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Everything posted by jastey

  1. Definitely! Thanks for the passing up, I enjoyed it. It's my own fault that my scriptblockers prevent me to jump to the current tag!..
  2. I just got a heart attack because I thought the whole thread is new and there was like a bug report in every post! Yeah, that was like "I know this might be a dumb question but I need to ask this anyhow"- Problem is, sometimes I don't know whether people are noobs or not. "Did you start a new game after setting up a newly modded game?" might be an insulting question to an old Megamod veteran who knows that this of course scrumbles up texts, but something completely new to someone playing a modded IE game who never had this problem with other games. (There is also the case of sockets that you can turn on and off. They are not common in Germany. "My devide soesn't work" is fun to debug on phone if the customer doesn't realize the socket is without power!)
  3. Awesome! Thank you very much, @fedearianna. I downloaded it. I hope I will find to upload a new version soon. (Feel free to nudge me if it takes too long.) Yes, berelinde is retired, anything mod related should go here into the forums.
  4. BGQE doesn't change Clahan's original appearance. If he is not in Ulgoth's Beard in your game at all, then this has a different reason. You could check whether Global("MetMendas","GLOBAL",1) is set correctly in your game after you spoke to Mendas. Ninja's by @Arthas This is actually good to know. I think bgqe should make him appear always. Thanks for the heads up!
  5. Yes, then the error would be solved and all should work as intended.
  6. In the tp2 of WilsonChronicles, this needs to be put at the end of the file (behind the script and dlg compilation): The mod is not safe to use I'm afraid, as the change to ToB script upon transition might not work correctly and also the fate spirit summoning.
  7. Eimerian completed the English version! Now I would need a proof reader for it, and would be very happy for volunteers! I also made a call for proof readers here.
  8. Eimerian completed the English version of Ascalon's Breagar! Now I would need a proof reader for it, and would be very happy for volunteers!
  9. Woooo Good health to you and all fellow lurkers from me, too!
  10. You are seriously barking up the wrong tree, you know. And small hint: "the community" includes you.
  11. Pocket Plane Group PPG official GitHub Mirror BG1 Unfinished Business BG1 Unfinished Business ("BG1UB") is a mod designed to restore many of the cut items, quests, and encounters from the original Baldur's Gate game's final release, as well as try to tie up some of the "loose ends." As usual, BG1UB should be compatible with most other WeiDU-based mods, and should be installed after either conversion. BG1UB is compatible with Baldur's Gate 1 (with or without Tales of the Sword Coast), Tutu, BGT, and Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. v16.3 comes with an updated Russian translation by d0lphin. Download at PPG GitHub Mirror Mod's Homepage (older version) Discussion Thread at G3 Discussion Thread at BeamDog's
  12. bg1ub updates to 16.3! The new version comes with an updated Russian translation by d0lphin.
  13. Thanks for the feedback! It wouldn't be too difficult to implement, but it would contradict the "hooray hero!" start of SoD and it would also mean I'd have to disable the "PC's a hero" dialogues from the people in the city (they do hear about the PC saving the Dukes though). So I'm not sure I'll change it but I'll keep it in mind. Maybe I could make the hero cutscene another optional component. I'm not sure though. Thanks for the kind words!
  14. The only time where order of triggers in scripts played a real role was with AreaType() check in the deam script (the script that triggers before rest) of an NPC leads to a crash if the NPC cannot talk (or is dead) and that another trigger giving false in that case should be on top to prevent the crash. Meaning, that the "NPC can talk" check (!StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID)) should be before the AreaType() check, e.g. Other than that, ordering the triggers in teh scripts such that a false trigger would be on top might be optimal because the engine is quicker with going through the script files if it can skip the script block in question sooner. But what the optimum order of triggers would be here and also whether this has really an impact is a good question that could use more input from all the modder veterans out there.
  15. Other actions that should be put last: -EscapeArea() -EscapeAreaDestroy() -MoveBetweenAreas() JFI. It's some of these things that you either know or you despair why it doesn't work in game.
  16. @Raduziel sure, some things are so obvious (to the experienced) that it doesn't make sense not to chime in. (Now I'll go around telling I troubleshooted a kitpack which I have no experience with, haha!)
  17. Cool! Thanks for the answer.
  18. It's because of the order of your transactions. You have to put JoinParty() last. Any transactions after that do not get executed. (I didn't look at that properly before.) With the two changes it should work.
  19. Still not sure I understand this. If you use then @9004 is only a title, in your case this would be e.g. Nothing else. Then the other entries after that are the actual entries. And they will all be grouped under the journal title "Of Cats and Birds."
  20. What do you mean by bracketed entry?
  21. I know asking for more features if the modder is still waiting for feedback is unfair, but do you think the mod could be made compatible with BGT or did you use some very EE-only features? There are still people around who like their BGT.
  22. Did you install the mod into the game language you are playing the game in?
  23. Alternatively, you could switch to #14674 which is "Blinded" in EET and in BG:EE. In the German version, #14674 is "was/is blinded" (whreas #31786 in BG:EE translates to "Blinded") though, in case that matters.
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