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Enhanced Powergaming Scripts

Guest morpheus562

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Thanks for the fantastic update to the mod. I'm just looking at the code for 5e casting compatibility below and it looks like it is reading column 2 and calling the variable men_spell, when the column is actually the cast spell. This does not directly cause an issue but I'm wondering about what the intent is as the mem_spell would be column 1. There can actually be multiple entries with the same cast spell in column 2 e.g if fnp spheres include an arcane spell. I think the way the code is currently written this will mean that the 5e spell that will be added to the script would be the first version in the zclons file that casts the cast spell, which would be the spheres version as the divine spells are added first to the zclons file. Therefore this risks missing the arcane version so wizards won't cast the spell under the scripts if it's in a sphere as well, I think. 

Using column 1 to read in the mem_spell instead of column 2 I think would also cause issues with fnp spheres as any spells that are cast at a different level to vanilla due to the spheres will have mem_spell that is not in spell.ids so this would miss these off the scripts (these will be missed by the scripts anyway if 5e casting is not installed as the divine caster will never have the spell as listed in spell.ids).

This is likely not a huge issue as not many arcane spells would be included in the spheres and not many spells will be at different levels in the spheres. However, this is still a potential incompatibility that will become more relevant the more spells that are added and the spheres are fully customisable so this could cause bigger issues in individual games.

I think I can add compatibility for all of this in a way that would not require additional duplication when adding spells however it would require checking for extra versions of spells that cast the same spell so I'm not sure how much impact that would have on performance, and I don't know if you have any idea?

This is the code in question:

COPY_EXISTING ~d5zclons.2da~ ~override~
  COUNT_2DA_ROWS cols rows
  FOR (row = 1; row < rows; ++row) BEGIN
  READ_2DA_ENTRY row 0 cols ind_num
  READ_2DA_ENTRY row 2 cols mem_spl
  SPRINT $5e_spells_array(~d5z%ind_num%i~)~%mem_spl%~
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I’m pretty sure Enhanced Powergaming Scripts has already addressed memorization issues with arcane spells in the sphere system. I remember discussing it some time ago with Morpheus and he seemed to have a handle on it. 

Of course, if you are seeing actual problems in-game definitely let us know, and we will sort it out. 

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It's not a particular issue I've noted but I want to add compatibility with multishamans and multisorcerors anyway at least locally so thought I might as well fix that at the same time if was an issue as this would have required minimal additional effort, but if it's not necessarily I can just leave that bit.

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@morpheus562 The current version won't install   on a clean version of BG2EE with just 5e Casting Installed. 

The debug file seems to be too big to upload but the error text is as follows:

Copied [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf] to [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf]
Copying and patching 1 file ...
[enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf] loaded, 1586112 bytes
[./override/ACTION.IDS] loaded, 16654 bytes
[./override/STATS.IDS] loaded, 4744 bytes
[./override/SPLSTATE.IDS] loaded, 3109 bytes

[enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 420 column 1-23
Near Text: .
    syntax error

[enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf.BAF]  ERROR at line 420 column 1-23
Near Text: .
ERROR: parsing [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf.BAF]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf] -> [override/bddefai.bcs] Patching Failed (COPY) (Parsing.Parse_error)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Install Enhanced Powergaming Scripts -> Normal Pre-Buffing Speed], rolling back to previous state
Unable to Unlink [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/backup/14/OTHER.14]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "enhanced-powergaming-scripts/backup/14/OTHER.14")
[enhanced-powergaming-scripts/backup/14/UNSETSTR.14] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
  Restoring backed-up [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/backup/14/splstate.ids]
enhanced-powergaming-scripts/backup/14/splstate.ids copied to override/splstate.ids, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
[./override/splstate.ids] loaded, 2764 bytes
Unable to Unlink [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/backup/14/READLN.14]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "enhanced-powergaming-scripts/backup/14/READLN.14")
Unable to Unlink [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/backup/14/READLN.14.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(20, "unlink", "enhanced-powergaming-scripts/backup/14/READLN.14.TEXT")
ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error

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Guest zuulforrest

I have the SkillsAndAbilitiesSongDuration;Skills and Abilities - Bard Songs Last 1 Turn component installed and my bard just attacks most of the time and doesn't sing.  Sometimes they'll stop and sing for a second to get the buff up out of combat but they rarely maintain it throughout a fight.  If I try to force them to sing by clicking it in combat they ignore the command and continue attacking.

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Guest zuulforrest
1 hour ago, morpheus562 said:

Do you have singing selected in the ai script page?

Yep, and I press V to enable special actions cuz they don't begin singing by just checking the Bard Song option in the script page.  Actually, that check box doesn't seem to do anything at all -- I can leave that deselected and press V and the bard will sing.  (It was like this pre-12.0 as well, both with and without the extended bard song component from Skills and Abilities)

Out of combat, the bard does sing like they're supposed to for two rounds in a row, then they stop singing.  They then wait for one turn, I assume until the song wears off, then sing again for two more rounds, then stop.  Repeat.

In combat, it's spotty.  Sometimes they'll sing to apply the buff, most of the time they just attack.  Clicking Bard Song in combat is ignored.  This occurs with and without the Attack Enemies option checked in the script page.

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Got a new issue...  I'm not sure what caused it, but my Cleric/Thief no longer auto-buffs Physical Mirror, Shield of the Archons, or Aura of Flaming Death.  A couple hours ago it was working normally.  I didn't change any settings in the game and I haven't modified the script or any game files or other mods.  The only thing I can think of is that I completed Dual-classing from Swashbuckler to Priest --- I dinged level 50 priest over level 49 thief.  I can't remember if the script was working after I completed the dual class or not -- I don't think I ever tried it since completing the dual class and before encountering this issue.  I'm 100% sure it was working while still leveling as priest-only before completing the dual-class.  The rest of the buffs still work and this occurs when pressing B or N.  I tried saving/reloading, deselecting then reassigning the script on the script page, and restarting the game.  The selection boxes for the script options on the script page clear themselves/deselect every time I close the window.  These are the buffs I use, bolded not working:

Aura of Faith -- Bless -- Remove Fear -- Aid -- Prayer -- Death Ward -- Defensive Harmony -- Negative Plan Protection -- Protection from Lightning -- Recitation -- Chaotic Commands
Magic Resistance -- Entropy Shield -- Physical Mirror -- Aura of Flaming Death -- Impervious Sanctity of Mind -- Shield of the Archons

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59 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

The spells you highlighted should not cast when the "N" hotkey is used. Are you using accelerated or normal casting time prebuffs? What is the fire resist on your character (Aura of Flaming Death checks if FR is below 90% or will not cast)? Can you set the ai script to none for the character, save the selection, and return to the main game screen. Then go back into the scripts page, set to Enhanced Powergaming Scripts, and set your preference and save. Let me know if that corrects.

I'm using accelerated buffing and FR is 10% from the HLA.  I tried the reset method you described, which didn't solve the issue.

I just tried it on a new Fighter/Mage/Cleric with the same buffs plus Draw Upon Holy Might -- All of the buffs except Aura of Flaming Death worked, including Physical Mirror and Shield of the Archons.  Very strange since the entire list worked earlier.

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1 minute ago, morpheus562 said:

I'm sorry for asking a simple question, but have you confirmed it is still memorized in the spellbook?

It is indeed, I'm checking to see if the spell was cast by looking at the spellbook to see if the spell was used.  There's no way to keep up with the buff animations lol..  The AoFD graphic is also easy to spot 😛

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