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Posts posted by Lauriel

  1. On 4/6/2021 at 10:53 AM, The_Baffled_King said:

    One of the attractions of early access to BG city for me is opening up Rasaad's quest earlier (as it's far too easy in Chapter 5)

    That would be easy enough to do.  Not the early access to BG, per se, but allow Rasaad's quest to be done early.  You just need to move the events in BG to Nashkel and perhaps, Beregost.  Not very complicated, and maybe a nice little mod to get your feet wet.  We need more story modders.  Come!  Join us on the dark side! :)

  2. On 4/12/2021 at 8:21 PM, jastey said:

    Option 4: "Skipit Version"
    This option makes the ending really short. It's meant for players that did or are planning to play through the ending a lot of times. It jumps from Bence arresting the PC to Duke Belt explaining the situation in prison. Duke Belt will always come, no assassin ending with this option. After walking to the table were the items are, going through the trap door will bring the PC directly to the exit of the sewers were Imoen is.

    Well, there's one less component I need to write for Themed Tweaks!  Thank you! :)

  3. 11 minutes ago, The_Baffled_King said:

    it's great to see that you appear to have fixed one of the issues that makes it very bad.

    Thank you!  For me, the motivation to go was ... I'm not very diplomatic ... it was dumb!  What outcome did Duke Eltan expect when he sent mercenaries to Candlekeep with no written authorization, no back up? They were just going to hand over the incriminating documents? We were supposed to pickpocket them (which there are none to pickpocket, I tried)? The guards were just going to lock up high ranking merchants on the word of a mercenary?  It was just inane, to me.

  4. The Framed mod provides 2 different versions of Chapter 6 and makes going to Candlekeep a possible side quest not involving the Iron Throne.  If Candlekeep is visited before the Iron Throne Building is investigated, Eltan will have a different task for the group to be done in Chapter 6.  To experience the new version, a work order will need to be obtained from Bentley (Friendly Arm Inn) or Scar (initial meeting only and only if PC admits to clearing the Nashkel mines) during Chapter 5.

    Current release can be found here: Framed v1.12

    Change log:

    • v1.0 - initial release
    • v1.1 - brought CRE DV changes up to standard
    • v1.1.1 - just corrects comments and the forum and download links inside the ini file. No code changes.
    • v1.1.2 - corrected the read-me and synced the version number.  No code changes.
    • v1.2 - corrections to the Keeper of the Portal's and Arkansis placement as well as a journal correction with cross-mod content (Camryn and Tamah).
    • v1.3 - moved Tamoko to outside of Iron Throne bldg for alternate ch6, FF can no longer follow out of IT HQ, fixed Eltan dialogue leading to altCh6, matched journal entries to existing ones, new chapter starts now make appropriate save games
    • v1.4 - improved chapter saves so reloading is smoother
    • v1.5 - smooths transitions to alternate chapters 6 and 7, took out Tamoko changes and now allow FF to follow the group out of IT HQ again. Has been tested with BGEE 2.6
    • v1.5.1 - updated the history in the read-me.  No code changes.
    • v1.6 - includes new narrations for chapters 6 and 7 built using Real-Time-Voice-Cloning and Audacity
    • v1.7 - Tethtoril will give the PC Gorion's scroll if they haven't retrieved it by the time the quest ends, but only if BG1NPC was installed before Framed
    • v1.8 - includes cross-mod compatibility with Transitions and Sarevok's diary changes in case Cythandria has a clean-up quest
    • v1.8.1 - includes LableType in the ini file for installing with Project Infinity
    • v1.9 - includes includes a fix for the quest wrap dialogue with Tethtoril when the Gatewarden isn't present
    • v1.9.1 - updated ini file that points to the new download location
    • v1.10 - fixed incompatibility with Unfinished Business mod and placed Scar's giving of work order at the end of his dialogue at the bridge
    • v1.11 - tightened up the dialogues in the underground caverns
    • v1.12 - includes the French translation provided by JohnBob


  5. 6 minutes ago, jastey said:

    Since I was planning on an "EndlessSoA" standalone mod myself, what was the problem here?

    I haven't researched the issue.  Something just sent them to the place with the heads right away.  It shouldn't have with Transitions loaded.  Again, works on my end, but I haven't tested it with all the mods other folks use - especially SCS.  I dread loading SCS just to test this since it takes so long to install.  But if I can't track it down, I'll eventually have to.  I'll be working on Transitions in a few weeks - when I get Framed finished.

  6. 1 minute ago, jastey said:

    that it is a compatibility thing between mods

    It would almost have to be.  I've had folks use it successfully...relatively...all the way through.  I've never had an issue - but I don't use mods that redo the magic system since I have enough trouble working with the one that's already in there.  I'm guessing it's that OR (something I thought of just a bit ago) maybe he wasn't in EET and the added bhaalspawn power messed things up.  I probably built that in EET and BGEE might be angry at me for that.  That's what I'm going to test first, at least.  It's the ONLY thing remotely close that I can think of.  SCS (I think) messes with it's ability to stay in BG2EE in EET, so that I have to work on, too.  Might be Wheels...I'm not sure.  I don't think it's Wheels since I have that loaded and didn't have an issue.  I'll also see if Imoen's components dealing with magic that I've removed may have left something behind.  I'm hoping it's the bhaalspawn power.  That would be an easy fix.

  7. So removing it and continuing didn't do it?  All that's left are strings at that point, AFAIK.  I'm very sorry you had such issues.  It is a puzzler, but Transitions does absolutely nothing with the magic system.  There's nothing in there that would do it, that I can conjure in my mind.  I'll always keep this in the back of my mind as I work on version 2, but I'm at a loss as to what it could possibly be.

  8. 4 hours ago, Magus said:

    They are triggered by the engine, I believe. Just like BG1-style interactions. You can press the hotkey to advance game time (don't remember which one it is) and see them happen.

    I'm not sure how the system chooses between what to trigger, banter vs interaction. Maybe interactions start flowing after all banters are exhausted between the interacting characters. Maybe it's random.

    Thank you.  :)

  9. On 4/3/2021 at 10:46 PM, Magus said:

    Interact.2da is not for banters

    That's good to know.  What is used for banters other than their banter dialogue files?  What tells the systems to actually do one?

  10. On 3/30/2008 at 12:52 AM, jastey said:

    There is no overall script like "Baldur.BCS" in BG1. A replacement could be the dplayer3.bcs, which is the script of Player1. Some "monologues" are triggered via this script in the game.

    There is one in my version of BGEE from Beamdog.  I assume you're talking about BGEE and not vanilla.  So, does it just not behave like Baldur.bcs in other games?  Seems to handle things like adding journals, keeping the familiar with you, monkeying about with your reputation if you bring in lewd fellows of the baser sort, that kind of thing.

    Or is that because I have the version that comes with TotSC?  That must be it.  I had no idea that BGEE even came without TotSC any more.

  11. Just a note - life interfered with progress on BG1 Themed Tweaks.  Even though that is mostly finished now, there is another short mod taking precedence over version 2 of Transitions.  It will be at least another couple of months before Transitions is ready for translation.  Sorry!

  12. 13 minutes ago, kjeron said:

    It does that if you have an unidentifiable IDS label in the script block.

    ~TriggerOverride(Player1,True())~  ends up in the dialog file as:


    Unfortunately, I've tested this multiple times and it doesn't work.


    EDIT: It may have to do with the method used to put the code in.  I use variables sometimes to hold code blocks depending upon which mods are installed, etc.  So in the mymod.d file it looks like %DIALOGUES_CHANGES_FOR_THIS_NPC% Where DIALOGUES_CHANGES_FOR_THIS_NPC has been set to ~TriggerOverride(Player1,True())~.  This will fail 100% of the time.  If I have DIALOGUES_CHANGES_FOR_THIS_NPC set to ~NextTriggerObject(Player1) True()~, it will fail 100% of the time.  If I have DIALOGUES_CHANGES_FOR_THIS_NPC set to ~NextTriggerObject(Player1) !False()~  it will work as expected.

  13. This is more of a WeiDU bug, but I'm putting it here in case it's desired to put a warning into the documentation for NextTriggerObject().

    WeiDU doesn't play nice with Player1.  Example: TriggerOverride(Player1,SomeCheck()) gets put into the dialogue file exactly like that.  It doesn't break it out into NextTriggerObject(Player1) SomeCheck(). The result is it doesn't work.  It gives no warning, it just doesn't work.  Also, ~NextTriggerObject(Player1) SomeCheck()~ will be interpreted the same way and TriggerOverride(Player1,SomeCheck()) will be put into the dialogue file and will not work as expected.

    The only way I've found to get around this is to use the negative of SomeCheck() like,  ~NextTriggerObject(Player1) !NotSomeCheck()~.  WeiDU will leave this alone and it'll work as expected.

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