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Everything posted by jastey

  1. There is no short answer that is not "it depends on what you want to do". Is it a custom character you want to add dialogue and script to? Or a new area? Or an existing character? Do you want to add a whole new script (e.g. for tactics)? Or just add a script block to an existing character needed for your quest? I can only repeat to go through other mods that do similar things than what you want to achieve, and to me, the weidu readme was very helpful, too. There are tutorials here at G3 or at PPG. Some concerning NPC modding might be a little outdated but the principles are still the same. Come back when you have more specific questions.
  2. @Granger77 the easiest way to identify which script causes such a stutter is using the Stutter Debug Tool. The readme explains how to do it.
  3. Jastey's SoD Tweak Pack updates to v12 with a Spanish version by @ElGamerViejuno! Thank you for the translation! Changelog: -Spanish version added, by ElGamerViejuno.
  4. Kerzenburgforum / GibbrlingsThree Jastey's Tweaks for SoD and EET (and BGT) This tweak pack is mainly meant for the SoD part of BG:EE and EET (except for the last component which introduces Imoen's SoD portrait into BGII). It deals with some tweaks that I found useful for my own game. The mod updates to v12 with a Spanish version, by ElGamerViejuno! Changelog: -Spanish version added, by ElGamerViejuno. Project Page Forum at G3 Discussion Topic at Kerzenburgforum (German) Download the Mod
  5. Kerzenburgforum Brage's Redemption Brage's Redemption is a Quest Mod for BG1 and an NPC Mod for the whole Baldur's Gate Epic. It is natively compatible with BG:EE, SoD, BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, EET. No Tutu. Brage NPC is finished for BG1 and SoD. He is fully functional in BGII, but BGII content is not finished. The mod introduces a quest extention to the Brage quest in the game (BG1). Brage is the captain of the Nashkel guard and went missing after killing his family. The quest extention to prove his innocence was originally published as the component "Brage's Sword" in the mod bgqe. To gain Brage as a joinable NPC, the PC needs to prove his innocence as well as give him back his real sword. After leaving the temple once after that, Brage can be visited inside the temple of Helm in Nashkel and will offer to join the PC. Portrait and promotion art by Acifer! Changelog: - Journal entries when receiving the quest items from Borda should be written into journal. - Crossmod with SotSC added: crying woman in Nashkel mine area. Discussion Thread at G3 Discussion Thread at Kerzenburgforum (German) Discussion Thread at BeamDog's Mod Page Download the Mod (GitHub)
  6. Brage's Redemption updates to v9.1! Changelog: - Journal entries when receiving the quest items from Borda should be written into journal. - Crossmod with SotSC added: crying woman in Nashkel mine area.
  7. No, that's not how dialogue additions work. You need to specify inside the d-file what should happen to the existing dialogue (INTERJECT_COPY_TRANS? APPEND? BEGIN a new dlg? etc), then the d-file just gets compiled. Most creatures (especially the ones with names and scriptnames) have a unique override script. You would patch new scriptblocks to this. If you want to patch a new script to a creature, make sure you do not overwrite existing ones and consider the Unified cre-Patching in Mods List unless it is a new cre from your mod, of course. This depends on what creatures you are talking about, just a quest giver / merchant or a joinable NPC, and whether it's a new cre from your mod or an exisiting one. For starting to make an own tp2, I'd recommend to have a look into the weidu readme and to look at other mods that do similar things than what your mod should do. Since you seem to be new: make sure you register and use a modding prefix to make your mod content unique and do not overwrite other resources:
  8. I think that's what @squiros is trying to say: whether bggo could also take care of these graphic artifacts. Or I misunderstood. @argent77 thanks, now I see it.
  9. First, you need to include and read in the definitions, e.g.: ACTION_IF GAME_IS ~bgee~ THEN BEGIN INCLUDE ~AjantisBG1/lib/g3_bgee_cpmvars.tpa~ END ACTION_IF GAME_IS ~eet~ THEN BEGIN INCLUDE ~EET/other/cpmvars/eet_cpmvars.tpa~ END Second, you need to tell the installer to evaluate the variables by adding EVALUATE_BUFFER, e.g.: COMPILE EVALUATE_BUFFER ~AjantisBG1/Friendship/Ajantis_friendship_d.d~ EXTEND_TOP ~%tutu_var%ajantis.bcs~ ~AjantisBG1/ee/Ajantis_ee.baf~ EVALUATE_BUFFER
  10. @TotalMilk90 I can only recommend you have a look at the "Crossing the great divide" modding tutorial - not so that you can consider Tutu and BGT, but to see the principle of how to consider BG:EE and EET in one set of files. That said, what you'd do is read in the cpmvars.tpa files with the definition of the NPCs' joined dialogue files, and then just use %AJANTIS_JOINED% for his dlg. And another thing, if you want to see what the dlgs for the NPCs are, they are listed in the pdialog, 2da for BG1 & BGII / bpdialog.2da for SoD (POST_DIALOG_FILE; JOIN_DIALOG_FILE; DREAM_SCRIPT_FILE) and interdia.2da (Banter dialogue file). They might differ for the games, that is why we use the cpmvar.tpa definitions. You can find those in almost all BG1 mods under "lib"; the ones for EET are included in the EET package itself.
  11. Yes, that sounds good. The BGII part coming early(er) has two reasons: so other NPC mods can detect the story change by I4E, and that all questions regarding Imoen are successfully tagged before other NPC mods move them to their own interjections. The SoD part coming after my other SoD quest mods is so that I4E can detect them and install crossmod stuff. I think with your approach above you can fulfill both conditions without having to separate the install process of I4E.
  12. Here is another site that would need a do-over with regard to ALL the "features" one gets when using the EE Setup tool: https://baldursgate.fandom.com/wiki/Big_World_Setup A good link would be for example this one:
  13. Yes, but still only for a new game. Still, thanks for the heads up. What is the problem? If it's just tagging a new release, I could do that.
  14. Just in case you are not aware, there is also stand-alone mods for BG1 NPCs to bring them to BGII. Some are more flashed out than in BG1NPCs for SoA&ToB, and some have a little other characterization. BG1NPCs for SoA&ToB yields to them if you install it after, so if you want to see BG1NPCs for SoA&ToB's version, do not install the stand alone BG1 NPC mods. The standalone mods might be interesting if you liked the NPCs characterization in BG1NPC Project, since some are written by the BG1NPC Project authors (e.g. Ajantis, Branwen, Coran, Kivan, Xan).
  15. Imoen4Ever SoD components should go after the Boareskyr Bridge Scene for crossmod and generally be treated as an NPC mod. There is really no need to install the SoD components that early.
  16. If you want to put BG1NPCs for SoA&ToB into the "NPC mod" section you best start with a fresh install and start a new game, yes. If you want to risk putting it right before EET_End to keep your current game, items from the mod will not be tweaked. Meaning, maybe a weapon can't be used by an NPC although you installed a kit that would allow them to, maybe you have a tweak that makes bags of holding bottomless but if there comes one with the mod it will have the usual limit, etc. But it should work, all in all. - There is always a risk, but then, modding the game always come with the risk of encountering issues. -There is one thing though that could be a problem. Usually, changes to teh worldmap will not show in a running game. @Austin does BG1NPCs in SoA&ToB add areas to the EET worldmap? - If yes, then I'd not add the mod to a running game.
  17. @Holden you could consider installing the Crossmodpack for this mod, too: https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/SmilingImpCrossBanterMod/releases It would go after the BG1NPCs for SoA&ToB mod and before EET_End.
  18. I think the main issue would be characters added by the mod not using SCS's improved scripts and items not patched to be useable by new kits and things like that. For what you wrote the install sequence would be ok, since the other stand alone NPC mods would be detected. But like I said, if we see the weidu.log and maybe Austin can have a look himself.
  19. No. Chances that this will scramble your save is too high. I would try to install it like you said, only deinstall EET_End, install the mod, then reinstall EET_End. Maybe @Austin could also give a recommendation. It would be helpful if you would post the contents of your weidu.log to see what you have installed. And ah, BG1 NPCs in BGII (SoA&ToB) mod, yes, I know that one.^^
  20. If the mod in question and your other mods allow to install it last, then doing what you suggested - uninstalling EET_End, install the mod, reinstall EET_End would be possible and you would be able to continue your save (as long you didn't reach areas in your save the mods makes changes to). Possible problems could be: the mod introduces items that will not be tweaked by kit or tweak mods; the mod has a dependency to another mod you installed where it is supposed to go earlier, there is another mod that needs to be installed after the mod you want to add, etc. That said, I never heard of an "BG2 NPCs in BG1 mod". Which one would that be?
  21. Great! The variable should have triggered the dialogue from her script, since that didn't happen is the reason I said that something is off. But the variable is also the one that is true for the dialogue, that is why you could trigger it via klicktalk.
  22. After you set the variable, you should be able to trigger the dialogue by talking to Skie directly via "klicktalk". Eldoth does not need to be in party, no. There is something off with Skie's script in your game; that or you are using an older version of bg1re before I tuned her reaction.
  23. @geh4th With the letter to her in inventory, set per cheat: C:SetGlobal("T1M2SkieLetter","GLOBAL",1) If this doesn't trigger a reaction to the letter from Skie, then you have a bigger problem.
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