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Everything posted by Roxanne

  1. I have just finished the Black Pits with a series of very thorough test - because I have added a feature to my mod that allows your party to visit the Pits as part of a *normal* EET playthrough without the need of the stand-alone campaign. I have encountered a number of bugs from the vanilla game (Pits seems to be hastily made) but not the one you mention. It may be helpful to post your weidu.log here just to see what mod components may be different in both our installs. PS - I refer to the first part of the Pits, not the Gladiators of Thay sequel.
  2. The default behaviour of any master (outside) area is, that selecting the map edge opens the worldmap, i.e. you only have to do something if you want to block this.
  3. You are right and wrong at the same time. 1. My activities at fixpack are currently to take things out, i.e. I remove those EET compatibility *fixes* for mods that are meanwhile compatible in themself - otherwise you get those version errors during EET install. 2. The idea to add interim EET compatibility via fixpack was a practical decision made a while back, mostly to show modders what had to be done. The problem is, that this was a one man's effort and not widely coordinated. Many modders/maintainers are maybe not even aware of those fixes. Only very few ever made a report when their mods became compatible and the fix could be removed. 3. Synchronisation between fixpack and updated mods is *achieved* via users reporting errors. That is surely not a very good procedure. 4. What you describe as "standard procedure", was in fact a workaround to promote the EET idea. It was done for a couple of mods that appeared to be dormant but no such fixes have been added afterwards. Now they are removed whenever a mod is updated. When it comes to Kerzenburg or Team BG mods, we know those are not abandoned and that an update is done or not done depending on author or maintainer's decision. Nothing to interfer with. 5. Some modders have meanwhile clearly declared that their mods are not supporting EE or EET. In such a case, a fixpack treatment even if it can be done in some minutes, is out of scope. 6. Any user can easily upgrade the local copy in his game for EET. Nobody can stop you from doing that. It is explained in your EET download which also provides the tools for it. You need no outside superbrain to do that. Mistakes made in the past do not need to be repeated. We all learn daily.
  4. Is this not exactly what I said? You do updates for Kerzenburg and just because they are not done the next day, does not mean they are not done at all. Therefore nobody should step up and do hasty fixes. Someone came to ask me whether I could do it, and while technically I could, I would never do it. I only ever try to touch mods that are clearly abandoned. Means we are in complete agreement about this, right?
  5. Do you mean link.tph in which case I have no idea because thai is mod specific, Or Links,tbl where you define how areas connect and where you enter the area on arrival and if there is an enroute encounter "you have been waylaid...". Also the travel time in 4 hour steps. That second one adds to worldmap.wmp Here is a screenshot of how you find those links in NI (for EET) You start from the worldmap by selecting an area (Slums in my example), you get the area flags and links in the screen that opens, you click on one of the links (one of the north links in my example) and you get the very detail level (which is corresponding to those entries in links.tbl) It maybe best to open some example like above for yourself, take a links.tbl entry from some mod and just see how it fits together and how you use it. I could never find any really useable description but figured it out by those means pretty fast. You can also add travel areas to the are files themselves but I never fumbled around with those except where two areas have a fixed transition without providing the choice of the worldmap (I use this to connect the town areas in Waterdeep or Bezantur - the end of a street always connects to the same entry in the next area, you cannot jump around like in Athkatla.).
  6. Is there a difference? The only one I know of is the more logical and easier naming convention in EET, where the BG1 areas are changed to BGxxxx instead of Arxxxx to solve duplicate names, SoD areas already use BDxxxx prefix. Other stuff was introduced by EE but not by EET. For mod-added areas there are no changes, they work the same in both installs (except for the Tis+PVRZ). In EET you can connect BG1 and BG2/ToB areas with travel links and you can connect mod added areas with BG1 and BG2/ToB areas. Those links however work in game only if the involved areas have been revealed before that in the regular course of the game.
  7. Not a tutorial but the most recent mod to add a new area to worldmap was *Southern Edge* with the new town area in Athkatla. May be worth to look at that code. (My own Sandrah mod may not be a good reference, it does what you require, but it enforces the use of the BP-BGT_Worldmap (because it has areas outside of the usual game terrain), Therefore I use a mix of old and new code for this special purpose.)
  8. Since you adressed me directly in the post above, it seems necessary to answer. TeamBG or Kerzenburg mods are absolute no-trespassing zones. You do not touch their mods. If they want their mods to be EET compatible they will do it. I have no 10000 GP tome that will give me access to their sacred domains nor will they talk to pariahs like me..
  9. With respect to 372 This is used by EET for the transitions between the various campaigns. May be worth to ask K4thos about how he exactly makes use of it or whether the rest of his transition actions are all in scripts etc. See *Modder's Notes* in the docs folder of EET download.
  10. Nevermind. Looks like the problem is not with EET. Something went wrong with a mod installed after EET and before CDTWEAKS component 182. There is not sufficient information to say more.
  11. Yes. I found no equivalent for LOCALS or Area references.
  12. I used these on occasions in my mods: 0x40C6 G(S:ResRef*,I:Num*) Shorthand for Global 0x40C7 GGT(S:ResRef*,I:Num*) Shorthand for GlobalGT 0x40C8 GLT(S:ResRef*,I:Num*) Shorthand for GlobalLt I never saw this one used anywhere 0x40F1 ModalStateObject(O:Object*,I:ModalState*Modal) No description yet. Only ever used 0x40C9 ModalState(I:State*MODAL) Returns true only if the active CRE is in the state/mode specified. e.g. detecting traps. e.g. IF ActionListEmpty() AreaType(DUNGEON) CombatCounter(0) !See([ENEMY]) !ModalState(DETECTTRAPS) OR(2) !StateCheck(Myself,STATE_INVISIBLE) !StateCheck(Myself,STATE_IMPROVEDINVISIBILITY) THEN RESPONSE #100 FindTraps() END
  13. It depends. If you did the quest leading to a specific stronghold already, you need to start or load from an earlier save. If you start a quest after installation it will work. For the temple quest, it may only work if you never visited the temple area before. So its possible to get double strongholds with Chloe? I was doing the Bard one when the temple offered me the cleric stronghold questline. Yes. There are a couple of mods that give you chances for one or more strongholds, Chloe is one of them for temple due to her Arcadia relation under some conditions.
  14. The mod component is compatible with EET. The error gorion.cre not found,,, points to an error earlier in the install sequence. Gorion.cre is imported by EET-main component, You also reported an issue with EET_end.exe missing in another post. You maybe should post the file SETUP-EET_CORE.DEBUG from the BG2EE folder.
  15. It depends. If you did the quest leading to a specific stronghold already, you need to start or load from an earlier save. If you start a quest after installation it will work. For the temple quest, it may only work if you never visited the temple area before.
  16. Thank you for feedback. Have fun with the game.
  17. Of course it will help to provide some additional information of what the *some faulty mods* were - or maybe you already reported them to BWS?
  18. Correct wording at least two mods turn allow the player to turn Imoen into a multiclass mage/thief: Sandrah's Saga and NPCs Enhanced for Everyone Even if done, there is no imminent requirement to do any xp updates at this point nor later in Spellhold. The multiclass Imoen has undergone her own development during SoD already.
  19. 1) You find a file called Weidu.log in your game folder. Open it with any text editor and you will have the list of all installed mods on component level in your game. 2) Weidu.log will tell you if you have any other Imoen-mods installed. BG1NPC Imoen has not changed for a long time, if ever. *childish* is your own interpretation, so not much to comment on.
  20. Yes Yes. K4thos has confirmed quite recently that work is going on. So it will come, not like some other mods that have been announced for years and never were released.
  21. EET with the original game plus Dragonspear between the two parts is a fully playable and stable game with loads of mods that can be added to all parts. IWD will be an addition to come but not a reason to let the already availabe game wait.
  22. "have affected me in the ways I can't see" - I would say there is a "the" too many? *have affected me in a way I can't see*
  23. 1) There is no way to add SoD to the old world of BGT 2) The BGEET is simply EET and it contains SoD or better explained, it makes one game out of BGEE+SoD and BG2EE+ToB 3) EET supports all mods listed here http://gibberlings3.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=27741&hl= which includes most of your wishlist. Note that stuff like 1pp or Tobex is already included in the EE games, so no need to add it by mods. 4) BGT was a great game experience and I played it for many years, i.e. until EET was developped. EET is much more stable, faster, easier to handle and has many things included already that needed to be fixed in BGT.
  24. If Global("D5_ARCHER","GLOBAL",1) means that they are archer, then, yes, but who is *Myself* in your dialogue case? Depending on dialogue structure and talkers it may be better to use LastTalkedToBy to prevent checks and actions being applied to the protagonist.
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