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Everything posted by jastey

  1. It is, in that moment. The "E3FRIENDTALK" was set to "1" and the timer was set once. As soon as it was expired, the first block of the ones I quoted run 8 times because the script is always called from top to bottom and starts anew after it executed a true script block so it always executed this one. Then "E3FRIENDTALK" was at 9 and the script block you quoted started stuttering, because there was no other instances where the timer was reset. (Not trying to sound patronizing.) The whole scripting for triggering the friendship path needs to be rescripted. Still, I'm glad we could find a solution for your stutter problem. Thank you for reporting!
  2. This is what I see in the script (file E3Fade.baf): But what it is supposed to do I really do not know. What it does: as long as the variable "E3FRIENDTALK"is below 9 and the timer is expried, it gets increased by 1. This is the behavior you witnessed, where the variable was set to 9 no matter what and the timer was expired. And the script block you quoted tries to start a dialogue as long as the variable is below 10 and the timer is expired. Which it is, it's 9. But there is no dialogue that starts for "Global("E3FRIENDTALK","GLOBAL",9)". The available dialogues would start for "Global("E3FRIENDTALK","GLOBAL",2)", "Global("E3FRIENDTALK","GLOBAL",4)", "Global("E3FRIENDTALK","GLOBAL",6)", and the last one for "Global("E3FRIENDTALK","GLOBAL",8)". @amber-coffeeCat the only thing you can do to stop the stutter is set the variable to "Global("E3FRIENDTALK","GLOBAL",10)" via cheats. This also means that you will not experience any friendship dialogues. The friendship track seems to be broken, I don't think it ever worked at all.
  3. Now open the script E3Fade.bcs with Near Inifnity and look which script block contains the text "Running block 107" and post it here.
  4. Just a disclaimer: Updating the mod does not mean I know every questpath and dialogue per heart. If I know the answer and/or have time to dig through the mod's resources to answer a question, I will do so. I do read here, so tagging me on top is not necessary. Thanks.
  5. Hi @amber-coffeeCat could you install the Stutter Debug Tool, look up the stuttering script it calls out with NI and post the relevant script block here?
  6. I can't speak on behalf of the authors, but my take on this is the following: 1. if you need exactly what the already existing mod is offering, then you could make this mod a requirement for yours and just expand on it (stating clearly in your readme what your mod is adding). This is a bit difficult topic, of course, as I am not saying that addons to existing mods are totally (morally) fine in every case. I am not. 2. if you need coding aspects of the existing mod but want to make an own version that is diferent, then it is good practice in IE modding to use already existing coding solutions and credit them in the readme. I copied and used lots of code from other mods myself. There is no reason to invent the wheel a second time. If it was very unique then I asked for permission, but I wouldn't see a problem here if you credit accordingly. and also 3. I assume you had a look into the readme? Sometimes the authors put their take on this in there already.
  7. Aww, thank you for the kind words! And you are giving a lot back to the community - and the modders - if you play the mods, report bugs, and give feedback. Every bug report is a gold nugget for us modders! Best wishes for your quarantine and all the rest in these srange times!
  8. @DJ Guest - that sounds great! Thanks for fixing this in your game*, I'm happy you could finish the game this way. The two Brages are weird, but as long as it doesn't disturb you it should be fine. There is a little more content for the correct Brage if you still have his real sword. *and that was real smart, I have to say! I like it if players know their way around the IE tools.
  9. Awesome, thank you, I'm looking foreward to receiving the files! I'll fix the typos. Thank you for your kind words, they are much appreciated! I like Brage's Sword very much myself.
  10. @Greenhorn and anyone who wants to update the mod for Tutu: please uninstall the component "Brage's Sword", replace the d-file inside bgqe/bragesword with the attached d-file and install the component again. brages_sword.d
  11. Thanks for the praise! I'm sure berelinde would be happy. Thanks for making the work worthwhile by playing the mod!
  12. @grainne6 thanks for the info, I fear that's one of the random oddities of the engine that can't really be prevented.* The dialogues in this mod are called the way they are for all NPC mods, checking whether Keldorn is around and no enemies nearby etcpp I guess he just really worries about other people's well being a lot! .. *without heavy scripting
  13. Exactly, Tutu uses files with prefixes for the BG1 ressources, and unfortuantely, I used the wrong one for Brage in the trial scene. I don't see a possibility to fix this in your running game. EDIT: other than you reinstall a fixed version of the mod, but that usually leads to all sorts of other problems.
  14. This is a bug. The only thing I can offer you is that you set the variable SetGlobal("C#Q13_BragesSwordQuest","GLOBAL",4) via cheats. Then the game thinks the quest is finished, but Brage will be stuck inside the garrison instead of being in the temple and you won't get a reward. Thanks, will be fixed in the next version. I recommend playing BGT instead of Tutu.
  15. Do not install the GitHub master. Always use the last release.
  16. Gosh! Modders have a real life, too! And they dare to do other stuff than working unpaid hours for people they don't know! Yes, I guess swearwords are completely in order here!!11!1
  17. Chapter numbers is a valid point, yes. As is possible BG1 items inside the groups inventory etc. But the answer was "not for playing" anyway.
  18. @Jarno Mikkola that's the problem with coming from the "latest posts" site. Still for BGII part my statement(s) hold.
  19. Ok, I should add that I was referring to BGII / BGT. As Jarno pointed out, for BG1/EE and BGT/EET the area names are different so savegames wouldn't work at all.
  20. Often the save fails once you want to travel using the worldmap. I fear using a vanilla save for a trilogy will not work if you plan on playing on the whole game. For testing something without leaving the area (e.g. a reported bug in an NPC dialogue etc) it might work.
  21. @Angel Thanks for the offer! I think most of them are good currently. Hey - I didn't make them so they should be alright! Or do you have one in mind, @Arthas ?
  22. The Worldmapmod is on GitHub now and happily accepts PRs.
  23. @Jazira Great, thank you very much in advance! So far, no new lines are planned.
  24. @Jazira Thanks for your investigation! I'll note it down.
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