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Everything posted by Cahir

  1. If you manage to figure out if Storm Caller Shaman is the culprit, let me know. I have added this one to my list, but if there is compatibility issue, I can definitely live without it.
  2. @Bubbthanks, I was just going to write this here, actually
  3. OK guys, here is the current incarnation of my install order. It may (and probably will) change a bit during my next test install. I removed some mods and tweaks and add a bunch (Will to Power, M&G feats and a bunch of @Ulb's shaman kits). Notice that SoD to BG2EE Item Upgrade is not the list, because I already installed it on BG2EE. At the moment I removed T&B's Improved Familiar, but if the missing icon bug will happen to be fixed, I'm gladly put it back on the list. If not I'll probably use MSFM version. It's a shame that the third familiar mod (I believe it's @Salk's is not EET compatible, because this looks really fun). As always feel free if you find something not right. Also can anyone confirm (or not) if EE version of Turnabout is in fact compatible also with EET?
  4. Ok, the point is I prefer WSR version more. @Raduziel can I install Valygar component independently of the kit, to have Valygar adopt Wizard Slayer Rebalancing version?
  5. What have I done? There are so many classes and kits to choose from, that it gives me a headache But the notion of playing dragon disciple of clan Morueme origin was growing in my head for a couple of years now. BUT, I also seriously consider playing Magus instead. If only the casting speed penalty wasn't that severe...
  6. If I recall correctly, Keldorn is paladin of Torm, not Helm. Is there any Torm kit in FnP? I'm not especially fond of DR kits, but if someone assures me it's working on EET, I'll might install couple of them.
  7. Nope, I'm not sure it's EET compatible. The last beta 8 is rather old.
  8. Strange I have installed Improved rangers without any issues..
  9. I'll wait, no problem. Currently I'm browsing through my list again to see which tweaks can be cut. Probably will run next test install over the weekend. I have installed both IR and IRR and only error I've had was on IRR. This was the one reported in IRR topic. But this has to be some incompatibility with one of the mods from my list, because installation on clean EET went smoothly.
  10. @Lava the Foundling issue was fixed, at least installation error (didn't play Foundling yet). I've had the same error using 4.3 which was gone in 4.4.
  11. Damn, I've checked each and every tweak mod except that one Thanks.
  12. Hmm that's actually a very good question. I think this should be a core feature of EET, would be surprised if it didn't work as granted.
  13. If you install it on BG2EE prior to EET I don't think you could select them to your PC when you start the EET game from BGEE. This should not be an issue for SoD to BG2EE Item Import because this is strictly BG2EE mod and it doesn't add anything to BGEE part.
  14. Well to be honest, lack of BG2 content is the only reason I didn't include your mod in my upcoming EET run. Just want to have NPC's consistently advance through the whole saga. Otherwise yout mod looks impressive!
  15. Do you remember which tweak let you set the cap you mentioned? I remember I saw such a tweak, but I can't find it anymore. AFAIK Tweaks Anthology allows only for unlimited capacity.
  16. Dont worry I have beed waiting to do this fun for many years, I can wait a bit more if I can have an easy way to convert him to WS (especially since I don't think thief part fits him)
  17. Hmm, maybe give it a couple of different attacks to choose from. For instance you can switch from Chromatic orb to Magic Missile or to something more. In PnP Staff of the Magi is an artifact IIRC and it seems that it should be very versatile item, that a mage can use to defend himself in very different situations. So giving it a couple of 1st level spells to chose from as a range attack would be cool. But this could make it OP, so maybe not unlimited but a resonable amout of daily uses, not to much and not to few, so it can be useful.
  18. Thanks, Doc. I thought it works that way, but I wanted to be sure. So, the key point is to find a mod that will convert an NPC to a proper starting class. Erm, I see on my list that I've chosen Neera as a Sorcerer from... your very own NPC_EE (component 621). So it seems you've already thought about that Personally, I think sorcerer fits her story way more than mage, and Chaos Sorcerer is just perfect. There is a component from Artemius House Rules that bumps up a bit stats of EE NPC's (Neera gets +2 CON and +1 INT), so at least CON decrease will be nullified. Besides, I'm not so accustomed to all that mechanical nuances, so I couldn't teel if DEX bonuses are weird or not Btw is there a chance to convince you adding two more options in NPC_EE for Valygar: one option Wizard Slayer, second option Mage Hunter from one of your mods (FnP or MnG I think)? I think both fit him well more than plain ranger.
  19. Ok but do I need to start as fighter to convert NPC to Soulblade or Thief to covnert him to Psypher, ot can I start from any other single class? Or if I want to change Neera from current Wild mage to Chaos sorcerer from @argent77's mod, can I change it directly from wild mage or can I need to set her up as a sorcerer first and then change it to Wild Sorcerer using NPC_EE magic? BTW. I think Cerebremancer is missing from EET_NPC readme. Otherwise I would probably instantly thought about it as a one of options for Neera
  20. Yeah, that part with Neera sounds commplicated I think I'll change her to something simpler. Question: to be able to change her kit via NPC_EE last component to class-specific Psion kit, do I need to change her kit via some other mod to a kit from the same class or I can change her kit from any other kit? For example if I want to change her to a Soulblade do I need to change her class to fighter or a fighter kit first or not? As for the second topic, you're my man! Yes I'm definitely days before I complete my set up Especially that I have limited amount of time during the week for this. So I'll be doing my next test over the weekend.
  21. @Bartimaeus I installed IRR as the only mod n top of EET for testing and the error is no more, so it's probably an i compatibility with some other mod from my list. I'mc reducing my install list a bit, mostly removing some kits and tweaks and will check if this issue is gone or not.
  22. @4udr4n I'm particularly interested if you were able to getting Awesome Soundsets up and running in your installation. It hasn't been updated for a while and there is a fix to get it working with BGEE +SoD. I wonder if this is needed. I'm eagerly anticipating out ome of your set up. Glad that I was able to inspire someone to do something Prepare for a couple of days of reinstalling and tweaking things! Check out my list for portrait mods I think Portraits Portraits Everywhere and the Picture Standard is all you need to have almost all NPC's in game have their portrait shown during dialog conversation in high quality and with respect of lore. Check it out! As for PC portraits it was hard to find for me a perfect portrait that would be worth of my Sorcerer character, so I asked for help at BD forum and guess what... someone made me a gorgeous portrait. Check this topic. For changing class and proficiencies for NPC's (if this is what you need) you may want to install NPC_EE, a @subtledoctor's mod. There are some present class changes for some NPC's, but if you really want to go crazy, install the last componenent, and install it as the very last on your list. Also there is a tweak (I think from Artemius House Rules) that improves stats of EE specific NPC's (Neera, Rasaad etc).
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