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Jarno Mikkola

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Everything posted by Jarno Mikkola

  1. Erhm meaning ? The Level 1 NPCs was created so that you only have one game, the game you are playing. If you wish to alter a character in another game, then you install the Level 1 NPCs mod to that game, not make a freak alteration in a hex editor based on the results you get from installing the L1NPC in another game.
  2. They are, the reason being that the EE engine is based on BG2:ToB Engine. Of course the EE files have a few additional features, so porting them back might be harder. For example, we should have 2 kits for the non-EE-BG2 install, while the EE can utilize the one. It's quite easy to code too.
  3. After you un-petrify him.... aka you force it back to the group when the normal dialog option doesn't work. PS, it's Q, not X.
  4. Erhm, yeah, but if the mod is not natively made to be run by a linux, you can still extract the mods content and the repackage it to the format you like with the content that you might need to add. The .zip is mainly used to be the extraction format that everyone can use in the Windows 95, for the 20 years now. So forums, the net and so forth have agreed to accept it without too many restrictions.
  5. Yes, it is. Not that you should be able to export the chr file of NPCs, as they are after all flagged as NPCs, so non exportable characters.
  6. I would reinspect the BWS'es IR beta's .tp2 file, and see what's it's missing, as the two function look like that they are not defined in the ALWAYS block or the current component to be installed. They might be elsewhere, but the weidu doesn't care about such things.
  7. This is unlikely, more likely is that the kit could require the use of opcodes only available in ToB version of the game. I don't know where the exact line is, but the starting from #280 come wild magic, which is likely only available in ToB. The other of course that it needs actions only available in ToB. Yes, the EE games are build up from the ToB games engine, so it not like that matters to those games, but I would think it's would be better if we won't tear down the whole previous generation of working code just cause it's a little inconvenient. But make it better.
  8. Yeah, but there's a specific reason to not install the mod to a non-ToB games, did the Sorcerer class even exist in the regular SoA game ? And there's the SoA version of the Tutu, BG1 games and so forth, there's no way to know what people try install the mod into, this code will remove the need to declare all the things the mod is compatible with, as there's 99 million other possibilities it's not.
  9. Try setting this: REQUIRE_PREDICATE FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~mel01.cre~ @2 /* TOB Check prior to compiling.*/ To be: REQUIRE_PREDICATE FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~mel01.cre~ @2 UNLESS GAME_IS ~bgee~ You of course have to have a weidu.exe erhm up from ~v235, but that's obvious.
  10. And there was a sold version of it. But never mind that, back to the original topic. You have a Ranger/Druid with you as a party member, kick them out and the animals will go hostile. The ranger can charm the animals and use them as cannon fodder.
  11. Well, if you understand what the GemRP is against, aka what all the things it needs to do just to exist, it's clear that some of the updates can be quite bug prone. See the fact that it's compiled for a screen device during the install should tell you that it's not a regular game. It's more like a game mod, similar like the BGT-weidu, an update to either can throw the whole cheese to the sea. Of course the BGT-weidu has been the last 2.5 years as is, and the BG2:ToB has been 10 years, should tell you how stable that is. But that's a different in ways. And when the point comes that we'll get the EET(enhanced edition trilogy) when the v1.4 update comes to the BGxEE games, you are likely to see a few bugs that need to be fixed on the EET's side, but there it's usually still better to get the latest update.
  12. Well, it has to do with adding more problems like shown above. And what's worse, it also indicates the source of the origin of the problem, that being you for not paying for a legal copy, in the worst case.
  13. The cure sign is usually associated with the plus sign, not a cross. As in bonus hit points. But anyways, you are free to make your own mind.. and you probably should, so the two kinds of curative spells don't look alike in any circumstance.
  14. A low level spell that make's you unable to attack, but you can move faster... making it possible to run from enemies etc without it being too cheesy. At least I think that was it.
  15. The best I looked at it, it cast an effect that summons 3 creatures, from a .2da file, the 2da randomizes them to be one of the 4 kinds. Sending an additional PM to you, as I need to do it in private.
  16. Sorry, but nope. See the spcl621.spl is the Totemic Druid's Summon Spirit Animal spell. You could be consistent and actually add the spell file in the non-EE ToB game. After all, it's in the .2da file, and in the EE games. And yeah, you could argue that the SCS is... but you also have to say that M&G is "unwieldy and stupid" if we go that route. So give it a pause and just do what you meant to.
  17. Clascolr.2da Clasiskl.2da .. Clasthac.2da Clsrcreq.2da Clswpbon.2da Hpclass.2da Numwslot.2da Thiefscl.2da .EDIT: Answer, I can't attach file to the forum, get a copy of the "fl#add_kit_ee.tpa" file from another mod, set it into mod folder, for example into: DruidSor/lib/ And use it this way after ADD_KIT command via: SAY @102 // this line is in the original v4 mods .tp2 files line 875 INCLUDE ~DruidSor/lib/fl#add_kit_ee.tpa~ LAF fl#add_kit_ee STR_VAR kit_name = CA#DSORC ENDThe extended files you have, are not needed, as this will extend the existing files in the game when the mod is installed.
  18. Can you make those icon files so demi can use them... yeah, the icons are not exactly just "blue".
  19. Use this instead: ~K_S_E K_S_H K_S_HE~ The function itself will add the .2DA ends just like the debug says.... Resource [K_S_E.2da.2DA]
  20. Well, here's his. Which now happens to be translated too.
  21. Or it got overwritten by another mods FU notice. Aka, time to weidu change-log the "trigger.ids" -file. Or the fact that the KeepY... doesn't have the reinsurance it should, aka it doesn't make sure that the trigger.ids has the 0x40de ...
  22. Just update the weidu.exe that the setup-*modname*.exe is, by manually downloading the Windows Binary-archive from here. Extract it to the game folder, and then remove the file and rename the file as setup-*modname*.exe. Easy. Yeah, that's the problem with the old weidu mods and EE, the weidu.exe in them is not made to edit the correct dialog.tlk. Or have any of the EE compatible mods already in the game folder, as that will do the update automatically when the file is ran.
  23. Sorry for the attitude, but I came to nitpick. So I have to. Hey, just so you know, there's not sort of anger, I am joking here, but you have to quote me to notice it, or open the spoilers at the end. OK, downloaded the Scales_of_Balance-3.3.1.zip -archive from here. What do the "Mac WeiDU Launcher.app" -folder, and "weidu" file do in it ? Mac file in the github, big surprise. They probably should be only in the (tar.gz) -file, but not in the (zip) -file. Or you then just need to actually make a proper release. I am sure I couldn't do it either in github, so you might have to ask someone that actually knows how to do that. Hint: Argent77. And though the archive name was v3.3.1, the weidu.log says it to be v3.2 Nits ... picked. Got a few others too. Very small ones. The Necrobane is too powerful. Either take the Damage bonus or the Level Drain immunity. Or better yet, switch the later to an innate Negative Aeroplane Protection. Right, bad humor, I know, but it should hint about the joking. OK, and the specialist mage spells(example illusion spells for illusionist) come too fast, at every level from level 2 to 9 at least, it should be either all in one go(level 1 or 2), or on every 2 levels up. The Gloryblood of Tempus, Gnome and Half-Orc... kits description is empty. You know what. This mod does too little to get angry ...
  24. If you wish to know which one it is, you can just open the npclevel.2da table, and see which one it is. Assuming if the party level is the number, you should get the .cre file indicated in the table. And yeah, it's very likely that you get something other than aerie6.cre, as you are probably already leveled up a few times when you arrive to the circus, as your party level(the sum of your party members levels divided by their amount of them) is likely higher than 6. The L1NPCs mod does all this simply by replacing the existing .cre's with copies of the original level 1 .cre that's then modified by the other things - functions.
  25. Time to read this tutorial and then combine it with the info in this post of mine, and the same thing in subtledoctors last reply.
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