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There's Cartel Market orange adaptive armor for sex appeal. I bought an excellent five-piece suit for Corso, it was cheap enough, too, and I unlocked it via collections for all chars(it's cartel market armor, so you can do that for 60 coins or 240 coins, if the armor set is rare, but mine cost 60). Cost me about... ~100000 credits to buy it off GTN? And then I use green bracers and helmet. There are plenty of cheap adaptive armor suits that could be bought for ~30000 credits, too.

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I am still enjoying trying different stuff on, very new to the game. But thank you for the tip! Now all I want to do is to wrap up the day at work and zip home to play but I need to pick up the pace at the gym, or I will keep pulling muscles whenever I go to hap ki do, plus strength is down to total crap.

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>.> https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5552180/


No massive multi-chapter crazy story yet, but two random one shots I wrote in like, a half an hour, so the quality is nothing to write home about. Still, I just felt a strange need to write them.



Aw, I don't hate Qyzen that much yet. Though I can't say I'm fond of him. Still, I try to play all my characters as being fond in someway of their crew. So even though I think Mako and Vette are the most annoying things on two legs, my Warrior treats Vette as a younger sister, and my BH treats Mako as a protege/little sis. So even though I find Qyzen... very... Transdosian... he's still my characters link to her master, and thus she respects him even though she doesn't really get him. Because if I play a character who hates a crewmate, then I keep wondering why my character hasn't thrown that character out the airlock, to quote dear Javik. So I force myself to find redeeming points about them. And I keep trying to tell myself that no one can be worse then Baodwarr. RAURRHHHHHHHH. Ugh. (For the BH, though, I have no idea how a character that likes Mako/Blitz/Torian is going to like Skadge.)


Honestly, I wish I could switch romance interests for my JK and Smuggler. My JK would fit perfectly with someone like Corso- dependable, always there from the start, not pushing too hard, showing obvious care and making it clear that the girl is the one girl for him- he would fit my more romantic, not trusting in men's attentions so much JK much better then Doc does. On the other side, for my smuggler who needs more space, Doc would be a better fit- and she wouldn't mind his parade of ex-girlfriends, considering she met quite a few ex-boyfriends along the way. Hmph. They're sisters (if unaware of each other), can't they just trade? Ah well. You make due with the romance you're handed, I suppose.



I've found you basically get called a ninja looter one of three ways:

A) Someone's fighting next to a quest objective, while they're fighting, you run up and activate the quest objective making it so they have to wait two or so minutes until it resets

B) Someone's fighting next to a collecting node or a treasure chest, and while they're fighting you run up and harvest the node or take the treasure chest.

C) You're running a group (usually a flashpoint) and you roll need on items that you don't actually need- especially items that aren't even useful to your class (rolling need on councilor robes with their willpower as a JK who uses strength)


On my server, once you get off the starter planets, generally you'll get announced in chat and publicly shamed for doing any of those activities. Of course, just as many people will mock the person who did the public shaming about 'qq'ing. It's really just a mess, and one I stay out of. It does annoy me when someone runs up and takes the object I was fighting for, though, definitely. I was fighting in front of that object for a reason! Go find your own quest activation/node.



Sadly, I don't think opposition for your Smuggler never gets as good as Skavak again. Your end opponent is, I quote, 'that dumb slaver with the stupid name'. Oh sure, he's an Imperial Bigwig, but... yawn. It's not anywhere near as personal as Skavak. Chapter one of Smuggler's is probably the most personal chapter in the game. Well. Agent does have that thing that happens during Act II and Act III, which is also pretty personal, but... yeah. Still, one up to the Smuggler. (Agent's still more fun, though. Woo, Agent!)


Best thing about Skavak: putting him down for all those STD's on Corosaunt and running in to him again where he's like 'Did you, seriously? SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY!?!' and you're just like, 'lolz, trolllllll'. I don't know. Skavak pulled a few clever stunts, but his highlight was stealing the ship and torchy: for the most part, my character left him in her spacedust time and time again after, so I wasn't too impressed with him. Still slept with him, though. Corso so did not approve, but it was hilarious. Then he tries to kill you five seconds later. My smuggler just picks the best guys.



I think you might have to agree to the marriage to get the bonus letters, though I'm not a hundred percent sure on that. I have Doc maxed enough that I could finish his romance, but I'm taking it slow on my JK (doing only one conversation after each planet) so that the relationship feels longer and I feel 'okay' about hitting the marriage button. I hate having an empty ship of no one wanting to talk to me, so I don't max out my companions as soon as possible. Except for Vector. Because I loved Vector just that much.


I don't mind killing the Emperor being the Jedi Knight story. Someone needs to kill the Emperor eventually, and it might as well be my character. Darth Marr is a better leader for the Sith, anyway, considering he actually cares about the Empire and how it's being run and winning the war while the Emperor is just like 'murder and mayhem awaaaaiiiittt'. (I'm telling you, Darth Nox for Emperor! Except no substitutes!) Though I still think Malgus's empire would have been the best. Why oh why could we not join with him? Why did he have to go and fall off that ledge? :'(



Cheers for crazy evil Sith Warriors! There should be more of them. I don't think their DS route is as hilarious as the SI dark side route is, but it's still pretty badass. And yeah, poor Vette. Poor dear Vette. (And I can't help but think dark Jaesa is going to be a lot more interesting then light Jaesa, as dark Jaesa seems absolutely completely crazy: beyond even Ashara levels.)


Korriban is still my favorite starter, even now that I've ran four characters through it. On the other hand, I've only ran two characters through Tython, and I hate it. I got the kill ALLLLLLLLL the Flesh Raiders achievement with my Jedi Knight, so all the flesh raiders I killed as a Councilor didn't even count for anything. Stupid flesh raiders... stupid twi'leks... stupid manka cat teeth that never ever drop... stupid champion in the forge I can never defeat on level...



You know, I've never actually done Quesh. Agent, Smuggler, Inquisitor, Knight. All ran in, completed the starter quests (two or three), completed their class quest, and then got the hell off the boring planet of companion nonresponsiveness (seriously, your companions are like ghosts on that planet, usually- they hardly react to anything at all). I suppose my Trooper will feel obliged to complete it, as it involves military stuff. We'll see if I ever make an Imperial character complete it.



I've heard you get to meet your cult again in the Inquisitor story. I have to say, I'm looking forward to it.



I'm going away for the first week of march. :( So I haven't gotten much opportunity to play... it's all getting prepared for leaving. I want my Trooper to finish Alderran already and get on to finishing Act I... I'm guessing I'm finally going to meet Commander Traitor. I'll take Aric along; he'll enjoy it, I'm sure.

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The gym sounds nice. :) Certainly better than the doctor, ahem. I keep wanting to go to the swimming pool, but I just get so lazy after work... sigh.



I liked both of the fanfiction stories. :) I think the Consular is very LS here - she is focused on the mission, so she isn't going to feed the kids and save the galaxy, but her dedication and commitment to the light side and readiness to sacrifice herself seem absolute. I'm a bit angry at the future bounty hunter, though - a little boy next to her is prostituting himself to feed her, and she, a woman grown, won't do anything to stop this? And where are his older sisters, why aren't they taking care of their brother? Abandoning him just seems too... SIth. But that's just me rambling.



I think as a character, I'm more or less okay(or I can convince myself so) with all my companions - my Jedi Consular cares about Qyzen and would help him in his quests, and the same goes for Mako or whoever, but me as me (a girl behind the computer) I just feel that no team is ideal, and I would love to complain a little. Especially with the Republic characters.


Granted, Empire teams aren't perfect, either. Sith Warrior has that Talz guy, Broonmark, who isn't exactly a great conversationalist, Imperial Agent get Lokin and Temple(a matter of preference, but I'm not too fond of Temple), Sith Inquisitor... no, wait, Sith Inquisitor's team is perfect, and Bounty Hunter's team is good but Mako's too much of a softie. Can you imagine her on Boba Fett's team? She'd probably be nagging at Boba all the way to Jabba the Hutt's palace for freezing Han Solo!


Heh. Anyway, you mentioned the Wookie, and as I explored his Chapter 2 conversations, it was a total facepalm. "Slavery bad! Slavery bad! Everybody hurts Wookies, especially stupid Trandoshans(really, I think he and Qyzen should go out of that airlock together)! Slavery bad!" It's really easy to get affection with him - you say "slavery bad" and receive your 70 points.


And, yay, got two letters from Doc! Good old Doc. But, really, with my Jedi Knight team the no-attachments rule works perfectly. Sometimes I don't understand why the team is with me at all - Kira wants power, Doc wants girls, Zenith wants to KILL EMPIRE GRR(but I'm a peaceful light side Jedi)! And Lord Evil wants... well, at least with him I can understand why he's there, but he's not much of a caring uncle.


Doc for the Smuggler is a fun idea, but he'd still lose to Skavak flat. At least Corso, while loses to Skavak in "sexy, adventurous, sleazy, fun" aspects, is very reliable. Doc is just a kinder, washed-out version of Skavak. And, yeah, totally gave Skavak Bothan Nether Rot, heh.


I think Skavak is pretty funny in that spaceship ambush after Nar Shaddaa, and of course, he almost outplays you on Alderaan. I love their dialogue about holorecording the battle. "I'll erase that holorecording." - "Wait, send it to me!" . Ah, Skavak. They just don't make such guys anymore.


I get a feeling Voidwolf will be worse, but what the hell, let's enjoy ourselves! Alas, I feel I can't go Dark Side with the Smuggler, even though the story allows it, because it would make me a common criminal/underworld boss, and I don't want that. Yet the game kind of nudges me, so I might try for being a ... light side underworld boss? We'll see.



So, starting a new character really did it for me - I remembered how wonderful, familiar, gratifying and rewarding(kill-kill-kill, yeah, cool!) it is to play for the Empire, so I've finally - FINALLY! - started Chapter 3 with my Sith Warrior(mara). Which means completing two first areas of Belsavis(and discovering bonus series accidentally. I'm holding out for now, but they don't seem too bad).


Belsavis is an... interesting planet. On the first glance, it's a carbon copy of Republic Taris - same broken structures, green fields, same old, same old. I even started to get angry about reusing areas a-la Dragon Age 2. But when I went a little deeper, I was enchanted - some of the landscapes on Belsavis are the most beautiful ever, and they even put Alderaan to shame. Snow, waterfalls ending in lava, huge strange plants and mushrooms and green arcs and ice structures next to them - it's all very beautiful. My only regret is that republic and empire structures do seem out of place next to all this beauty.



The quests on Belsavis don't seem too bad, either. I've heard that on levels 50-55, a whole story is progressing about the Dread Masters, so it's great to see the beginning of that story. I also see Section X here, though when I visited it, I got no quests(probably need to wait until level something, right?) Anyway, a bit of a grind, but nothing too bad.


Also the Emperor says hello. "Do not disappoint me." WHY, WHY, WHY everyone in this game is talking to the Emperor, from the Jedi Knight and his companions to the quest-giver on Belsavis and my personal Hands of the Emperor, but I, his Wrath and personal executor, don't get as much as a postcard?


Speaking of being the Wrath, why doesn't anyone show me any respect? That quest-giver hasn't even called me Lord, the Republicans just call me "Sith", and when I went to some Reclamation Service colonel in bonus series and asked him what their artifact was for, he answered me it was on the need-to-know basis! ME! The Dark Council itself is supposed to be afraid of me!







I don't mind killing the Emperor being the Jedi Knight story. Someone needs to kill the Emperor eventually, and it might as well be my character. Darth Marr is a better leader for the Sith, anyway, considering he actually cares about the Empire and how it's being run and winning the war while the Emperor is just like 'murder and mayhem awaaaaiiiittt'. (I'm telling you, Darth Nox for Emperor! Except no substitutes!) Though I still think Malgus's empire would have been the best. Why oh why could we not join with him? Why did he have to go and fall off that ledge? :'(


I've yet to become better acquainted with Darth Marr, since I only saw him in the Makeb starter cutscene - and he was respectful to me. But, yeah, miss all the bad guys. Well, at least the Emperor is still alive. (Though I had a rumor of Sith Warrior killing him, too, on Voss? Or was it Baras? I wonder how THAT would play out).



And some of the light-side decisions are truly ridiculous. To recruit expert riot provocateurs instead of violent killers - this I understand, good decision. But to ransom the republic strategist for CREDITS? How's that a valid light side choice? Why not exchange him for hostages, or use him as the Empire's prisoner, or, I don't know, bring him to the dark side as a new Imperial asset?




In other news, I've gone through the Black Talon flashpoint with my new Sith Warrior - I plan to repeat it a few times and get Social rank 2 for that Slave girl outfit. (Yeah, what can I say? I'm a bad, bad girl).

It's sad to see the crashing bug during the last cutscene is still there - a guy who played with me got disconnected. I minimize the window just in case, but I wish they gave us the reward before returning to Fleet.


And, yeah, Tython and Ord Mantell are meh compared to Korriban. Hutta's more or less better than these two, but Korriban is simply the best. :D I like Tython starter chat, though.



We'll miss you in March, Twani! Come back soon.

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We'll miss you Twani! I really liked your Chiss backstory (left comments for you on the FF). Funny, I actually find Riggs far prettier than Skavak (with an overlay, yes) but Skavak's relationship would have made more sense for the Smuggler, if you could not defeat him (argh, I am sorry to hear we are going to lose that piece of dirt as our big opponent). It would have been fun if you had a competitive romantic interest, finishing ahead and losing to him at other times, and doing him once in a while. I guess they couldn't commit to it all the way. I can't say I was that impressed with Korriban, when I was stuck there with my IA to keep my husband's Sith alive. But it will probably be better with a warrior since she will actually play. In my news, I deeply regret hitting the quest-giver in Olaris Spaceport, since now Tishujen the Smuggler is committed to bonus series, and we started with losing 2 AP for Riggs (because he cared about that Zabrak girl saving Nexu on the radioactive, toxic and riddled with misery planet! Seriously, Riggs, seriously?) The Jedi duo is in Brell, working through the quests and the story-line. Knight's story is a bit better than the Consular's. As a party we really don't need to even upgrade the equipment. Hilariously easy.

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Aww. :) I might have some computer access, but I can't count on it. Luckily, I only have a few work related things and I convinced my mum of all people to come along with me, so we're treating it more like a mother/daughter relationship then a work trip. As in, sneaking in a trip to Disney World to see the Flower and Garden festival. >.> I'm an easy person to please.


Thanks both of you for your comment on my sucky stories. :) I'm hoping maybe if I practice writing Qyzen, he might be more interesting to me. It's... possible? I don't know. I'll be eager to play my JC's fall, anyway. Finally, an evil republic character. On the other story- yeah, Aanan is technically an adult by Chiss standards, but Aalis is still a serious jerkass for letting him go to extremes to keep her going. Having said that, she's pretty much DS and selfish as anything. His sister's have no excuse, though- both the Imperial services they're in should be paying them enough to at least make a holocall and find out their brother's basically on the streets and that they should be doing something about that, aaandd they're both LS. One could argue (and I think Aamiie does, when they meet up again) that Imperial matters leave one very, very busy, but Aanan and Aamiie never really got along after childhood, especially after she left the Imperials for the dirty evil republic.



Aw, I really like Lokin on my Agent's team. I have no idea what he's up to most of the time and he clearly has an agenda, but he's very personable. And very evil genius like. Scorpio is the real one that's like 'why doesn't my Agent deactivate her', but I personally like her. Though she's clearly following no agenda but her own: I think she tells you first conversation is the only thing you can do to avoid your future death by her hands is earn her forgiveness. She's hardcore. Temple's more iffy, but my Agent does need someone to teach the spy game to. Kaliyo and Vector aren't very good Intelligence agents, so I need one protege.


I really don't think I'm going to like Skadge, for BH. Supposedly he's all about the Black Sun. Didn't I beat those guys up at level 14 on Corosaunt? I can't see myself being too impressed with him. The Talz, well, I hate Talz because they kept killing my Assassin repeatedly. So I don't know if I'll hate Broonmark for being Talz, or like him for being able to turn a Talz on my enemies and watch them all buuuuuurrrrrn. Inquisitor's team is awesome, though. Republic side... Qyzen. Bowadarr or whatever his dumb wookie name is. Sometimes Corso, sometimes not. I, er, like the Jedi Knight crew? I hardly know anything about the last two trooper companions save for one's DS and one's a Gand (an ugly race, but I've always found their culture interesting enough), so I can't judge on them, but I'm fine with Aric, Elena, and 4X.



Riggs is all about helping nexu obsessed girls. Because they're girls. If she's female, Corso wants to help her. That's one of the traits I found a bit annoying about him, because hey, some of these girls are Skavak's ex girlfriends that are trying to kill us, hello! But noo, she's female, so Corso must help. Sigh.



I just can't get in to Belsavis, even with the cool Rataka and the pretty landscapes. I like when I'm out in the wilderness, or in those beautiful old old tunnels, but when I'm crawling through the actual prison complexes, I feel trapped and annoyed and start hating all the walls and the five million gangster mobs. I just want to get through Belsavis so I can enjoy Voss. Voss is probably my favorite planet- the natives are cool looking, it's wide open wilderness, you run in to the opposite faction while goofing off, and the vision quest is one of the more fun quests in the game with it's vision of your future at the end (also, easiest datacron in the world to pick up). Sigh. But to do that, I have to do Belsavis. On the other hand... Dread Masters! World Razer! Interesting stuff! (Aa'lynne never released the dread masters. I got to the last quest of the series, and then made the executive decision that she was not releasing a bunch of ancient sith from imprisonment after all the trouble the Sith had been causing her. Apparently, considering what all the 55 ops are about, that was the smart decision.)



One day, your Wrath will rule over the Council and wipe them all out with a wave of her hand if she so wishes. Just wait for that day. It's coming.



From what I've read, Darth Marr features mostly in the Sith Inquisitor story, but also is the Makeb storygiver, the one who does the operations against the Dread Masters, and is generally the one leading the Empire's war effort after everything that went down on Corellia (I think he might voice one of the PVP Warzones too). Even though all my Agent did was troll him (Oh, this information came from IMPERIAL INTELLIGENCE? I guess IMPERIAL INTELLIGENCE is such a useful and great organization! Gee, maybe we should contact IMPERIAL INTELLIGENCE some more- OH WAIT), he seemed rather composed to it, and did give my Agent a free title ("my people are not accustomed to working with ghosts") for her trouble. Hm. I should play my (first) Agent more. Agent's are awesome.



Yeah, that's why my Inquisitor is hitting DS on all choices on Belsavis. Wee, power! ...I should not be allowed to play an Inquisitor. It all goes to my head (WEE POWERRR).



The question: are you putting your Jugg in the Slave GIrl outfit, or are you putting Vette in it?



People (in that odd, maniac guild I'm in) keep offering me skimpy outfits on my Trooper character. I'm like "no thanks, I want her troops to have some respect for her". I don't mind skimpy outfits, but I just can't see most of my Chiss in them (the middrift bearing Jedi Knight outfit you wear in your midteens was fine for my Jedi, but I wouldn't want her in that extravert's outfit that's just one tube top around her breasts and shoulder pads)- it wouldn't be professional for my Agents, and my Smuggler's more 'evening gowns of awesome while she shoots stuff in the face' then 'tube tops and harem pants', and I definitely can't see my Trooper in them. My Trooper is leading Havoc Squad for FREEDOM and THE REPUBLIC. That doesn't involve booty shirts. Aric and Elena would gossip about her. (In fact, I bet they already do sometimes.)



If you really don't want to do the bonus series, you can always abandon it, but with the bonus series, you can't get it back. Once you abandon it after doing the first quest in it, it's one of the few quests you can't pick up again. Of course, considering it's Taris, that might be a plus...

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Wow, I didn't know you wouldn't get Bonus Series for a planet back if you abandon the quest! I should be more careful with abandoning quests left and right, I guess. Thank you for telling!


Domi, I wonder if your Jedi Duo will get all the way through the Republic side, up to Ilum. That'd be quite an accomplishment! And it'd be faster and easier to play, two, since there're two of you with two companions, and you're going to see the entire Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular story(can't for the love of me remember what Jedi Knight's Chapter 1 was all about. I know it's about Darth Angral and some superweapons... oh, wait, Watcher 1 on Balmorra! Now I remember. :) )

By the way, how do you communicate? Are you in the same room physically? Or are you using Team Speak/audio programs/group chat?


(Don't worry about Riggs' approval. You can always buy him ~10 weapon gifts for 200 credits each at the Fleet GTN section, and that'd bring him to 2000 affection minimum if it hasn't already. But, really, -2 or even -4 affection losses are nothing. When he starts -137'ing you, THEN your char should be worried :D


And, yeah, I totally get a LITTLE berserker jealous when Corso keeps helping the girls. Evil ones, stupid ones, Jedi ones, no matter - if it's got breasts, Corso's all over helping it. I know it's innocent, but he shouldn't be such a hero for everyone else, dammit! He's supposed to be mine! Skavak would never do it... then again, Skavak wasn't particularly nice to me, either. But so funny and charming! Dammit, the writers did such great chemistry and then just... abandoned it. Bet I wasn't the only one who regretted killing him).


Twani, I hope you'll get a great trip to the Disney World! And a flower festival, mmm! I'm a bit envious. I hope you'll have a grand time. (And it's warm! We're gettning -10C with wind chill here!)



I'm using the skimpy outfit for myself, yeah. I've got seven characters who are dressed properly(Jedi Knight uses the "midriff bared" one, but it still uses normal pants and a hoodie and covers everything), my Smuggler's walking around in harem pants(she is still hoping to seduce more people), and I want the slave girl outfit for my Juggernaut. Eventually she'll probably get tired of it and wear something DARK and MENACING like a Sith Lord should, but so far? I'm having fun. :D (Not going to dress Vette in anything like this, because - yes, she's my slave, but I don't want to ambush her dignity. I'm wearing skimpy stuff, because it's my choice - I can't ask my companions, so I choose to let them wear something normal. And Treek probably won't like the chainmail bikini anyway).




Even though all my Agent did was troll him (Oh, this information came from IMPERIAL INTELLIGENCE? I guess IMPERIAL INTELLIGENCE is such a useful and great organization! Gee, maybe we should contact IMPERIAL INTELLIGENCE some more- OH WAIT)


HAHAHA! (so the Intelligence is all right in expansion? Alive, working, not disbanded or anything? Does it depend on the Agent finale, or is Intelligence all right regardless?) I'll look forward to seeing more of Darth Marr. Not soon, though, because apparently I need to go to Hoth after Belsavis, and it looks like Hoth Bonus Series are in order. Yay. Been dreaming of this all my life.




I've been wondering - with some concern - what I should do about my characters' progress. So far, I tend to level my most interesting characters first - Sith Warrior/Inquisitor, Agent, DS Jedi Consular - and it means that after they're levelled to the end of their character stories, only more "boring" stories are left, like Trooper/Bounty Hunter/Jedi Knight. Granted, they're not boring, and I enjoy many things with my Bounty Hunter and Jedi Knight in particular, but I'm just worried I'll be left with the most boring stories. And if I leave Agent for last, I... er, screw it, I just can't do it. Sigh. So, yeah, dreading the moment when interesting stories are over and only Trooper is left. Kinda. (I don't know why, but it so happens that my Trooper is the last one out, yeah).



My Trooper is leading Havoc Squad for FREEDOM and THE REPUBLIC.


And democracy, right? Right?



I liked the story on Belsavis, but I have the feeling that Dread Masters would turn against us, right? Heh, they didn't like my light choices(to spare the Republicans), either, and neither did Quinn(when I let the Jedi idiot go). I like each time Quinn questions my light side methods, because SPOILER, and it makes SPOILER more believable - he doubts me, and storywise, he should be doubting me.


(Then again, Baras is sabotaging war on Corellia? He's even more of an idiot than that Jedi!)



I went through two Black Talon runs with my new Juggernaut. And - surprise - I used vote kick for the first time. We had a fast run group, and three people asked to skip the cutscene; the fourth person didn't. Okay, I thought and wrote in chat, maybe it's their first time, let them enjoy. We run, the guy jumps in front of tank. Okay, Tank is level 14, who cares, we're facerolling anyway, it's all too easy. But finally, we kill the Admiral Akbar-type of guy(fish with flame grenades) and that guy(I think he was a Sith Inquisitor type) rolls "NEED" an orange chest with Aim, and our tank is a Bounty Hunter type(who wants that chest and obviously should have it). Ooookay, a scandal is brewing, vote-kicking is mentioned. If he said nothing or apologised, I would be inclined to wave this off, but the guy said LOL and was obviously laughing at us. I see red and initiate a vote-kick, the guy leaves, we continue, half a minute later a lvl13 Mara appears and kills everything else. We had a second run with that mara and the tank, got some more social points - though we had another unfortunate moment, when the fourth guy agreed for a second run and then left the flashpoint seconds before the first conversation. Ah well. Three social points per a dialogue choice is better than none.


Anyway, I will soon know Black Talon like the back of my hand, but it also means I'll be able to skip Dromund Kaas and maybe Balmorra and only use class quests. Might do a few Kuat Yards, too.



I love your guild more and more, Twani. :D I think you've hit the gold there - I've never seen a guild like that on my server.



By the way, my Sith Warrior hit level 50! It means I have Unity ability, a 100 Presence bonus for all characters(pity I'll never unlock level 50 Twileks, Chiss, Miraluka and so on, but ah well), and I can probably buy purple gear from comms and GTN - should take a look. And I'll FINALLY upgrade my starship and do all those missions I couldn't before.




I'm looking forward to Skadge, because DS is cool(I play neutral, but I never resist a chance for a good DS, when it makes sense - especially during class quests!) and since my Agent is mostly DS, I think her and Scorpio will get along just fine(and I'll get a letter from Vector about Scorpio, yay!)





Completely off-topic, just bragging: yesterday I tried fish for the first time in five years(strict fruit diet, but I'm slowly going to include other products). And tvorog(milk curd, a Russian meal). Heh. I might try an omelet next. Mmm, or maybe a piece of cheese?



And another off-topic: as you folks probably know, RE1 is still in the works, and jastey had an idea to add party members' reactions in case CHARNAME decides to put the girdle of Gender Bender on herself(himself). What happens if CHARNAME suddenly changes gender with that cursed girdle, how would Safana react? Or Edwin? Or Dynaheir? I wrote short reactions for Xan and Branwen, we also have Imoen, and I was wondering if you would like to participate. Twani - you haven't contributed yet, but you and everyone else is very welcome! And Domi, if you have a moment to write a line or two for Coran, Kivan and anyone else you'd like, we'd be very happy - that'd be so perfect!

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Yeah, but why he then ignores a no less attractive breast-laden NPC next door? Anyway, he is way over 5000 on me, so I hope if I ever get to Nar Shadaa we can have another talk out of him about me this time, not some random girl we meet. And if his fiancée shows up I... I will write a PO'd fanfic. There. (Feeble, I know. But it's a MMO). Twani, have a great time! Kulyok, I keep thinking that we did have some of those comments, but Jastey and you would know better. My hubby and I are across the wall, so we just talk (I would hate a chat). Kira (our wee one, not the Carsen) calls out if we are too loud. He keeps stealing my carefully printed out gift charts (I ship). Anyways, gym is eating into my play-time, so we just did a lot of crafting/GTN/trading components with each-other catching up and finished a couple of quests on taris. Tishujen is still in the beginning of the Bonus series, and I did not play with anything Imperial.

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oh, yeah, forgot the Sex and SWTOR entry. Someone on the Bio board mentioned that Torian harkens to Justin Bieber. Well, running on the elliptical and flipping the channels I ran into a song by the prototype and dutifully studied the source material. I am afraid I am not yet quite ready for my cougar years. Argh, gimme a man in his prime!

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Thankfully, when you try to reset a quest you can't get back, it'll basically warn you 'once you abandon this quest, you may no longer be able to receive it' or something like that. The main questline on Quesh can't be abandoned either without losing it at certain stages, too, because you get the quests in an instance that you can no longer enter unless you're on the previous quest. Complicated, but... meh.


I have plans to try and get my trooper off of Alderran today. I'll be fighting someone who was once nice to me, so here's hoping he's willing to take the one surrender chance he'll be offered. (My Trooper generally doesn't make two.)


Yeah, Jedi Knight 1 is all about superweapons and the Darth's who love them, while Councilor chapter 1 is all about healing people. I think both stories get more interesting once you reach chapter two, though, so hopefully you'll get there. :D


The annoying part about Corso is if you show regret about having to kill someone YOU once had a (mini-)romance with, he gets all "BUT THAT PERSON IS BAD AND YOU ARE BAD FOR FEELING BAD" at you. I was like, "Shut up, Corso." He annoyed me enough in that bit that I switched over to Guss, because Guss didn't care. Guss is awesome. 'I heal you with Jedi powers!' Yes you do, Guss. Yes you do.


I can't dress my companions in skimpy outfits, either. It just seems mean to me. Vette is probably the only one I could, because she is your slave, but it just feels sleazy- especially if you're playing male. There's something creepy about that. I don't know... I'm just really after pretty dresses. But social points take forever to get, so I can't use the formal outfit from the social vendor (I am much too lazy to play Black Talon/Esseles three hundred times), so it's cartel market for me. And that's all just chance. I haven't been able to find anyone selling the formal outfit I want for a price I can afford on the GTN, so I'm stuck buying cartel market stuff, selling the stuff I don't want on the GTN, and hoping to earn enough to buy the dress so my Smuggler at least can wear it. Maybe my Inquisitor, too, because the idea of her killing all crazily in a fancy ball gown amuses me. And the Councilor, because half of what she wears looks like fancy ball gowns anyway (when it's not the: BROWN JEDI ROBE, highly fashionable, worn all across the galaxy!).


Right now, I just want to get a Trooper or a BH (probably Trooper, since she's further along) to Act II so I have the Trooper/BH buff. Then I'll debate on who to play next. That'll put three characters at Belsavis, though... and I'll probably play Inquisitor, Knight, Trooper, because that's my order of interesting. Though Councilor, BH, and Warrior certainly aren't bad, particularly Warrior. And I love Agent so much that I really want to play my baby Agent and go full for the Empire DS.


And democracy, right? Right?


No need for democracy in the Republic! ONLY FREEDOM!


Cordella is kind of weird, actually. The Inquisitor is dueling against Darth T, the Warrior is dueling against Darth B, the Agent is trying to investigate the SC to the point of ignoring everything else, so the only character actually helping the Empire win the war is the Bounty Hunter. Everyone else is just helping the Empire sink- not that you really have a choice as an Inquisitor or a Warrior as Darth Jerkface's are trying to kill you, but you're fighting Sith against Sith instead of Sith against, you know, the Republic.


Agent spoilers:


Intelligence sadly isn't all right. You have technically four choices- do nothing with the codex, give it to the Sith, give it to the Jedi, or use it to erase your own existence. If you do nothing (I think this may only be an option if you let that Jedi Master live and he takes out the Sith), Darth Marr isn't angry, but Intelligence is still dead. If you erase your own existance or give it away, Darth Marr is furious, and Intelligence is dead. If you give it to the Sith, Intelligence is not dead- it's rechristened Sith Intelligence, and Darth Marr is happy with you. Keeper/Minister of Intelligence is furious, though; so out of loyalty to him, Aa'lynne erased her own existence (that was his suggestion). Aanan will give it to the Sith, I think.


Darth Marr tries to bribe the Intelligence Agent who basically tells him 'I don't work for you anymore' with the information that one of the Minister of Intelligence's last acts had been to order Makeb monitored and that the MoI would have approved of you going on this mission. Still, you can straight up tell him that the Sith shouldn't have disbanded Imperial Intelligence, in which he's basically like 'I didn't ask for your opinion, non-Sith'. He definitely wasn't that friendly with my Agent.



Once you hit 50, you can buy from the Makeb vendor on the fleet, who has all purple mods you can buy with regular planetary comms. As I had like 300 planetary comms with Aa'lynne when I first came back to playing, I modded all her gear to have the 50 purples in it. She still needs to get real purple gear (I think the only item she has is an implant from Ilum- bah, I hate Ilum), but purple mods are a start, right? >.>


As for space, I still can't do the high level missions with the level 50 spaceship parts. :( Too haaard!


I'd try a piece of cheese, personally. Cheese is good, and healthy enough if you're only eating small amounts of it. I like soft cheeses, myself, though. Hm.


Still off topic, how long of a comment are you looking for about the Girdle of Gender Change? Just a one or two line comment, or full conversation? I might be able to do a bit of the first...


And I don't think Torian is too much like Justin Bieber! They just had the same hairstyle at one point, though, as did every teenage boy pretending to be 'emo' at some point in their lives. Torian has... um... a pretty decent personality. I think so, anyway.

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JK1 has pretty cool chase. And RE-M0. I like RE-M0! I am all about eating as much meat and greens as possible without life becoming depressing, so I am not going to butt in with a dieting advice. :) And, I am really itching to mod in SW-verse, but yeah, no such luck. Aww.

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Off-topic is off-topic:


Still off topic, how long of a comment are you looking for about the Girdle of Gender Change? Just a one or two line comment, or full conversation? I might be able to do a bit of the first...


One or two line comments are just fine! Whatever you're moved to write. The current list of fills:


Ajantis - partial from NPC Project // needs M-F, F-M nonrom


Branwen - Kulyok

Coran - Domi, T1?

Dynaheir - Domi



Faldorn - Domi //needs M-F

Garrick - Domi

Imoen - T1

Jaheira - Domi

Kagain - T1

Khalid - T1 (but not v. good, open to overwriting)

Kivan - Domi, T1




Safana - Domi // needs M-F

Shar-Teel - Domi //needs M-F, (rom?)

Skie - T1 // needs M-F, open to overwriting



Xan - Kulyok




Bitty-piecy things are alright - we'll get them filled in one way or another - and anything people contribute is greatly appreciated.


Back on topic: Gosh, you people look like you're having fun.

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We are having fun! And it's addictive, too!


Yesterday I spent all my hard-earned credits in a mad shopping spree. I did sell my 25 bounty contracts for 500000 credits, so, guys, it's a good business(well, relatively) - my buyer wanted a Sleen mount, and it costs 50 contracts, so other people might want your spare contracts for that reason, too(but sleen mount is ugly, I prefer speeders).


And then a girl was selling a beautiful volatile derelict lightsaber(or something, the one that makes waves), and I though - what the hell? - and bought it(2.5m). And THEN I went and bought the entire Thana Vesh outfit(crazy expensive, but I couldn't stop). I've unlocked both Thana Vesh and the lightsaber for all my characters with Cartel Coins. Now I'm broke(naturally), so I guess I have to save money for that Derelict-purple crystal and cartel coins to unlock a few outfits for all my characters - I bought that elegant black dress off Cartel Market and want my Inquisitor to have it.


(Speaking of fashion, when I dressed my new Juggernaut in Thana Vesh's clothes, she immediately decided she didn't want skimpy anymore - black hoodies rock!)


Also, my Juggernaut finally got her Social 2 rank. Yay, yay, yay! (I'm tempted to show at the flashpoint again with new lightsaber and clothes, but I guess it would be just showing off. Then again, why wear this stuff if not for showing off?) I did the flashpoint twice yesterday - one playthrough was terribly slow with one newbie who went to the elevator and started attacking _before_ we even reached the elevator, so we were cut off and he died, and one guy who rolled need on everything - he agreed to give one thing back when was called on it, though, which was good - and one playthrough with experienced players went faster than light - it were over in about under fifteen minutes.


I must say this about formal clothes, though - they require Social 1 rank which means 10 social points only, which means three conversation choices while playing in a group of four. So it should be fast enough, I think? But you probably mean a different outfit, not the one from Dromund Kaas cantina. I sympathize.

(It took me forever to outfit Quinn, because I can't for the love of me find a full suit of Imperial armor. In the end I took Recon Jacket, Recon pants(white!), formal boots and gloves, a random helmet I tend to hide, and bracers/belt from some Jedi outfit. It looks good together, but man, I get so annoyed when I see good costumes without helmets, or bracers, or either!)


Purple commendations from Makeb are really, really expensive - I had 80 commendations and I was only able to buy full mods for my lightsabers, a barrel for Quinn and three armor mods for chest, legs and helmet. And stupid Hoth bonus quests aren't giving me any commendations! I'm going to Voss, probably.


I spent the last evening playing Hoth bonus, and I still miss two 4+ heroics. Ah well, will come back in a few levels. But I'm Explorer of Hoth now, and we killed Gargath the World Boss, yay! With four people, and I only died once - I guess it's a win for a newb like me.


(Romantic nonsense: Quinn is still fairly displeased with my merciful choices. Also, I shouldn't have taken him with me when I fought Baras' new apprentice. I just realized that if I had him unconscious together with the others, we would have a romantic kiss cutscene; as it was, we had a usual after-battle exchange of "I hope he BURNS!" - "Quinn, everbody deserves mercy." - "(Grrr.) As you say, my lord.")


Speaking of romance, I think Torian isn't like that Justin Bieber kid(granted, I don't know much about the latter). Torian is really an okay young man with a cool story on Taris(yeah, Taris again), it's just I like other three Empire romances a bit better, I think.


Actually, speaking of ex-brides, Vector has one. I really thought I'd be jealous. It's nothing to be worried about, though. Also, Doc has one (no surprises there), but Doc is Doc - reliable is the last word I'd associate with him. I, um, hope that we won't see anything like that from Corso, but probably no such luck.



I've also learnt the hard way that you have a maximum number of entries in your log - when I turned 50, I got all those operations and priority missions, so I immediately started adding them to my log, until there was no more space. Yay. :D So I abandoned them all, and hope it'll be all right. Really, I should see all these great flashpoints some day, but I just get my kicks from playing solo and I'd like to finish my questline first.



The annoying part about Corso is if you show regret about having to kill someone YOU once had a (mini-)romance with, he gets all "BUT THAT PERSON IS BAD AND YOU ARE BAD FOR FEELING BAD" at you.


Is it the Chapter 2 guy who you first meet on Coruscant in Chapter 1? I've not flirted with that one once, by the way(I told him he was too old, which he was), but given how I think he works for the right side, maybe I'm mistaken and I should flirt with him, after all? Does he treat you differently if you're in mini-romance?



I'm really loving the droids in SWTOR, they're so cute! RE-M0 on Balmorra is great, and there's Forex for the trooper, and the Empire's ship droid is so nice(you get used to him, but he's still great), and that pair of hapless droids on Belsavis, and the quest-giver droid on Black Talon - really, all assassin droids are super-cute and I want to hold them and hug them and... sorry, getting carried away. But I love droids. :)






Still off topic, how long of a comment are you looking for about the Girdle of Gender Change? Just a one or two line comment, or full conversation? I might be able to do a bit of the first...


Most contributions are one-liners. I've written a short conversation for Xan/Branwen, though, and a long conversation is perfect, too.

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Heh. Riggs did not care that we did free the stupid Nexu. Apparently it's the attitude that counts not the deeds. He also didn't care a wit for the litl' alien trying to avert an ecological catastrophe on his moon. No breasts, no AP bonus. Duh, he is a funny fellow :) I am still sitting on Taris Bonus with Tishujen, and our Jedi made a lot of progress... and got sucked into crafting. My husband can do it by hours. I finally can craft dyes w Artifice (sells!!!), but Armstech is not good at all so far, but my level is low. Hopefully eventually I would stumble upon an item I can make that is valuable.

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Jumped back into SWTor today, playing on Ebon Hawk. I have two characters i'd probably like to replay the game with to see the state is currently in, as well as if keeping a non-subscriber status is viable in the long run! Lately i've been writing such insane amounts - both professionally and on my free time - that i need some sort of break at times.


One tall, beardy Sith Juggernaught! I love my tanks and i love the Imperial-side romances when it comes to that class much more than Republic. Sorry, Kira, but you're generally just...neh. Now Jaesa, there we have a malleable young apprentice, able to be molded into an image of either good or bad. Haven't quite decided which yet!


Secondly, a stalwart Vanguard! (yeah, my favourite type of character is hard to guess, hm :p). I love the trooper class, and i adore Vanguard. It's the class i played back in the day when the game was in it's "original" state. Look forward to picking up the rifle and getting back to it. Plus, you get to side with Elara Dorne - my favourite republican-side romance...though i hate to say that with such conviction. Risha is an absolutely delectable companion as far as things go. I just don't enjoy the smuggler class enough to play one again.

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