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IWD Worldmap


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Well, I thought I had this sorted with the fixes from IWDFP, but after this post I decided to take another look. Here's the current (as of 2.6) worldmap and my proposed changes:


Where you see an x/y time listed it means the times are different depending on which way you're traveling, e.g. going from Dragon's Eye to Severed Hand takes 80 hours but Severed Hand to Dragon's Eye only takes 48 hours.

As of the current commits, EEFP fixes the aforementioned Dragon's Eye-Severed Hand travel time to 48 hours and standardizes the Severed Hand-Wyrm's Tooth travel time to 288 hours. However, after looking at it, I'm increasingly convinced that times between Wyrm's Tooth to Severed Hand (288 hours) and Wyrm's Tooth to Kuldahar (384 hours) didn't account for the 4x multiplication in link times, and that 72 and 96 hour travel times, respectively, are correct. (Currently you never actually get these huge travel times in game since the engine will route you through Dorn's Deep since it's a shorter travel route, but with the proposed fix you'll get direct, and slightly faster, travel between these areas.)

For the others links it's just a matter of standardizing the times to be the same in both directions; like the BG worldmap I chose the lower times.

The Heart of Winter map has no issues.

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29 minutes ago, mickabouille said:

So the difference of duration wasn't to account for differences in altitude ? :D

From just the appearance on the map I'd say Severed Hand is at the lowest elevation, sitting in a valley.  However the uphill trips from the Hand to Dragon's Eye, Wyrm Tooth, or Dorn's Deep are shorter than the downhill trips from those areas. Then just to be contrary the downhill trip from Kuldahar to the Hand is shorter than the uphill trip from the Hand.

If there's some information that consistently applies longer travel times in one direction that checks out with the variance, I'm not seeing it. I'm going to circle back to the oIWD maps to see if there's anything to be learned from those.

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Just saying, if Severed Hand -> Dorn's Deep is 48/80 hours, and Dorn's Deep -> Wyrm's Tooth is 32 hours, then Severed Hand -> Wyrm's Tooth should be no more than 80/112 hours. Right? Why would anyone take a longer route? The 288/384 seems bonkers to me.

Ditto Kuldahar <-> Wyrm's Tooth. It should be no more than 80+32=112.

In other words, yes, the proposed numbers seem a lot more sensible.

Edited by subtledoctor
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