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Everything posted by lynx

  1. He's definitely not expected to fix issues like this.
  2. It's silly to debug old code, so trying with the latest release is the best first step; it might have been fixed since 0.9.1.
  3. So the xp is fine? Cool.
  4. Depends on the game and people are supposed to use the bg2 mode of gemrb (probably what is autodetected as well). Did the main menu for bgt change? Do you still start bg1 how you would usually start soa?
  5. We do have code to use different starting xp if bgt or tutu is detected (so you don't have to edit startxp.2da manually). But I'm not sure if you're saying you still have a problem or not. https://github.com/gemrb/gemrb/blob/master/gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUICG2.py#L144-L152 For spawns xp doesn't matter, you'd have to level up the characters for it to have any effect.
  6. You can just ctrl-y kill the extra spawns and call it a day.
  7. Yeah, I guess it's some other mod. I just tried entering the first area out of Candlekeep (ar2700) on a fresh game 3 times and always only one (dire) wolf spawned at spawn point 5. Btw, kloptops contributed the port and he's still active, so you can ask him to rebuild it for the new release. Also, you have to start a new game when testing. Area files get cached in saves, so potential mod damage would persist.
  8. What version of GemRB are you using?
  9. Never heard of that. Four our demo, I grabbed a few things from OGA (where also the licensing is clear): https://opengameart.org/
  10. I don't think it works that way directly — even targetting should fail, so it's more likely the basilisk would completely ignore you.
  11. No that's completely wrong, the IE EFF files store information about individual effects, not animations. https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/file_formats/index.htm
  12. Or have a dummy creature spawned early and late to use SetItemFlags to toggle the cursed bit.
  13. The x in MULTI rows is clearly for how many classes constitute the multiclass — either 2 or 3. When a multiclass levels up, each relevant family is checked for a match, eg. a FIGHTER_MAGE would match MULTI2FIGHTER, MULTI2MAGE or both (if both ever level up at the same xp).
  14. I thought it's there to not do any work, maybe not take coownership, if the specified change would be a noop (in the case of a copy if the exact same file exists already).
  15. Then it's just an artistic problem. You might need a third layer to touch up on the buffer where the other two intersect.
  16. What do you mean with layers? You need ARE overlays only for animated things like water that aren't true area animations.
  17. Tobex could just use our tables in such cases, but the weidu code would need adapting. Now that the AL version is maintained, that's within reach. I don't see a reason for the FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME check for example, it should just install the files. Maybe with a BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES / BUT_ONLY to make purists happy.
  18. The shipped item_use.2da has more columns, but no actual extra data from gemrb's point of view. It would require some work to make tobex fully happy, but since the two problematic lines are not used in bg2, there's no point in trying. The other one I've made a fix, it's just not submitted yet.
  19. While tobex was still in development all of us made an effort to not deviate too much: I think it's unlikely non-engine mods would ship new 2das, so to me this all falls under general compatibility work.
  20. Well, then we have a problem. The mechanism was added to weidu so mods could easily override our unhardcoded files. In this case one could say that it's not really a problem, since you can't use tobex with gemrb, but that's a bit cheap. If you installed tobex first, perhaps gemrb would have problems then, if the tables are sufficiently different. Are they from tobex or tobexal? I can look at unifying them, so then nobody will care about the order or mixed installs.
  21. These are not vanilla tables, so it's expected that they would be missing on an unmodded install. In your case I'd run that weidu snippet through strace to see where they are pulled from (it also looks in other "override" folders like "movies" and of course "data"). Also GemRB provides them, so if you have gemrb_path.txt, it can pull those. Which would explain why NI and other tools know nothing about them.
  22. The GemRB team announces the availability of GemRB 0.9.2! GemRB is a portable open-source implementation of Bioware’s Infinity Engine. It brings in many improvements for Planescape: Torment, configurable AI speed, improved performance and others. Notably GemRB now also supports PVR(Z) based formats, making content creation easier, most new opcodes/actions/triggers and together with some infrastructural changes, BG2EE games can now be loaded (still not playable though!). More in the full release announcement: https://gemrb.org/2023/07/08/gemrb-0-9-2-released.html
  23. The GemRB team is proud to announce a new release. Check out the details here: https://gemrb.org/2023/07/08/gemrb-0-9-2-released.html
  24. Sorcerers have innate magic capabilities tied to their lineage. In (later) p&p the various choices are literally called bloodlines. In the ees you have a dragon disciple sorcerer kit for example ...
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