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Everything posted by jastey

  1. Which version of Glam's Pack do you have?
  2. Is your install order bg1npc - Gavin - Glam's Pack?
  3. I'm not aware of any interjections being taken out. If there is one not showing it's probably a bug or dependent on some requirements you didn't meet in your current game (the latter probably less likely). This is what should happen for the Great Gazib: This is after the first, when talked to again. Did you talk to the Great Gazib a second time?
  4. @Greenhorn I'm not sure - is this a bug report?
  5. I do not see this restriction in SimDing0's original spawn script? For now, I would say just delete the offensive variable and see whether the encounter works as intended: Did you plan on making this EE compatible?
  6. I thought I_C_T3 is like I_C_T which - I thought - works the way that all transactions are copied to the NPC interjecting. Meaning, the transactions are performed after the NPC spoke. BG1NPC adds the following interjection to Neb in BG1: /* individual passbacks supplied */ I_C_T3 ~%tutu_scriptbg%NEB%eet_var%~ 8 X#NEB8 == ~%AJANTIS_JOINED%~ IF ~InParty("ajantis") InMyArea("ajantis") !StateCheck("ajantis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @287 == ~%tutu_scriptbg%NEB%eet_var%~ IF ~InParty("ajantis") InMyArea("ajantis") !StateCheck("ajantis",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @288 == ~%KIVAN_JOINED%~ IF ~InParty("kivan") InMyArea("kivan") !StateCheck("kivan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @289 == ~%tutu_scriptbg%NEB%eet_var%~ IF ~InParty("kivan") InMyArea("kivan") !StateCheck("kivan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @290 == ~%DYNAHEIR_JOINED%~ IF ~InParty("dynaheir") InMyArea("dynaheir") !StateCheck("dynaheir",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @291 == ~%tutu_scriptbg%NEB%eet_var%~ IF ~InParty("dynaheir") InMyArea("dynaheir") !StateCheck("dynaheir",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @292 == ~%JAHEIRA_JOINED%~ IF ~InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @293 == ~%tutu_scriptbg%NEB%eet_var%~ IF ~InParty("jaheira") InMyArea("jaheira") !StateCheck("jaheira",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)~ THEN @294 END And this is how it looks if compiled: Thus, the transactions are added so they are performed before the NPC says the line. (Which in this case leads to the case that the cutscene starts while the dialogue box is still open, leading to a hanging game.) So, the I_C_T3 in this case is compiled like I thought I_C_T2/4 would be. What am I missing?
  7. BG1NPC updates to v24.5! Changes: PID options should not block SoD dialogues if installed directly to EET. Coran Romance: PID option "stop flirt with me" should not disable all romance-related PID options. Fixed coran romance dialogue transition.
  8. If BG1NPC is installed directly to EET, I see a strange behavior of how PIDs are tagged by EET_End. The BG1NPC PID are usually triggered by ~IsGabber(Player1) %BGT_VAR%~, where %BGT_VAR% translates to "GlobalLT("ENDOFBG1","GLOBAL",2)" for EET. With this, EET_End does not add a "BG1 only" check to these PIDs. I then replaced the %BGT_VAR% - for BG1NPC only, because it only adds to BG1 - with "!GlobalGT("BD_PLOT","GLOBAL",0)", instead. Now, the PID after EET_End has the following triggers: With "Global("EndofBG1","GLOBAL",0)" making my addition of "!GlobalGT("BD_PLOT","GLOBAL",0)" mute. I checked this several times by installing with "GlobalLT("ENDOFBG1","GLOBAL",2)" or !GlobalGT("BD_PLOT","GLOBAL",0) in the PID triggers. I guess there is logic behind this, but in my opinion, all IsGabber dialogue states from the BG1 dialogue should be disabled in SoD in EET, no matter what the additional triggers are? Because if they are not and are true in SoD, they lead to stutter when SoD dialogues should run.
  9. Oh! Thanks, @CamDawg! (Just to make sure: Brokenkatana's proof reading did not include the title!!!1! )
  10. Grey the Dog updates to v3! Thank you to @Brokenkatana for proof reading! Changes -Angel's fix for c#grtoo4.itm, Lauriel's fix for c#grtoo6.itm -> items should no longer gives install errors for Tweaks Anthology etc. -changed enchanted level from c#grtoo4.itm to "1" -proofreadings by Brokenkatana integrated
  11. Update to v3, both fixed tooth enforcer integrated. Hope they stop giving issues!
  12. @Prof Errata by moving the encounter from the Graveyard to the Slums the variable "Deactivate0801" doesn't make any sense, because it was set as an area variable in AR088, only: Global("Deactivate0801","AR0800",1). You try to detect this variable in AR0400 which doesn't work. -What was the reason you moved the encounter from the Graveyard to the Slums? -Why was the encounter coppled to this variable originally? -When do you want this encounter to happen now?
  13. I think some NPCs you have to talk to again to tell them they should go to an inn. (Scripted like this for compatibility reasons.) Which portraits do you miss?
  14. Yes, that would be overly cool! @Cirosan thank you for the offer. If it makes sense to you I could pass you the projects on after integrating the first round of proof readings. If you say one round should be enough then that's fine, too! (Go and debug NPC Strongholds, go! )
  15. I got notified by a player (thanks again!) that my mod Imoen4 Ever and the Imoen Stronghold from NPC Stronghold have a content incompatibility which could get the player stuck before going to Spellhold: -Imoen gets her Stronghold, but With I4E this can trigger in Chapter 2/3. If Aran was the player's way to Brynnlaw, they are stuck. I didn't look into the files, but a check whether it is Chapter >5 before triggering these events should provide compatibility between the mods and would not be too much hassle coding wise, I think.
  16. @Cirosan updating with bug fixes would be awesome! For netiquette, you could try reaching Kish, too, they were online in the past but I guess RL is preventing the mod update. I do not know, unfortunately.
  17. I see what you mean, but: do not download the master. Always download the latest tagged release. Because the master is usually an untested and probably unstable interim version until the next release. And if you play with one of those, I honestly do not care which commit number gives you problems.
  18. That would be awesome! He's still not fully translated yet, unfortunately. That's on my todo list. I'm currently in BG1 though, modding wise.
  19. As of now, I4E and Stronghold Mods are not compatible because of story reasons: Imoen gets the thief Stronghold and there are hostilities with the Thieves' Guild, which in turn means that if these happen in Chapter 3, the player lockes themselves out of their way to Brynlaw via Aran Linvail, which is bad.
  20. Sorry! It wasn't my intention to imply that. It's just that I noticed the grey/gray myself some time back and thought "oh well - too late" for his name. But it's a name, so that's a whole different story, anyhow.
  21. The dog's name is Grey, that's fixed I'm afraid. But apart from that US spelling as it's more common in BG itself (although the games are not really consistent itsef). Thanks for asking, important question!
  22. This could use a separate thread as it should become standard for every mod adding areas to EE imho.
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