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Everything posted by Endarire

  1. MiH GitHub Mods: Are the current master branches stable enough to make into a full release? They have some fixes that seem important! Thankee!
  2. In your suggested install order, why put Will to Power before your other kit mods like T&B? I thought the point was to allow wild talents for all classes. I also want to ensure your Scales of Balance's listed install order is correct, since before I recall installing T&B after F&P in a previous version. Thankee!
  3. Instead of ordering spells per level as 00 to 99, what about 00 to zz? I'm unsure code-wise how this revised ordering would work to allow functioning with thousands of potential spells per spell level. Also, I briefly checked the Shadow Magic repository's spells directory and found spells in the format of c0sa###.spl (c0 being the prefix, sa probably meaning 'Shadow Adept' or shadow spells, then 1 digit for the spell level, then 2 for the spell in that level, and sometimes one more character at the end). There were other spell formats: co8hla_ for high level abilities (0 through c, like in hexadecimal), c0saint (which may also be HLAs or subspells), and co8wis## (00 to 25) which are likely item or creature subspells. I am eager for more compatibility with 5e Casting, Shadow Magic, and large installs. I don't wanna wear you out. Thankee anyway!
  4. @Angel Since you've maintained SimDing0's Quest mod, how EET compatible is it? Thankee!
  5. Thankee! I heard that when 3e was being released, Shadow Magic would no longer be an option. I'm unsure how true that claim was.
  6. You mentioned the possibility of expanding 5e to work with separate arcane and divine spells instead of one set of spells per class (Bard, Shaman, etc.) Code-wise, what would be involved in this? What's this about opcode 172 and how should its problems be mitigated/worked around/exploited to our benefit? What say you to allowing 5e casting, as an option, to work with Shadow Magic as well? The file names are seemingly fixed and this system isn't being expanded like the default spell system. Thankee!
  7. Check your BG2 directory for a WeiDU.LOG file. Post or link its contents here to help others better help you. Enjoy!
  8. Thankee. A simple, naieve and not necessarily compatible way to handle things is to scrap the scene and make a new one if the party beat Baeloth already in the Black Pits. Perhaps use different globals and dialog weights going forward. Beyond that, I'm unsure, but I also know that others know more.
  9. Maybe the release mismatch was because 5.9 was called a pre-release but 5.7 was a release and GitHub only showed the latest "release."
  10. jastey, I was hesitant to tag you, but I ask you since you've worked often with SoD and WeiDU dialogs: What would be involved programmatically in changing the Baeloth SoD scene to what I posted in the aforementioned Google Doc? Thankee!
  11. Greetings, all! GOG's title banner for BG2EE shows 5 characters - likely from the perspective of CHARNAME - fighting a beholder. From left to right, it seems we have Minsc (and Boo?), Edwin, Rasaad, Neera (doing something against a Beholder's disintegrate beam), and Sarevok. First I thought the armored figure was Dorn, but the same armored figure is in the title image for BG1EE, which I assume is also Sarevok. Assuming for a moment this is BeamDog's canonical party, it's... lopsided. No divine casters - though CHARNAME may be one. Characters of vastly varying alignments. No Imoen? Hmm. Maybe "Neera" is actually Imoen, but her outfit looks much more like Neera's - and there's no hood. Even if this is the canonical party, it only gets started late and (seemingly) missing Imoen felt awkward. Oh well.
  12. Even if it's technically correct, it's more confusing than helpful.
  13. Valve is getting sued over a Steam monopoly! You may be able to get a notable refund from this! Enjoy!
  14. Image: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lc4XIT8iCP-DKOCjKTyAFKH0DvR885FA_oiiNQrQ44s/edit?usp=sharing Fools! They're already too late! I've bought it 4 times!
  15. Is this a problem? Localization is a form of translation.
  16. 5e didn't install on my test installation. (Debug Log) I only tested it with these mods which added spells: -OlvynSpells/MESpells -Out! Brief Candlekeep -Shadow Magic -Stone of Askavar -Warlock EDIT: I did another quick install and found that 5e Casting, when installed after Shadow Magic, had no effect on Shadow Magic. As a Shadow Adept (Wizard), preparing 1 each of 3 spells acted like a vanilla Wizard when casting. Coding-wise, I'm unsure what would be involved in adding the ability to use 5E Casting with more spells, like adding separate IDs for Bard spells, Shaman spells, Paladin spells, Shadow spells, Warlock spells, etc. instead of lumping them into P (divine) and W (arcane) with some outliers. EDIT 2: Regarding other spells to add to your 5e white list, this list of PC-learnable spells is at least a handy start. Thankee!
  17. The GitHub releases section should be updated with 5.9.4 or the latest 'ready' version. Thankee!
  18. The skeletons made me realize I should spec blunt weapons early for IWD1. I understand that sort of ick.
  19. @polytope Not spam, but a common request. I made GitHub tutorials here with this being a likely starting spot. Enjoy!
  20. Should P&P Celestials be installed before or after SCS? aTweaks? (I didn't see this elsewhere.) Thankee!
  21. May we get this mod posted on GitHub for posterity? Thankee!
  22. As a musician, I understand what it's like to keep binders and books full of musical notes. Skald seems fitting as a spellbook user.
  23. Not my style, but thankee for sharing! I also like your Bible quote in your signature! Thankee! Alleluia!
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