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Everything posted by jastey

  1. @JediMindTrix What is your weidu.log? Do you have any mod that alters animations, like 1pp (which I don't think is compatible with EE, but it's the only one I could think off), or Infinity Animations or so?
  2. @JediMindTrix No, it's not related to BST. In the original game, these two commoners are sitting on the pier. BST mod doesn't change any animations of cre files.
  3. Is brandock a full party member or 7th? Still, this is not a problem with Brandock, but with GToaT who needs to consider other party members.
  4. Ulpian: good suggestions, thank you! Is the Russian translation update ackknowledged by @Austin, @Arkie, and @yota13 who translated the mod so far?
  5. Like I said, it's just the "NPC randomly leaves the group and triggers the normal kickout dialogue" (if rep is still off) that feels like a bug.
  6. If in SoD the rep goes too high (for evil NPCs) or too low (for good NPCs), NPCs leave the group accordingly and most give a "I'm leaving angry" dialogue. So far, so good. Next step is, that they return to the camp (the according variable is set in their angry-leave dialogue). Back in camp, they can be talked to and taken back into the group like nothing happened. If the rep is still too high / too low, the cycle repeats and the NPCs randomly leave the group again. EDIT: most time, the angry-leave dialogue doesn't repeat since its variable is already set, so the NPC just give their normal kickout dialogue.* (and can be taken back into the group directly). This might be intended behavior; not having them leave forever but return to camp etc. sounds like a nice feature. But having them join as if there would be no problem but then randomly leaving again makes this look more like something that wasn't fully designed to the end. Not sure this is something for the fixpack, but: *there is increasing player reports about NPCs leaving randomly because of that, so it is a behavior that is perceived as a bug.
  7. It's funny how I thought that was my idea when I wrote it for EndlessBG1 (have him react to Sarevok's armor and helmet in case someone wears it).
  8. @Salk Interesting. I had no idea it does. EndlessBG1 inserts Denkod after the group emerges back from Sarevok. The encounter with him before going into the maze does not get changed. What exactly does JAP?
  9. Definitely. This should be unified with what Jarl had in mind and is probably an oversight. I'd assume the German version has the other name.
  10. As far as I understood, the Rieltar reference is the original game content. It seems Jarl changed the name for story reasons.
  11. I prefer the longer filenames. How would I know which mod c#sodboabri-v5.zip is supposed to be? Or acbre-vx? Or something completely obscure like "cdtweaks"? EDIT: Also, unless I misunderstood your suggestion, this would mean that the overall mod package would have the same name like the mod folder (except for the version number), which I think would be unfortunate.
  12. I want to get the dlg state number of a line added by another mod. For USING it works if the other mod is installed in another language than the mod that searches for the state number. But for WITH_TRA this doesn't seem to work. I'm using WITH_TRA ~c#sodtweaks/translations/autotra/%s/DIALOGUE_CHOICES.TRA~ BEGIN OUTER_SET strref1 = RESOLVE_STR_REF(@54) END and it only works if both mods are installed in the same language. If it is different languages, there is an error message: Switching it to WITH_TRA ~c#sodtweaks/translations/autotra/%LANGUAGE%/DIALOGUE_CHOICES.TRA~ BEGIN OUTER_SET strref1 = RESOLVE_STR_REF(@54) END gives the same error message. How would I solve this?
  13. @Janvitus no idea what would go wrong. Can you install other language versions? The mod installs fine for me. EDIT: Can reproduce. It happens if my Tweakpack is installed, too. I will look into it. EDIT2: fixed in v2.0.
  14. Unfortunately, the whole thing is not an easy to fix issue. As was pointed out, the mod information on the wiki is full of info and links to mod versions of a modder "Roxanne" who uses works of other mods and modders, and put their modified mod versions (unauthorized) online (in Dropbox or dubious GitHub accounts, besides their own). This means, that currently, regarding BG(II) mods, the Fandom BG Wiki misinforms players, (mis)leading them to a Modding Tool that downloads and installs changed mod versions, mods using stolen art and other content, put together by a single modder who maintains the tool to promote their megamod, and who broke with the whole rest of the modding community. You seem to have a sincere interest in presenting mods on the wiki, which is great and I do feel honoured. But, if you (that's a general you) want the wiki to be taken seriously in this regard, you need to purge it from these info and links. As it is, all I can say to players is to not trust any modding info on the Fandom Wiki - and personally, this also leads to me not trusting any other info given there, because I have to assume that it is a platform for other people with an own agenda, as well. Which is pretty unfortunate. Now, expecting us modders to do the work is a false illusion: like CamDawg already pointed out, we mod because that is how we like spending our time. We spend a big time writing documentation fo our mods, as well. But we did not set up a wiki and never will, also because our year long experience is that third party lists and wikis will be outdated quickly (or will lead to people burning out). And, to be frank: if you (wiki people) want to present the modding community/mods on the wiki, then it is your responsibility that it is done right. You can ask for help and support, but expecting us to clean up third party pages just because it deals with our content is not appropriate, to phrase it politely.
  15. CamDawg said that his statement that he'd rather mod than edit wiki pages was not meant as a negative statement about the wiki (or working to maintain a wiki) but a statement that he'd basically prefer to mod over any other occupation.
  16. That woud be great. (I will not release a version with a known bug, if possible.)
  17. Do not tinker with the tra files when the mod is installed. Properly deinstall the mod. Then translate the file you are interested in. Your translation is in German? bg1npc project has a folder for German tra-files. You can just place your translated tra file in there. Format needs to be ANSI. Do.not use MSWord etc but a simple text editor or the files will be corrupted. Install the mod.. The translated texts should now.be in the game. More background info: the "utf8(...)tra" files are only created if the mod is installed. The tra files will be reversed after reinstallation. Meaning, whatever changes you apply to the tra files while the mod is installed, these changes will be simply gone after reinstalling the mod. That depends? For playing EET: yes, of course.
  18. Thanks for linking to that thread, Hazif, since it gives background info. I'm not sure it"s helping your cause, though. I take it that you really do not get where you (and other wiki folks) went wrong.
  19. What is the variable Global("C#AjantisLoveTalk","GLOBAL") at for you? That would be the one that toggles the lovetalks.
  20. You need to say he's the betrothed, yes. The ring is not necessary. Just setting C#AjantisRomanceActive variable to 2 doesn't do the trick if you missed the right option for the engaged path. You probably also need to set Global("C#AjantisEngagedMatch","GLOBAL",1) and Global("C#AjantisEngaged","GLOBAL",1). As a general advice, I'd suggest you stop tinkering variables per cheat console (if you're not sure what you are doing), at least before asking for help. Debugging is nearly impossible if I don't know what cheats you applied and what variables you manipulated.
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