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Zabrak Sisters who don't really look at all alike:



You never actually get 'Hero of Havoc' as a title, but it's the name of your Chapter One and I think Aalii truly is the Hero of Havoc if anyone is. It's more interesting a title then Captain, in any case.



Quinn is loooovely. And he'll stick by you if you're a mass-murdering psychopath or a complete bleeding heart light 5 martyr. He'll disagree with you a few times either way- he wants For the Empire above all else, which means some LS and some DS decisions- but... well. Quinn. Ah, Quinn. I do like him, but I'm probably going to like force choking him, too.



Dyes are the only thing I can actually get to sell on my artificer now that everyone has cartel power crystals (I still haven't bought one... I sort of want to buy a purple one, and they're expensive- Aa'lynne can afford one, but then she'd be truly broke). People just love dyes, especially ones with black in them. I found another way to make a bit of money- apparently, some people like the red and orange dye from the Collectors Edition vendor. I buy that cheap, and put on the GTN relatively cheaply, but not too cheap. And people just buy it up. Nice!



I do think Aanan and Aamiie (Cipher Nine and Ace) lucked out in the looks department (for the record, I don't find either of my Zabrak's that cute, but I do think they're sort of badass, which they should be). I like Aa'lynne's hairstyle a lot- I think it's cute, it has a little ponytail in the back as well- but I'm not sure it really suits the Chiss face. Aaliah, on the other hand, looks kind of boring- that makeup looks much better on my Sith Warrior's red skin. Still considering dying all their hair pink/purple, as I have yet to run in to any other people with pink/purple hair. Of course, if I do that for Aanan, everyone's going to be convinced I'm a gay guy running the character, probably. /eyeroll People already don't believe that I'm female when I'm on my female toons half the time; it gets much worse on a male toon.


Chiss get a good amount of backstory drop on Imperial Hoth, where you do a lot of work with them- especially if you play Imperial Agent (you actually get a kiss there as a female Agent, from a fancy important Chiss guy). An Imperial Agent who is Chiss get's some special options in dialog, as well- you can mention that you used to be a part of the Chiss Secret Police, remind Kaliyo that you aren't from Dromand Kaas (she dismisses you, saying 'Sure, you're blue, but you have the accent'), express wishes to someday go back to the Ascendency on Hoth, and then like all Chiss you get a special dialog on the Balmora quest where you have to cover up the death of a Chiss diplomat (I know the Agent can say straight out, "You want me to betray my own government?"- leading to some forum speculation that perhaps the Chiss Agent might still be working for the Chiss Secret Police). On the other hand, playing a Chiss Republic side is silly, as there's a quest where the questgiver very deliberately tells you he's glad a certain Chiss is dead, because he doesn't think the men would react well to having a Chiss on base. My smuggler and Jedi Knight were all like "RUDE!".



I really should be packing. I hate packing so much. >.< Also, my most formal outfit, my best friend commented that it reminds her of a salsa dancer, and now I can't unsee it whenever I wear it and I'm going to be at conferences and stuff thinking 'do I look like a salsa dancer today?'.



I actually did like Tattooine as a Trooper, but I was very clear with Fuse that I was taking him in because he betrayed the republic and deserved to face trial, not because I liked him. I *myself* sort of liked him, though, although my Trooper was constantly cold to him. When Garza talks about you needing a demolitions expert, you can actually ask for Fuse, but Garza is like, "Uh, treason? No more military service for that kid, no matter what his regrets." So Tanno Vik it is.


He's a Weequay or however you spell it, so I doubt there will be any flirt options. Bioware doesn't like letting you flirt with non-human races. I wouldn't mind it, though: I pick all flirt options, even if they're not with the most attractive characters. >.> If it says flirt, I'm there, basically- any gender, any age, any looks. Does that make my characters easy?


Alderran trooper is much more difficult then Tatooine (or your final quest). It feels far removed from what's happening on the rest of the planet: I basically skipped the majority of Alderran myself, to tell the truth (which unfortunately means I'll probably have to do Balmora bonus, ugh). I didn't even get directed anywhere near the last 'base' on Alderran and thus defeating Borus Ulgo. So I, er, ran out on the planet pretty early (there's a really annoying nobleman in that quest that Garza wants you to suck up to- I chose the neutral option, and got away with him complimenting me, but if you take the LS option, that nobleman starts screeching at you). But Nar Shadaa bonus series got me right on task for the right level. (That lady with her droid who doesn't want to be mem wiped is so creepy.) Then it's just Tavus (and Wraith).



I'm not quite newcomer with the Rakghoul people, but I'll make that a priority next rakghoul event. And go around infecting everyone on the fleet, because that's part of the fun. Suiciding off the VIP area on to unsuspecting people at the cargo bays below (ala a certain Sith in Imperial Entanglements...) is always good for a few DNA's. Right now, I just have no relics on my Trooper, and it sucks.



I wonder if you can flirt with Thana as a male? I bet so. I'll have to try it with little Agent, though he has a long way to go till Taris. I like Imperial planets more then Republic ones, though, so it won't take too long. I'm just halted for story purposes. On that, I have the prologue basically done, but I want to finish chapter one before I put it on fanfic dot net. The prologue is disjointed and sort of shifts scenes a lot; the other chapters (save for intermissions, which once again focus on Aa'lynne trying desperately to influence people to do what she wants to do) are more consistent with average story writing.



Scorpio <3. Definitely do Agent soon; a lot gets revealed on Belsavis. You find out how that organization (you know the one) started, and well, you get to meet it's assassin droid. Scorpio protocols activated. Voss is also excellent as an Agent. Cordellia isn't as fun, because you're shoe-horned in to working for some stupid Sith (who like the majority of non-player character Sith on Cordellia doesn't seem all that impressive), but after Corellia finale is awesome beyond awesome.



Yeah, I don't know if I can stand doing Taral/Malestorm Prison again. On the other hand, I could do the Foundary a hundred times. I know people hate how a certain character was made canon (heck, I'm among them), but those two boss fights? Great stuff. You have to do those missions hard mode for HK, actually. Which sounds scary to me. I'm not sure I'm prepared to heal through a hard mode mission. Aa'lynne needs better gear. You can carry a bad DPS through difficult content, but you can't carry an undergeared healer.



Ooo, you make me look forward to playing my DS Warrior. Though actually, I play my LS Warrior as very loyal to Baras. She doesn't always do exactly as he commands, but she always does her best to make sure his missions are carried out to his satisfaction and very much believes in him as her Lord and doesn't choose sarcastic/bitchy replies (though Vette really wishes she would). The inevitable betrayal (I don't think that's much of a spoiler, as everyone knows what Sith do to each other) is going to hurt her. And lead to her cutting a swathe through his men to pay him back. She does not tolerate betrayal well.


Which is going to lead to other problems, but that one's a definite spoiler.



Yeah, the Smuggler's ending sort of sucked. You know how the Agent can sort of do a 'I will reform the Empire within, friend Jedi!' deal? I sort of wished the Smuggler to be able to take a 'I will make the Republic more like the Empire' option and go sudden dark on Cordellia as everything comes to head. I think everyone in the crew but Sparr would disapprove (and Sparr wouldn't approve- she just wouldn't care), but hey, Ace is the Captain, what she says go.


I really wish I had made the last choice DS so I could have gotten the cool title of 'Voidhunter' (not actually a title, sadly, just something you're refered to as in game) rather then just sticking with her Callsign.



I love writing characters. That's actually why I've never completed a Baldur's Gate mod before, despite having been in this community for over a decade now (I used to go by Mikka, um, I was really active on that old... forum about Sheep? The forum where Neh'taniel over at teamBG started off on). I would start writing interjections and talks for one character, and then I would have an idea for another character, and suddenly I'd start writing interjections and talks for that character... I think at one point I had over 20 barely started BG mods with just character, interjections, and around three talks for them. They're still on my other drive, actually, for days when I feel embarassed and want to look over my bad teenage writing. So the Star Wars legacy system is like 'write a bunch of sort of connected characters!' and I'm like 'YES PLZ'. Coming up with new characters and ideas is easy. But that only one slot left is so hard. Really thinking a DS smuggler, but do I do female to see that mini-romance again, or do I do male and have the lovely choice between Sparr and Risha? Decisions, decisions.



Ah, Anomen. I actually didn't mind him or Alistair, though I'd never romance either of them in real life (in fact, I'd probably stay well away from them and warn my friends away from them, too). There's been so mods for BG2, though, that it's real easy to play a female character now- almost any guy you could want is avaliable. Cross-playing... it's still somewhat hard for me. I think the Branwen mod is what did it for me in BG1: I always really liked her, so I just had to try her romance. And then you had DA with mysterious Morrigan, and I had to romance her. For SWtOR, I have to have a Kaliyo romance, so Aanan was born, I knew I was never going to get Ashara's affection up on my DS Inquisitior so my baby Inquisitor exists, and then dark side!Jaesa looks like my type of crazy, so there came Aaspin. And Risha still tempts. But in general, for me to play cross-gender, there has to be a romance interest I like *a lot* already from playing a female character with them, and then I'll play male to romance them. So, for instance, I'm unlikely to ever play Yvette for BG even though I've heard she's lovely, because she doesn't show up for a female character to know and play around with and I generally don't go out of my way to play males unless a character really sucks me in.


As for making the opposite gender your ideal mate, that's an interesting thought. When I write males, I tend to almost deliberately write them as people I wouldn't want to date or be attracted to (that's what I'm doing with Altan for BG (who will be released one day, I swear, one day)- not my kind of guy for romance (though I would befriend him), but filling a hole I thought could use filled out of the four/five BG guys avaliable). This is sort of because of the 'kill your darlings' philosphy: I never want to get so attached to any of my characters that I would hesitate to kill them off if the story called for it. And I know I get attached to my characters already, so if I made one an 'ideal' to me I'd want to coddle the character and never let anything bad happen to them and suffociate the plotline.


I do agree that often characters written by the same gender feel more natural, but that isn't always the case. David Gaider has written some excellent female characters, and it was Mary... her last name is escaping me... who did Sten, who feels very naturally male (and alien in other ways, but he's supposed to). I think Merill was written by a guy, and despite seeming to fit the cute little sister mold, she actually has personality and drive and actual cuteness rather then inforced 'see, isn't this character cute?' that makes me adore her rather then despise her like I usually do that kind of character.



Good luck on Nar Shadaa, Domi. ;) It feels like a huge tourist trap, doesn't it? But I find it pretty fun. I can't really remember what the smuggler is doing there, but it's a fun planet at least to me. Unlike Taris, it doesn't have an immediate bonus series: the Nar Shadda bonus series is at around level 30 (31, to be pendic). If you come back at level 30, you'll see someone with a quest marker over her head hanging around the airport, and you can then do quests for her if you so choose.

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Tell me about the red dye! There is no way to make one :( Apparently red in SWTOR is equivalent of Royal Purple. Lol! Anyways, between crafting enhancements for 5 characters and lightsaber bits and crystals for 2, and collecting crafting stuff for my hubby (but he crafts gear for Riggs and Qyzen in return), and updating schematics my Counselor is still to get out of red. We are talking meager thousands of credits not tens of thousands. I was like blown away selling a single purple gem for 5000 (thanks, Kulyok!). My husband is doing much better on those low levels.


I wrote both ways, and my most popular character came from the best mate entry. My least popular was an absolute blast to write, but yeah, not much love for her. I am afraid I flooded too much over those productive years. :)


oh, I forgot about your Zabraks, Twani, NICE!

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Okay, I'm gaming non-stop, just completed Voss and started bonus series(will answer your posts in full on Monday, and, wow, great Zabraks!), I just wanted to share this quickly. First quest of bonus series, astromech quest-giver:


Empire + Voss = best friends / Republic = lonely and jealous



Yay for the Empire!

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Alas, the weekend is over. The next weekend includes March 8, though, which means one more day of rest for us lazy gamers(or hard-working gamers, depends on your outlook).


And I finally got to Voss! The world of Voss! The one with the vision of your future, and probably the best-looking planet - at least so far. It looks a bit like Hutta, and it's even got marches, but it looks more like a sunlit autumn forest with a few monsters here and there(why do most of these monsters look like overgrown bugs)? And there're some beautiful desolate wastelands, too, though you probably won't go there until your level 50-s.


So, yeah, it's beautiful. It's got a decent planetary quest(nothing special, but I didn't get very bored), and the final decision actually is really good for the dark side unlike most decisions where "light = rational, dark = crazy". My poor Sith Warrior was forced to choose the light side and prevent a possible genocide, and hence lost all the advantage for the Empire. Lord Severin was VERY unhappy. (But a female sith at bonus series said he spoke highly of me. Strange. Well, maybe he didn't want to cross the Wrath).


Speaking of me being the Wrath, I FINALLY met the Emperor for tea the first time! It went like this:


Emperor: Wrath, I am your Emperor.

Me: WHEEE!!! Emperor! *hugs* *tickles* *jumps up and down*

Emperor: KILL ME.

Me: ????


Emperor: Hello.

Me: This is my final quest. I should meet a final boss. And I see the Emperor. Um, do I get to kill the EMPEROR? But, but, but...

Emperor: (gets possessed, gets red, battle begins)

Me: Ah, okay, that's better.


There's also a nice Weekly mission - complete four heroics and get ten commendations. I soloed two heroics, being quite overlevelled, and got a party with a 55 to do the other two. Was nice. :D And bonus series, too. Heh, a Russian girl was going to kill the World boss with a party of four - wonder if she managed it? I did participate in a World boss party of four fight, but that was way back on Hoth...


Anyway, Voss is really relaxing and nice. There's a small feeling of sadness, though, because it's the last-but-one big planet at the class story, and it's all coming crashing down to an end.


And I'm starting to get end game content! I'm holding off various group missions and flashpoints yet, but I completed the first Macrobinocular quest, and it was fun, though I got lost at the Forgotten Temple's entrance and required a walkthrough afterwards. But I love searching for stuff with binoculars!

(I also got at least two flirt options with female quest-givers. Ignored them, but if I ever get a male char, why not? They're quite attractive.)


So, that's it for my Sith Warrior. I also bought two relatively cheap costumes for her(a black dress and an orange-like jedi suit with open sides) and wanted to use them with all characters, but I only got 75 cartel coins, and they require 90. Damn. Well, have to wait for some of my chars to complete chapters 2 and 3, then!



I've finally completed Trooper's chapter 1. (I'd go further, but I'm out of resting XP points). Yay! Alderaan was really easy, though I skipped Boris Ulgo and the last waypoint's quest yet again. By this time, I completely forgot the faces of the original Havoc squad, so I was mostly "ok, you die! ah? What? Aric, you know this guy? Ok, you talk first, THEN you die". And he died.


I liked the moral decision with the captured Thul guy. My character probably shouldn't have released him, but since I really didn't want to leave that beaten guy in Organa's "tender" care(and his young daughter, too - she'd probably be raped by Organa mercs, ugh), so I let him go. Garza said "please don't do it again", but I'm not sure I won't. Then again, Garza is a total psycho with her "yay, more genocidal weapons for the Republic".


Loved Trooper's Chapter 1 final battle at Tavus' ship. Then again, I enjoyed all Chapter 1 finales. This one was good. I liked Wraith's appearance best: "Hello, I'm Wraith. Now you die." That's more like it, instead of running after each of them for miles and miles and completing a huge planetary quest besides!


Strange: final battle on Alderaan was easy enough, but Tavus' final battle? Crazy. I got killed four or five times, full boost, Heroic moment and without it. I didn't know what to do.

Then I found out. I replaced my fully geared Aric with Treek, level 10 gear, and placed her in healing stance. And you know what? Tavus went down on the first try.


I'm thinking all my characters who don't have healing companions are rather... unfortunately placed. Maybe I should take Talos and Lokin instead of Andro and Vector, but this would mean abandoning Vector! Never, ever, forever!

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Er, not this particular character, I fear. Sith Warrior's role is quite the contrary. But one of the other characters does get to kill the Emperor, yeah. :DIn a sense.


(I should once again note that SWTOR is free-to play, and you can enjoy the first two planets(at least) without any drawbacks as a free player, and then see if you want to subscribe or continue as a free player. You can do either comfortably, I think - though there's no denying that XP bonus for the subscribers is very, very nifty).


My Trooper's got a really interesting Chapter 1-finale-Chapter 2-beginning sequence: first, I got to choose what to do with Tavus. (That's really unfair to people who want to kill him, by the way - killing a guy in battle is good and fair, but when he's disarmed and on his knees before you, you kind of feel like a jerk). I could keep him alive if I agreed to let him work with the Republic and spill the Empire's intel but, I'm for the Empire, remember that would mean he'd get no punishment at all. So I suggested to get him a trial, instead, where he could tell his story. He declined, and there was a fight to the death. It's tragic, but also oddly fitting. Aric approved, too. (Or, rather, Aric disapproves vocally if you do try to keel Tavus alive).


Then there's a small quest with a Republic SIS spy and another superweapon. (Really, I laugh at double morality: so Tavus is a lowly betrayer, Imperial Agents are the dregs of society, and our SIS agents of the Republic are noble fighters who have a hard life? Ha! Well, okay, I like Jonas Balkar. But that spy guy from Tatooine? Not so much). And Jonas did propose marriage to my Trooper, too, though it sounded more like a joke to me than a serious proposal. Though who knows? Maybe once the war is over... He knows where to find me. :)


And Aric's started flirting a bit. I was... creeped out, actually. Him going through my personal effects and being proud of it? And not making any effort to know me, to find out what I like and how I feel? Really, him being a tough military guy and a sniper... he's like a mirror of Garrus, but a very bad mirror of Garrus. And he doesn't seem to _like_ me, like Garrus did from the start. Some military respect, and that's it. I could be _anyone_.

(Zenith, on the other hand... but more on that later).



Finally, Garza gave me the biggest facepalm of them all.


Garza: Okay, so we need to build a superweapon. Or steal an Empire's superweapon. You know, like usual.

Me: Okay.

Garza: And we're sending you. Obviously. Because you're like the protagonist.

Me: Naturally. Commander Shepard at your service.

Garza: Yeah... but this is a bomb, and it needs a team with explosions specialist and a tech specialist. Neither of which you, you know, have.

Me: ... So you're going to send another trained team with both specialists, right?

Garza: Wrong! I'm going to give you two lengthy missions for the explosions specialist and a tech specialist, and then you're going after the superweapon! Assuming no one else picks it up first and the Empire doesn't, well, fire it.

Me: (facepalm)


Thus began Trooper's Chapter 2. :D

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Dyes! I want a red dye so badly, and I can't seem to get one, though my artfice skill is nearly maxed and I buy all the available recipes(even though nobody uses crystals. By the way, why are there no red/blue Cartel Market crystals? This way we're forced to use yellow and purple ones!). I probably should search and buy something from GTN - I need it for one chest piece anyway.


Speaking of crystals, my Volatile Conqueror lightsabers look better with copper crystals, so I'm not sure I should buy that derelict purple crystal for 5 mil at all. I tried buying a pair of purple crystals for 90k off GTN, and I'm wearing them now, but they really don't make waves, so to speak.



But speaking of lightsabers - yay! My Jedi Consular is in play again! And I finished Balmorra! And I have Zenith!

So much to describe, so many cool things happened. :D Anyway, the planetary quest first: this time I didn't have to hold back and play nice, so evil choices all the way! Who needs some innocent prisoners when we can use the hack to get superweapon research! Who needs some poor hostages when we can plot a huge attack to the Empire! (Hostages being executed? Too bad, but we can't be in two places at once). The decisions seemed scarily real, too - that's what military would probably do. And the end results differ: after my idealistic Jedi Knight was done, Balmorra still fully belonged to the Empire, because my Jedi Knight's actions barely crippled their defenses. But with my evil, ruthless, callow and calculating Jedi Consular? The Empire folks left Balmorra in droves, immediately, too scared we'd use Barrager on them! (And we could have.)


I really was a bit surprised at myself at how callow my Jedi Consular seemed. But that quest when you get a young Twilek Deadeye hacker? When you have to click and click and run around and click some more and gather all the bonuses? Kill this, gather that, wait for the turrets to show back up? Gah. Grrrr. We hatesss it, we hatees it forever! And when I picked up that Twilek, he needed to hack three more things, so I was pretty cross with him by the end of the quest. Naturally, my Jedi Consular voted for his mates to be executed, and he was pretty pissed - "I hope you'll lose someone dear to you, too! I just wish I was the one to take it from you!"


(My Consular just shrugged - there's nothing dear to her. She is a true Jedi - no attachments at all).


And then there's a class quest, and the pretty boy Tai-new president of Balmorra, and Zenith and his resistance men, and some references to the Imperial Agent story, and - really - an interesting character with great voice and very good dialogue. I bought him an orange weapon, and though he's nowhere as useful as Tharan, we had fun on the final few quests.


And you'll love the finale of Balmorra's class story. I did choose the light there - I want to play my class missions the way that appeals to me best, because I may not get another chance(I get four chances with any other quest, excluding the class ones).


(Romance-wise, Zenith seems impossible. He respects you a great deal, nearly worships you, you remind him of a great resistance leader, and he has no family. But his approach to sex seems to be casual, so probably he's just not into you. Zenith, however, offers sex(or something pretty close) to a female ambassador in exchange for profitable trade routes back on the ship, no problem).


There're plenty of moments to laugh about. For example, when my Consular asked for money and more rewards at the planetary quest, the guy answered her with amazing cynicism: "Serving the Republic has great rewards. But a pile of credits is not one of them." Yeah, yeah. I think he hoards some of that money for himself, privately.




And, Twani, I hope you'll have great time in your salsa dress! (I want a salsa dress in SWTOR! And I want [flirt] tags in the real world!)




P.S. I did the Spoiler Thing with Quinn! Right after Voss! Yay. Of course, I've seen it on Youtube dozens of times, but I liked it a lot. First, it was a Sith Thing, second, it was a sexy thing "I forgive you. But you'll have to make it up to me..." "That can be arranged. My lord." Cheeky devil! Anyway, great fun all around!

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Weee! I try so hard to avoid the spoilers, but I just had to read about Zenith :) Our Jedi duo didn't cope very well. We finished Taris, and wanted to do a Athiss or something FP. Unfortunately, at our third run at the Level 20 Boss, my hubby's laptop could not handle the graphics, and just when we had the critter in between us, no other cronies, pure pound/heal part, he lost the ability to see and target the beast. So, no FP completion for us. Basically, not until he has time to shop for a gaming laptop eventually. We'll just go through the story. I want me Zenith, or at least Tharan. My last conversation with Qyzen (after him muttering how he needs to talk to me).

Qyzen: I feel it all wrong.

My Sage (summons her healing soul, gritting her teeth): Ate something we’ve killed?

Qyzen: Nah. Tummy’s Okay. Must think.

I feel like BioWARE is entitled to the refund of the 3,300+ XP!

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The Power Couple (Tishujen and Riggs) got rid of Armstech and spent lots of time retraining in Cybernetics and is starting to explore the beautiful Nar Shaddaa. I am having hard time interpreting what the Smuggler will say from the wheel.

The Wheel: I am not falling asleep when viewing this holorecord

Smuggler (hoping for the “I FEEL for the character on the holo!” (‘cause she has breasts)): I see VIOLENCE COMING!!!!

Riggs: Oi! She had BREASTS, Captain, BREASTS! (AP -1)

Me: I know, she had breasts, I am trying, damn it!!!!

Finally, I am having a blast playing a Sith warrior. Hilariously, after I renamed her to Becchino (the grave digger), things started to fall into place for me. I got a handle on her personality, with her defining traits being entitlement (I am a Pure Sith, bow to me) and self-advancement (You are in my way. Die. Sorry, nothing personal). In fact, she is very much a Black Jedi (psychopath), rather than a psychotic individualistic Sith.


Vette is actually another successful (for me) entry in Imoen’s category, very similar to Mission. I think they polished their archetype, so I am actually quite enjoying her company, with a red overlay. This pair is going to do material gathering (scavenging and archeology) and Treasure Hunting for gems for my Jedi, who will send back the equipment.


You can’t craft Red Dyes unless you have some Reputation thing (there is a huge Guide on dyes). It’s crazy. The cheapest Red (secondary) is from the Key vendor, $5000, but it binds to you. But, actually, I tried various combinations of red and other colors on my dress, and I do not like it all colored so far. I will probably just color the secondary accent, with either the purple I can make myself or Red from the Security Key vendor. I just sank 20,000 credits on my luckless consular to increase the AP gains a little. Which eroded her proceeds again, lol!

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I think all crew skills are useful eventually in the endgame(even synthweaving gets augments and augment kits for Sith/Jedi), so between my eight(nine now) characters, I have them all. I did retrain slicing to biochem on my very first character, because back then, biochem seemed very useful. Not so now, though level 32 med units are way too expensive.


Must read that guide on dyes! I don't use Security Key, because that would require a phone connection to the internet, and that doesn't work for me. But we'll see what GTN offers.


(If you have spare credits/coins, save some for quick travel boost or fleet pass upgrade in the Legacy/other window, it's really a golden mine! You probably will have Legacy level 10 soon, right?)


Speaking of dialogue, I'm having hard time with Elara Dorne for the trooper. Her dialogue is all : Oh my god, they do not believe me! They suspect me! They want to keep me under their constant scrutiny!

(and I liked it the first time, I was okay the third time, but EVERY SINGLE DIALOGUE? That's really tiresome).


Forex for the Trooper is still awesome. If I were twelve, I'd buy a toy Forex - he's a token Republic droid, and he's so funny! (That Sith operation he described was so nice. :) Again, it'd be hilarious if I were twelve. As it is - just nice).


Qyzen is a walking facepalm, but you're getting Tharan very, very soon. Just be prepared to meet Holiday, too!


With flashpoints, I think you can try another flashpoint in a few levels - Mandalorian raiders. They're all the same, basically, until you get to the end of Chapter 1 - then there are two story-related flashpoints. So by skipping Athiss and Hammer Station you're not missing much, thankfully.

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Well, actually, I think next time we try aFP we'll reverse the computers, because I just need access to the character bars to heal, heal, heal. We'll see. Nah, my Legacy is level 3 atm. I only have 2 characters to 24/25 level (Consular and Smuggler), and Sniper is shelved on Lvl 16, with the Sith Warrior at Lvl 12 (just a baby!). I am just thinking about supplying Artifice/Cybernetics crafting characters and my husband's Synthweaving with crafting materials because that stuff actually is at least paying back some. I don't think it is as much of a lucrative enterprise as it used to be, seeing by now everyone knows how to do it, and all that. GTN has a lot of dyes, for sure. And, yeah, honestly Tharan + Holiday can't be any worse than Qyzen. There is just no way!

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I'm thinking Cybertech is very good - I'm making about 100-200k per day(and it's easily possible to make 500k, but then I'd be GTN-ing all the time, not playing, and it's boring). Biochem is better, but you have to have the certain recipes which might cost up to ~100000 apiece, or risk a lot - for example, purple reusable stims and med units sell very badly.


Artfice is just a money sink to me - spent around half a million on my Artfice character, not making money at all, but it's useful to make level 35 purple hilts - my Consular and Inquisitor can solo orange quests(two levels higher than character levels) this way.


By the way, I completely forgot about XP boosts! They are bound, so you can't sell them, but they're really useful if your character is not overlevelled like my Sith Warrior/Jedi Knight are. I'm starting to use them in Chapter 3, I think, but Chapter 2 is good enough, too.


And let me try to introduce some of my characters:

The Sith one is Kulyok, my inquisitor.

Short black hair and implants close to the eyes - that's Samanta, my Imperial agent.

Long fair hair and blue eyes(now orange) - Vergera, my Jedi Consular;

Finally, a cute Zabrak is my Smuggler, Genri.





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Wow, a Zabrak in a skimpy outfit... interesting, lol!


I also spent inordinate amount of time trying to decide if I wanted hair on my Sith or not J In the end I did a pony tail. I actually played a bit more with her.


Right now Artifice is my main money-making skill, actually, but I have a few Cybertech schematics I have not tried, that I am certain will prove profitable, but for that I will need to bring Dusk-Fell’s forgotten crew up to speed on Underworld Trading for metals. My husband has it as well, but getting him too trade take up the valuable time. We did spend a lot of time lately figuring the ropes of the GTN and Crew Skills, and I think I am happy.


Speaking of which, I need a practical advice in regards to unlocking the species. It says Level 50 unlocks species to everyone – but I assume you still need to pay to allow the Race to be played in the Preferred world? If so, is the unlock just 1.5 mil (or whatever) credits, or do you have to have a Legacy Level to be able to spend the credits?


With our referrals, I actually have a set of characters with some nice perks (unlocks and speeder), but their races will be prohibited to play after dropping to preferred status. I think I will create a Human and a Zabrak in similar roles, to see if I still get the perks (or at least a speeder by March 17th) so I have choices later on, once subscription runs out. I am not interested in the End Game content, so once the character is done with the story, she’s done (as much as I would miss Tishujen, lol!)… Racial choices are pure cosmetic in this game anyway.

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With crew skills, I try to log into my alts every two hours or so and "reload" crew skills that take 40+ minutes. It helps with the materials a little, I think.


I'm not sure how the race unlocks work, I fear, but here's an article: http://knightmaregolem.hubpages.com/hub/Cathar-and-Humans-and-Chiss-Oh-my-A-Guide-to-the-Races-in-SWTOR

I use mostly humans, so it's easier for me. :D


(and you can always go down to Cartel Bazaar on the fleet and spend ~100 cartel coins to change the girl's appearance, but you probably know that).


I love Sith and Cyborg races, but I'm not sure if I'm going to try other races. Though maybe a Cathar agent instead of the well-known Chiss? Hmm! :)


I've yet to approach end-game content, and I have seven more chapters 3 to finish and several chapters 2 to boot, so I'm afraid my subscription is in for a long haul. (which is probably good news to us both! :) )

Okay, gotta go home and play now. Hoth, and Lt Iresso, my Consular's maybe love interest, await!

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Okay, after a bit of searching it seems that if you did get to lvl 50 with a character, it retains this race after dropping to preferred status. Another incentive to run Tishujen and Becchino over the Consular. I gotta have a twi'lek as playable, and Sith would be nice too. I am not hot on any other race, so this works for me. I will probably just buy a Cathar now, create her, and see what perks I can have on her, and blow away the Rattataki (after sending her goods to Cathar). Have fun!!! Let us know if Iresso any good :)

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