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Everything posted by jastey

  1. Wooo I fixed a linux install error!1!! (I feel so *smart*!) Thanks for reporting! New version is up: v24.6 fixes this officially and other things. I hope it's not too late for you to use this version, as there were problems with the interjections that are now fixed. ("Problems" as in "a lot of them didn't show as they were intended" because I temporarily implemented a not so well tested function.)
  2. BG1NPC updates to v24.6! Changes: - x#keth.cre should not have nonexistent items assigned to item slots (should not throw error messages or stop install in SCS "Smarter AI" component). - Coran's "stop random flirt" option should not deactivate all romance related PID options. - Deactivated Smart I_C_T Function until further revision.
  3. We do consider PCs which might not feel like helping for help's sake or gold reward, yes.
  4. @Gregor you were using the EE Setup Tool. This tool is using own mod versions the tool maintainer provides for reasons unknown to the community. Your bug report is therefore not for @Cirosan's new version and completely useless in this thread.
  5. Oh wow, I actually figured out what is giving this "Tried to identify nonexistent weapon" message: it's because the x#keth.cre has items assigned to item slots - but there are no items on the cre. Still: on Windows10 and BG:EE from BeamDog i can install the Smarter Ai component fine, despite also getting the "Tried to identify nonexistent weapon ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ.itm" message. I posted into the BG1NPC bug thread what I hope is a solution.
  6. I think this "nonexistant weapon" message is because the cre has no items but assigns items to the item slots. Still it's weird that for my Windows10 (and BG:EE from BeamDog) this did not lead to scs stopping with an error. @BettaGeorge if you deinstall both mods, replace the x#keth.cre inside bg1npc/phase2/cre with the attached and install both mods again, hopefully it works. X#KETH.CRE
  7. @Austin Would you share the info how a translation can prevent the game to start? Is it "sufficient" that the texts were not in utf-8 format or is it something more complex?
  8. Well, if you do not have the Quests, Banters and Interjections component from BG1NPC then you don't have much content of the mod I'm afraid... (The romances are nice, too, but the dialogues and banters make the NPCs alive in the game). Hope you get this sorted! If it's anything on BG1NPC's end I'm ready to update the mod as soon as I know how.
  9. @athies great! I'll let you know when it's up in the GitHub master.
  10. Newest Version of SCS is 32.8, not 32.7: https://github.com/Gibberlings3/SwordCoastStratagems/releases From the scs.DEBUG it looks as if it is related to the x#keth.cre (bg1npc/phase2/cre): Problem is: as far as I can see, x#keth.cre doesn't have any items applied and also does not get any patched upon install of BG1NPC. I fear you will also need to look for help in the SCS forum.
  11. The version 32.8 is not yet available via the G3 downloads page.
  12. @Weigo It might be a content issue. When I have time (TM) I'll make the mods compatible...
  13. What? I'm totally grateful for any assistance in making my mods better. I'd rather send a cookie for every typo if that would be realistic. I'll put this here: I'm seriously excited about the number of helpful people! I hope I didn't drain them too much so @Lava gets help, too!
  14. Hi @Blash2 I found this on the EET linklist: https://github.com/thisisulb/NoSoDSound
  15. In the "isn't compatible content wise" it seems so, as the mod has reply options that assume Imoen is not around, like Alternatives does, too, for example. Same for Fading Promises, as it seems. The incomaptibility is not as grave as NPCs starting banters with Imoen that are meant to happen after her torture in Spellhold, but that is just my opinion. Definitely, thank you for that!
  16. Interesting, thanks for quoting. So, there seems to be content incompatibility which is good to know. But: I4E does not, and will not, alter other mods. And if I'll make the mods compatible, it will not be by just erasing reply options. The thought alone is insulting. So you'd have to answer "I'm looking for my friend Imoen" while she is standing next to you, but the reply options are still there and available (and probably the ones the player would pick from the list of available reply options nevertheless. Just sayin'.)
  17. If you have a look at the component "Skip Korlasz' Dungeon" of my SoD Tweakpack, it might help a little bit. In the SkipDungeon/tables/c#st-table.2da you see the items listed that are gained via quests and not present on the area from the start, and also the items that are used in the dungeon itself and should not be transferred. If you want to see which items are all available you could also play the dungeon with the tweak and have a look at what is transferred into the desc in bd0103.are. Also, feel free to use any of my code, I stole the function from @K4thos anyway.
  18. This should not happen with I4E, i.e. Imoen should not talk about magic as if it's something new if she already has a mage class. Note: this does not apply if Imoen was not in group in BG1 and therefore the original game content kicks in in SoD, as I did not change any content in this case. Interesting. The BG1 mods should be safe. For the BGII ones, you could search the mod folders (for example using grepWin) for I_C_T or INTERJECT_COPY_TRANS and EXTEND_TOP (in d-files) and post the findings here.
  19. @Brokenkatana, thank you very much for your proof readings for Grey and Brandock! @Lauriel tank you very much for EBG1, I4E and SoD Tweakpack! @athies thanks very much for Brage! And since I know from experience that there is always another typo - @athies If you still want/ are working on I4E I could pass on the proof read version from Lauriel. @Cirosan if you still have time, I would be very happy if you'd do the second round for Brandock. Brokenkatana's edits are already integrated in the current master. And a note: I use WinMerge to compare the changed tra files, so I will spot your changes and don't need you to list them (sorry Brokenkatana this comes a bit late).
  20. Hm, from the technical point of view I would assume the mods are compatible. What I4E does is tagg a lot of reply options with "only show these if Imoen is really gone" and also changes the strings directly from "I am searching for Imoen" to "Iam searching for a mage called Irenicus" (paraphrased). The first thing makes it imperative that I4E is installed as soon as possible - if there is only one mod before I4E that either adds reply options by EXTEND_TOP (-> shifts all existing reply options in state numbers) or makes an interjection (-> shifts the shown reply options to a state I cannot identify any longer), then I4E will not work as intended. This is why I now recommend to treat I4E as a questmod *and* install it as soon as possible. The content-wise compatibility can be a bummer too, though, as I4E and NPC Strongholds showed: if we are "only" talking about "NPCs greeting Imoen as if she was in Spellhold already" it might look weird and break immersion, but for NPC Stronghold this lead to a situation where Imoen's Thief Stronghold would cancel Aran's way to Brynnlaw in Chapter 3 which - if Bodhi was already rejected and Alternatives not installed is a bad situation. (This shoud be fixed in @Cirosan's new version of NPC Strongholds, btw.!) Almateria's does the most on a technical point of view but when I had a very close look at compatibility I had the impression that the changed Promenade Cutscene (or others) would be the most crucial thing with regard to compatibility and that's totally fine (please refer to the comp notes regarding install order). SoS I don't know enough to know why it could be incomatible content wise. Maybe @Weigo knows more about the content. But technically, I would assume the mods to be compatible. Concerning Imoen's class, I4E only checks whether Imoen is already MAGE_ALL for some dialogue content in SoD: Imoen will not talk about how she always wanted to learn magic if she is already a mage class in the Korlasz dungeon (or was it that she wouldn't talk about mage training if she was *not* a mage class yet. One of the two. So it makes sense.) What else would you like to see with regard to Imoen's class being mage or not? So far, I4E does not include any kind of class changes and I would like to keep it that way, because it's the players' choice whether to dualclass her or not. But if you have more suggestions, please let me know.
  21. Thank you for your work! I'll try to get some playtesters at Kerzenburgforums.
  22. Incompatible with I4E? Her tool pulls own versions of SoS, Fading Promises and Almateria's Restoration Project so I'm not even sure we are talking about the real mods. Almateria's Restoration Project "Extended Waukeen's Promenade Cutscene" is explicitely compatible as stated above. Back to Brynnlaw happens somewhat later in game - in chapter 6 after being to Brynnlaw the first time, doh. No idea why this would give problems with I4E if the other mod's story kicks in later. Fading Promises: maybe the PC can tak with the undead paladin about the missing Imoen or somesuch, I haven't checked. SoS: no idea what her version of the mod does. That's the sad part, Roxanne likes to tagg (and proclaim) mods to be "buggy" or "incompatible", but never gives any specific reasons which makes the whole statement (and her work to identify bugs - if we assume she did that) mute.
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