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Is the work on Bg1 npc project completed?


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I didn't see many posts and I'm planning to start once again playing BG, so I'm wondering if now is the right time.

Also, I wonder how much content BG1 npc project adds for the EE npcs, so if there aren't many dialogues, I will just overlook the EE npcs and go for the 1998 ones.

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We probably need a pinned thread here that would give the location of the download of the last version of BG1 NPC. (a lot of "ofs", I know). This morning I wanted to get the last version to take a look at tra stuff, and it took me about ten minutes to find a link... that lead only to another forum.

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But it is accessible - if you are in the right forum. Making an announcement here with a huge BETA tag warning would be cool, imho - we also need testers that play on Tutu/BGT with the beta version. There is no reason the beta tests are restricted to BG:EE players who browse the right forum. (Plus, finding testers is - depending on the mod - sometimes difficult enough. Spreading the news is not the worst idea.)

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I agree with jastey: I understand that any casual player can currently see the download link whenever they visit EE-related modding forums. It makes little sense to me that non-EE *modders* struggle with finding the link here, on the official forum. :) (We just need to point out the current maintainers, so people would know who's responsible - and thank them again for their work).

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Sounds good to me. As Jastey pointed out, testers are needed to make sure none of the changes made for BGEE compatibility break the mod on Tutu/BGT.


I can put a post on this forum or in the general workroom, whichever you think would be most appropriate.

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