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Everything posted by Cahir

  1. @CamDawg finished second test installation and get the same error. Attaching ARS005.are file. ARS005.ARE
  2. Tell me about it. I just realized I completely forgot about More Style of Mages (the mod I translated to Polish). But I need to finish current installation first, to see which mods that I had installation problems will install correctly this time. For next installation I'll make following corrections: - skip Made in Heaven Spellpack (even with master branch beta v4 installation went wrong) - install B_Spells instead of MiH - will try your installation order suggestions. I think B_Spells is more advanced than FnP version, just today @Grammarsalad updated it to 0.90.10 - install More Style for Mages (not all components, because some overlapping with other mods i.e Revised Familiars, but definitely will install Wizard's Staff, that is so cool) - will try to move Olvyn spells after SCS. Olvynchuru wrote in OS topic at Beamdog that he did a playthrough with OS installed after SCS and didn't notice any bugs. - will probably try IR v4b10 instead of IRR to check if I'll still have Store Revisions' installation error. I really want Store Revisions, but I'm completely puzzled why only this one component from IRR won't install. Next test installation (the one after mentioned above) I will remove EEex (and all mods dependent of it) to check if this will make installation of T&B successful or not. Maybe you'll find the issue in the meantime. Boy, SCS does install awfully long.
  3. I may have an answer why I didn't notice long install time for SCS. It's because... in my first test install SCS didn't install at all. It was skipped because of being before EET_end.
  4. Thanks, but I think I may end up skipping Made in Heaven Spell Pack and Olvyn Spells for this mod confing. Too much hassle I'm currently exploring possibility to install Spells and Magic (a. ka B_Spells) instead. @subtledoctorit's in Unearthed Arcana github, is there a chance that this mod is compatible with FnP sphere system?
  5. I may try, I didn't do anything like that before, I'm not sure how to do it...
  6. Unfortunately, Olvyn Spells dosn't have separate components to install arcane and divine spells, so if I want to have at least arcane spells I need to install also divine. Dang
  7. @subtledoctor thanks again for more suggestions! I didn't install Will to Power simply because I don't plan to play Psionic, not because I don't like your implementation (I do!). As for MiH Spell Pack I was mainly install this mod for new spells, so I can skip other components. I'm currently running another test install with new versions of some mods and with SCS and aTweaks moved afer EET_end to see how many error has been fixed by doing this. But for another test install I will exclude those components from MiH. As for divine spells this is probably also true for Olvyn Spells, right?
  8. @Daeros_Trollkiller I have replied to you at BD forums. I hope it will help you to troubleshoot.
  9. Question. FnP readme states that Item Revisions should be installed before FnP. Does this mean only the main component of IR or all components (including Store Revisions) should be installed before FnP?
  10. To be honest, I think EET took the longest. Also FnP. I don't remember SCS took particularly long.
  11. @CamDawg dang, I've wiped out entire installation. But I'll be doing another test install shortly, so probably this issue will pop up again. I'll send you this file then.
  12. Apart from Lava's work there are very few mods made by Polish modders that are currently compatible with EE's. From the top of my head I can list: Ashar, Korgan's Redemption, Mysteries of the Sword Coast and BGEE NPC Project. The last two were not translated to English (yet).
  13. Ok I'll try to run installation without EEex and see if those errors are still there. Will let you know. In any case if without EEex everything will be fine I'll let @Bubb know. He is very helpful and fixed compatibility issue with SCS/WoP almost instantly.
  14. Very much doubtful, I visit this forum often and never heard of this mod.
  15. Good point, haven't thought about that. Will wait a bit with another test run for TnB info from @subtledoctor, though. TnB is crucial for me given the type of character I want to play (either Revised dragon disciple or multiclass sorcerer).
  16. @CamDawg what do you need and how can I deliver what you need?
  17. Hookay, things are getting in good direction. Let's summarize current situation: Tome & Blood -> this is actually the main showstopper now. I can't live with this mod, it's essential for planning my sorcerer build. Knot sure if it's install order issue or actual bug. Nevertheless, I have reported my install error in TnB thread. @subtledoctor if you could look into it and help me out I'll be grateful (again). SoD to BG2EE Item Upgrade -> cannot install due to install error. @Daeros_Trollkiller I have reported the issue at Beamdog forums. I see you're about to release the next version, so if you could check in and squeeze the fix for my issue to, it would be delightful. Item Revisions Revised -> had an install error with Store Revisions. Reported to @Bartimaeus in IRR topic. If it's install order issue, please lete know. I really like this component. Tweaks Anthology -> had an install error with one of the components (reported in Tweaks Anthology thread). If there is no fix on the horizon, I'll skip this component, it's by any means no crucial. Almateria's Restoration Project -> had an install with error message with Restored Random Encounters. Not sure if it's harmless or not, but there is a good chance that I'll skip this component too, just to be sure it won't screw anything up in the game. I reported it back at SHS, but @Almateria seems not modding anymore, so it may be not fixed at all. Made in Heaven Item Pack -> I had an install error, which *I think* master (not tested) version from Github should fix (at least I see commit that I think would fix my install error). I normally use only release versions, but int this case I'll probably make an exception, unless you're planning to release v4 soon, @Angel Wheels of Prophecy -> there was a compatibility issue between WoP/SCS and EEex, which, thanks to @Bubb's quick fix should be remedied with EEex v0.85. Sword Coast Stratagems -> the same issue as with WoP. On top of that it seems v32.8 needs to be installed after EET_end component, so I moved it down below. Also following @Ulb's own PI order list and @Lightbringer's experience, I have also moved aTweaks. Foundling -> I had an install with warnings message related to EET transition, but I've been using v4.3. @Lava suggested that v.4.4 might fix the issue. Enable Dual-classing to kit -> Had an install error. Reported back to @kjeron on Beamdog forums, and he delivered a quick fix. Newest version should fix my issue. Faiths & Powers -> had the same install with warning messages as @4udr4n. But apparently these are harmless, so I should be good to go. Might & Guile -> had install with warning message (same as reported by @4udr4n in MnG thread). Should be harmless too. Trial of the Luremaster -> had an install with warnings message, but @argent77 assured me it's harmless. Rogue Rebalancing -> had couple of install with warning messages, but @4udr4n dug up a topic where there was an indication both should be harmless. Reveal Hidden Options -> this was actually my screw up. Check all specific options for installation without checking the main component. Switching to Install all options, should fix the issue. So. that would be all of my issues I thing. The real showstopper here is TnB. And I hope new Sod to BG2EE Item Upgrade version will fix my install error to. Other than that I think I'm set. Will see how the final test goes.
  18. @Bubb thank you very much for a super quick fix! Now I can enjoy EEex-required mods *and* WoP/SCS at the same time.
  19. @subtledoctor Encountered following installed with errors warning while installing Might & Guile's Revised Multiclassing and Multiclass Kits component. Is it harmless? WeiDu logs in attachment. WeiDU.log WeiDU-BGEE.log
  20. Hi @Bartimaeus During my EET installation using Project Infinity I encountered following install error of IRR with Store Revisions component. Do you know what is the issue and how to fix it? Attaching WeiDU loogs too. WeiDU.log WeiDU-BGEE.log
  21. Hello @CamDawg During EET instalation using Project Infinity I have encounter following error while installing Alter Hostile Rest Spawns component: Attached WeiDU logs too. WeiDU.log WeiDU-BGEE.log
  22. @4udr4n I have reached @Bubb on Discord regarding the incompatibility between EEex and Wheels of Prophecy and this is his solution:
  23. I have made a test install of my EET setup and I've encountered a couple of errors during T&B installation. I put debug in spoiler tags and in attachment (along with WeiDU.log): ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-TomeAndBlood-80-Error.log ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-TomeAndBlood-14-Error.log ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-TomeAndBlood-13-Error.log WeiDU.log WeiDU-BGEE.log
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