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Everything posted by jastey

  1. @Lauriel Thanks in advance! I'll be on travels myself next week starting Sunday so post anything you'll find here and I'll take care of it when I'm back with stable internet.
  2. @K4thos Thanks! I hope someone will notice and install it on EET and give some feedback!
  3. @Psionica Do you know how to use Near Inifnity? What you are experiencing sounds like a stutter bug, meaning a script block fires but there is no connected dialogue to trigger because the variables do not match so it repeats and repeats. If you install the stutter debug tool from here, it will give you in game the name of the stuttering script and the number of the script block. You can then look this script block up with Near Infinity and post it here. Alternatively, you could send me a savegame to my username at web.de, but I can't promise anything soon.
  4. What are kit usability flags? I think this is a very good thread to start. But I don't even know whether my Wolfhound and Drow kits (for specific NPCs only -Grey, Solaufein) use it?
  5. That sounds as if my findings of how to write a 7th party member NPC would be useful, too (with all its quirks and drawbacks). I can't promise anything soon but in case the Write Tutorial Bug bites me I will write it, probably.
  6. Thanks! In case you want to write an NPC, I started the last missing part about NPC reactions along the campaign and could link you to what I have so far.
  7. Feel free to open a thread here in the General Modding forum if you have questions to mods.
  8. I have honestly no idea. I do not recall any "this is supposed to be a real hard fight!!" discussions from the workroom, though. If anyone wants to provide more appropriate leveled cre files please feel free, I think if they scale their tactics with SCS that would be sufficient for a challenging fight.
  9. I did indeed! And I'm not regretting it. Wonderful animations, @Gwendolyne!
  10. @Lauriel That's the moment where I pass on the discussion to @Gwendolyne who works/worked on unicorns in BG.
  11. @Lauriel You could also travel to the "Gorion's site" area after installing the mod. He should actually be there - basically where Imoen joined the group. Imoen needs to be in group while Grey joins the first time though, because of how the dialogue flows.
  12. Do you have the reply option to tell him to "stay close" or is the dialogue something completely different? Try setting "Global("C#GreyJoined","GLOBAL",1)" while he is in party.
  13. If a post or edit from you was eaten I am very sorry. Do you mean re-script existing NPCs so they could follow as familiars? I guess it is feasible, the most complicated thing would be identifying which interjection/script condition "InParty" etc. to change to something which would trigger while in 7th party member mode, too. I am not sure this could be done automated.
  14. (Gods, I thought the forum ate this post because there was an error message when I moved it. Phew..) Grey (and Solaufein) have the concept of being able to follow as "7th party member" which I stole heavily from @argent77's Djinni Companion. It needs some preparation, though, especially with regard to dialogue assignments while the NPC is following as a familiar - where he would be in "kickout" mode officially but should talk with his "joined" dialogue. This is easy to set via script, of course. But to account for the NPCs presence all "InParty" checks (and probably the "IsValidForPartyDialogue" just as well) do not give true any more. Fortunately, the banter script still works, but while in group, the banters are no longer triggered randomly by the engine but have to be triggered by skript. And, huge disadvantage: the "familiars" follow into scenes that are meant to be for the PC alone: cutscenes, dreams, ... This is something I haven't dealt with, yet.
  15. Ah! Here I was, thinking it's a companion like the mage's familiar, ahem.
  16. @Lauriel Thanks for the kind words! Stupid question, though: for original BGII Grey is using the animation of the Moondog, which I thought is the ranger compagnion? I never played a ranger (you know, I mod, I don't play) so I'm not too familiar with how and where rangers(?) get their moon dog, and if at all?
  17. Ah, we are talking about SoD! OK, maybe she moved out by then!...
  18. Hm. Could you patch the existing door, that it needs a key, but toggle accessibility by locking and unlocking it? Just a note - this is Rinnie's house. In case you were planning on letting Rinnie vanish into the unknown by using the house for your mod, doing this to game content is usually not well received (and it would be incompatible with bg1re which adds contents for Rinnie). How about adding a completely new travel trigger to a so far unused house?
  19. @Arthas If someone wants to contribute, I wouldn't mind, but I will not make them separate installs.
  20. Hm, usually the doors have a different name than the travel trigger region. Which door are you trying to deactivte?
  21. I'm not too familiar with doors. Just one quick question: did you deactivate the door with its name, as well? Or, in case I got that wrong. Does the door need the key to open? Then did you close and lock it (by script) when the key is gone?
  22. Roxanne also uses her own versions of mods, and not always changes the readmes. Sorry.
  23. Take all the time you need! Thank you for all your work.
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