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I did not have guts to flirt with Riggs in the party. It's my only precious romance running right now, and I am afraid to break it! Anyway, if I start on the Sith Warrior, it looks like Quinn gets added to the party relatively fast, so I might take my chances with Riggs (is there some great fall-out/scandal with Skavak or he just terminates the romance on the spot?). I still hope I can get at least one character on the Republic side to be able to run with at least some DS choices, but so far I am not really getting there, between playing with my RL hubby (who won't take a DS hit in a MP convo), and trying to keep Riggs on the rails.... Men....

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Thank you for the well wishes, folks!



Probably won't get much gaming done tonight, because our entire family, we're going to see the newest work of Miyazaki("Wind blowing stronger" in English or something), finally - in Japanese with Russian subtitles(no dubbing, yay!)

I've finished Balmorra yesterday, only Bonus Series are left, and I think it's not so bad with the Empire so far:


The Empire at Balmorra is not destroyed. Rather, you were more like a strong, very strong, nearly godlike resistance fighter. Yes, you sabotage their projects, free their prisoners and steal their data, but nothing more. Yeah, there's a battle in Sobrik, but it's just one settlement, and given how the guy at the beginning of bonus series says that Empire is very angry and won't leave them alone, they can't feel safe in Sobrik, either.


And since Doc is now a full companion, I got his companion and romance dialogue! (well, not all, but hopefully for chapter 2, at least). Man, his flirts are so blatantly obvious and cheesy I spent twenty minutes laughing. Naturally, my Jedi Knight responded in turn, joking and flirting and ignoring serious light/dark options. So far, it's fun, and it's a nice game - and it they are indeed on collision course, she doesn't mind, much, but she's not going to make it easy. Oh no, my JK will enjoy teasing and flirting and "maybe later-ing" every step of the way! No kissing strange doctors! Though a physical exam would be nice...


Anyway, it doesn't seem like love yet, but I'm slowly getting used to Doc, and he's fun to have around, as long as you don't mind stroking his ego now and then. "Where have you been all that time?"



RE: Smuggler. I've no idea if Riggs abandons you if you sleep with someone else, especially with Skavak or someone else sleasy. But I'm guessing no - maybe it's a -20 approval, but nothing more drastic.


I've yet to see any jealousy from Corso, but then again, I play a girl, and she doesn't have so many flirting options, if any(and once or twice there was some boring guy she promptly ignored).


Oh, oh, oh - by the way, if you're playing with your husband, you can safely take DS choices - he won't get any DS points, he'll still get LS points and you'll get your DS points. HOWEVER, the game will make a semi-random roll, and then determine which course you'll go. I.e. you can do Esseles flashpoint, flush the workers into outer space, and still get +100 light points easily.



(I really must play the Juggernaut some time. But they're so slow in dealing damage! My trooper and Sith Assassin were tanks, and it was rather slow and boring - became much better when I started using Maul and Rail Shot left and right. Then I started dying, but that's what the healer's for, right? ... except that Torian and Andronicus aren't healers. Um.)



NPCs in this game are awfully forgetting, that's what I say. I mean, take Fauler on Tatooine. You betray him, deal with Czerka, give the artifact to Czerka, release the Imprisoned one whatever, and what? Not even an angry letter from Fauler after he finds out! Same for Watcher 2(I mentioned her schizophrenia, right?), same for, well, most everyone. The exception is Ashara, whose memory is strangely selective - I once said that I was planning to make the Sith Empire better(when did my Sith Inquisitor start to care?) because it's too silly when Sith kill each other all the time instead of uniting and killing the ENEMY(then again, given Darth Thanaton situation, my Sith Inquisitor was VERY MUCH in the right). And Ashara reminds me of this in every second dialogue: "We're planning to make the Empire better, right? When? When? What about now?" Gaah.




Want-want-want a mini-Jedi Councilor fic with Dark Side. I wish at least one Republic char got a love interest with Dark Side personality, like Andry - he'd be excellent corrupting her. I mean, there are cool corrupting people over at the Empire - Darth Jadus, there's Watcher X, there's Darth Baras, Andronicus, even Gault to a degree. Republic? Well, if General Garza counts... (considers General Garza as a love interest, brain quickly shuts up)




How many credits did I waste on this little game? More then enough, not to mention the time spent logging in and out multiple characters. BUT IT AMUSES ME, alright? Yeah. Alright.


Sending mail from one char to another should be fairly cheap, though - 10 credits or so. Then again, if the pants themselves cost around 700000... :))))



By the way, I've got 25 bounty contracts over at my cargo bay, and I wonder if I can sell them at the beginning of the next Bounty Week. Is it acceptable to post a WTS for completed bounty contracts on General chat, I wonder? I've seen people offering to sell them for 30k a pop, but do they actually get this price? (I'd gladly sell my 25 contracts for 500000, if I could, I just wonder if someone's going to buy these).




(Also, pets! Vanity pets for subscribers - they cost about 4000-8000 at GTN min, and they're awfully cute. My Jedi Knight's got a red gizka, my Sith Warrior - a black gizka(and a green one, but she's shy), my Bounty Hunter got a miniature balloon and so on. These are really great, especially when you're getting slaughtered by a huge droid in your regular +4 heroic, and your gizka is standing by and watching with large sad eyes. Or maybe she's just hungry).

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Okay, the new "Sex and SWTOR" episode. Not much to report here. I calculated my CC, and I think I have more than enough to unlock my 'must haves' (that include stuff like custom appearances, I know, I know) & I think I will have more than enough to unlock Cathars any time I wish. I will wait till the March CC deposit just to alleviate paranoia & decide on the name for my murderous Mandolorian-fancing Cougar. My characters are both on Taris, doing Sinking City map. No romantic developments, apart from my hubby spending inordinate amount of time trying to jump on a wall to get a view of Taris and me standing there laughing my head off and explaining how one get to run and jump at the same time. Please, do tell me Taris is only 3 maps long (main, Sink and Brell?) Please? Tishujen is about to hit level 20, which is great since the robot dragged in 3 moddable schematics so she can actually start using all the materials we dutifully scavenged and we might even be able to sell it at GTN (well, maybe). Riggs and her totally need creds to update their rags, Riggs gets pounded (yesterday one of my old coworkers said Howdy to me, and I had a... Riggs? moment lol). Unfortunately, did not have any time to run an Imp character, actually looking forward to Korriban.

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Taris is awfully long, especially if you do the bonus series, but you can skip stuff easily - at level 20 you can do class-only quests and go to Nar Shaddaa right away.

I bought lots of custom appearances, too(hair colors, hair styles and white eyes, though I decided not to use white eyes, after all) - just make sure that you won't get them cheaper on GTN(sometimes there're decent bargains).

Don't-don't-don't sell anything orange or moddable, it's no use, it's terribly slow. Sell armor mods for levels 13-19(two for each level), or just raw materials that cost ~500 or more for one item on GTN - it's going to be much faster and more profitable.


(EDIT: heh, Doc and me, we're going places! Seriously, he's not so bad. It's like you're with Han Solo, only it's been adjusted and you're not as bad-tempered as Leia. :D )

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If you sleep with Skavak with Riggs around, Riggs falls in to an oh my god you cannot be serious wtf wtf wtf attack, but it won't ruin your romance or anything. You lose a massive amount of affection, but you can easily make it up in a few fliratious conversations. (Corso will actually approve if you kiss Skavak, then immediately attack him while he's being self-absorbed about the whole thing.) It is... very hard to end a romance once it's started, no matter who your romance interest is- there's basically nothing you can do that will offend them so much that they'll stop flirting with you, which is sort of basic. Corso, it's even harder then most, as darn that boy's persistent. If you flirt with him once, he is sticking to you basically no matter what you do.


And yeah, to clarify what Kuylok said. DS and LS hits in conversation- what will happen is that the game rolls like it always does to see who gets the answer, and each player gets their LS or DS points as they chose. The event then happens the way the winning character rolled for both (or all three/four) characters. So, like Kuylok, I'll use the Esseles as an example- You choose to flush the engineers and take 100 DS, he chooses to save them and takes 100 LS. If he wins the roll, though, you still have to go with him to set up all the little things that allow you to save the engineers while still unlocking the bridge, and when the Captain later talks to you, he'll be like "THANK YOU FOR SAVING THEM" even though you technically rolled to space them. If you won the roll, you'd skip the running around to save the engineers, and the Captain will be all like "Y U KILL MY ENGINEERS" even to your husband, who voted to save them. Whoever won the roll is considered 'canon' for your group.


The Juggernaut feels indomitable. Whatever gets in her way, she kills. It may take her longer then it would my Sentinel, but she kills it. Nothing touches her, especially with Quinn there on heals. My only other tank like character is my Assassin, who is fully DPS specced and very squishy. But she gets a double bladed lightsabor, so I don't care. Double bladed lightsabers are awesome.


Aalis and her mercenary ways finished Balmora. They offered her the bonus quest- HAI YOU GET TO GO TO BUG TOWN! BUG TOWN!- and she went screaming out of there. I can't really say much about helping the Republic to victory on Balmora, because honestly, my BH (and then my Agent will too) probably did as much to hurt the Empire as the Resistance does. Sabotage this, rile up the Colocoids, sabotage that... oops. Darth My Makeup Is Ugly But I Am A One Night Stand Option Because Boys Get All the Fun was pretty pleased with my work, though, so... yay? I guess?


The end of Balmora was as far as I got my BH back in beta. Doesn't play all that different from then, but my BH and Trooper are the same class, so I'm going off that, too. BH's story is amazingly one of the few stories I haven't been too spoiled on. I know the Act I end, the Act III beginning and finale (I think almost everyone knows the BH finale by now), but I actually don't know much about what happens inbetween or what at all happens in Act II. I've started to develop my BH's personality: first, she always brings people in alive, if she can, because she's not an assassin, she's a bounty hunter. But second, if she can't bring them in alive, she always kills them rather then letting them escape, as she will not betray her client (Mako got all in her face over this, saying my BH was as bad as Tarro Blood- owch!). Third, her crew are her family, and if you screw with them you screw with her. Fourth, what the client asks for, the client generally gets, but her fee comes first. Of course, I haven't figured out exactly why she wants all these credits. She has no family to return to or anything. She lived a poor life when she defected from Republic to Empire, though, so maybe that's part of it. I don't know.


You know, giving the artifact to Czerka is something I've never done, because that just seems like the king of bad ideas (oh, you want a mind-controlling machine that houses an ancient intelligence and turns people in to necromatic zombie droids for your company that's proven to do the wrong thing, screw everyone over, and generally be the bad guy at all times? SURE THAT SOUNDS LIKE AN EXCELLENT PLAN). But maybe I'll try it with my so very DS Councilor. It can't go too wrong... right? Right?


I wish there were more DS companions Republic side, period. You've got Lord Evil on Hoth for the Knight (and maybe Sergeant Psycho, but he does have some honor), Zenith on Balmora for the Councilor, Tano on Balmora for the Trooper, and Sparr (who's not even all that DS- she just doesn't care about the republic, she's mandalorian) on Balmora for the Smuggler. That's a long wait to go with mostly LS companions if you're playing DS. Meanwhile, Agent starts with DS and gets LS on Alderran, BH's Mako is LS and... okay, this is sort of iffy, as your only true DS companion is Skadge on Belsavis (the longest wait), but you can usually find one of your companions okay with your DS deeds as a BH, Vette is LS for Knight's and you'll get Jaesa for DS on... Alderran, is it?, and then the Inquisitor has it bad again, starting DS and waiting till Taris to get their LS companion. (Who would want her? ...No, I'm kidding, the fact that I think Ashara is completely out of her mind crazy in her own way has made her grow a lot on me, though I'm still not sure why exactly lord Aavi is keeping her around besides being able to say I HAVE AN APPRENTICE EVERYONE WEE LOOK AT ME I'M A LORD WITH AN APPRENTICEEEE).


I think it's acceptable to post completed bounty contracts in general chat- I've seen a lot of people doing it, though I'm unsure if you'd get better princes during actual Bounty weekend or if you'd just have more competition that way. I've seen people posting them on my server, anyway. So I would think it's fine. I'm not sure you'd make 30k, though... I know you wouldn't on my server, but every server's economy is different.


As for cartel coin apperances, still tempted to make all my Chiss have pink hair. Because if you're a chiss with pink hair, you're better then everyone else. Stupid thing: I bought the more human hairstyles, and then never made a human female to use that cute long braid. I don't really have room for a human female. I did use the strange long hairdo on my human male Sith Warrior, but... I dunno. Not sure it suits him. What DS Sith Warrior has the time to keep his hair long and shiny and clean when he's running around all THERE WON'T BE A HEART LEFT BEATING like?


(Oh wait, that's the Inquisitor. Well, you know what I mean.)


I think Taris has four sections, sadly. The last section has a cool nod to the Promised ones from KOTOR1, though? Yay? I guess?


I did not know David Gaider was gay, but he's always been staunch in his support of gay and lesbian romances, so he's good by me. Good for him for coming out about it. That's always hard in the video game culture. :(

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(Psst. Someone remind me: what level does Nar Shaddaa's bonus quest start?)



Edit: Everyone's probably seen this before, but

is pretty neat. You have to be signed on to facebook to see it, I think, unfortunately, but it's a valentine's message from all the romancable companions in SWTOR. Some are very sweet, some are just amusing (Vette), and some are incomprehensible to me (Torian, I no speak Mandlorian!), but it's a fun little thing they did.
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So, weekend is over again, and my working week just started with a gastroscopy. Yay. No ulcer, though, which is good. I'm really glad to see this thread is alive and you're all posting such great stuff, because 1) it's a great read, 2) it's a great read; 3) I can add to it!


Installed the game yesterday. And now I know who I am - a fucking "ninja looter".


It's all right - I think I've made the error myself in my early days. When a player is next to you and you're both looking at the same quest item and you've arrived at the same time, well, it's kind of hard to communicate, so I usually just go ahead and click anyway(unless he _definitely_ came first, then I sigh and let him do it, and then wait five minutes for that boss to respawn. Gah. I should really just ninja-invite that player next time, then we'd both get the quest objective).

But leaving the crew skills nodes alone when a player is fighting nearby is usually a good idea.


(and people tend to be understanding when you do it on the starter planet or on the first flashpoint, because many new players don't understand the MMO basics yet. Hell, I don't know most of it, either - I've done some group playing, but not much. Just remember, when you got group loot, only click on "need" if this is an item with your character's main stat and you can use it(for example, a marauder would use a medium chest piece with strength, but he won't use a heavy armor piece)).


(Psst. Someone remind me: what level does Nar Shaddaa's bonus quest start?)


Around 30. Though you can get the quests earlier if you just go there, and I got Aric's quest around level 20.



I've got a really great weekend: I've completed my Jedi Knight's Chapter 2, including both Revan flashpoints(only Alderaan and Taris bonus series are left), and my Smuggler's finally got her Chapter 1. Also I started... but more on that below.


I gotta say, Smuggler's Chapter 1 end was very impressive. A black hole, the ship's about to cross event horizon, everything's shaking, and my character and Skavak are having their first and last... showdown on the floor. I liked it. "I'm gonna miss you." I'm gonna miss you, too, Skavak! I'm sad the game killed him, but it was strangely appropriate - he wasn't a sharing type, anyway. And I'm not sure I'd be able to manage both him and Corso.


Speaking of Corso, I wanted to change him for Treek... and couldn't. He's been with me since Ord Mantell, and it shows - I've gotten used to the guy. I can't say I'm deeply in love with him, yet, but I'm very fond of him, and his loyalty and "I've got you!" after every battle do play a role here. I think the girls that say he's their favorite love interest do have a point. Speaking of which, the romance progressed, and we did the THING. You know, thing. Together. I figured, since I banged Skavak and that noble boy on Alderaan, I couldn't very well refuse Corso, could I? (When we went to do the THING, before the fade to black, he had this little swagger "Yay, I finally got her!" in his step, and I nearly laughed aloud).


If you're in romance, I think Corso is not crazy jealous - from my experience, he's just giving you "-1's" when you flirt with other men and he's present, and it's normal, after all, since you and him are courting. (If you WEREN'T romancing, then, yeah, his behavior would be a little strange. By the way, don't take Corso to Skavak's final battle if you want to DO IT - I got -236 at the very least, so I had to reload and take Treek!) And, unfortunately, these cases when you CAN flirt with other man are rather rare, so I'm all right with jealous Corso, as long as I can flirt with someone.


So, you can do a romantic thing on Alderaan with your Smuggler. There's an obvious couple - a brother and a sister, and it's clear the sister's meant for the Male smuggler, and the brother is meant for our female. I liked tne encounter, but here's what was funny: first the guy thought he was so mature, sophisticated and maybe a little sleazy, but after the duel? "I had no idea you could be so violent!" Much as I liked him, he was but a frightened boy, and I think he was frightened of me, a little, so any further romantic involvement is moot.


I did like the researcher guy on Noble Curator for Alderaan's Smuggler quest, and I wish I were able to flirt with him. And I got my wish - after I got him the head for free, he said "I could kiss you!", so I kind of felt vindicated. Heh.


And ALL Smuggler-Skavak conversations are precious! "What, for your scrapbook?" MYAHAHA! I think I should search for them on Youtube.


I think Chapter 2 is shaping up to be interesting, though(and it was written by the same gal who did Anders Romance for DA2), so I'm looking forward to it. Something tells me(I think it's Twani's spoiler) that that old friend of Corso's from Coruscant is not as simple as he appears.




The things are different with my Jedi Knight. I've finished chapter 2(no spoilers, but I'll say a few things), and I've finally got my entire team, including Lord Evil, yay! I like Lord Evil(though he seems much like Sten, it's really hard to choose his favorite dialogue options). Doc's romance is sadly already complete, and I can't say I'm satisfied. I got him only after Balmorra, and the romance completes after Chapter 2, which is after Hoth, so there's really only one planet between the start and the end of romance - Hoth(Quesh is short and doesn't count). And though I'm fond of Doc, and he's wonderfully funny and egoistic, and meeting Kaliyo has been a blast, there's been too little time to get used to him like I did to Corso.


And, um, we had no sex. Haven't even kissed. I told him "Maybe one day". No marriage, obviously. So on one hand, I'm not breaking the Jedi code at all, but on the other hand, it's hard to call what we have a classic romance. I'm fond of Doc, and we flirt and joke like crazy, but from what I see, his "I LOVE YOU LET"S GET MARRIED" talk does come as very, very, very sudden, and it's hard to say anything but no. We make a good team, though, and I think it's one of those relationships that are here to stay. Mostly because I have no other choice, but, hey, never refuse a free romance!


(and I'm not getting any Doc letters yet, waaaah! Saw the facebook valentines, by the way- simple, but I appreciate the author's gesture)



Balmorra was nasty, by the way. And the bonus series, ooooh! So many Heroics 4's! I had to return at level 45 to beat the Colicoid Queen. Meh.


Hoth had a few Heroic 4's, too, and two AREA 4, too, for good measure, but I soloed most of them and got competent group mates for the others, so somehow it was easier. I like Hoth better than Balmorra. Maybe because of the planet quest givers - Republic players get a great quest where an Imperial officer cooperates with a Republic one for an anti-pirate operation, and you get a great letter afterwards if you choose the light option.


I've noticed one thing, by the way - many quest givers speak Huttese, and since I spent much time on Nar Shaddaa, I notice when the same phrases repeat. And they do tend to repeat the same phrases a lot. Probably for the voice talent economy, but it brings some disbelief to the table when an Imperial officer starts to quote whole phrases from Nar Shaddaa promenade trade advertisement.



First Revan flashpoint is a grind. Second one is, too. I was level 45, so I just ran to each boss, killed him for the achievement, then killed fifty or so mobs. Gah. Exhausting. Moff Kilran's interjections and conversations were enchantingly funny, though, and I will miss his sarcasm greatly. Damn, why do I have to kill all the good evil guys!



Speaking of which, my Jedi Knight met many great Empire folks, especially on Quesh. (And I still don't understand how we came from "All is lost, let's retreat from Quesh!" before the final Quesh quest(hostages) to "The Republic is winning! The Empire will withdraw in no time" afterwards). And I really, really didn't want to kill them(or even imprison them). That sith lord, the one who injected the Zabrak with Quesh venom? Priceless! And why, why, why did I have to kill him and spare the Zabrak? Grrrr!



As for Jedi Knight plot, I like it, though I'm not as involved as with Sith Warrior. EMPEROR KILLED A PLANET! So what? Darth Vader killed a planet, and Darth Angral killed a planet! He's a Sith, that's what we do! And if he killed a planet for power, not for fun, it means he's a Clever Sith. Bonus points.

(really, Sith Warrior/Sith Inquisitor is just better. MY MASTER BETRAYED ME I'M GONNA KILL HIM trumps EMPEROR IS EVIL LET'S STOP THE EMPEROR any day of the week)



I think Taris has four sections, sadly. The last section has a cool nod to the Promised ones from KOTOR1, though? Yay? I guess?


Yeah, but... no, I think, because when I first came to Taris, I remembered that KOTOR 1 quest immediately and idly wondered what's happened, but when I was forced to discover what happened(slow agony and radiation, naturally, and rakgouls), I can't say I wouldn't prefer ignorance(or, in this case, SWTOR writer's headcanon). Also "WE CAN'T HAVE KIDS WE'LL ALL DIE!" creeped me out a little. Okay, you can't have kids, big deal. As long as you got supplies and med droids willing to take care of you in old age, I don't see what the problem is - the goal was to take the survivors to safety, not to start a colony!




So. I've already mentioned how I love Sith Warrior best, right? So I, um, started a new Sith Warrior character, this time an Evil one(after Corriban she had 1100 evil points). Now she's level 10 and waiting on the fleet with Treek. I think I'm going to make her a Juggernaut/Guardian, since I have two dual-wielding mara/sentinels already, and my two other tanks failed(I respecced them to DPS, because I was bored, but I am willing to try again with a guardian, because I saw a level 55 guardian taking down a World Boss on Hoth in full enraged mode, and I must say, I was impressed).


I still love Korriban, but I don't know - now that you are familiar with the mechanics and can do all the quests in your sleep, some of this magic (when you start your very first character for the very first time) is gone. Ah well. I'm sure Dinny's journey will be entertaining. Darth Dinny, hehehehe.


Besides, I can finally roleplay Darth Vader! I mean, Sith Warrior is supposed to be that straightforward menacing enforcer with few brain cells and an EVIL approach to things, like 1) smashing; 2) smashing; 3) check if anyone's still alive; 4) more smashing. My main char is fine, but her light-side approach and reasonable/negotiation thingie just doesn't cut it. With Dinny, things are going to be different. Honor, killing, more killing, GIVE ME THAT DARK SIDE OPTION. For now, it's fighting as Darth Baras' enforcer without using her brain and frying Vette's collar, mostly. And you know what? It's heaven! Or a very nice circle of hell.



The end of Balmora was as far as I got my BH back in beta. Doesn't play all that different from then, but my BH and Trooper are the same class, so I'm going off that, too. BH's story is amazingly one of the few stories I haven't been too spoiled on. I know the Act I end, the Act III beginning and finale (I think almost everyone knows the BH finale by now), but I actually don't know much about what happens inbetween or what at all happens in Act II.


I've been surprised a few times during my Act 2, so it's all good. It's interesting. Though I still maintain BH got the worst Empire story(mostly because, like you, I don't understand why the Bounty Hunter needs all these credits), but maybe that's because the other three stories are so good. Taris story is especially good, because Torian, Quesh is good, because Quesh can't be bad(my Jedi Knight's Quesh was perfect, because LORD EVIL! The quest named The Emperor's Wrath can't be bad!), and on Hoth, you get to kill the guy who looks like Jedi Consular's lizard, so YAYYAYYAY for that.


(At the end of Act 2, I liked Torian's +270 approval points twice. Once, non-spoilery: Me: Torian will be my date. Torian: +270 affection. Me: Yay!)



You know, giving the artifact to Czerka is something I've never done, because that just seems like the king of bad ideas (oh, you want a mind-controlling machine that houses an ancient intelligence and turns people in to necromatic zombie droids for your company that's proven to do the wrong thing, screw everyone over, and generally be the bad guy at all times? SURE THAT SOUNDS LIKE AN EXCELLENT PLAN). But maybe I'll try it with my so very DS Councilor. It can't go too wrong... right? Right?


It's pretty funny, I give it that. (Well, better than the LS option). And you get a fun letter afterwards.

I haven't done the Empire side with a DS option, by the way - shame on me, but I just got bored and left Tatooine with Andronicus. Maybe my Sith Inquisitor will return - just to see what it's like.

(by the way, I don't understand why they don't let us screw the Czerka guy. He's more handsome that Balmorra's female Darth with ugly makeup, right?)



(Who would want her? ...No, I'm kidding, the fact that I think Ashara is completely out of her mind crazy in her own way has made her grow a lot on me, though I'm still not sure why exactly lord Aavi is keeping her around besides being able to say I HAVE AN APPRENTICE EVERYONE WEE LOOK AT ME I'M A LORD WITH AN APPRENTICEEEE).


Now you're channeling my character! Ha, but Sith Inquisitor's swimming in apprentices - first, there are these two after Darth Zash, then Ashara, then Xalek, and Khem Val is kind of your minion, too, and Talos officially SWEARS to be your minion, so you've got quite a following. Oh, and you've got a cult on Nar Shaddaa, remember? Those guys are kind of your apprentices, too, especially the girl leading them(though I definitely don't trust her. I wonder why she hasn't killed the guy yet).




As for cartel coin apperances, still tempted to make all my Chiss have pink hair. Because if you're a chiss with pink hair, you're better then everyone else.


I know, right? My characters are human, so I'm using those hairstyles for humans - a nice braid for my Consular and those long hair for Dinny. Then again, everyone uses those long hair these days.

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Between the Science Olympics and the catching up on the real Olympics we did not have much time for the game this weekend. I am relieved to hear that Riggs can take a few conversation mishaps. I took what seemed like a sarcastic option in a convo with Risha, forgetting that Riggs eavesdrops on Risha's banters, and actually committed Tishujen the Smuggler to a dream of a planetary genocide (I keep forgetting that Bio writers exercised their sense of humor for the short summaries on the wheel, but it is not necessarily mirrored in the PC actual responses). Riggs took it seriously too, and dropped 36 points. My heart went cold, thinking here goes 22 levels with the "if Rocky were a cowboy" Riggs. Speaking of which, how many lines of his soundset are derivative? I recognized 2 Rocky ones (tools&talent and dumb/ugly/dead), and one Jaheira's "travelling with you...". I am happy to hear he'll probably get over it, he is not that bad. One good thing we have with the Flirtpacks is that it is easy to a) see if the Romance is in progress, 2) have an option to patch up. Funny you mentioned those late quests on Taris. I was going to dump Taris with Tishujen and strike for Nar Shaddaa ('cause maybe NS is a horrid place, but that's where Atton's story happened) but those 2 KOTOR related quests made me come back after an upgrade visit to the fleet (Riggs started dying on me, so I got them up to lvl 21 gear from lvl 13/15 blasters). Our Jedi duo is starting Brell. Oh, and Qyzen shared that he is itching because he's about to start molting. I doubt I will be click-talking him again.

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Qyzen is horrible. He's so horrible I've just... I'm just... well, no words. :)


The game becomes much easier each time you do your gear update, it's just a pity you can't do it too often. Eh. Nar Shaddaa has great orange gear in the Promenade, by the way - you'll probably want orange shields/other stuff for your companion; so check it out once you're level 22-24. Taris can be a little depressing, though - especially since just as you complete it and are about leave, they dump the Bonus Series on you, which means ~6-7 more quests, including a few Heroic ones. Meh.


(Nar Shaddaa is the best place to do crew skill gathering, in my mind, especially if you're Bioanalyzing or Scavenging. Tatooine is too vast and empty, and Alderaan has wrong Tier three items, but Nar Shaddaa? Every single node you pick up is worth about 4000 credits. Well, sometimes. :) ).


Didn't know Dumb, Ugly and Dead was a stolen line! Heh. I laughed when I first heard it. I admit I'd like Corso more if I haven't seen him together with Skavak(who wins in my eyes) or heard too many glowing reviews from young "lol111!" fangirls. But Corso's nice. Good. Dependable. A person who'd actually raise a kid. (Well, theoretically Malavai COULD do that, too, but I wouldn't want to remain in one room with the result. Too dangerous).

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I think it is from Rocky, I actually went through life without seeing Rocky. Okay, forgot a Sex and SWTOR comment. With the re-equip, Riggs now got the proper heavy armour on him, not the skirts-n-hood prototype intended for a Jedi Knight, and honestly, BioWARE, heavy armor on that Body Type is right up there with Barbie in terms of sacrificing human proportions to sex appeal. Okay, my gals have 20" waistlines (so okay, so maybe they were corset-trained, who knows), but for a man to have one, at that shoulder breadth, no wonder he keeps dying. I gotta tell the driod on the ship to pack some liver and bantha steaks and make him eat, dammit. On the other hand, guess who did H2+ Fallen Stars 2x with a female Jedi who has absolutely no love life whatsoever due to the close up cutscene with a heroic Republican major (Heavy armor on the same body type, turn around and walk away)? A French Benefit of the Bio pandering to the male players' vanity, lol.

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