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Everything posted by jastey

  1. Which won't always work, since the mod is for BGT and EET and (all non-BGII) string numbers will vary between the games. (If they don't, be my guest.) @Zaramorte You need to fill in all tra lines, unfortunately. There is no auto-fill with the correct game strings, especially not just in a tra file. The numbers (@123 etc) are only valid for this tra file, it has nothing to do with the strings in the game.
  2. @Morgoth I wrote them. Ascalon gave me his blessing but I'm not sure whether he read them.
  3. @Thacobell He has a few for the Dwarven dig site. He has all comments as floating lines above the head like the canon NPCs, and a reaction to Thrix if the PC . That's about it, no banters or other dialogues or interjections.
  4. He's innocent, I swear! ... The tra file format is utf8 now, I think. It's ok though, I can fix the error in my copy. Or did you find more?
  5. @Zaramorte the error is two lines above: line @38 misses a tilda at the end:
  6. Yes, that's the link that is given in the thread I linked to above. (Do we tell him that IE Modding is a black hole, and highly addictive, and that THERE IS NO EXIT?)
  7. The BG1 version was never hosted at SHS. It has a support thread here: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/73241/mod-dark-side-of-the-sword-coast-for-bg-ee/p1 Be aware that there is also the BGT/EET version here (this one is at SHS): https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/DSotSC/releases
  8. You can't be Noober. There is no new post for hours! The EEs already come with lots of gameplay improvements and new NPCs with own quests. My rcommendation would be to play the EEs unmodded first to see the new content and features if you haven't already. Unfortunately, modding the IE (Infinity Engine) games is not trivial with regard to install order and compatibility. This is also why there is no overall list for this. We can give recommendations but it will always come down to you having to read up in the readmes to see whether it will be to your taste (and also to look for installation hints). Just a few things to start you off: There is an EE Fixpack in the works here but it is not ready for release yet. Tweaks Anthology is the biggest and best known tweak pack. Unfinished Business for BG1 (bg1ub) restores cut content from the BG1 game. There is also Unfinished Business for BGII (UB). Here is a pretty up-to-date mod list. It's for the (modded) platform EET (Enhanced Edition Trilogy), but unless a (BG1) mod is tagged for EET-only, it should also work on BG:EE. There is pretty nifty mod lists for EEs here, albeit in Polish: BG:EE (SoD), and BGII:EE (tagging @Cahir to make sure I'm not linking the wrong one) Overall mod sites from G3 is here (you probably already found this), other known modding sites are Spellhold Studios (forum is currently down), Pocket Plane Group, EDIT Wesel Mods for @Lava's mods, and also Kerzenburgforum (German site where I am active). For installing mods, there is a tutorial here. There is an automated installer called Project Infinity if you have a larger list of mods you want to install. And, to make my recommendations complete:
  9. lol! Thanks in advance. Just for info, you are using the v0.80 from here?
  10. Not sure this is something that needs fixing, but the spider body of the huge spider in Landrin's house can be pickpocketed from the spider. Which is... even worse than stealing someone pants in "The Gamers". SPIDLAND.cre, item is MISC60.itm, in AR3315.are.
  11. Would you remind me what I said with regard to that? Since you are on BGT I would have assumed compatibility of JAP with the original quest would be better.
  12. Oublek shouldn't disappear at all. That's weird. I do hope it's not due to Brage's Redemption mod, I wouldn't know how. Laryssa not showing at all after showing the cursed sword to Nalin should be fixed in the current BR version, yes.
  13. @Zaramorte I forgot it was you. One warning: (MS)Word leaves hidden symbols in the text files weidu chokes on. Do not edit the tra files in Word directly. I think copy&pasting the text into a simple editor (or Notepad++) to save in tra format might work.
  14. @Zaramorte ok, I just wanted to make sure. (There was a translator recently who didn't know this.) Thanks!
  15. @Zaramorte It will take a while before I get to updating the mod, so keep me posted. I'm not sure I understand you text above correctly, but just in case, do you know that languages other than English have lines for male and a female PC each (dialog.tlk and dialogf.tlk)? In the tra file, this would be like this: Sorry in case you know already.
  16. @Janvitus thanks for proofreading! @Zaramorte Please pack a new archive with the corrections. Cheers!
  17. @Zaramorte Yes, ANSI for all tras. Looking forward to receiving the translations!
  18. @Weigo Did you notice this? Not sure it's the current version/ master, though.
  19. @Zaramorte Awesome, thank you! I'll include it into the mod for the next update, hopefully within the next weeks. One question: did you make use of the existing bjornin_re.tra for your translation?
  20. @Mazan which mod version did you use?
  21. @JediMindTrix I can't identify anything, either. Nevertheless, thanks for reporting, at least you don't seem to have problems that lead to crashes. If you want to investigate this further you could look at the area (AR1200.are) with NI and make a changelog on it or the two cre files, or have a look at ANIMATE.ids what the entries 0x4102 STATIC_PEASANT_MAN_MATTE 0x4112 STATIC_PEASANT_WOMAN_MATTE look for you and whether it was changed by a mod. These are the animations the cres have in my unmodded SoD game.
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