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Eve of War - call for modders

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Hello G3 community,

Recently there was release of the first version (let's call it alpha) of the impressive looking mod called Eve of War, created by none other than Elminster :) The author initially stopped working on the mod at some point and have no plans of releasing it whatsoever, but recently he was persuaded to change his mind and released the mod on the Beamdog forums.

The mod is still not fully fleshed out and tested, and there is still work to be done. Elminster is open for other modders to finish it, however they want. He plans to provide the full documentation, describing all the things he has planned to include in this mod, so a potential modder who would be willing to pick up the torch, could use those notes to finish the mod as close to author's intents as possible (or go completely different rout if he/she chooses so). What this mod needs the most, though, is the bugfixing, fleshing out the code, fixing typos, assuring compatibility with EET and other mods and this kind of stuff.

I'm opening the topic here in the hope to attract a skilled modders who are willing to jump in and finish Eve of War to a fully fleshed out, EET-compatible state. This is not something I usually do, but for this mod I will make an exception, because it's basically the mod I was dreaming the whole life to see for BGEE (no kidding).

Currently, the mod can be downloaded here and here is the first draft of the documentation (still work in progress).

I think many players would be thrilled to see this mod fully completed.

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We need a Git repo for this and I think he should be heading it. Although I acknowledge this always seemed way too huge for a single person I fear (even when documented) to finish especially nowadays when every capable modder is busy with their own stuff.

I've already considered wrapping up a GUI tutorial for Git based on GitExtensions due to @Andrea C. also mentioning on SHS that he got frustrated with the CLT interface (and I can count the amount of times I used the CLT on one hand after I started using GitExt in 2011, and I seen that a fair amount of modders in the OpenRA community also found GitExt more intuitive than GH Desktop) but yeah, I always end up doing other stuff.

I would work on this but I know that my coding skills are still not up to the standards this one would require.

Edited by Graion Dilach
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5 minutes ago, Graion Dilach said:

We need a Git repo for this and I think he should be heading it. Although I acknowledge this always seemed way too huge for a single person I fear (even when documented) to finish especially nowadays when every capable modder is busy with their own stuff.

I've already considered wrapping up a GUI tutorial for Git based on GitExtensions due to @Andrea C. also mentioning on SHS that he got frustrated with the CLT interface (and I can count the amount of times I used the CLT on one hand after I started using GitExt in 2011, and I seen that a fair amount of modders in the OpenRA community also found GitExt more intuitive than GH Desktop) but yeah, I always end up doing other stuff.

I would work on this but I know that my coding skills are still not up to the standards this one would require.

That would be helpful. Elminster mentioned that he is not versed with GH and this is why he put the mod on GDrive for now. But of course he is not opposed to putting it on GH at all. Apparently content-wise the mod is practically completed, although there are probably some room for additions. It'snot like the mod is half done. It's almost done, just needs some love.

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This may involve changing area codes to make it EET compatible.  He uses AR9000 and AR9100 due to them being available in IWD, for example

I was surprised to see you so excited for this mod!  Your enthusiasm also made me want to try the finished version!

Thankee and alleluia!.

Edited by Endarire
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4 hours ago, Endarire said:

This may involve changing area codes to make it EET compatible.  He uses AR9000 and AR9100 due to them being available in IWD, for example

I was surprised to see you so excited for this mod!  Your enthusiasm also made me want to try the finished version!

Thankee and alleluia!.

Not sure why are you surprised. I have been waiting for this mod from day one. 

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I started proofreading the dialogue (.d files) yesterday. It's still a work-in-progress, but I made a handful of edits to correct grammar and match the style that Bioware used. If you sort the files by date modified, you can see the ones that are modified on 08/23 and 08/24 are completed.


Let me know if this is something you'd like to continue. I know this is probably easier to do via Github as well, but I'm admittedly unfamiliar with it. :)

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1 minute ago, Endarire said:

What content/fixes does Eve of War need to be fully compatible with Transitions and Endless BG1?  What about Framed?

What content/fixes does Eve of War need to be fully compatible with your mod in progress?


I believe they would need to play it first, to be able to answer those questions. Eve of War was released a week ago, give them time to look at it 😉

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1 minute ago, Cahir said:

Everyone wants that, but rushing things sometimes works the opposite. 

You know what, you can be helpful actually. Why don't you just install Eve na of War and those mods you mentioned and do a little testing? I'm sure that detailed compatibility reports would speed things up, rather than waiting for Lauriel and The Baffled King to test those mods by themselves. How does it sound to you, hm? 

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36 minutes ago, Endarire said:

What content/fixes does Eve of War need to be fully compatible with Transitions and Endless BG1?  What about Framed?

This is the first I've heard of the mod.  Transitions is being redone for version 2, so even if you tested it with the current version, it wouldn't give a good comparison.  I'll do a test of it after I've released it.  Framed is stable though, so if you want to test it with that, I'd be up for any reports you can come up with.

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