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Everything posted by DavidW

  1. That’s very funny. Well spotted, will fix urgently!
  2. If I do a full clean install on IWDEE (with that SPIN722 issue addressed) I don't get any 32-proficiency trouble, everything works fine. Likewise, everything is good on a full clean install on BGEE. I assume the proficiency weirdness is the result of some partial install I'm not anticipating (or a mod interaction). If anyone gets it, please post your WEIDU.log and note what game you're playing on.
  3. The origin of the bug, I think, is that FFT works either in EE or with ToBEx. ToBEx also has a racetext.2da, but the format is different (it's a 1-column 2DA where the row labels are just the IDs). That append is legal for the ToBEx format, but not for EE. FFT needs to check whether it's on EE or not and append racetext differently accordingly, to include a column header ('ghoul', most naturally), and ideally fill in the uppercased name too, on EE. Since I think FFT is being actively maintained I'll leave its maintainers to sort this out.
  4. OK, I can totally see how the LARGE_SWORD_SORCERER thing is happening. It's going to occur on slightly non-standard install orders where the weapon system gets externalized before sorcerer kits are edited. Dropping the attached file into dw_talents/sfo will probably fix it (not tested yet). lib_kit.tph
  5. I can reproduce the problem with an IWDEE install not finding spin722.spl. If you want to hotfix it, drop the attached file into dw_talents/sfo/lua. I can't yet reproduce the problem with LARGE_SWORD_SORCERER but I can see theoretically what might be going on (basically sorcerers don't have their own entry in weapprof.2da but just piggyback off mages', and that can confuse SFO). I'll keep investigating; meanwhile if someone has a reliable way to reproduce that bug I'd be interested to hear. ui_detect_class_kit.tph
  6. Yes, continuing with 35.6 saves should be fine. The inn benefits are hardcoded, you can't get at them through NI. 'Revised inn rooms' does a UI hack to get around that. Is there a specific bit of 'revised inn rooms' you don't like? You could try to customize it maybe.
  7. Almost but not quite, it's actually a newer version that had a bug. (SCS automatically has the latest version of any functions I write, the function library I use is symlinked to it.) In any case both these issues are fixed in 35.8 (just out). Thanks for the detective work.
  8. I've had to advance to v35.8 because of issues in 35.7 that broke installation on oBG2 and on BGEE. (Naturally, my install test for SCS this time around was on BG2EE, whereas my install test for ToF was on BGEE.) If you downloaded 35.7 for BG2EE, you don't need to bother with this update. Changelog: Fixed a problem where 35.7 was assuming the Enhanced Edition at one point, breaking installability on oBG2. Fixed an issue caused indirectly by the new 2da-management system, that was failing to load localization variables on BG installs.
  9. Yeah, found it. New version imminent but if you want to hotfix, open stratagems/sfo2e/data/bg1_file_names.2da, and edit the top from this bgee tutu bgt eet IMOEN_DV imoen imoen imoen2 imoen2 BG1_IMOEN6 imoen6 _imoen6 imoen61 imoen6_ BG1_VICONI6 viconi6 _viconi6 viconi61 viconi6_ to this 2DA V1.0 * bgee tutu bgt eet IMOEN_DV imoen imoen imoen2 imoen2 BG1_IMOEN6 imoen6 _imoen6 imoen61 imoen6_ BG1_VICONI6 viconi6 _viconi6 viconi61 viconi6_ (Ignore the spacing of that 'bgee tutu bgt eet' line, that's just the forum software being annoying. You just need to add those first two rows, '2DA V1.0' and '*'
  10. Looks like something may have broken on BGEE installs. (My install check this time around was only for BG2EE, perhaps optimistically.) I'll check.
  11. Can you describe those errors? I ran a clean install just before releasing and everything installed okay.
  12. OK, just starting to knuckle down to this, starting with the January 8 list. I can reproduce this but for both technical and artistic reasons I don't think I can solve it in the near future. Unmodded-game issues, out of scope for now. All fixed locally, will be in beta 5. Should be fixed in beta 4. I think in the short run people will have to put up with this, but thanks for flagging it. I've seen this myself and I'm not sure what's going on; but yes, harmless I think, so deprioritized for now. Unmodded-game bug. Fixed locally (off-by-one error in projectile assignment), will be in beta 5. Fixed locally (it's specific to SoD and possibly to EET, caused by it using a localized race table. Similar to the problem we had in beta 2 of classes not displaying properly). Will be in beta 5.
  13. Eureka. Thanks for your help with it.
  14. It should be fine now. If you don't want to download again, drop the attached into dw_talents/sfo. lib_sfo.tph
  15. A corrupt file unfortunately crept into my upload of 35.7. It should be fixed now; if you've just downloaded and are getting bugs drop the attached file into stratagems/sfo2e. lib_sfo.tph
  16. A corrupt file slipped into my upload. I've deleted and rereleased 35.7 - try redownloading. (Or just drop the attached file into stratagems/sfo2e) lib_sfo.tph
  17. Yes, just caught that. A corrupt file slipped into my upload. 1 minute.
  18. Fixed locally, should be in beta 5 (just missed beta 4).
  19. Updated to 35.7. The main changes here are two translation updates and some fixes to the functions I use to read CLAB (and other 2da) files. They should no longer be deleting kit abilities that stray outside the normal namespace (like those added by multiclass kits) and ought to deal better with malformed 2da files. (Think of my function library as responding to mangled 2da files with a world-weary sigh and an attempt to sort them out, rather than by going off in a sulk.) I think the fixes are robust but they modify functions I use quite extensively so there's always a chance I've broken something. Full changelog: Updated German translation. Updated Chinese translation. Non-English languages should now cope properly with missing TRA entries, for real this time. Fixed a few tp2 errors that meant some components were not being offered in batch mode. 2da files now try to cope better with the proliferation of illegal 2da formats in the mod ecology. (This may en passant have fixed a bug I can't reproduce where 'improved scrolls' mangles the treasure table.) Library files no longer get confused trying to read in saving throws when they are defined up to level 50 for some classes and level 40 for others. CLAB-editing functions no longer delete CLAB rows outside the "ABILITY[0-9]+" namespace. Fixed a compatibility problem on IWDEE between 'Smarter Priests' and the item component from Argent77's 'Improved Shamanic Dance' mod. Protection from Fire no longer gets an annoying animation glitch from 'IWD-inspired tweaks to BG spells'. Sorcerers can now select contingencies/triggers again; fixed some other minor issues with the innate-triggers component. Fixed some issues with the new camping system. Brimstone wasn't getting proper dragon abilities. Fixed a library bug that meant Polymorph Self and Shapechange were losing their casting-bar icons. Hill Giant barbarian rage (from Polymorph Self) no longer persists once you shapechange to something else. Tweaked Chromatic orb now correctly gives no saving throw against damage. A few miscellaneous library bug fixes.
  20. Not at all implausible, it turned out.
  21. The latest version is now out. I spoke too soon when I said that I thought beta 3 might have a stable architecture - beta 4 required a quite major rebuild of a part of the UI editing system to handle foreign-language issues. I think the new system is solid but there might be downstream consequences I haven't anticipated. I have long lists of specific bugs with ToF (mostly with HLAs) and this release doesn't address most of them: it's aimed at broader architecture-level issues. But I wanted to get it into people's hands as soon as I could, since it will take me a while to work through the more specific list. Change-log: Reasonably systematic rebuilding of the part of the UI system that detects a character's kit and class, to avoid problems caused by accents and other non-alphanumeric symbols in kit names. This should fix various serious UI glitches people (mostly people uing non-English installs) were encountering. Kit-editing functions no longer choke on externalized weapon proficiencies of lower-cased kits (don't ask, but it was stopping, e.g., Amber from being compatible) 2da files now try to cope better with the proliferation of illegal 2da formats in the mod ecology. CLAB-editing functions no longer delete CLAB rows outside the "ABILITY[0-9]+" namespace. Fixed a logic error in the function that handles stripping mid-level effects off HLAs; inter alia this was confusing SR. Protection from Fire no longer gets an annoying animation glitch from 'IWD-inspired tweaks to BG spells'. Library files no longer get confused trying to read in saving throws when they are defined up to level 50 for some classes and level 40 for others. Fixed a library bug that meant Polymorph Self and Shapechange were losing their casting-bar icons. Hill Giant barbarian rage (from Polymorph Self) no longer persists once you shapechange to something else. Tweaked Chromatic orb now correctly gives no saving throw against damage. A few miscellaneous library bug fixes.
  22. I'm pretty sure I've only ever added vampires to that fight, and only in chapter 6. (Quite apart from anything else, there are thematic reasons the fight can't be too hard: Bodhi doesn't want to kill CHARNAME at this point.) There are grimwards just loose in that area iirc; possibly they blundered into them or possibly it's another mod.
  23. The description is the way it's supposed to be but I wasn't implementing it (it's slightly different from IWD). Fixed locally, thanks.
  24. Can reproduce; fixed locally. I've gone with '50% extra damage from cold' which is what I use elsewhere. I don't mind that; presumably it's a different hill giant! That, on the other hand, is a problem. Fixed locally. I can't reproduce this. (Repro: start IWDEE with the default party, clone in a scroll of Polymorph Self, give it to Ilauna, then either level her through the console, learn it, RestParty() and cast it, or just cast it direct from the scroll). It works fine for me. Not sure what's going on there. I'll make a note of this, but I don't want to be worrying about EEFP compatibility until there's actually a release candidate. Thanks for the reports!
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