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Posts posted by jastey

  1. 2 minutes ago, Cacofiend said:
    5. https://www.gibberlings3.net/mods/tools/widescreen/ (1024 * 576)

    This should come late. Maybe even after the Generalized Biffing? (Not sure)

    Also, there is a compatibility problem with Generalized Biffing, Infinity Animations, and weidu v249. What you need to do: before installing Generalized Biffing, you need to remove all setup-modname.exes and weidu.exe from the game folder, and install Generalized Biffing with a setup-x.exe that is weidu v246.

  2. @mickabouille ouch.

    @Lurker Thanks for the feedback. Adding a mod identifyer to all journal entries is nothing I will do, not only because it's a lot of work for something that I would perceive as immersion breaking, but also, because to me it feels like aiming at sparrows with a canon. Your argument is that you need to go through many readmes etc to identify the mod in question. I reply: all you need is Near Infinity, a quote from the text in question, and a search program to scan the mod folders. Or a post in the forums to ask if anyone else knows the answer.

    To your suggestion that game breaking issues should be pointed out: I agree wholeheartedly. The problem here is that we are all doing this as a hobby in our free time. Taking Transitions as an example - the mod has no real maintainer currently, that's the sad fact. If I had the time to make summary posts or even add such info to mod readmes themselves - I probably would have time to just fix the bug.

    3 hours ago, Lurker said:

    information of how to properly test a setup before committing to a "serious" playthrough could also help to improve the situation for everyone involved and willing to partake.

    I have no idea how one would test an install for incompatibilities other than play it through.

    Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the players' side to all this since I am surely trapped in my modder's perspective. But since I am on the other side, I also see where we touch the lands of wishful thinking.


    22 hours ago, Anton said:

    ll.       Romantic Encounters BG2

    Gavin BGII includes reactions to RE. For this, RE needs to be installed before Gavin BGII. I would install RE before NPC mods as a general rule. (My Ajantis BGII mod would also include reactions to RE, and I'd assume Xan BGII has them, too, maybe also other NPC mods).

  4. 8 hours ago, Guest Faster than Jesus said:

    Most of my issues with the mod are more to do with expectation of what the mod will do combined with SoD's shoe-horned in nature - whether or not to dual class Imoen myself, for example.

    EndlessBG1 doesn't change Imoen in SoD. The only change is if Korlasz' Dungeon is moved into BG1, then Imoen will stay in group (obviously).

    Other than that. Imoen in SoD stays the same.

    The mod that adds Imoen to the group in SoD (and also Korlasz' Dungeon, but not if it was moved into BG1 by EbdlessBG1) would be Imoen4Ever.

  5. 9 hours ago, Alywena said:

    (I'm trying to create PRs on the official repositories)

    Thanks for that. Please do, please report bugs to the mods' forums. My blood pressure started building when I read "another BWP Fixpack" because I talked to Leonardo and talked and talked to please, please inform the original mod authors instead of just silently adding fixes (a few of them actually screwing something else).

    The majority of mods has an official forum, so even if they don't get updated right away, the info is there and the bugfix can be integrated into the official package. We do not need BWPFixpack 2.0.

  6. Oh, and I have another assumption. It is well possible that what you quoted above, the mixture of reply options and direct transactions, translates in classic IWD to "show only the reply options", but in EE it is "ignore the reply options and perform the direct transactions, first". Or something like that.

    I wonder why there weren't more bug reports for IWD NPC on IWDEE, though.

  7. 34 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

    I guess that the IWD NPC mod uses some workaround for interjections to overcome some restrictions in the classic IWD engine. I assume O#DUMP1 is some temporary place for transactions from the original dlg. Somehow, the transactions from the state the whole thing started ended up in there, hence the loop.

    Because I can't explain the looping back otherwise. This needs some real digging into, ideally with a classic IWD and IWDEE install parallel for comparison.

  8. 12 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:
    IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 517 // from:
      SAY #532795 /* ~You are a man of great wisdom, sir.~ */
      IF ~  IsValidForPartyDialogue("O#Nella")
      ~ THEN EXTERN ~O#NELLA~ 493

    Just for info: this would not lead to DEDION 31 if O#Nella is present and able to talk, but to O#Nella 493.

    12 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

    Then we shoot to State 31 in Edion's .DLG and find the problem:

    This is the interesting part. Would you post the whole state 31 of DEDION, and also from O#Nella 493?

  9. 8 hours ago, kijikun said:

    Running EET and just went into Centeol's cave and she ...isn't doing anything. She's not attacking or talking or anything. Just lets me kill her spiders and grab the body and loot.  Xan's stuff isn't firing off like I'm used to it doing at this point. Is the RE Centeol component interfering?

    bg1re Centeol component doesn't add/patch to Centeol herself at all, neither to her area. It's all about making Poe sing about her fate.

  10. 2 hours ago, Connelly said:

    I think it'd be pretty safe to separate BG2 mods in a single section after the BG1 mods, both for quests and npcs.

    There is more mods that overlap. For example, Ascalon's Questpack has content for both. My newer NPC mods and Ascalon's Breagar too, so they should be installed after all quest mods. I wouldn't violate the "first quest mods then NPC mods" rule with meta knowledge about which game the mod is for. Simply because there might be mods that touch both that you are not aware of (or might be expanded in the future. NTotSC for example considers an item that is inside an unreleased quest mod for ToB - this is done independent on install order, but still an example for not obvious hidden dependencies/crossmod.)

    2 hours ago, Connelly said:

    Hidden Adventures says in its readme that the Anomen component should go after Ajantis BG2, NPC Tweak and Item Upgrade.

    I didn't change anything so I guess that still applies.

    2 hours ago, Connelly said:

    Some mods seem to look for Ajantis BG1, so I put it immediately after BG1NPC. It might be fine to do it with the Coran and Xan friendship mods, just to keep the shared content together? But I don't think there's a real good reason for that.

    No reason other than to keep the friendship mods and BG1NPC together with them being from the same authors. You mention ease of reading later so this would be one instance where it applies.

  11. Don't get me wrong, if there is a good reason for a changed format of what is now the ini files I'll comply, and saying that it will not scramble display in other tools is a good reason. Still, I was like "aarrgh not again" when reading the discussion because time to update mods is always scarce and anything adding to the backlog is just just just, mean.

    PRs sound good, though. (They'd still leave me with releasing a new version including announcements etcpp)

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