yet.)



Directive 7 flashpoint is hard! Good on you for finishing that one. I've never been in a group good enough to do it, honestly: we always get trapped at the final boss. Heh, sometimes we get trapped at the first main boss.


The other lvl 50 flashpoint is what, Koan Under Siege? That one's interesting. It presents a moral dilemma: a guy is turning in to a Rakghoul in front of you. Do you kill him or let him live? On Republic, it's LS to let him live, DS to kill him. On Empire side, though, it's LS to give him a mercy kill, and DS to let him suffer. I'm not sure if the force really works like that: does it really know your motivations for your deeds? I'm not savvy enough in Star Wars lore to know for sure, one way or another.



Hm, a Sith smuggler... that sounds like fun. I think my new one is going to be Rattakki however that race is spelled (I call them ratatats, inspired by the Pokemon, out loud) to romance Risha... unless Spar really wins me over. He'll be Aavi's son, taken away from her when he was born as slaves aren't allowed to have families. How he ended up smuggling is anyone's guess, but I'm guessing I'll find a backstory for him in time: I always do. She's only 40/41 right now, though, so I still have a few levels before unlock. I doubt I'm going to get all my goals done for March at this rate: I was really hoping to get some leveling done for bonus weekend. Bah again!



Alderran is probably one of the prettiest planets in the game, though I think Voss's autumn hues make it my favorite. Still, I like running around there. I'm not too fond of the planetary wide questline, though, at least not Republic side- you go running through hoops and circles all just to end up with killing their ursurper king, who was one of the few people who actually had some personality. The bonus quest was even more boring: only hot spot was getting to flirt with Jace, and he turned my character down flat. Hmph.


(Male smuggler gets to flirt with Shan, too, but she turns him down flat as well. Maybe Shan and Malcom still have something going on? Unfortunately, as the characters are about as dull as dishwasher (if excellently voiced), I can't bring myself to care.)



I look forward to getting HK-51. And yeah, he won't be the same as HK-47, but... I hope I'll still like him. Funny, I've heard if you take him to the Foundary, he gets in an arguement with HK-47 about which droid series is better. That could be amusing, and you could solo the foundary at 55 pretty easily. Not sure why you'd want to. Eh. Might pick up a nice item for an alt, I suppose.



I'm... not sure what bodytype Aric uses, actually. My Trooper uses the tall, muscled bodytype 3, and I don't really think he's shorter then her, so he might be BT3. I don't know. I tend to prefer the BT1/2 look, myself, but I don't really pay attention to it all. All I know is that basically none of your companions uses BT4. Which isn't a bad thing for the guys (it's Darth Baras's body type, ugh), but the BT4 for gals is fine- just very curvy. (I tend to use BT1 myself, and make all my characters mysterious waifs, as I like mysterious waifs. But I'm trying to get out of that.)


See, I like Aric so much, he's grown in to ugly-cute territory for me. Like, he's ugly, but he's the cute kind of ugly. But I just like his no-nonsense, snarky personality. Between him, Corso, and Doc, he's definitely the one I like the most. Haven't met Iresso yet, obviously.



I may (okay, possibly am) be using inspiration from the Inquisitior's romance with Andry to write evil lines for my mod (the 'I'll kill you if you leave me', mainly). Allowing the player to be strangely crazy is fun, although I've never actually met people who use the 'evil' lines in BG, myself (mainly because the evil path is barely there for the most part, and sort of stupid for the second part). On that note, I am thoroughly satisfied with Andry's romance. I may like him almost as much as I like Quinn. I don't know if my Inquisitor truly loves him, though: I don't know if my Inquisitor is even capable of love. The way I play her, she is throughly screwed up from years as a slave and probably has quite a few mental disorders that could use therapy and treatment if she actually existed in the real world. Also, she's drunk on the dark side kicks puppies sort of evil.



(Vector's still my favorite, though.)



I figure the next part of my story will be the adventures of a newbie agent and newbie bounty hunter on Hutta and DKas, while the chapter after that will be a Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight attempting to finish Tatooine's world quest. (Thanks for the review, Domi!) Then chapter after that goes back to Aa'lynne's plans. Mod comes before story, though. Or so I keep reminding myself.



650thousand for Carthar unlock isn't a bad deal at all. I definitely would have taken it. Can you make pretty Cathar girls? If so... tempting. But I'd have to buy another character slot, and I have no idea what I would play, heh.



Thoughts... I'm actually on Aashleen close enough to the boundery that I could scoot her back over to neutral on Alderran and get dark Jaesa if I wanted (I tend to play her as LS, but for the good of the Empire, so she sometimes takes some very DS decisions). I'm trying to decide if I want to. On one hand, dark Jaesa looks more interesting, and actually seems to have a loved gift. On the other hand, I already have that male Sith Warrior prepared to take on dark Jaesa's romance, so I probably should see light Jaesa with Aash. Hm. I'm also already kind of regretting killing the Jedi I killed on Tat. On one hand, Baras said kill, and Aashleen can't overthrow him yet. On the other side, it truly wasn't neccessary, was it? It was an ugly choice. I have a feeling most missions for Baras will be like that.


(When is he going to inevitably stab me in the back? Sigh.)



I think I'm going to use my cartel coin reserve to buy Treek's contract and then unlock it for my legacy. It would have been more useful when I was leveling up my Inquisitor/my Smuggler (waiting till Hoth for a healer is tortureeeeeeee!), but meh, can't have everything. And while I'm sure I'll get legacy level 50 eventually, I'm not sure I'm ever going to have a ton of money to be throwing around. I don't earn money very well. I tend to be pretty broke with everyone.


Poor Aashleen is so broke she can't even learn to ride a scooter, actually, which meant running around Tatooine was torture, too. Alderran will be even worse. Might have to PVP some money up.

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