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Everything posted by Roxanne

  1. Not sure if you *must* do it this way...it just appears as the way consistent with EET. The way to exclude your inner-Sigil maps from the normal travelling is something you may copy from the Bone Hill mod. This mod adds an island with a number of maps, you can travel between those maps but you can only travel from/to the island via scripts. Something similar is with the werewolf island in the BG1 part of the game. You set those things in the links.tbl that you need for adding your maps to the worldmap, i.e you define only links between your areas but no other areas and you do not make your maps accessible from neighboring external maps. It has all been done before, so you can look how they did it for those cases.
  2. I am - and I know that some more people asked for it from time to time. I have now done the essential conversion as descrobed in an earlier post (the rest I consider cosmetic - to be done if the base is stable). It is available here https://github.com/RoxanneSHS/BoneHill/archive/master.zip for testing- It requires installation of worldmap and it requires starting a new game to have the areas on worldmap. So far I have only tested the install to work, Met Pelltar in Morninglord Temple and accepted the quest. Travelled a few areas for testing, talked to some people (no problem with Zahrdal).So far everything looks fine. I consider it worth for further testing. I have done the initial quest (Bald Hill) without any issues. - at this point it is just a conversion of the existing mod from BGT To Do's: - in EET (with SCS installed), those battles on Bald Hill are tactical encounters but not too hard. You cannot go there prior chapter 3 when you are about to go to bandit camp, so it fits. Still there needs to be some balancing for the extra XP and too many +2 weapons. Otherwise we get another Dark Horizon (almost). Whoever does the REAL EE/EET version should take that into account. - Quest Journal Entries >>>currently all is added to *Journal* pages only. It is too long since I played BGT version, how did the original handle it? - Item descriptions format - best do it after deciding which overpowered stuff may be replaced/tuned-
  3. The idea itself is kind of contrary to what EET does. Among other things, it uses ONE worldmap for all of the game. Other than vanilla EE games, the EET does not switch maps for campaigns. The SoD or ToB worldmaps for example are never used. On install you can select to either use the one big EET map or the BP_BGT-Worldmap. The second one covers more of Faerun and is required by a number of mods adding new areas outside the basic game terrain. Admittedly, Sigil is not on either of those maps. The very large worldmap (8000x6300) in BP_BGT-Worldmap has some special inserts for areas supposed to be outside, e.g. Icewind Dale in the NW or Hlondeth in the middle. While those two are already used by other mods (also Leondore Island in SW is already used), there are some others that might suit you, like Selgaunt (middle of the map) or Luskan (maybe too artificial). Or take some other large uncharted area in the east of the large map.
  4. I am - and I know that some more people asked for it from time to time. I have now done the essential conversion as descrobed in an earlier post (the rest I consider cosmetic - to be done if the base is stable). It is available here https://github.com/RoxanneSHS/BoneHill/archive/master.zip for testing- It requires installation of worldmap and it requires starting a new game to have the areas on worldmap. So far I have only tested the install to work, Met Pelltar in Morninglord Temple and accepted the quest. Travelled a few areas for testing, talked to some people (no problem with Zahrdal).So far everything looks fine. I consider it worth for further testing.
  5. I will take a deeper look into it. I can promise nothing, I will not invest too much as there was an updated version including EE/EET compatibility announced (but more than a year ago). If at all, I will produce a usable interim version. PS - the mod requires BP_BGT worldmap to be installed on top in order to access the maps. And if you started a game already before you installed the mod, you need to delete worldmap in your save.
  6. Not sure if this is the source of the problem but here is a first observation: - you have not installed EET_end for your EET. And some questiosn - You currently have a party of six and your protagonist is in the area and alive etc? - You are at the point where Anomen want to show you where his sister is and says "This way." >>> whicj triggers SetGlobal("AnomenDecide","GLOBAL",1) StartCutSceneMode() StartCutScene("Cut10a") The StartCutSceneMode() is executed, removing GUI and such...and then nothing? You have checked that Cut10a.bcs exists in your game? To narrow down the issue, please put the attached file into BG2EE/override and try the scene again CUT10A.zip PS - I have tested the cutscene in my EET install and it has no issue (I use a later version than yours, however I never had any issues with RC8 and I played through the whole trilogy with it.) Seems unlikely that EET is the source of your problem.
  7. For EET BG1 part you need to change that to DYNAHJ. I will take a look at it later today, it is justz now downloading. I will also crosscheck the Sandtah addon, which is a good test for compatibility. I will let you know and we can discuss further steps. I made an install of your version on my EET. I also installed the Sandrah addon successfully. I made a visit to the Morning Lord temple and Pelltar was there - also his additional dialogue with Sandrah triggered correctly. We were transported to Lendore and the quest started. Looks like it is good start. As a private conversion it seems to be fine. I suggest you test it further in your game (is what you planned to do anyway, right?) EDIT To publish this as EET version, I think some more work needs to be done: - put tp2 inside of mod - add EE journal entries - edit item descriptions to EE standards - replace the TIZ packaging by the EE's Tis+PVRZ formats - add CHARSET conversion for foreign languages - clean-up the install process and remove biffing and such - update to current weidu version - convert portrait of Fabio - convert sound files (Those are just the things I noticed at first glance) I have done some basic conversion stuff and made a quick test. Looks good to me although I did not check worldmap. I upload this version now to github for further testing and refinement https://github.com/RoxanneSHS/BoneHill.git Direct download link https://github.com/RoxanneSHS/BoneHill/archive/master.zip I propose that you may want to use this slightly enhanced version for your purpose so that we can refine it further?
  8. For EET BG1 part you need to change that to DYNAHJ. I will take a look at it later today, it is justz now downloading. I will also crosscheck the Sandtah addon, which is a good test for compatibility. I will let you know and we can discuss further steps.
  9. If you could upload it to dropbox, I can pick it up there, do a quick install check and provide feedback, I can also upload it to my github files afterwards - if you like - and provide an open download link for everyone. (Just in case you find it too cumbersome to dig into github yourself for just one mod). Github can be used to optimise the mod and fix eventual bugs.
  10. I have problems to grab the meaning. Is it those who call Jaheira attractive - or those who she would call attractive? The first - more people can see Edwin's qualities (whatever they are) than can see Jaheira's attractiveness. Deine Noergelei ermuedet mich. Ich bin sicher, diejenigen, die meine Vorzuege erkennen sind zahlreicher als diejenigen, die dich liebreizend nennen wuerden - oder auch nur umgaenglich. Something in that vein, my german is very rusty and Edwin's grammar is quite twisted. And my keyboard is missing all those umlaut letters.
  11. @ K4thos I have found that CtD issue reported here as well after I did a reinstall with the EET 1.0 RC9.2. I have tried to get to the source of the issue but with no result. Importing the BPLLYRK.CRE from the original game did not help either. I currently have created an BPLLYRK.CRE by copying another necromancer in the game (the new guy has DV none) and I have deleted the code block to crush the skelletons from the BPSKEL.BCS. With those modifications, the CtD in EET is resolved. But, of course, this is just a workaround and no real solution.
  12. There is a lot of new and original contents still produced for Baldur's Gate. The new EE generation has encouraged a lot of new and (some old) modders to spawn new ideas. - A lot of big old mods have been modernised (Northern Tales, Dark Side, Check the Bodies, Vault, The Darkest day etc) - large new mods adding significant contents were produced (Southern Edge, Sandrah Saga, Deep Gardens etc) - uncountable new NPCs and their stories are created - there is a constant flow of new kits, spells etc Contests have rarely produced valid material that sustains. Just think of those *One-Day-NPCs* once created in a contest. Good mods need their time and are released when the author feels like it. If any game and community has survived over time due to constant input of new mods and new ideas, then it is Baldurs Gate.
  13. Just to confirm that you missed nothing, i.e. there is no news about this topic.
  14. Yes there are those episodes you mention. A number of them (a druid who wishes to be a bird, a ranger beset by cave bears and an elven archer who lost a "lucky" arrow) have been restored many years ago in the Northern Tales of the Sword Coast mod. IAlso in that mod, a whole episode in the Northern Citadel is based on unused dialogues intended for an Ajantis quest that never was. NTotSC used a lot of voiced lines that were unused and inttegrated them in completely new plots.
  15. I have played EET with the above mods installed a number of times already without any problems. I just suggest to use EET_Tweaks to adjust XP gain with all the mods added. Also disable "Max XP on level up* in the game options menu. For NTotSC it has been the interim version up to now,, not yet the new v2.0. However I am pretty confident that v2.0 will not produce new issues since jastey has been taking all corrections from the available sources (fixpack, interim, k4thos unreleased) into account.
  16. Download Tobex from here http://www.shsforums.net/files/download/871-bg2tob-throne-of-bhaal-extender/, Open the rar file and open the readme folder Open the TobExReference.htm
  17. I just recently found an older mod (I think it was Amber NPC I was updating and expanding for EE) that still had the six or seven state checks which were summarised later as CD_STATE_NOTVALID. Just an anecdote off topic...
  18. 0x00000FC0 STATE_REALLY_DEAD And it exists in both my EET as well as my old BGT install. But maybe it was added to the classic game already by a mod. I would use in tp2 APPEND ~state.ids~ ~0x00000FC0 STATE_REALLY_DEAD~ UNLESS ~STATE_REALLY_DEAD~
  19. It does not do a general biffing at the end of the install like former BGT would require. It creates a large number of biffs in the BG2EE/data when it imports the BGEE SoD and mod resources from BGEE/override. However afterwards the processed BG1 resources are put into BG2EE/override in their converted form. No idea how the imported data that is not changed is assessed when playing. Look at the code in setup-EET.tp2. I do not claim I understand all of it. At least I see the results in my EET install. I find all BG1 data that was modified by EET (e.g.renamed are-files) in override but not the unchanged (e.g. the corresponding TIS-files,).It looks like NOT all data is in override but some may be in the new biffs in data (e.g. eetBD0.bif, eetBG00.bif...there are about 100 of them + some that sound like they contain biffed BG1 mod data). Best person to answer is k4thos, but he has not been around for some time. I hope my observations help a bit anyway. PS - I also looked at some resources from BG1 in EET with Near Infinity and the data source is either a biff or override, so my observations are confirmed by NI as well.
  20. What about StateCheck(Player2,STATE_REALLY_DEAD)? Or If you want to check that only player1 is still alive IF !StateCheck(Player1,STATE_REALLY_DEAD) NumInPartyAliveGT(0) //or whatever value you want to check for NumInPartyAliveLT(2)
  21. Are you sure that is technically possible at all. The essence of EET is that it makes all parts of the game into campaigns accessible from the BG2EE engine. I have no idea how BGEE and BP work together in the original package, I doubt that they do at all. This means, you cannot just travel to BP areas from a BGEE game, those areas are not part of the same install. Unless you create another *mini-EET* to import BP and all of its resources into BGEE. I do not think with the given quality of BP this is even worth considering. And why invent the wheel twice as EET is there to provide the capability already?
  22. Just a hint If I remember correctly - sorry, it was a while since BGT and I have no install to verify anymore - in BGT Imoen is always Imoen2. Imoen is just the strawman appering in Candlekeep. She uses BGImoen.bcs as her override script during BG1. There is no corresponding dreamscript and as far as I know there is no dreamtalk from her during all of BG1, only talks after PartyRested(). Imoen2d.bcs is used in BG2 part for sure but I do not know how that changes on transition, if at all. But this is all from memory and needs to be checked again. PS - In BGT, you can just apply whatever you want to do to both files and - if necessary - use the EndofBG1 Global to trigger it in the right part of the game?
  23. Yes, it would also include a number of other changes in the conflict and dependence definitions and the removal of different mods for different games. It will wait until the testing goes fine.
  24. BWS currently uses - V1.70 + patch v1.71 for BGT - EET interim version for EET - none for BGEE In the future BWS should be using the common v2.0 for all these games. Waiting for a *Go* to implement the change. Either now or after more testing? Or you implement it yourself in BWS?
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