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Enhanced Powergaming Scripts

Guest morpheus562

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On 4/26/2023 at 10:03 PM, morpheus562 said:

Are you playing with or without Spell Revisions? The reason I ask this question is not a knock at Spell Revisions, but rather it is such a large overhaul I have a completely separate set of scripts to use if Spell Revisions is detected. This just helps me focus my attention to one set of scripts instead of trying to figure out across multiple sets.

Would you be able to attach your mocore.baf file located in gamefolder\enhanced-powergaming-scripts\baf\upload? This would assist greatly.

Hi Morpheus, 

Thanks for the prompt response! No I don't have Spell Revisions in use (at least AFAIK) and absolutely, file attached (I had to zip it so hopefully it is not blocked). Playing last night I did get the NPP firing repeatedly on initial buffing ("B" hot key) first time I buffed after any rest, and regardless of my location (i.e. no undead or similar encounters nearby AFAICS). Here's the list of mods I'm using, in the sequence they were installed (in my BGEE / SOD instance), FYI:

1. BG: Siege of Dragonspear DLC [STEAM]
2. BG: Faces of Good & Evil DLC [STEAM]
3. DLC Merger 1.3
4. EEex v0.9.16-alpha
5. HiddenGameplayOptions 3.0
6. Spell-Menu-Extended v4.5.3
7. The Tweaks Anthology v16 (CDTweaks)
8. Enhanced Powergaming Scripts v12.1
9. SoD-to-BG2EE Item Upgrade v2.0.5

(I do also have the old xParty v1.4 "installed" too, but this is just a standalone single BS script file in the script folder with the default fighter, cleric, and similar files.)

I'm currently playing SOD with character carried over from BG1 EE (first time playing SOD even though I've played BG series for 24+ years)! 

Only other odd behaviour I'd mention FWIW that might be a symptom of something misbehaving - and that I've meant to do some searches/investigating of on forums, etc - is I find if I queue up actions immediately after a previous one has completed or within the same 'round' (e.g. to cast another spell or drink a potion or use a special ability, etc) it often (near always) gets cancelled, in some cases I can queue the action and get it cancelled up to 3 times; and only when the auto-pause kicks in for end of round for that character can I safely queue an action and know it'll definitely fire in their new round. I have wondered if its either related to the scripts (overriding it with a alternate action due to threat level or what point through the round it is), or the game engine itself (I seem to recall 20+ years ago the original game did something similar occasionally although not as frequently), or is it an artifact of one of the other mods (or a combination of two)...




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10 hours ago, morpheus562 said:

From my initial reading of your post it seemed like negative plane protection was cast immediately after a rest, but now it seems it is only cast during buffing. What exactly is the problem that you are seeing?

The casting is focused on caster first, then party leader, then proximity.

Hi @morpheus562, apologies if I was confusing with the initial post!

Basically what I am seeing is when I use the script to do some general buffing (i.e. "B" hot key) it burns off any NPP spell I have memorised (actually all I have memorised). Even though there might be no benefit or absolutely no need for this buff. Essentially what that means is after anytime you complete memorisation of Negative Plane Protection (e.g. after resting and rememorising all your spells by a Cleric; such as Viconia) its just going to nearly always be wasted 9the first time you hot key buff) - and therefore never used when really needed. So my question is (being devil's advocate here) unless there is a direct energy drain threat present in close proximity why would you buff it, ever?

NPP is a highly situational buff - IMO you only ever want it on when fighting energy draining opponents (e.g. like level draining Wraiths & Vampires; or ability draining Shadows, Mind Flayers, etc); so you would want it applied by the script when those types of threats are directly present rather than just generically every time you do a general buff. Its a highly valuable spell.

NPP is also pretty damn short, 5 rounds, not the shortest but pretty short; again another reason FWIW I'd personally never want it firing off generically every time I do a hot key buff. As you may loose 1-2 rounds of it before you even enter combat and as per #1 above that combat might not even be against an energy draining opponent!? You will need all of those 5 rounds of protection if you are fighting (relative to your character level) a high level Vampire or group of Wraiths, Mind Flayers, or similar) so needs more precise control over when its used.

Anyway that was my query - as to why that happens and is it actually the best way to do it - I absolutely love the scripts as mentioned previously so not a negative, just checking (again) this is an intentional behaviour or whether its perhaps an unforeseen consequence that might not have been considered? I do absolutely agree the script should trigger it in general combat when an opponent with energy drain attack(s) is identified as a threat, but I don't think the script should trigger it as part of a general/generic pre-buff (via the "B" hot key).

Hopefully that all makes better sense? It's just my opinion but keen to just understand what logic you have for it firing anytime a hot key buff happens? There might be other spells that fit this type of category (i.e. highly situational, short duration, need micro managing when they are deployed) - but this is the one II keep seeing since I started using your scripts about 6 months ago (FYI about 90% of my play with them has been in BGEE / SOD; I've only had a few hours play with them in BG2EE sometime ago)... 

I have a theoretical work around for my instance - it means never 'memorising' NPP, and rely solely on scrolls that are never equipped in a quick slot, so it can't be triggered by the script when I do a hot key buff. Unfortunately to the best of my knowledge BGEE / SOD and BG2EE both do not have such a scroll in their item catalogues nor does BGEE / SOD have a way for a character to scribe them (not sure on BG2EE) - so would need adding a custom item somehow which I have not looked at before. 

Thanks for clarifying the recipient sequence when a caster casts multiple of the same spell in buffing - that makes sense and does match what I have experienced being the caster and leader if 2 cast and a nearby party member if 3 cast by same caster.

Appreciate any feedback, thoughts, comment you have on the scenario above.


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38 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

Okay. Long answer short, no. I won't be doing any kind of an area check prior to casting this spell. Simply not feasible. My recommendation is using the N key for long duration buffs then use B when you need everything.

Hi Morpheus, yeah that's what I already do - but as described still results in NPP spells being almost always wasted. But all good - understood - wasn't necessarily suggesting the area threat check as a potential change, just if it was already there. Will probably forgo "B" buffs for now unless certain an energy drain threat is present (and rely on those buffs triggering during combat) as short term workaround for me until I can implement my other option to not memorise NPP (as above), if I can find a way to get access to scrolls of it.

Appreciate the fast responses as always.

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@morpheus562With the new change to goodberry in the script this means that with vanilla shaman or 5e casting druid all spell slots at that level will immediately be used up casting goodberry multiple times. Seems like having goodberry cast automatically certainly should not be present in 5e casting and probably should exclude shaman if included at all.

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Hi, sorry to bother, but this

>If my extended bard song component from Skills and Abilities is installed, my scripts will time the singing with other actions.

doesn't seem to work, not sure if something is wrong with my install or script in general, but HD just keep interrupting attacks and start singing instead.
I'll attach a log in case if its a problem with my installation order, maybe im just cursed to toggle bard hat forever.


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1 hour ago, morpheus562 said:

but are you giving HD enough time to get the song up on his end? He should get it up then go back to attacking.

Yes, song is up. It usually works if i disable singing in a script, manually stop his song and then reenable script, but after some time or first combat he just gets confused and start singing every round.

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Installing the latest version of the mod (main from 3 days ago) on a blank BG2EE i got the following failure installing the main component:

[enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf.BAF] PARSE ERROR at line 850 column 1-22
Near Text: PC
    syntax error

[enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf.BAF]  ERROR at line 850 column 1-22
Near Text: PC
ERROR: parsing [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf.BAF]: Parsing.Parse_error
ERROR: [enhanced-powergaming-scripts/baf/upload/mocore.baf] -> [override/bddefai.bcs] Patching Failed (COPY) (Parsing.Parse_error)
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.


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