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Everything posted by jastey

  1. Do you mean for writing a tutorial or for including such a tutorial into the WEIDU documentation? I am someone who uses CHAIN a lot, especially for PC-NPC dialogues if the NPC is supposed to say different lines depending on certain conditions. I could throw something together.
  2. Normal dialogue states should be wrapped inside APPEND dlgname ... END //APPEND (unless it's a completely new dialogue that starts with BEGIN Then you can use a CHAIN ... Then continue with APPEND - END. I don't know whether it's the most elegant way of of scripting dialogues, but it makes reading them much easier because this way the dialogue is inside the d-file in the order it appears in the game, and you do not have to hop from top to bottom to follow it. Have an example from my Brage mod: The reason I used CHAIN here in teh middle of the dialogue is that he has an extra remark in case the reputation of the PC is low. CHAIN is super handy if it comes to things like that. EDIT: oh, it happens I didn't see the second page of this thread.
  3. This sounds like a permission issue on your computer. Which is weird if you already installed other mods. The only thing I could think of is deleting the DEBUG and redownload the mod anew. In case you are modding inside the C:\Programs folder on Windows, I'd also recommend copying the whole game folder somewhere else so Windows stops protecting it, which can cause weird things to happen. If you are playing Tutu, you need to adjust the game paths inside the baldur.ini if you do that to play the copied game.
  4. I am pretty sure that is not true.
  5. Oh, there are a few. Especially as an BGT install with things like ToBEx, Infinity Animations, and Widescreenmod, the only thing missing is the mods not compatible with the old engine. EDIT: And maybe skipable cutscenes.
  6. There is a quite non-messy way to do this. If you want reply options only to show for certain conditions (i.e. in this case, if certain NPCs are not in party or can't speak), it's easy to give them according triggers. Your examüle above would become: CHAIN IF ~~ THEN DENKOD L_WARNARMOR @2017 /*~Oh! It's you again!~ */ = @2018 /* ~I have to say, be careful with wearing that. For a second I thought you're him! Nearly got out my dagger, I did.~ */ == %GARRICK_JOINED% IF ~InParty("GARRICK") InMyArea("GARRICK") !StateCheck("GARRICK",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @2020 /* ~Of course you were.~ */ == %DORN_JOINED% IF ~InParty("DORN") InMyArea("DORN") !StateCheck("DORN",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @2019 /* ~Hah!~ */ END + ~OR(3) !InParty("GARRICK") !InMyArea("GARRICK") StateCheck("GARRICK",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ + @2020 /* ~Of course you were.~ */ EXTERN DENKOD L_EXPLAINBODIES + ~OR(3) !InParty("DORN") !InMyArea("DORN") StateCheck("DORN",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ + @2019 /* ~Hah!~ */ EXTERN DENKOD L_EXPLAINBODIES ++ @2021 /* ~We could tell our lives were in imminent danger.~ */ EXTERN DENKOD L_EXPLAINBODIES ++ @2022 /* ~Warning noted.~ */ EXTERN DENKOD L_EXPLAINBODIES For the %GARRICK_JOINED% etc. you need to read in the cpmvars.tpa. The CD_STATE_NOTVALID gets patched to the state.ids.
  7. It's no problem to end a CHAIN with reply options. I am not sure I undestand what exactly you want to do. Should some of the reply options only show if the according NPCs are in the group (and the NPCs will say something if the reply options are chosen), or should they not show and the NPCs are supposed to talk instead but only if the NPCs are present?
  8. @lefreut Wow completely missed this! Uploading it again would be cool.
  9. @shaylo To talk to the mother again to complete the quest, set via cheats C:SetGlobal("ACQ22","GLOBAL",4) while being near to her. Bunger should spawn by her side and she should talk to you then. For debugging this properly so Bunger leaves te sewers I need a bit more time. Hope this helps.
  10. @subtledoctor Oh, that *is* a good explanation why he would be interested in the sword, indeed. Now I'm a bit less upset why SoD introduced a story that kind of contradicts what the Djinni in ID tells about how the sword came to be there.
  11. Awesome! Thank you @lefreut for taking the time. It is much appreciated! Which tool are you using for this?
  12. Ah! As far as I know, Ascension adds the possibility for Sarevok to unlock some of the sword's power in ToB (with the Chaos Sowrd). I don't know the upgraded sword's stats, though. The sword used by him in BG1 is an undroppable item, so it would have to be modified before it could be used in the game.
  13. If you mean the Chaos Sword from BGII, BGTTweaks inserst it into BG1 as Sarevok's loot (that's why I made the sword an own optional component). Also, @Lauriel's mod will make Sarevok drop it as far as I know. In Tantalus' "Sarevok Restoration" mod, he will come with a more powerful version of armor and helmet. I tuned it down for BG1.
  14. 1. Translation is being worked on, but not complete. 2. I guess so, but writing NPC crossmod banter is not on my priority list. It's not that I would not like to have them, but I'd really need to take the time, and if I did, there would be several other NPCs I'd write banters for, first.
  15. Imoen 4 Ever is now also compatible with Ascalon's Breagar! The above post is edited accordingly.
  16. Ascalon's Breagar NPC MOd updates to v9.0.0! -It is now fully compatible with Imoen 4 Ever (with a revised banter path plus one additional dialogue). -It is now compatible with any "Skip SoD" tweak in EET as it is included in Endless BG1 Mod (if Breagar was in group when facin Sarevok, he will turn up in BGII)Mod only installs the default portrait, alternative remove due to Copyright thoughts -The mod is now independent on the Worldmap mod, but still compatible independent on install order. -many bugfixes. Changes:
  17. Thanks for the kind words! And I can only second the words of praise for G3 as a community - with active admins!
  18. In the old engine, IsValidForPartyDialogue was a very unreliable trigger. Lots of interjections of the NPC crew were missed because it didn't fire although the NPC was standing right there. CD_STATE_NOTVALID was a custom state check introduced by CamDawg that basically checks for everything that would prevent a character to be able to talk. It is far more reliable but has to be used in combination with InParty() and some See() trigger. For the EE, the IsValidForPartyDialogue trigger was revised - as far as I know, to make it far more reliable. I think for the EE it makes no difference which you use, but I might stand corrected.
  19. I meant it's still a +5 weapon, and it is used in the BG1 part.
  20. Look at the flags. It's not droppable in my SoD.
  21. Which version of CtB are you playing, where did you download it, and on which game are you on?
  22. SW2H05.itm is an undroppable sword 1d10+5, speed 5, Bonus to hit 5. Most definitely not "just a regular sword".
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