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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Thanks. Do you maintain nostalgia's pack? There is an issue open in github: https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/Nostalgia-Pack/issues/2
  2. I think that tracking giving a passive bonus while outdoors would be a fitting perk. Wouldn't it?
  3. Planning to use Nostalgia Pack and saw this. Have you found a way to fix these issues?
  4. So, some questions - I may have left them behind, may have never made them, may have asked but forgot, but I think they are worth a thought. 1) If you use "better calls for help", you cannot rob Winthrop's inn upstairs. Even if you make the bystanders pass out with your fist, the flaming fist gets summoned. Intended? Wouldn't it be better for that to happen if you aren't able to make the bystander pass out on the first hit, or at least, if you aren't able to do that within a certain time frame after the first hit? 2) Any plan on changing the rope section in ToB? My issues are the following: making you go back for the rope is not an elegant solution to face the X dragons; I don't find it realistic the dragons don't try to attack you at once, even with their pride. Also they don't release any loot (at least they should drop their scales, and why not, their blood - the yellow dragon drops his scales). I know that you were of the idea that you don't want to add new weapons, etc, but after the Karkh additional item, this whole encounter doesn't feel satisfying to me. On the other hand, the yellow dragon interaction is pretty cool. Not exactly sure you shouldn't get both the items (the scale and the amulet?) if you kill him, though. 3) Any plan on making the "Ust nasta defenses" a real component? Something where you add dialogues and actually an item or two, so the players can actually go through and think about it. Provoking a city makes little sense with the current component. 4) Will add more as soon as I remember.
  5. No reason in particular, DavidW. Saw only now you answered. Skellytz, 1) how "compatible" is the mod below? Planning to use it for next playthrough 2) Do you use the Nostalgia pack by AC, and if yes, which parts?
  6. 1) My changelog.bat is the following: :: Replace ########.### and ********.*** with the file name you are looking for. :: Run the batch file in the BGII directory and see the change-log.txt. :: You can make multiple logs from multiple files if you copy-paste the last line, change the log txt files number and remove the "::" at the start. :: Ersetzt ########.### und ********.*** durch den Dateinamen, nach dem Ihr sucht. :: Führt die Batch-Datei im BGII Verzeichnis aus und seht in die change-log.txt. WeiDU.exe --log nul --change-log fjbardb.spl>change-log/change-log.txt --out change-log :: WeiDU.exe --log nul --change-log fjbardb.spl>change-log/change-log1.txt --out change-log That's the output I get: Do you see any blatant error? 2) I don't know what to think about the component: ~TNT/TNT.TP2~ #0 #3 // Improved trap detection: increase trap sense range: v8.27 ~TNT/TNT.TP2~ #0 #4 // Trap reminders -> disclose trap type: v8.27 from Tweaks and Tricks. Basically, even if your thief hasn't "detect traps" activated, he will have an innate sense that will make him shout "TRAPS" when there are traps near. I find it cheaty, but I also enjoy it a lot. What do I do... Mmmm
  7. Thanks to you both. Last thing: should I install this mod last (even after SCS), together with the recommendations? Consider that I'm referring to a BG:EE and BG2:EE install, not a EET install.
  8. 1) I see no appeal on going back to old areas where no one will react to you; nor any point to stash things in a secure place in bg1 (saw a few players here suggesting this) to avoid losing your stuff when starting bg2. 2) I see no appeal on continuous npc(s). I think I considered feeding a manual only to Xzar to dual class him to cleric (and I still haven’t given any manual to him or anyone else to this day). 3) I start my games on BG1 to end in ToB (usually). My playthroughs take long, because I do them once in a while (I would say 1 every 2 years), so I’m going to explore every tidbit and cranny. I also experience dialogues slowly and take time to read them. If I take 6 months to play Bg1, you can be sure that in the meanwhile new mods and updates for the mods I’ve been using will be released. So why would I force myself to install it everything at once, while I can do it months later to get a better experience? 4) If someone in particular, that has good mods, releases a peculiar mod that I have absolutely to try, I don’t need to stop my current install and I can risk (and I did it more than once and it worked well) to install the “new” mods on my current install, even if they are in the last line of Weidu, and may not benefit the slick of features added by other mods. But I've got a choice. With EET_end discussions I read around, I’m not sure that’s possible for EET.
  9. So, the Gibberlings topic (https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/37070-infinity-sounds-v20-released/#comment-326112) brings you to SHS, but as we know SHS is not reachable right now. The readme is very well done. My questions: 1) Restore BG1 GUI Sounds - what's the compatibility of this mod with UI mods, such as Lefreut's UI? I take that I shouldn't probably use Lefreut's UI if using this one. 2) Tweak Sound Channel Volume Levels - Did you try to balance the different "sounds" that one can hear during the playthrough? I wonder what kind of "unbalance" you felt warranted tweaking (that's the term you used, rather than "fixing", so I'm curious). 3) On reddit I've found this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/baldursgate/comments/161xc3z/comment/jxxhff2/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 . To be sure about this claim, I've tested it myself. For the alaundo's criers I noticed that they are like in the original BG1. For the town criers, even if I played the original bg, I don't remember this being a thing. I checked the EE and they have almost no dialogue if you right click them - is the guy doing a false claim ? (reminds me of the people that said that with 18 CHA your party members wouldn't clash on BG1, that I think was debunked).
  10. I was wondering if the mod linked here https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/36123-new-baldurs-gate-2-ee-style-english-game-text-update-available/ will become part of the fixpack, or if at least changes from it will. I've skimmed fast through the topic and I read that Camdawg is thinking about a GTU option, but having more informations would be cool.
  11. I don't know how testing is going, it would be cool to have news. I will say a (probably) controversial thing: it's odd that you've chosen EET as a starting platform for a mod that has to be tested. Personally, if I had to install EET (a platform I personally don't see the gain on using), I wouldn't test mods, I would just prepare my playthrough with stable mods and get through. As for myself, I had a lot of time these days and I think I would have happy to spend it helping testing your mod; but the reliance on EET made me do other things. Good luck with the mod, I will be playing it when it's out.
  12. Yup, but let's be optimistic.
  13. For anyone wondering, Lefreut's suggestion: onopen " showButton = true " button { enabled "showButton" ... action " showButton = false " } button { ... action " showButton = true " }
  14. With the release of Stray Gods, hopefully SHS will be back soon.
  15. Rather than a romance and BG1, I would propose you to add some banters with other npcs mod - some suggestions: 1) Bg1 npc for Soa and Tob (https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/82463/mod-bg1-npcs-for-soa-tob#latest) 2) Foundling, Faldorn and Hephernaan by Lava, 3) Irenicus mod by Dorotea 4) Skitia's npc.
  16. That's intended though. It should work most of the times, but not all the times. If you wish to be frustrated, do it with an evil cleric. To be sincere, I would have liked if someone explained me how the HLA worked and if it was by chance only (because the alignment thing could be just my feeling, not reality).
  17. You betrayed the essence of internet; you should have written "thank you! solved", then disconnected from the forum permanently.
  18. 1) Isn't it mostly dependant on your alignment? From what I've experienced (I've never taken a look at the code) if your alignment is good, the divine intervention seems to always work, while it failed if you were evil. 6) I agree wholeheartedly. I would go as far as telling that there should be two versions, one for "fighters", one for "barbarian" only. Why? Because in that case you could make a case to take them for barbarian. What's better for a barbarian, +5% resistance to damage or +6 hp? I know what I would take.For barbarian it should be 20 hp, at least.
  19. Hello, usually I play only in English, but I would like to do some experimenting nowadays. I would like to play BG:EE in Italian, while installing mods in English. Basically, I would like to read a mixture of Italian (from the original game) with the mods being in English applied over the "Italian" version. Is it safe? I take I should just select the option that I'm going to play in Italian the first time on mods (so it get set on the weidu and then try it).
  20. Graion, thanks a lot for adopting these mods. I appreciate you lending a help on these...
  21. Are you adding this due to requests, or because you felt it was needed? At the cost of sounding unpopular, having a BG2 exclusive Npc is not a bad thing to me. And changing a story you've already drafted seems strange to me.
  22. I always play with high charisma and I was curious to see what were the differences in treatment toward <charname> if he had low charisma. The fact that you have to put the "leader" in the first slot to overrule the low charisma was something I learned only recently, but thanks!! For the bard song - are you sure about the entire area? Because the moment my own character went a little far from Garrick, I would lose the bonus. I'm sure of that, because I didn't know about tresset tweak and I searched for a mod adding a bigger area radius for bards song for this very exact reason.
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