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Forgotten Armament

Guest morpheus562

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2 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

For the list of mods that I do state compatibility for, I have worked around all of them so as not to overwrite or replace anything (i.e. MiH adds a sword to character 'x'. I do not replace weapons for character 'x' but may assign them a ring, armor, helm, or something else).

Yeah, I thought so, I will probably install this mod, it looks quite interesting even at a price of losing some nifty trinkets from DSotSC. 

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On 5/31/2022 at 8:54 PM, morpheus562 said:
  • Added component to update all stat increasing items to increment instead of set the value.

Dammit. I've just started a new install this Sunday... ahwell.

Does this affects the AC bracers as well, or just the base stat items?

Also, how does the NWN2 style stats handle composite bows (both standard long and RR's short ones)?

Edited by Graion Dilach
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Guest Graion@Work
On 3/30/2022 at 5:41 PM, morpheus562 said:

I have not placed previously assigned items into inventory since I feel it could lead to balancing issues (i.e. character now drops an item I give them plus a weapon from DSotSC).

Not a fan. Sure, there isn't really a good option here* (mindlessly adding the items risk pushing out stuff from the inventory as Gwaihir proved a while ago), this mindset would longterm require to maintain a giant shared itemlist for people to look at what slots are unused.

* excluding adding individual new mobs to the encounters who wield the new items, like say, one more supplementing druid to Seniyad's group or something, but taht needs scripting updates as well afterall

I know I'll be asking a lot here, but I'd moreso push for risking the pushout atleast as an INI option. IIRC only the pushout can still be fixed later down the road (unless REPLACE_CRE_ITEM also keeps the previous item embedded in the CRE file, because then a tweak mod can still go over the CRE file, gather up all the items lacking an inventory index, collect them into a bag of holding and then replace and add that bag of holding into the game as well).

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ADD_CRE_ITEM will add the item to the first empty slot in the list. If no slot is empty, the item will be placed in the first slot in the list and the item that previously occupied the slot will be moved to the general inventory. If the general inventory is full, the moved item will be discarded.

That's from WeiDU's own doc. Additionally. discarded items this way are still remaining in the CRE file, they just end up without an inventory index. Which is why that can still be salvaged via a late-install tweak mod to parse these out into dynamically created bag of holdings.

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