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small italian translation needed - (DONE)


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EDIT 3: All translations are done, thank you!


@68 (PC talking to a woman) ~Yes, we found this diary. There is someone called "T" mentioned. You do not happen to know anything about this person, by any chance?~

@69 (Woman talking to PC) ~"T...?" No, I am sorry. I've never heard of such a person. But please, do not give up the search!~



And I would feel tremendously happy if someone could provide translations into


-Russian - done: Kulyok


-Spanish. - done: Immortality


Thank you very much in advance. It's an additional answer option for my slime quest mini mod.


Thank you CamDawg for the suggestion!


EDIT: Feel free to contact me for translations via PM, if you prefer.

More translation of the whole mod are, as always, welcome.

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@68 looks fine. @69 = ~"T...?" No, I am sorry. I've never heard of such a person. But please, do not give up the search!~


I'm only fluent in Common and Orcish. Well I could probably do the Spanish, but I'm sure Immortality or someone else could do a much better job.

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@68 ~Yes, we found this diary. There is someone called "T" mentioned. You do not by any chance know anything about this person?~

@69 ~"T"?... No, I am sorry. I never heard about it before. Please, do not give up the search!~


I would put "You do not happen to know anything about this person, by any chance?", but that's just me.


Okay, Russian:


@68 ~Да, мы нашли его дневник. В нем упоминается кто-то с инициалом "Т". Вы, случайно, ничего про него не знаете?~

@69 ~"Т"?... Нет, сожалею, но никогда о нем раньше не слышал. Пожалуйста, продолжайте искать!~

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Thank you very much to you both!


Kulyok: I am happy you ask, as I assume it means you liked them, but I have to admit I lack a good idea for integrating them into Ajantis BGII.


Hm... Maybe this could be saved for some encounter in ToB or so..

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@68 ~Yes, we found this diary. There is someone called "T" mentioned. You do not by any chance know anything about this person?~

@69 ~"T"?... No, I am sorry. I never heard about it before. Please, do not give up the search!~


@68 ~Si, abbiamo trovato questo diario. Si parla di un certo "T". Sai per caso di chi si tratti?~

@69 ~"T"?... No, mi spiace. Mai sentito prima. Ti prego, non abbandonare le ricerche!~


P.S. Any chance that Slime Quest will be again compatible with BGT some day ? :)

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I think you want to use the corrected version in the first post as the base for your translation:

@68 (PC talking to a woman) ~Yes, we found this diary. There is someone called "T" mentioned. You do not happen to know anything about this person, by any chance?~

@69 (Woman talking to PC) ~"T...?" No, I am sorry. I've never heard of such a person. But please, do not give up the search!~

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@68 Italian by Salk has a typo; it should be


@68 = ~Si, abbiamo trovato questo diario. Si parla di un certo "T". Sai per caso di chi si tratti?~


An even closer translation would be


@68 = ~Si, abbiamo trovato questo diario. Si parla di un certo "T". Non è che tu sappia niente su di lui, per caso?~


(as a comparison, Salk's would be "Do you know by chance whom is he?", while mine is "Don't you know anything about him, by chance?" - literal translations of "You do not happen to ..." and "by any chance" don't flow exceptionally well in Italian).

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