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Andrea C.

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Everything posted by Andrea C.

  1. I’m also tagging @Gwendolyne to keep an eye on this for the next iteration of Infinity Animations so we can get consistency in the classics too.
  2. I’m in favor. Let’s keep an eye on each animation’s dedicated sound set, wherever present. The base games are pretty messed when it comes to creature sound sets, as @skellytz’s evidence suggests, so if we’re assigning new sprites might as well go all in and make sure the sound sets are correct and match the sprites’ animations frame by frame like they’re supposed to.
  3. There are cases in which hints are scattered around but they are hard to find for modern games' standards. For example, the quest you get from Mirianne in Beregost to find news of her husband is hinted at by someone on the second floor of Feldepost's Inn, if I recall correctly. Of course it would make more sense if you could acquire the quest only after having been tipped off, as in that case you would have cause to actively seek out Mirianne in the first place.
  4. How does EET treat the Scroll of Protection From Magic vis-a-vis the difference in targetting that exists between BG:EE and BG2:EE? Harmonize behavior across the two games or maintain the split?
  5. Wouldn’t 1) significantly slow down most ranged attacks compared to the status quo?
  6. We could cut the sound file to, "It's yours no longer!" in that case. Works for me unless Philip Daigle solves the mystery for us. I'd contact him myself but I left Twitter a while ago.
  7. I suppose we could ping Philip Daigle on Twitter for confirmation since it was he, IIRC, who wrote this content. Alternatively, my preferred solution would be to make Ur-Gothoz a devil and update the text accordingly (it should then be “devilish” master but if those lines are voiced, rather keep “demonic” which I reckon can be used to describe a devil in generic terms; not everyone on Toril will be able to tell them apart anyway.) Azothet should of course be CE.
  8. My .02: as @CamDawg and others have stated in the past, these games are not P&P. I agree that present behavior appears to be intentional; as such, this change would fall outside the scope of the EEFP. However I also agree that the P&P table is more consistent and I would welcome a component in, say, Tweaks Anthology to implement it. I know I would use it.
  9. This one's from me rather than jastey, but I'm sure she won't mind Safana's got a personal quest that takes place in the coalition camp. It's been some time since I played it so I apologize if I'm fuzzy about the details, but the quest entailed confronting a number of people about a theft, gathering enough evidence and solving the case. It is possible to solve the quest without talking to all POIs, which is fine (better, in fact, if you ask me); the problem is, once the quest is solved you can still confront all remaining POIs about it as though the investigation were still pending. Once the quest is solved, it would make more sense for all relevant dialog options to be removed from the characters involved.
  10. Interesting. Might be worth trying one icon just to see how it turns out.
  11. Would the BAM converted to PNG still have a green background? A PNG picture should be able to have a proper transparent background, and I don’t believe AI scalers can accept BAM files as input.
  12. If I understand correctly, AI scaling would simply upscale the icon, say, 4X then you’d downsize it to fit your purpose (in this case, 125% of the original size). There shouldn’t be a need to handle anti-aliasing separately at all.
  13. How about using AI scaling for the icons, rather than just resizing them? The latter is bound to make them overly pixelated but AI scaling should make them look spiffy. The only problem is that when I last looked into it, I could not find a way to feed the icons to a scaler in batch. It had to be done one by one, which would have been vexing. @Leiluwhat did you use to upscale game areas? Does it allow for batch processing of multiple items at the same time?
  14. Apologies for the delay. I originally reported this to Beamdog here. A brute-force icon dump from the classics into the EE override seems to fix the issue for the majority of the item icons, although it is admittedly a very inelegant solution (though not quite as inelegant as having icons vary wildly in their relative size for no apparent reason.) You once wrote a script that would fill the in-game inventory with all items for the purpose of testing icons in the Enhanced Editions. Using it should make it immediately apparent which icons are unduly big or small; I unfortunately do not have a full list handy
  15. A few more issues I reported to Beamdog which may be worth including in the EEFP: SoD - Menhir quest can't be completed Death Tyrants don't make use of the Death Tyrant animation Bugbear Shaman doesn't make use of the Bugbear Shaman animation Revenant doesn't make use of the Revenant animation Lady's Hall in BG plays no music Enrage ability doesn't make use of the Enrage icon (and uses the Berserker Rage icon instead) Remove Paralysis doesn't remove the paralysis VFX * *apparently a generalized problem with some VFX not being removed when the relevant spell is dispelled.
  16. Beamdog used to keep an eye on their own thread for typos and text errors, but stopped doing so at some unspecified point. There are a number of issues reported in the thread that were never addressed, although it's hard to say exactly when they stopped fixing them. It might be worth checking the thread backward from the last post until you run into a report that's already been fixed.
  17. @Leilu BG1 had a different font for dialog compared to BG2; the font BG2 kept and used for dialog was exclusive to item descriptions, journal entries, and the character record in BG1. I could probably send you the BAM that contains it; dropping it in the override folder for classic BG2 should make the game use it for dialog. I’m out of town until tomorrow night but I can send it when I’m back.
  18. @Leilu any chance you’d give a try to the dialog-window font from the original BG1 as well? I love that font and I can’t seem to find it anywhere—it would be amazing if it could be made into a TTF for use with the Enhanced Editions!
  19. In P&P, Grand Mastery was described in the AD&D Combat And Tactics handbook as giving 1 extra attack per round and increasing the weapon’s damage die size by one category. No other bonus was mentioned, so you’d strip any extra bonus to attack, damage or speed factor present in the game for Grand Mastery. The ApR is already there (well, half of it unless you used the True Grandmastery component from Tweaks Anthology) so the tricky part would be the damage die size increase, which would require enabling in the engine first (hence Bubb’s wizardry requirement.)
  20. I haven’t played in a while and it might be another while still before I embark another EE run—but I wanted to take the time to thank you for this mod. It must have taken a lot of time and dedication to build it, and it saves a lot of time and headache to all who use it. I don’t think you could possibly get enough credit for it. Thank you!
  21. @morpheus562 building on your rework of weapon proficiencies—have you thought about implementing true P&P Grand Mastery? The engine wouldn’t normally support it so it would require some wizardry on Bubb’s part, but I think it would be pretty awesome. (Mad kudos if the aforementioned wizardry extends to the damage calculation and display in the character inventory / record)
  22. In that case it seems like a clear-cut bug to me. Tangentially, do you know whether this issue also affects the classics?
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