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I've also found out this interesting fact: when you get a human character to level 50, you get a +100 presence (permanent) bonus to all your characters, but when you get another race to level 50, you get nothing, only a race unlock for this character(like you said).


I'm going to create a Cathar, too, but I just don't want her to look standard(everyone uses black-and-white Cathars; and tawny-and-orange Cathars look too much like existing NPCs like Aric or Cathars from Imperial Taris or a Cathar concubine from Balmorra's Bounty Hunter story).


One thing: if you frequent cantinas, you may notice that they sell drinks that last 30 minutes and add to your Presence score(it means that your companion deals more damage and heals better). It's a good boost, and it adds to the stim boost, too. (And if I accidentally buy too many of these, I can always mail them to another of my character).


Still playing with my Consular, and what they say about Chapter 2 being in accordance with the planetary storyline is true. Balmorra's planet story is about taking Balmorra from the Imperials, and your class quest is about making a new president. Quesh's class story is about defending your medical/adrenal research and your allies on Quesh from the Empire, and your class story is about a medical station attacked by the Empire.


Same with Hoth - the planet's story is about defending from the pirates, and your class story is about an "unbeatable" pirate. The pirate is very handsome, by the way, and he even called me a pretty lady, so I keep, um, hoping for something. (Bad girl, I know!) But he's really a handsome guy, albeit a bit scarred.


(I already played Republic Hoth with my Jedi Knight, so I skipped the Heroic 4 quests this time, but I still was able only to get halfway through this evening - Hoth is a big planet. And cold. COLD. Very cold. :D )


Met Lt.Iresso as soon as I stepped off the ship. He's fallen victim to inevitable political correctness of the developers: Iresso is African-Hoth, which means he's a black guy.

(I wish they included an Asian-looking guy instead - so far we only have Watcher X who more or less fits the type, and Asian eyes in the game are rather sexy, I think. Ah well).


To make him cuter, they added a neck tattoo that looks like a gnomish tattoo from Dragon Age, and freckles. A black guy with freckles, that's a first! But, seriously, it does look kind of cute.

(And since I'm already used to this look with his voice, I'm not sure if I'm going to change the customization, though from what I've seen, you can make him look however you wish).


He reminds me of Valygar and Aaron Gend from NWN - he's dark, calm, rather kind, interested in my PC but isn't showing it right away. (Strangely, I never thought of Valygar or Aaron as belonging to another race - I honestly thought they just had a strong tan from their adventures).


He's also not without a sense of humor - in one of the scenes, depending on your replies, he orders a rebellious(cowardly) soldier to chip off ice from the aerials.


Unfortunately, the class story for the planet(at least the first half) is built in a certain way that shows him as hilariously incompetent. (Seriously. A supposedly unkillable pirate, and they never tried to kill him and dismember him? Cut off his head and burn it? An Imperial lab is nearby, and Iresso never thought it was relevant to tell me about it from the START?)


There are numerous ways for your character to point this out, and not surprisingly, you get +28's from Tharan each time. But my Tharan is at 10000 affection already, and I decided not to alienate my only contact on the planet, so I chose neutral replies. And I didn't regret it: you don't get flirts yet, but Iresso mentions once that he never thought Jedi Masters could be so... (hmm. striking? beautiful? I'm going for both).

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Starting with Quesh and Hoth, evil choices are rather pointless, so I'm going light most of the time with my Jedi Consular. But there's a very nice evil choice at the end of Hoth - you can recruit a small pirate fleet, yay! I had.


I'm sort of spoiled for Act 3 ending, so I know who the end boss for Act 3 is. I wish I could join him, not kill him! Grrr. Being dark Jedi is fun, but you get so few options. Maybe I could overwhelm him and slowly take his place? Hmm.


Anyway! I've started Act 3, but I'm holding off romancing Iresso, because I haven't decided yet whether I really want to. I've just completed Tharan's Act 3 conversations, and they were adorable. Holiday and Tharan are staying with me on the ship forever, and they're like my family now. Also Zenith came around - he's now an important political figure(due to my nasty advice, myahaha!) and he trusts me(although I wouldn't). Zenith has some really passionate and good dialogue, by the way.


Between these two great guys, I just don't know if I need Iresso. I might feel more comfy if my char remained available, so to speak. My Sith Warrior married Lieutenant(sorry, Captain) Quinn without hesitation, but she loved him. There's a difference. Joining some guy in marriage because he's the only romance option... nah. Don't feel like it.


I've also started using my XP bonuses, and I like the way how fast my XP rises. And here's one more thing: I discovered that you can have more than one pet at a time, if you have a normal pet and a flying pet! Now my Jedi Knight can walk with a red gizka and a flying model of her Defender ship. Fun!

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Well, I was starting to go sour on the Consular story, but I encountered Tharan finally, and he is so funny, together with Holiday. Can't wait to finish NS to have a bit of fun with him in the party, I hope he is talkative! The First Couple fell about half a quest and ~ 1.5 levels behind the Jedi Duo because we put in a huge gaming session yesterday WOW!) They are also starting to get killed in skirmishes, so I need to re-equip them. Gotta shop for moddable gear for Riggs, if they have it for Commendations. Riggs interjection in NS was really funny. I am afraid no other companion stands a chance now to shoulder in between Tishujen and Riggs. I just view them as an entity. Oh, well. Very little gameplay with the S. Warrior, but she is doing well. Really need to make an effort to get her to lvl 15.


Odds and Ends: More and more convinced that Sith Inq is my male character since I want to romance Ashara more that another human Andronikos. Plus, trying him as a Shadow Tank with a double saber will be different from Consular. My husband will need to play a Healer version of a shooter? Or do I dare to solo? Not sure.


20% of the credits goals to buy a Cathar

25/50 levels of a Twi’lek towards a Twi’lek goal

13/50 levels of a Sith towards a Sith Goal

Confirmed that any newly created character gets the referred bonus package and salted away a Human BH for Torian romance in case I do not meet credits goal to purchase a Cathar. Need to get rid of Lariko the Ratattaki (Kalyio is the only R I need!)

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Tharan is like family to me by now. :D And Holiday. There's an adorable quest for them in Chapter 3(though unlike Qyzen, you won't have to go anywhere. Seems like Bio developers only added actual quests for the first of the companions - Mako, Vette, Khem Val, Corso, Aric, Qyzen and so forth).


And, yeah, I share your feelings about Corso - he's my character's one and only by now. (Too bad I can't have Skavak, but ah well).


I'm not sure Ashara's romance is so good, but this way you'll get her approval pretty fast, I admit(unlike me, who has to deal with gifts that give 12 approval at a time). Then again, Andronicus seems totally pointless on a male char's ship - two pirate male captains boiling with testosterone are just calling for trouble. :D

EDIT: I watched some more Ashara on Youtube, and I liked it a lot. She's a good romance. I think if I were to choose between her, Mako, Vette/Jaesa and Kaliyo, I might even choose her(republic options aren't so interesting to me).


A shadow tank will work fine, but you'll deal more damage as a DPS(your fights are a tank might seem more long and boring, but that's just me). I soloed two Shadows(my Consular and my shadow Shadow Inquisitor), and they're perfectly soloable - even underlevelled. They're especially good with a healer companion - my Consular is much better off with Tharan than my Inquisitor with Andronicus(I have a feeling Talos may replace him soon).



Speeaking of romance, I shut down Iresso completely - I decided that I don't want him, and I don't want to force myself. He was totally okay with it, and we went to the normal friend/minion relationship in a blink. I would prefer another guy on my ship's bridge, someone like Theran or Zenith, but then again, I need an adjutant, right? So Iresso it is.



I want to buy a Cathar unlock, but it's about a million on my server now, I'm just too greedy. Then again, I'm not interested in Miraluka/Ratattaki races at all, so Cathar it probably will be... eventually.



So, I decided to try my luck and went to Corellia, finally! It's the last-but-one planet in the classic storyline(without the expansion). It really looks like Nar Shaddaa, but more empty. Sure, there are like civilians and occupational army, but still, it's a bit scary - like an abandoned city. The quests are like usual - kill that, destroy this, make that corporation fear the Sith and so on. I really like that you can get class references from time to time(for example, I was able to tell the Darth who led the occupation that if he was any friend of my former master Baras, I wouldn't help him).



I also am really glad that I can make my guys run for gifts Tier 5 again and again. It's expensive, but not half as expensive as buying stuff at GTN. (And getting characters to their ~9300 approval by chapter 3 is important, because you hear all their story and get a permanent +10 presence bonus, which makes your chars hit enemies like crazy). It's also a good way to gain credits - tier 4 and tier 5 gifts can sell well and give profit. Luxury and couring gifts may be cheaper than the others, though.



Aaand I'm still looking for more nice ships for my pets! Really, you do look a bit ridiculous when you're followed by an interrogation probe AND a cute green droid, but it's such fun! I wish they had a fury model(my Sith Warrior ship), but they have models for Smuggler, Jedi Knight/Consular, Agent, and I _think_ I saw a bounty hunter ship model, though I'm not sure. I love ship models ever since Mass Effect 2 times, when Shepard had a collection of these in her ship cabin. That's the only thing I miss, by the way - a customized ship, because I now spend my crafting/selling time on the ship instead of the fleet, and I'd like some small items there - maybe a picture of your love interest, or a sofa, or maybe a ship hologram - something that makes the ship yours.

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Holy cow, Kulyok, you are making the ship your home... I just curse every time I have to board it, because I keep mixing up what goes where on Consular and Smuggler ships.


I have a feeling if it is not Zenith, it's no one for my Jedi. I just have a hard time wanting to RP marriage-ending romance for a Jedi. It just doesn't hold water for me.


I finished NS with the First Couple. Really, Bowdaar would have been great if I didn't have Riggs. Honestly, I would have traded Bowdaar for Qyzen in no time. The ending of the story with Skavak for Nar Shaddaa was hilarious. I have to say Smuggler right now is my favorite character. I like the ability to make DS and LS choices, and the storyline is tongue in cheek. And the companions are all pretty likable. Seeing the type of women Skavak draws, I think Tishujen is sticking with Risha in her attitude (though if Bio developed the things differently, I might have been more inclined to RP Skavak's relationship). Riggs' had the funniest pouty comment when I complimented Bowdaar (and me, you need me toooooo!) Rigg's APs sneaked over 6,000 for me, but we need to advance in the story till he regals me with his next dialogue. But I love RP'ing with his soundset, clicking on him after tough battles, sometimes the results are hilarious. I sneaked Tishujen on stage on the pleasure barge and make her do a parlor dance with the other Twi'lek girls, lol! Heh, the game does have a lot of way to entertain yourself.


We also did a full dance as a group, in a decidedly non-Jedi like fashion, it looked hilarious.


I don't really want to out-rig more than one companion seriously at this play-through, so I think I will take a hit on not achieving companion's AP max-out apart from The One Companion.


Anyway, I think I actually might have an hour for a Sith today, but we'll see.


~25% of the credits goals to buy a Cathar (GTN was unkind)

27/50 levels of a Twi’lek towards a Twi’lek goal

13/50 levels of a Sith towards a Sith Goal

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I'm back! Looks like you guys have been having fun. :) Jumped on today and played Aaliah my Jedi Knight through the Alderran bonus series. Doc, Sergeant Psychopath, and Lord Evil are completely silent on the planet (no affection gain or smart comments), but I did manage to get a few hundred points with Kira and her a few new pieces, so I'm happy enough. All my companions are at 7000+ affection (all but Kira are over 8500- silly Kira and her non-loved gifts), and I'm starting to be able to read Lord Evil and get points with him without having to restart conversations multiple times. The greatest hint is probably 'never select a LS option in your conversations'. 'You can still earn forgiveness!' RAWRGH -200!! Yeah.



My least popular was an absolute blast to write, but yeah, not much love for her.


Who is that? Peony? I liked her... but I like all your IWD2 characters.



Thanks for the comments on my Zabraks. I then have four Sith and one Jedi to still post pictures of one of these days. Kuloyk, I like your characters too: your Shadow in particular is gorgeous.



Goals for March: FINISH AT LEAST ALL THE LOVETALKS FOR MY DUMB MOD (now in a folder titled 'Mikka's dumb mod' as it's getting on my nerves i now hate ranger/clerics rawwrghh), get Trooper Chapter 2 done, and finish Inquisitor chapter 3. Oh, and like, cook and clean and work and hang out with friends and family and all that good stuff, but mostly that.



Strange that you had such a different experience then I did with Gearbox/Tavus. For me, Gearbox was tough- the droid took nearly everything out of me, then boom, here comes a fresh elite too fight lol surprise! Instiant death. So then Gearbox was just standing around chillin', and I went after him, and after him, and after him- I tried Aric the first few times, then tried Elara with both of us healing, then tried FourEx (he's not geared, though, so that was just a waste). Finally, I beat him on Aric, but it took heroic moment waiting- I had to wait for it to refresh again as the first try I hit it too late in the battle. On the other hand, Aric was maxed when I hit Tavus, so I figured I'd do the conversation with the completely undergeared Elara (still in her gear from Taris), die, then respawn and put out Aric and win that way. But Elara and I beat him easily with no trouble- I barely needed her, I was able to keep myself up with my own heals. Also, the part where you first get on the ship and get to describe yourself as a one woman army is hysterical.


And yeah, General Garza is not only psychopathic, but also sort of an idiot. If nothing else, you'd think while you were working on Balmora to get Vik, she could be getting Yunn out of whatever crisis is going on at Hoth that I'll inevitably need to go resolve before I can recruit him. Sigh.



On the adventures of getting characters clothes we want, I'm also struggling. Aa'lynne and Aavi are the only characters I'm satisfied with. My Trooper and my Councilor have good armor- a decent chest piece that looks all Havoc Squaddish and a white frilly robe- awaiting them when they level up a bit further. But while my BH's bent up chest piece may fit for a newbie, she's off of Balmora now and a decent BH and needs something better. My Jedi Knight's brown/yellow thing is ridiculously ugly. My baby three boys all need clothes. And my Sith Warrior. Her outfit is just the ugliest, boringist thing alive. She needs something more opposing and RAWR I AM SITH BUT VERY HONORABLE SITH then what she has. And my Smuggler just has that dumb vest. I want a gown.


I think I'm going to run Hammer Station repeatedly with Aanan and get him the Imperial Officer looking set. It's not quite a trenchcoat, but it'll do. I get a kick of dressing my cunning companions in those sets (Quinn, in particular, looks lovely in them).



I think my big problem with cybertech is back when the game started, Cybertech listed three required skills- scavaging, slicing, and underworld trading (does it still?) and no one really knew what was required and there were no guides. So I took the first two. But all the money from cybertech comes from the metals you need underworld trading to get. Doh. So Aa'lynne can't really make anything anyone would want, as she doesn't have the metals and those are ridiculous on the GTN- buying them and then making stuff with them wouldn't get me enough money to make a profit.



Now I want to play my Councilor... but Taris. Ugh, Taris. Actually, I'm sort of in the mood to play over Imperial side. I've been on Trooper/JK too long. My two Sith deserve some playtime, and I still have Makeb for my Agent as well as dailies. Still haven't maxed out Lokin and Kaliyo, either, though I'm getting there. Makeb is kind of... eh, though. The beginning conversation with the Darth or the Chancellor is great, but once you go to the planet, it's like every class is the same. I'm getting no comments about being an Agent, what I did with the Black Codex, or anything, besides her occasionally making her standard quip of 'now you'll see how intelligence handles things'. I'd appreciate more class references.



Bioanalysis is going smoothly. Making stims makes profits, at least on my server. I'm also collecting Warzone medpacks and selling them in bunches- the hardcore PVP crowd buys them right up. Woo for that. And yeah, dyes. The 'deep red' dye is pretty darn red, I think- that's what my trooper has. None of my other characters have dyes: Aa'lynne's trench is already black/gray, or else I'd buy that for her.



I get lost on my ships all the time. I like the smuggler one. It's round. Agent's is my favorite in sheer coolness factor, but getting where I need to go is best on my Smuggler's ship: eventually, I'll get to where I want to be if I just run around in circles a while.



And as you guys aren't going to, I'm definitely going to try the Iresso romance on my Councilor. :) Someone's gotta take the hit, right? I don't know, I don't think he's bad looking. It's going to probably depend on the voice if I can do it- if he has a decent enough voice, then I'm fine. That's what really makes it or breaks it for me in SWTOR.

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Who is that? Peony? I liked her... but I like all your IWD2 characters.

Faldorn, actually. Not that Peony wasn't fun to write. The only characters I remember not liking to write for are Minsc, Har'Dalis, Kagain and Viconia

And as you guys aren't going to, I'm definitely going to try the Iresso romance on my Councilor. Someone's gotta take the hit, right? I don't know, I don't think he's bad looking. It's going to probably depend on the voice if I can do it- if he has a decent enough voice, then I'm fine. That's what really makes it or breaks it for me in SWTOR.

I might. I don’t want to miss out on the content, and I am not replaying Counselor. Boring. Tharan is a good entertainment though, but I see why full romance is probably not a great idea. He is very recognizable RL archetype, a man of some ability and even a bigger ego, so Holiday is actually a perfect match. Mixing in a Jedi PC is a hard sell. But he works extremely well in a group with 2 Jedi, and is a hoot between his abilities and dialogues.

Anyway, I goofed up and sent my both characters to the Fleet this morning from Tatooine, thinking the Bounty week is on. But it’s not till tomorrow L Waste of good credits.

I guess, my Smuggler is going to fall behind my Counselor even more. Insanely, Counselor is 2 full levels ahead of the Smuggler (29/27). Argh. Starting to worry about completing the Twi’ilek goal. I gave an honest try to playing with Bowdaar on Tatooine, but even re-equipped he is getting us killed more than Riggs. I am guessing his melee is not as efficient as Riggs' ranged. The difference in their AC is less than 100 points.

Alright, gonna go now, pour my little heart out in 500 words or less for my fic. Before I actually have to work, lol.

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Heh, you mentioned Faldorn, and then I decided I needed to go and write two banters for her. :) I like your Faldorn a lot (romance option!... I kid, I kid, she's too young). Honestly, maybe I like her too much: I'm afraid I took too much inspiration from your work on the BG1NPC project and now I have BG1NPC Faldorn as the 'canon' Faldorn in my head rather then anything I got from the few dialogs she had in game. I probably should send you my Faldorn banters and get your permission to use 'your' Faldorn, as I really feel like I'm writing your character rather then Bioware's.


(I like writing Haer'Dalis. Finally, all those hours I spent playing D&D in the Planescape setting are useful for something! Minsc, on the other hand, is hateful to write.)



Other goal for self: finish Sith Warrior chapter one. I finished Tatooine (but not it's bonus- need to do that) on my Sith Warrior, and it was incredible. Following the path of the padawan, cowering the sand demon, scaring the sand people, meeting my own reflection, the final meeting with the Jedi- it's a very well done planet, class story wise. The world story for Imperial Tatooine was nice, too. Despite generally playing LS, I took two major DS decisions on Tattooine: giving a certain object to the Empire, and completing the class mission the way Baras commanded (though in the most decent way possible). The bow my character gave to a corpse... owch, that hit me. I feel like I've gotten more of a handle on Aashleen's personality now; she is truly the loyal but honorable Sith.


(Amusing: Imperial Tattooine was just full of crazy people yesterday night, complete from having a party on the jawa balloon with as many partying jawas as possible to a bunch of level 30's storming the PVP area where level 55 Jedi were hanging out 'for the Empire!' (and to try and distract them for one higher level player who wanted to buy their HK parts- I thought that was kind of sweet for my usual jerkfaced server).)


Quinn did disapprove of me stating I would join the padawan rather then corrupt her, but I don't mind getting a few disapprovals now and then. If it's just -1/-2, I let it stand. Only if it's the -32 (or worse, -200 when it comes to someone like Lord Evil) do I exit the conversation to see if I can find a more approval given path that still fits my character's personality.


Unless it's Qyezen. Trying to learn to like him, really I am, but... yeah.



My Sith Warrior is a Juggernaut of destruction. I personally find her a lot more fun to play then Assassin/Shadow tanking or the BH/Trooper version (is that Powertech/Vanguard?). She is just a machine of unstoppable death, and she will not die. Not with Quinn there, anyway. (Vette runs archeology missions- Aash has Synthweaving, which will make me approximately zero money in the grand scheme of things, but I figure I should have all abilities covered.)



Is your Smuggler a Scoundrel or a Gunslinger, Domi? I found on my Gunslinger, Corso was the only way I could go: he was the best outfitted, and Dumb Wookie Name and the two gals died constantly when I tried. However, once I got the healing companion, there was no going back- Corso got dumped and I ran around with JEDI POWERRRR healz for the rest of the game past Hoth. A scoundrel might be able to do better with the others, as she can heal them. In general, though, ranged NPCs have a big higher DPS then melee NPCs, because they don't need to run around between opponents (though many have at least one jump start to get them over to opponent number one). That's why I dumped my dear lovely Vector for Temple on my Agent, as much as I adore Vector's 'we fight for the nest' comments.



I miss not having heals on my toons who can't heal- which is really just my Knight, my Warrior, and my Sin, as I've stopped playing my Gunslinger. Everyone else is outfitted to heal if necessary. The gameplay just becomes so much easier to me when I can keep my companions completely alive.

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Tishujen is a Gunslinger, with Dirty Fighting, 'cause I liked the sound of it. I mean, after the opening movie, NOT making a dual-wielding Smuggler is a CRIME! I think if you slap the bestest gear on Bowdaar he can manage, but Riggs dps as you said keeps us alive (and he is mobile to add to that). Or it could be that we are in a tough level corner between the burst of power and re-equips. I will see how it goes tomorrow, I just got a proto-pants as a drop off on a mission with the Jedi...


Lords, Quinly is now Lvl 30, she levels like she's on drugs or something. She is a level and a half ahead of the Knight (My husband: STOP RESTING IN CANTINAS!) and 3 levels ahead of Tishujen. Mind, I did not have a chance to play with Tishujen. And, yes, I miss heals on Tishujen a LOT, but I am learning to use her other abilities, like distract and flash to keep Riggs on his feet. I doubt I am good enough to save Bowdaar.


For all my brave talk I shut down Tharan's relationship on talk 1. Just didn't get the guts to sneak behind Holiday's back. Kindda RL flashback, didn't do it many years ago in RL, didn't do it in a digital sim. Feel like a goof, oh, well. I guess it's back to eventually getting Zenith or, yeah, good old Iresso. Haven't felt that annoyed by the RP decision in a while. Gotta pour my littl' heart out in the fic. :)


Please, no need to ask for permission to use anything. I went with Faldorn's back-story rather than her 2.75 lines in the game. I did consider Faldorn's romance, but went with Shar-teel 'cause, there were, like, people who'd actually play it. Not many, but some :)

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Phew! This weekend(long, because 8th of March) was one crazy ride!


I'm going to describe my stuff before I forget it all, and then comment on your lovely chars(Domi, in the 30th already! Nice! And loved the story about Tatooine, Twani - I'm really, really looking forward to it with my dark side Sith Juggernaut!)


Okay, first and foremost - I DID IT! I'm now a level 55 Darth Stacey on my mara, officially. Yay! Baras is imprisoned... somewhere, and my first class story and my first level progression is complete. It did feel a bit anticlimatic, though - I've already seen on youtube how it'd go, so... went to Korriban, did it, went back to my crew skills. 450, 450, 450, by the way - Biochem, Bioanalysis, Diplomacy.


I'm terrified at the whole new level of credits needed to boost equipment! I only have level 50 purple equipment from planetary comms(gear level 140 I guess it's called - okay for level 50 HM flashpoints, not so much for other stuff). I did buy two Might Hilt 31's, but that was it.


I have some basic comms and some classic comms - I have done Weekly on Section X and Black Hole, but it seems like it's not enough, and classic/basic comm vendors only sell ready items, not mods. Oh dear.


(I've also discovered a nice thing - you can teleport to priority zones from any hangar on the fleet - there's a Priority Transport teminal. And since I can teleport back to the fleet in any second, it means free transport to Belsavis and Corellia. Makeb and Oricon, too, probably - haven't tried it yet).


Anyway, my Sith Warrior started on various endgame content(Belsavis bonus series, Section X/Black Hole), and I was really disappointed that I couldn't queue for SM level 50 flashpoints anymore - I can hardly do them solo in my entry-level 58 gear, right? Sigh. Anyway, we'll see.


But I've finally discovered THE QUEST! The quest to get HK-51, that is. And oh Lord, it's a pain indeed. I've spent over an hour crawling all over Hoth searching for that blasted HK part, and found nada. I'll go to Foundry flashpoint, I think. :D Maybe I'll get better luck with that. But I've done Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, and I foolishly found a part on Taris with my alt, so I'll have to do THAT part all over again.


(but the quest is interesting. and I think the jumping puzzle on Theoretika was the first one I actually solved! I was so suprised I could do all those jumps, I actually fell once, but completed it on the second time).



Love Belsavis bonus series, by the way. "Hi! We're a bomber squad, and we'd like to blow stuff up! - Hi! I'm Emperor's Wrath, and I love blowing stuff up, too!" Basically, it's pure clean killing fun, and since I'm getting the "Empire is loooosing this planet, Empire is looosing that planet" vibes from here and there and everywhere, killing Jedi seems very much like my kind of fun right now. Even if it's my near-DS Consular who was so kind and found me a HK part.




Speaking of my other characters, I finally finished Chapter 3 with the Agent. Well, this was easy, since she was lvl42 already from all those Bounty hunter quests. (Speaking of which, a Bounty Week is about to start, right?) I enjoyed the heist on Belsavis very much - I think it's a very well-done planetary quest where you utilize all your Agent abilities. And non-alighment dialogue options are the best. I never threatened anyone, I was nice and soft and even flirty once, but man, did they listen to me! I felt drunk on the authority. Belsavis is the best. Agent is the best!


And you get Scorpio in the end! I didn't like or dislike Scorpio - she's a very good character, much better than most of my Republic companions, but I think she's nothing special emotionally(my heart doesn't flutter, I don't care if she lives or dies, like I do about Vector or Kaliyo). I still prefer Kaliyo. Or HK-51... once I finally get him.


And Voss next! I fell in love. The planet, yes, and the vision quest, absolutely(Hunter and his maniacal laugh!), but also the empire agent, the (human, I think?) the teahouse's owner, the one who had to look like Voss, live with a Voss family, pretend to like them. become like them, smell their breath(yuck!) - all for the good of the Empire. Really, I nearly cried when he died - we were very much alike, him and me. Nothing romantic, but I've formed a strong emotional bond.


(A real agent would have probably gone forward with a pretend marriage, honor that guy's memory that way, but I couldn't. I was reeling. So I went full evil at his pretend Voss family. Marry one of them? No. I drew out my weapon, placed Kaliyo at the door and said - bring me those scrolls, or your family will lose more members!)


And Corellia. I was very relieved I didn't have to finish planetary quest, because I went and faked my death and got tortured instead. (Yay, fun times!) Liked Vector's reaction, though it obviously was a generic one, not a romanced one.


... And the final battle. Man, was that silly! "Hello, we have a SECRET organization! We're SUPER powerful, we can disband your intelligence, fake your documentation, kill both Jedi and Sith, we are in the highest echelons of power... and guess what? We also have ONE STARSHIP, and our ENTIRE leadership goes to that starship to communicate and make EVIL PLANS! Isn't that AWESOME?"


- Yes, my agent replied, and killed everyone. Hunter wanted to tell me his last secret(hahaha), but I shook my head and shot her. I'm still mad about chapter 2. Onomatophobia, indeed!


Darth Jadus might be happy with that Black Codex in his hands. Darth Marr seems rather happy, too - called me loyal and all. Vivat new Intelligence, goodbye, Keeper/Minister/Watcher 2(though she was pretty cool on Corellia, huh?), and I only regret I haven't seen Watcher 3 in the finale - I worry about the boy.


The maingame seems over, but I loved my Agent. So... yes. That's right. I made a new one. Name's Fael. :) An operative, and probably another DPS - I like that ability to unload stuff. :) She's a bit like a powertech/vanguard dps, short range and all, and I'm liking it. AND STEALTH! Stealth is the best ability ever.


She's a Chiss girl, and level 17 now - fresh off Dromund Kaas. I've attached her image. :) Really simple, nothing like makeup or special hair color - but the way that bodysuit clings to her body, oh my...

(Black-black dye costs millions, so I bought a secondary black dye for 300K off GTN. I really don't get dyes - all the good ones are from Cartel Market, and there're no "medium red" or "light red" dyes for my Inquisitor! Grrr! Bought a nice black-red set for my Wrath, though).


(And I got Atton Rand's costume for my new Agent's Kaliyo. Not ideal, but close to perfect. Too bad I can't unlock it on all my chars - freaking 360 Cartel Coins!)



For all my brave talk I shut down Tharan's relationship on talk 1. Just didn't get the guts to sneak behind Holiday's back.


Awww. Well, you've done what a decent Consular would do. Mine is supposed to be dark side(especially in Chapter 1), so, like my Agent said to Kaliyo "I'm paid to lie, cheat and kill, and it's all legal" - after all, it was a fairly dark side choice, right? And Tharan's line about Holiday electrocuting his bunk at random intervals was pretty funny. :)


(speaking of dark side, not many options in Chapter 2, except for recruiting a pirate and everybody going: "oh, how evil, she recruited a pirate, the horror, the horror!")



I've got too many characters with non-healing companions(basically seven out of ten), so I'm rather used to the lack of healing - I just use med units in nearly every fight.

But I wish we could assign healer/tank/dps role to every companion - it would be easy enough, just add healer/tank/damage stance for each of them. Alas, I don't see it coming.


Speaking of which, Malavai gear is crap. He's got some level 42-44 gear, and I'm now 55! The horror! I'll go and get him a nice barrel and some armorings.



And, Domi - Smuggler is going to be an absolute blast to play on Alderaan, so look forward to that. :) (And Tatooine story isn't so bad - strange I didn't get any dark points for siding with a Sith lady, but anyway, been fun).



By the way, I finally completed Qyzen's Chapter 3 quest, but, er, I lost -480 approval by saying Scorekeeper is an idiot and then forgetting to reload. So he's at 9000 approval now, and his story is unfinished. Probably one dialogue left(and I'm not sure I want to hear it, but +10 legacy presence is +10 legacy presence. Malavai, for example, kills level 50 opponents on his own like nothing to do).

Qyzen's Chapter 3 quest says it's level 49, but the fight is actually level 41, so I was okay doing it at ~level 38.




I'm really looking forward to playing my new Sith Juggernaut - doing Balmorra and Tatooine all over again, dark side choices, falling in love with Quinn and so on - but I can't play two Sith Warriors at once, so I'll probably go to my little Dinny the Juggernaut after I'm done with HK-51 and other stuff. My Dark Mirror copy on Tatooine told my Light Sith she was too light and it was her undoing. I wonder what she'll tell my dark Sith - that she's too dark and that's her undoing? Heh.



But while my BH's bent up chest piece may fit for a newbie, she's off of Balmora now and a decent BH and needs something better. My Jedi Knight's brown/yellow thing is ridiculously ugly. My baby three boys all need clothes. And my Sith Warrior. Her outfit is just the ugliest, boringist thing alive. She needs something more opposing and RAWR I AM SITH BUT VERY HONORABLE SITH then what she has. And my Smuggler just has that dumb vest. I want a gown.


I got a Phobium Onslaught set for BH, though it's relatively high-level. There's a good set on Tatooine, if you do all the heroics(looks about the same, too), but I really prefer not to do the heroics with my alts, so I skipped it. Torian mostly wears greens, but I'm just giving him something regular bounty-hunt'ish in the end. (I bought a set of tarnished battlemaster armor for Torian, but it makes HIM look fat, and I can't have that).


Also, my Sith Warrior keeps getting these long Sith gowns with capes and huge shoulders, but they really, really, really make her look fat. So I'm using the same gown Overseer Tramel uses on Korriban - simple, black and to the point.


Jedi Knight is happy in her Aspiring Knight gear(can't make myself go and do Alderaan's bonus, though - too boring), and I got a set of Casual Combatant's for my Consular(got tired of gowns). I got a black elegant dress set and Casual Combatant's set unlocked for all my characters, and I'm not sure why I did that - I prefer every character having their own distinct look. Tharan looks funny in a dress, though, so that's a bonus.


Mostly my chars and their companions are dressed well. Trooper's an exception - she uses armormech stuff for her and Aric; also Tharan needs something, and Vector/Thorian aren't fully equipped. But mostly I've got something for everyone.



By the way, I bought three slots for characters, just in case, seeing how I had 10 of 12 slots taken - so I got 15 instead of twelve now. I'm thinking - maybe I should do a light-side boy inquisitor, and romance Ashara. But her conversations are few, I still like Talos better, and I prefer my chars all being girls, and Inquisitor/consular is the worst class to play, so... I don't know. Should make my Kulyok Darth Kulyok first. :D


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A Chiss! A sparkly new baby Chiss in a nice bodysuit. Cheers to her! She looks quite nice. :)


Some Sithy-Sith for you all:





Hm. One of these things is not like the others.

(Aash gets the Revanite title, as she's my only Imperial so far not to stab them in the back. Aavi would like to inform you that she is not just LORD KALLIG, she is Lord Kallig, Heir to Tulok Hord. The boys are as newbs as it gets. Aaspin, my Sith Warrior, was deliberately designed by me to be 'ugly' to my eyes'- the bodybuilder type 3, the facial hair, that stupid long hair style that someone was going to use as I paid real cash for it dang it, the weird red tattoos under his eyes- then my mother comes in my room and is like "Oh, he's cute" and I'm like "I am not related to you." Aaline is not a Sith, but she is going to be DS doomity doom, so she can stay with the Sith for now. I also think she's my prettiest character- I like that ponytailed hairstyle a lot, and I generally think facial tattoos are cool. (You'll notice that almost all my characters who can be redheads are redheads. This may be because I've always wanted to dye my hair red.))



I decided today I'll let my characters rest up XP for bounty week and actually work on my mod. Still no progress on lovetalks, instead, I've been making the PID even longer. Because I like PID. Thanks for permission to 'use' Faldorn, Domi, I appreciate it. :) I hope sometime next week to contact you both (and Jatsey and Berelinde) about love conflicts for Coran, Xan, Ajantis and Gavin. You know, I find those amusing enough in game (and I'm always sad when mods don't include them), but in real life if guys/gals were going at each other over me like they do in BG/2 (or even Dragon Age- I love Anders, but god if he isn't a little, er, witch if you choose Merill or Fenris over him), I'd be like "right, no maturity here, not dating any of you jerkfaces". Games make me weird, apparently.


Also, there's a conversation on DPS going on on the official EE boards right now, and it's hysterical. Sounds like it would be right at home on the SWTOR boards. I've played SCS, enjoyed it, and beat it, but my eyes always cross when reading full 'this is how you get the best DPS' breakdowns.



Aanan, baby Agent of doom, took the concealment tree in operative, which is the get up close and then BACKSTABBBB tree. Overall, Aa'lynne's medicine tree and heals are probably more useful and effective when leveling (leveling as a healer with a stealth bomb ability means you never die unless you want to, basically), but... knives! Vibroknives! Shiny, shiny, cunning stats of doom! So, sort of like dirty fighting, only for the scoundrel/operative side of things.



I'm only going to be able to do Tharan because I'm playing DS. >.> I cannot think of a way to play a good LS character and have them willingly help a guy cheat on his (virtual? hm) girlfriend. From everything I've read, Holiday seems interesting and cool in her own way: I'm going to feel like a jerk for sleeping with him, probably. Though I'll still do it.



Congrats on making 55, Kulyok! And finishing Agent chapter 3. Both pretty great achievements. Of course, now that you've finished Agent, no other class will ever be as awesome, I swear. At least, that's how it is for me... ;_; The Agent's story just has so many twists and turns and sheer freedom that I don't think any other class story comes close. Not to say I don't enjoy other class stories a lot; I do. But none of them seem as good as the Agent's.


(I married the guy on Voss, in tribute to the Agent I couldn't save. Vector was more amused then anything else, I think, even when I slept with him. I got a sad mail from the kid afterwards, implying that he had fallen in love and asking Aa'lynne to remember him even though they'd likely never meet again... but I doubt she did. To Aa'lynne, it was just another mission.)


I think one of the big reasons I like Scorpio so much is the voice. She is just brilliantly voice actored, to me. But I'm a weird one... there's no one in the Agent's crew I dislike at all. I love all five of them. Just not the ship droid.



Speaking of something mildly spoilerific... you know how in beta, you were meant to be able to kill one of your companions for each class? The Imperial ones are easy to figure out: the Ashara killing is almost still in the game ('let the ghost kill Ashara'), you would have killed Quinn after he takes certain actions (that one has been confirmed) and you would have killed Kaliyo after she confesses what she's been up to. BH probaaabbbly gave you the chance to kill Gault for real, or the chance to kill Skadge for his threats. But Republic side? I'm a loss. Maybe the JK could have rejected Lord Evil's offer and just offed him, but they do a very good job of trying to make it understood that you need that character as much as he needs you. The Trooper's companions are a squad, and Garza basically drops the last four on you by her demands (and I don't see any opportunity where it would have made sense to kill Aric). Smuggler, my guess is it was either disposing of Risha after you're done with her or killing Guss for his deception. Councilor? I'm at a loss. Maybe Zenith for being all DSy? It probably, alas, wasn't Qyezen.



I started a new little Agent on your server, Kulyok. I seem to be able to connect to Europe okay. Not sure how much I'll play her, because, well, I have so many other characters that need to be played and I think I go to bed before you and Domi start playing (at least, you guys do your posting when I'm off in dreamland), but she's there. Human, using the long braid with a bun style. Because again, I paid for those hairs, so someone's using them.



Next weekend is bonus XP! Woo!

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Welcome to our server, Twani! If you need a hand, give me a shout - I'm going to be on vacation in April, and there're weekends(double XP, yay!), so we might even cross our paths. Me, I might want to run a few planets with my Sith Juggernaut or the operative, and they're level 17 still.


Let me check my hours - it's 19pm-0am Moscow time on weekdays, and ~10am-0am Moscow time on weekends(I'm editing this at about 2pm Moscow Time, it's 10am GMT or 6am Eastern Time in US, which means that when I start playing at about five hours, it will be 11am in New York - my evening is your morning, which works for Saturday).


I'm Stacey on my main, Dinny and Fael on my lvl17's, and I log in every evening to do trade anyway. Just be warned that I'm not a brilliant player - I'm not a ninja looter, and I'm doing my DPS-y stuff like killing adds in flashpoints and trying to dodge the red circles and so on, but it takes me a few secs to react, and I've met hundreds of guys faster and more experienced than me. :D



Man, but your Twilek acolyte is scary! If I saw him at the Academy, I'd run away screaming! Or try to kill him. Or both. But he looks like he's ready to torture someone.

I think the Lord Kallig lady is absolutely beautiful. Dark Side corruption fits her like a glove. I admire that. (am a little envious, actually - I could never get Sith corruption to look good on any of my chars past stage 1).

And I like the green girl, she's vulnerable and a little too young - just the way I like it. (Can you imagine that little waif killing You-Know-Who?)


(What I don't like about the game's loading screen is how it sometimes makes the character look sad and tired - my Jedi Knight is beautiful, but that constant "shadow under her eyes" makeup the loading screen gives her grates on my nerves.)



Bounty week has started, and I've done my Nar Shaddaa Kingpin on my own, yay! Though that's the easiest one. I've got only Alderaan kingpin left(alive, I think) and both Voss kingpins(alive or dead, will probably have to do the other next month). I've been lucky to sell a bounty contract to a guildie(20K, cheap enough, but I don't really want to haggle).


And I've got no money now! I decided that it will be a loooong while until I complete Makeb/Oricon/other stuff and get to 72 mods/enhancements, so I spent all my money on seven Might Armorings 31. Money well spent, I think - after all, my Jedi Knight and my second Juggernaut will need them, too, eventually.


Speaking of high-level content, I've completed my first HM flashpoint for the weekly bonuses - Black Talon, naturally. It was superfast, though I wish we'd done the bonus, too.


And then I've re-queued(without the daily bonus, since I've done it already) and done the HM Foundry. We had a healer who didn't want to heal anyone(we asked him to heal after the first battle and kicked him after the second), and then it all went smoothly. Except I was behaving like an idiot at the end - I thought that HK part was lootable, so I remained at the area after the flashpoint was over and tried to loot the part for about two minutes. Couldn't do it, but I didn't need to - it automatically goes to your Quest Part in your inventory.


I've looted nearly all HK-51 parts, yay! Only False Emperor part is left, but since I haven't done Ilum yet(Ilum goes first, I think) I decided to do everything right and do Ilum first.


I'm running out of quest space, because I talked to all those quest givers around the fleet and now I have 19 entries out of 25. Sigh. And everyone in the fleet is searching for people for Dread Fortress and Dread Palace, and I haven't yet done my level 50 SM operations! I'd do it with my guildmates, but the guild is reorganizing(read: all active players went to form a new guild, and I'm reluctant to do anything that drastic yet, because I liked it there).. Sigh.


In good news, I suck at seeker droid missions, but I've still found the seeds - Arcanum part of the quest is next. And I've done the first portion of microbinoculars on Taris and Tatooine - that antenna under the bridge was a nice touch!


I'm totally neglecting my other characters, but that endgame content is vast, and I'd like to clear some space in my quest log. :D I'll probably be doing HM flashpoints weekly and gear up for some soloing for level 50 flashpoints - I tried to do Directive 7 solo, but the second boss droid fried me before I could even get to the repair consoles.


And I'm trying my best to bring at least Cybertech to speed, to get some level 53 purple mods and armorings. Will also try and bring my Synthweaving up to speed for augments, but that'd take a lot of time - those crystals and artifacts don't grow on trees. Well, they do, but Kulyok and Vergera(my sin and Consular) aren't there yet.



I'm thinking the game (beta) might only allow you to kill companions for the Empire side - you're supposed to be the good guy for the Republic, after all. But I'd give a lot to kill Qyzen. :D Man, I've insulted his goddess, killed my mentor and his friend, WHAT ELSE DOES HE WANT FROM ME TO LEAVE?



I'll marry the boy on Voss with my Operative, probably. By the way, she's on concealment tree, too! Knives are fun! And I could never figure out the right way to solo a healer, so I'm DPS'ing all the way(or, rather, DD'ing, but DPS sounds cooler). (Not sure she'd be romancing Vector - I think I'm going to pair her with Aristocra and headcanon him as her only romance. I think she's going to be secretly loyal to the Ascendency first, and that's why she'd go colder on the Sith - after all, Darth Jadus is an idiot, but he's my idiot and his plans can hardly work for the cool-headed Chiss).



Also I really, really want a pretty custom blaster rifle, pistols, and a sniper rifle. Preferably black and very simple. The ones I see are either red or blue and weird-looking or too fancy-looking. And my Operative girl really needs a small black blaster rifle(mine is gray, and it stands out) - she's a pretty thing in a bodysuit, not a trooper-like heavy carrier.



About crossmod: Twani, sure, I'd be happy to read over your dialogue! (I'm being protective and grumbling about my stuff, I know, but I've really gotten lots of crossmod banters with other mod chars, so Xan is quite chatty).

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WOW congrats on LVL 55 Kulyok!


I almost caught Tishujen up yesterday to the Jedi, but I am having troubles with the BW, because apparently I did not hand in the contract last time, so I was outed from Day 1 for Tishujen (Smuggler). I tried to pick up the Day 2 this morning, but apparently it changes at 6 am. And I play Tishujen from 3:30 to 4:45 am. So, I guess tomorrow morning I will try an Ord Mantell bounty with her.


After Kulyok’s post I went on GTN to look at Rand’s jacket. That’s like the only vanity item I would purchase since Bao’s overalls are not available. They are $90,000 at my server – after I go on preferred, lol. Probably will do it for a male character, will call him something like Attorand, lol and give him all the hazel eyes and ruffled hair once can get in the game.


Loved Riggs flirt on the Smuggler Class story, but mostly running with Bowdaar – we are now high enough level for him to be just fine. Hoping to run him till 1000 kills achievement. I do draw Riggs out on the class quest, since the quest-giver has BREASTS! And Bowdaar doesn’t care much, while Riggs is all over it (of course!) Had a sweet unintended RP moment when my character got infected by a rat, and that got her scripts go haywire. She could not drop in cover, nothing but shooting simple straight shot. Well, Riggs heroically saved the day from a rather tough Sand guy. :) I still wish Riggs hasn't the same bod as my willowy Twi'lek, it's plain silly.



Cathar Unlock: Almost there, they run from 800,000 to 1 mil creds on my server. I can also buy unlocks for account inventory and cargo access for credits. Not bad. Save CC for all the other unlocks.

Twilek: 29/50 levels (close to 30)

Sith: no progress (13/50)

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I play EST, but I can be on almost anytime EST as I very thankfully get to set my own work schedule (I'm a transcriber- as long as my work is complete, no one cares when I'm doing it). So that can be anytime from 8AM EST to around 1AM EST, although generally I sleep in a bit later and go to sleep a bit earlier (and, obviously, I'm not playing SWTOR for 12+ hours a day, because, um, well, work, and cooking, and life). So, basically as you said, we could probably meet up in the mornings for me/evenings for you, especially on weekdays. Right now, it's 2AM (actually, it's 3AM now, because I've been goofing off instead of finishing this post) Moscow time, so you're probably asleep, but I'm usually trying to cook at this time anyway. Today I'm just being lazy. ;;



I need to check out Rand's jacket... that could be nice. What I really do is need to earn more money. Do you make some decent creds doing dailies at 50/55? Aa'lynne should get on that.



I love the slave brandings the Sith Inquisitor class has. You can't really see it unless you're zoomed in on their faces during a conversation, but Aavi looks like she has a book written on her face under her tattoos and piercings, and my little Twi'lek has some sort of script covering his forehead to his cheeks (I think it's even on his eyelids). Sort of reminds me of the casteless tattoo from Dragon Age... makes you wonder what exactly the Sith are doing to their slaves. Do they really record messages by tattooing them on their slaves skin? That's pretty creepy.


And yes, Aaline looks entirely too young and too innocent to go on and become the pinnacle of wisdom and healing the Councilor has to be, much less the dark sided killer of gods knows how many NPCs. I tend to like making young characters, though I imagine my Aa'lynne agent is at least mid-30's, probably late 30's.


(Aavi Inquisitor, too, is old enough to have an adult child, but she's a slave-born and just found out about her force powers recently. Most of my other characters are in their mid-late twenties, with my newbie agent and maybe my Councilor coming across more as late teens (the female Councilor's voice, in particular, sounds so young and innocent at times!))



Agh, level 55 sounds complicated! But then again, 50 was complicated too, once upon a time, and I managed that.


Aa'lynne's done Illum, save for killing some Jedi guy that's hard. He appears, fights you till he reaches 2/3rd health, then he disappears from combat, summons two adds, let's you beat on them till you get maybe one down, then reappears and starts fighting you again along with the add left. I assume he does the same thing again once he gets to 1/3rd health. Heroic Moment helps a lot, sure, but I still haven't been able to beat him- I've tried Vector, Scorpio, and Lokin for that fight, and none of them seem to work. Of course, now I've gained two levels, so it might be easy now. I haven't went back to try. I also did the first Malgus flashpoint (Battle of Illum, I think?), but I haven't done False Empire.


Part of that is because I don't *want* to complete it. I want to join his Empire, not destroy it. Less discrimination to aliens? All my characters but my two warriors are 'aliens'. No more infighting along the Sith? Well, yes, that would be dandy, as this infighting is, you know, causing us to lose horribly.


And, honestly, Malgus is cooler then Marr. He just is.



Nah, I bet they allowed you to kill people Republic side, or the Republic side players would have all been complaining about not being able to kill their companions. Though apparently the problem was that everyone killed Quinn then freaked out about not having a healer companion and their cries of anguish made Bioware have to take it out. Sigh. People.


(Honestly, it doesn't really make sense that you can't kill Quinn or Kaliyo- your Warrior and Agent have certainly killed for lesser slights. Though I wouldn't kill them. I like them.)



There's a dialog tree to completely talk Jadus out of what he's doing rather then have to take LS/DS/really DS options. I'm so going to go that route when I play my agent on your server. (Aanan's going to be all Hand of Jadus, and Aa'lynne's going to cry herself to sleep at how corrupted by these stupid Sith her stupid little brother has become.) That route apparently makes him really mad- but oddly respectful of you.



Yeah, I keep wanting a decent black custom blaster rifle. Honestly, on most of my characters I want a better looking weapon... most of them just use their orange weapons they're given at the start of the game and stick with them. (Save for Lord Kallig, who of course uses her ancestors lightsaber.) Decent looking custom weapons can be hard to find, though... I'll have to check what I can armstech, but I don't recall anything being that interesting.



Progress on mod is being sloooowww right now, mostly because I spent the day working. But I definitely want to do crossmod and romance conflicts, as everyone else has them and it'll make him fit better in to the game. Of course, ridiculously long PID's don't fit in game very well, either. Hm. Ah well. I like those.



Woo for almost getting the Cathar unlock! Huh, it costs more then that on my server. :( Inventory is pretty cheap, though.



also there may be a bad prologue up on my fanfiction account, but it's bad. and confusing.

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Thanks for the congrats! One character down, nine more to go. :) Though I'll probably won't be outfitting my other chars in expensive high-level ultra gear - I'll just craft whatever I can.


(By the way, when you approach level 40, look at GTN - some of the crafting materials suddenly start being very, very cheap. Grade 9 blue underworld metals are cheap, for example - 200 a pop. But I'm running out of Terenthium, and it's about 800 a pop. I'm not buying on principle.)


Yay, Domi, you're getting rich! Cathar unlock costs about a million on my server, too, though I'm really not sure I want it - not now when I'm out of money and I need stuff for all my crafting skills. Got Cybertech to 450 yesterday. :D

(I dressed Quinn in blue lvl53 mods, so he's a bit less squishy, yay!)


Funny you're using Bowdarr instead of Corso, but I guess I understand - he's not a bad NPC, all in all, and very fitting to a Smuggler. A Smuggler gotta have a Wookie.

(I'd use Blizz the Jawa for my Bounty Hunter, but I just really want to hear Torian's commentary on everything. That, and outfitting two companions is costly.


Though... wait, do the companions only comment on class quests, not on other quests? Because then, yeah, taking another companion along for all other quests makes sense.


And I had a moment when I couldn't use cover, too! It was on Alderaan, and I went on my class quest in House Rist and got killed in an elevator shaft(ran and didn't look where I was going). And afterwards I couldn't use anything for about fifteen minutes. I was in a group, so it was very awkward. I started fearing it was a permanent bug with my sniper, but fortunately, it turned out to be temporary.



Do you make some decent creds doing dailies at 50/55? Aa'lynne should get on that.


Not really. I've done Ilum Dailies, Belsavis Dailies, Section X dailies(+weekly) and Corellia Black Hole(+weekly) dailies once so far, but I'm not sure the payoff is decent. Maybe ~80 k for each? I haven't counted. It's good for playing them for the first time, sure, but again and again? Nah. The worst part is that you actually have to DO the dailies, which takes hours, and feels more like a job. I'd rather spend twenty minutes on my ship doing crafting - it makes me calm and leaves me free to do interesting stuff like levelling my alts or experiencing new content.


Ilum's sky is spectacular, though. It's really the best in-game sky I've ever seen, and that includes all Mass Effect skies.


Part of that is because I don't *want* to complete it. I want to join his Empire, not destroy it. Less discrimination to aliens? All my characters but my two warriors are 'aliens'. No more infighting along the Sith? Well, yes, that would be dandy, as this infighting is, you know, causing us to lose horribly.


Yeah, being an Emperor's Wrath kind of puts a dampener on that. "Sorry, Emperor, that guy is way cooler than you are?" Won't work with my loyal to the bone Warrior, I fear. :( I love Darth Malgus from my first flashpoint with him(Hammer Station), though I admit, I was way disappointed that he was the quest-giver and not Kilran. I like him, I fancy his biography a lot, and I very much enjoyed his appearance on Ilum.


But man, he's such an IDIOT! The Emperor is away gathering his strength, the war is raging, Corellia was so costly - Darth Malgus owns our fleet and he's THE de-factor ruler of the Empire - Darth Marr is dying anyway(judging by his codex entry). What else does he need? Aliens in the military? Please! Sith Academy is crawling with aliens, from Xalek to various characters. Just visit Korriban. :D Less infighting among the Sith? Er, sure, everybody wants that, but who killed his own Master and said the famous words "Welcome home"? Anyway, I can understand Darth Malgus' arguments, but like that traditionalist Moff said, the last thing we need is a civil war.


(Honestly, I can't say I'm very pro-alien, for story reasons. When I play the Republic, it is overwhelmed with not-interesting aliens. In the Empire, your quest-givers are mostly human, and when they're not, they're still interesting - that Chiss officer on Hoth, the very cool droids and so on. The Republic? Not so much, and I'm a bit tired of those faceless Sullustian admirals. Meh.)



I went through Ilum at 55 yesterday, and I think I've completed it all. It was dreadfully slow, though, and I died two or three times - mostly because I was trying to rush through these endless corridors and since I don't have permanent stealth, I had a trail of twenty people after me. And then I come to the green story zone, the zone is closed because I'm in combat, and... well, dead. Saves you some time instead of ten more battles, leaves you with a 13K repair bill. Still don't know if it's worth it, but when I see a long corridor with enemies at every junction, I become a bit sad. I like the story part, not the grind part.


Anyway, Ilum is done, and only flashpoints are left. I wonder if I can do False Emperor before Battle of Ilum? Because of HK part, naturally. I also saw people asking for company for a level 55 Heroic 4 quest on Ilum(I haven't gotten it), but I'll probably get it later.



Aa'lynne's done Illum, save for killing some Jedi guy that's hard. He appears, fights you till he reaches 2/3rd health, then he disappears from combat, summons two adds, let's you beat on them till you get maybe one down, then reappears and starts fighting you again along with the add left. I assume he does the same thing again once he gets to 1/3rd health.


Yeah, I remember that guy, but I one-shoted the adds, since they were easy at level 55. I got killed with the Republic admiral - I didn't notice that he summons more adds after each shield generator, so I only became aware of that once Malavai had been killed and I was... well, pretty much dying. (And I had to spare the admiral if I wanted a light-side choice, grrr! He was annoying as hell!)


Looking forward to see how Ilum would play for the Republic, since I understand that Malgus stealing the crystals and the fleet is canon.



I wonder if the Empire brands the slaves. That would be very G.R.R.Martin, very obvious... and very humiliating. Imagine you're a Darth, and you STILL can't get rid of those slave markings! Which, of course, would make you that much more furious and deadly.


(I have a funny situation, because my former-slave-turned-inquisitor is a pureblood Sith. So I have to headcanon that her family was weak in the Force and was destroyed by rivals, and the survivors were thought to be enslaved, but the girl showed to be strong in the Force, so she was sent to the Academy instead, although the captors were against it. Then again, it doesn't explain the introduction scene when everybody kicks the new inquisitor as she exits the shuttle - who would dare kick a pure-blooded Sith! Though maybe they knew her family was finished. But they didn't know she was Lord Kallig, HAHA!)


My characters are relatively young, I think - most of them are in their twenties, except for the Bounty Hunter, who's 19 at most.

But my Sith Warrior is fairly past 30, though, and so is my first Agent. I think once you realize that Empire is losing, and the responsibility to prevent it is fairly much yours, then, well... Yeah. It ages you.


Speaking of my agent, I just got the letter from the Minister of Intelligence - since I chose the new Sith Intelligence(and I'm going to lead black ops and such), the old intelligence is dissolved, and it makes me a bit sad.

I'm going to preserve intelligence with my Operative, since she feels it's beneficial both for the Empire and the Ascendancy - Sith are volatile and bear watching.




There's a dialog tree to completely talk Jadus out of what he's doing rather then have to take LS/DS/really DS options. I'm so going to go that route when I play my agent on your server. (Aanan's going to be all Hand of Jadus, and Aa'lynne's going to cry herself to sleep at how corrupted by these stupid Sith her stupid little brother has become.) That route apparently makes him really mad- but oddly respectful of you.


Yeah, saw that on Youtube, and I'm going to take that route with my new Operative, Fael(and it's a light side route, from what I remember). I think it's the best and most reasonable way. (Though, of course, my Samanta the Hand of Jadus strongly disagrees - but she completely belongs to Jadus, so defying him would be like cutting her own arm.)



I sometimes wonder - if you become a Hand of Jadus, you're prepared to make dark choices by default(obviously, because a game requires you to make a very dark choice for that). But what about serving the Emperor? I mean, he chose my Sith Warrior as his Wrath, but I'm a pure 10000 light person. Did he know? Did he want a reasonable, calm, merciful Sith? Did he feel he had no other choice? Or something else? I mean, it's the Eeeevil Emperor who wants to destroy the galaxy, why would he choose a lightbringer as his vanguard?

(I headcanon this, too - as I described earlier, I roleplay that my Jedi Knight is my Sith Warrior's lost younger sister, so obviously the Emperor would want her as an ally - she's as strong as his most hated enemy.)



(Save for Lord Kallig, who of course uses her ancestors lightsaber.)


Obviously! Same here!


By the way, I was so happy - on Ilum I found that you could buy Artfice recipes for Hawkeye Red and Blue crystals, finally! (I have copper crystals for my levelling characters, and derelict purple for showing off). Fortunately, I was smart enough to read the smart print - the schematics are bind on pickup, so I didn't buy them with my Sith Warrior, who doesn't have Artfice.






Nah, I bet they allowed you to kill people Republic side, or the Republic side players would have all been complaining about not being able to kill their companions. Though apparently the problem was that everyone killed Quinn then freaked out about not having a healer companion and their cries of anguish made Bioware have to take it out. Sigh. People.


(Honestly, it doesn't really make sense that you can't kill Quinn or Kaliyo- your Warrior and Agent have certainly killed for lesser slights. Though I wouldn't kill them. I like them.)


Yeah, I obviously wouldn't kill them, too, especially Quinn(though my new Juggernaut Dinny would be taking that Force Choke option, just you wait!). Funnily, I don't want to kill any companions. Well, maybe Qyzen, but I'd rather just send him in the next Pilgrimage.


Me, I'd like to kill Satele Shan - would be a perfect coup for my Dark Side Consular. Killing Governor Saresh would be nice, too - she's ugly, incompetent, and I really don't understand why she kept sending people into suicide missions on Taris. (General Garza, naturally, though I just can't kill a fat old woman - I would arrest her and sentence her for some years in jail and forbid her to serve in the army, but I'd let her live. Deference to command is my weak spot).


Looking forward to my Bounty Hunter's Act 3 finale, heheheh. But for now, I'm way to tied up with my high-level content. :D




P.S. Twani, I'm totally sorry, but I don't remember your fanfiction account. Domi's easy, since she's Dominique Sotto(her first modding name back at Valygar Romance days), and I'm Kulyok, which is easy enough, too, but when I google Twani fanfiction, I find out a lovely Norvegian girl of 18, which is probably not you. :)

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