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Andrea C.

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Everything posted by Andrea C.

  1. When you first meet Jaheira in SoD, she says, "I was trapped outside Bridgefort, Khalid within." If we want to be pedantic, and we do, the correct punctuation would be, "I was trapped outside Bridgefort; Khalid, within."
  2. There's a note in SoD's dwarves of Dumathoin's dungeon that says it's got " a gray stain on it back." It should obviously be "its".
  3. I disagree that they were inconsistent. It seems to me that "well-spoken" was used consistently as a compound adjective and "well spoken" was used consistently with "well" as just an adverb (to signify something like, "You have spoken well.") One could argue that "well-spoken" should not be hyphenated when used as a compound adjective that does not immediately precede the noun it refers to; it is the case, for example, of string 79195. I would agree. But in a string such as, say, 21441 (which is akin to the string I was bringing up in my initial report), the hyphen would definitely be out of place.
  4. In my opinion, yes. A choice for American English was made early on during the development of the Enhanced Editions and it was wilful and deliberate. Copy editors adopted the standards of American English under the supervision of Dave Gross, and volunteers adopted guidelines from the Chicago Manual of Style when Dave Gross left Beamdog and it befell volunteer teams to continue the copy-editing work. Any British-isms in the text are leftovers that weren't caught by the copy editors more so than anything else.
  5. ^ what Salk said Fair enough about “from whence.” I personally find it pedantic and awkward, but I’m also not a native speaker and my personal preference does not constitute grounds for what is or is not a typo.
  6. The game text sometimes makes use of the expression "from whence [subject] came". In some cases, this is voiced and I suggest leaving those untouched. In unvoiced lines, however, I would correct it to just "whence [subject] came" since "whence" already means "from where."
  7. I'll go with this thread because this issue might be local and/or resolution-dependent. For the record, I'm playing at 2560x1440. The cutscene in which M'khiin sends her spirits to attack Baeloth centers the screen on M'khiin and most of the action occurs outside of the player's FOV.
  8. Thanks, @The_Baffled_King. What threw me off was the "also" at the beginning of the motto in absence of a specification of what else was being done on top of serving. I also assumed, apparently incorrectly, that the rest of the motto referred to Helm (i.e. Helm is He who stands, waits, and watches carefully.) It is clear now, following your explanation.
  9. His motto doesn't seem to make a ton of sense, though?
  10. As per the title. No footstep sounds can be heard in area BD0116 (which is the Ducal Palace dungeon where Korlasz is held prisoner after you capture her.)
  11. Perhaps ToBEx AL could include the whole fix, engine and scripting? Depending on whether @Insomniatoris onboard.
  12. If @Insomniatorcould fix the above via ToBEx AfterLife, could this fix be applied to the classics as well via BG2FP? It would create a dependency on ToBEx AL for that particular component but IMO it would be worth it.
  13. Then let’s do it
  14. The animation glitch that would ensue if we made the Snow Troll walk at 11—how bad are we talking?
  15. In Baldur's Gate, once you're back from Candlekeep, Sorrel says there's a "goodly price upon your head." Surely he means "godly"?
  16. I think @RoyalProtector 's problem is another—BBoD benefits from Single-Weapon Style even if you're dual-wielding it.
  17. Ah, then that's what it is. I do have SCS installed.
  18. I definitely do not have that mod installed. Perhaps BG1UB?
  19. I’ve realized I edited this one in after you had already answered my post, @CamDawg. I’ll single it out here in case it got lost.
  20. In TotSC, when you retrieve the cloak for Delainy, she goes, "I am grateful beyond measuring, but I sad as well that I have nothing to give." Later in the conversation with her, she asks for another favor and one of the possible responses is, "If it you wish, I will make it so." Upon confronting Kaishas, Delainy shows up and her text has a lowercase letter after an exclamation mark, "[...] CHARNAME isn't lying! he and I grew close..."
  21. If you side with the Sirine Queen on the werewolf island in TotSC, she will answer, "Well-spoken, land-dweller." I don't think "Well-spoken" should be hyphenated in this case.
  22. If these concerns make it so the component is kept out of EEFP, I hope it can make it into Tweaks Anthology instead.
  23. Compatibility with this one would be of special importance to me: https://github.com/InfinityMods/BGGOEET Although I reckon it would require all area files in the aforementioned to also be given the treatment, which would be exceedingly time-consuming. I'll leave it here anyway, just in case. A man can dream, can he not?
  24. If I had to venture a guess, I would say it’s because it’s supposed to be a Monk weapon specifically and Monks can’t backstab. Of course a case can be made for the fact that a ninja-to is a ninja-to, and making one for a Monk would not imply forging it in a way that it couldn’t be used to stab someone in the back. In the hands of a thief with UAI, it should certainly behave like any other ninja-to in that regard.
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