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2.6 Patch worth for wait with mods?

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Hello i have some questions for people who knows something actually whats happens in BG community.

I love back to BG always. Im already got modded 3 versions of games (BG 1.3, BG:EE 2.5 and also BG2:EE 2.5)

Anyway when i want install it now on my steam i see news about 2.6 patch, so there is my two questions:

1. Is that worth to wait a little bit longer till they release it 2.6 patch??

2. If worth it, so what happens with all mods what i got for 2.5 versions ? They will working also on 2.6 (of course on clean installed game/mods)?


Thanks for answers :)


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Not to sound blunt, but I doubt anyone can actually answer these questions, only give statements and own opinions.

1. I can't say how long the release will take still so you need to decide how long you are willing to wait.

2. Noone knows which mods will still work and which will need to be adpated - time will tell. What is sure is that thre are mods that will not be compatible.

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Ok thanks. So last question. How i will find out in fact when some mods will not working on 2.6 ? Its gonna saying some errors while install it ? Or i have just check it in-game thats work fine ?
I asking because im pretty sure that authors/groups of mods will not updated info about their mods for 2.6 just in time.

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I glanced at the 2.6 patch notes and... all of the things that have been fixed are not things that I noticed or cared about. All of the things that I really want fixed are not being fixed in 2.6 and will have to wait for 2.7 (presumably in ~2027) or 2.8 (in ~2039). 

Except pathfinding. The pathfinding in 2.5 is bad, and is fixed in 2.6. Of course, it’s not that bad - I’ve been playing 2.5 and it’s been fine. Further, the bad pathfinding is a bug introduced by Beamdog themselves, in the 2.0 patch. It was fine in v1.3. It’s taken Beamdog five years to fix a bug of their own making. 

(Side rant: I love reading pissy comments like this bragging about how many years the games have received support. Like, yeah when you only release a patch once every 4-5 years it gets really easy to say stuff like “our games are still being patched 4-8 years after release!!2!”

Consider IWDEE: the 2.5 iOS patch broke the ability to mod the game. Not because of any bugs in the game itself, but only because Beamdog messed up the way the iOS app uses OS hooks to handle files with the “.iwddata” extension. Fixing this is extraordinarily easy, and involves zero changes to the game itself. So it needs NO testing...! And yet we’ve had to wait several years, and counting, for the 2.6 patch. And given the number of bugs that are not being addressed in 2.6, and the number of new bugs introduced by Beamdog with prior patches, I have zero confidence even this simple issue will be fixed.)

Anyway, tl;dr: forget the 2.6 patch. 2.5 is fine, and many mods have been extensively used with it. It is a known quantity, and it works tolerably well. Who knows how 2.6 will work? Playing is more fun than waiting, so play!

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11 minutes ago, mt17 said:

How i will find out in fact when some mods will not working on 2.6 ? Its gonna saying some errors while install it ? Or i have just check it in-game thats work fine ?

This question can't be answered for all mods in one sentence, either, plus noone knows which mod will be effected how. My Endless BG1 mod installed fine on 2.6, but then glitched out once the party returns to the Palace after killing Sarevok.

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23 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

Except pathfinding. The pathfinding in 2.5 is bad, and is fixed in 2.6. Of course, it’s not that bad - I’ve been playing 2.5 and it’s been fine. Further, the bad pathfinding is a bug introduced by Beamdog themselves, in the 2.0 patch. It was fine in v1.3. It’s taken Beamdog five years to fix a bug of their own making. 


Anyway, tl;dr: forget the 2.6 patch. 2.5 is fine, and many mods have been extensively used with it. It is a known quantity, and it works tolerably well. Who knows how 2.6 will work? Playing is more fun than waiting, so play!

Thanks. For me either the changes is not that big for waiting update. About patchfinding i've never had any problems with that (maybe im blind or something). But what do you think about support 64 bit systems ?

12 minutes ago, jastey said:

This question can't be answered for all mods in one sentence, either, plus noone knows which mod will be effected how. My Endless BG1 mod installed fine on 2.6, but then glitched out once the party returns to the Palace after killing Sarevok.

Okay, thanks for help :)

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21 minutes ago, mt17 said:

But what do you think about support 64 bit systems ?

I have a Mac and iPad, both platforms which have not been able to run 32-bit apps for several years. I don’t have the best understanding of how this affects other platforms. But if the 2.5 game runs on your system, then it runs on your system. (Most 64-bit systems still run 32-but apps... Apple is ahead of the curve - in excluding 32-bit conpatibility.) I don’t think the move to 64-bit will not be noticeable to you. (Unless your system cannot run 2.5 and can run 2.6, which is of course a noticeable difference.)

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Ok. I will update my all mods for 2.5 and start playing.

Anyway last questions.

There is some mod which change XP rewards and unlock lvl cap ? Why i asking ?

Because a couple or tons of quests added by some mods gives anothers XP, but if still we got (example) 50 more quests in whole game so we can achieve much more level, but if its possible i want to less rewards, for not being badass high level character.

Anthology Tweaks mod provides unlock XP/cap, but still cant change rewards (BG 2 EE have some mod like that, but it not work with BG1)


And there is a mod which blocks leaving teammates whos got evil psycho because we got good reputation ?

Edited by mt17
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14 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

Except pathfinding. The pathfinding in 2.5 is bad, and is fixed in 2.6. Of course, it’s not that bad - I’ve been playing 2.5 and it’s been fine. Further, the bad pathfinding is a bug introduced by Beamdog themselves, in the 2.0 patch. It was fine in v1.3. It’s taken Beamdog five years to fix a bug of their own making. 

No wonder I remember I didn't have weird pathfinding issues (that I experienced since my return to BG last year) when I played the game no long after the launch of EE or in original BG.


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Anyway i found it mobs for less XP :).


Last think. I use Merge DLC on BG:EE/SOD and after that, i install all my mods. In-game when try to change game from BG:EE to SOD nothing happens, meanwhile Black Pits work fine. Thats good ? I never used merge DLC, but because of SOD i have to.

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On 2/8/2021 at 3:44 PM, mt17 said:

In-game when try to change game from BG:EE to SOD nothing happens, ...

You sure, as in, the GUI might not change or it might depending on which mods you installed etc, but then you are saying that when you have selected the SoD game, and start a new game in it, it forces you to start a BGEE game ? Aka, you might have to go further than the surface of the (G)rahical (U)ser (I)nterface to notice the difference especially if you install a GUI mods.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola
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On 2/8/2021 at 2:44 PM, mt17 said:

Anyway i found it mobs for less XP :).


Last think. I use Merge DLC on BG:EE/SOD and after that, i install all my mods. In-game when try to change game from BG:EE to SOD nothing happens, meanwhile Black Pits work fine. Thats good ? I never used merge DLC, but because of SOD i have to.

You can also install "no xp for traps" from Rogue Rebalancing

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Thanks for all reply. Fix it and working all things expect one... 😕

Do you know how to fix BGT WorldMap positions location ? I got something like that in my screenshot, and there is also miss some locations names with WorldMap and without WorldMap also miss that names. I have to unistall it, but i install WorldMap as last mod. There you got also my weidu logs


Thanks for fast reply





Funny... I try to start fresh game (just BG:EE + SoD), and the problem with missing name locations still appear. So missing locations is not bug by some mods, its just bugged by main games xD

Edited by mt17
Found something fun
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