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Everything posted by xiaoleiwen

  1. Thanks, i will stop it with console. Could it be related to my low reputation when he joined? ( not qualified for romance that time so the friendship start first)
  2. Ajantis BG Expansion v17 C:GetGlobal("X#AjantisRomanceActive","GLOBAL") -1 C:GetGlobal("X#AjantisLoveTalk","GLOBAL") -7 C:GetGlobal("C#AjantisPCTalk","GLOBAL") -7 C:GetGlobal("C#AjanFP_RomFPTransfer","LOCALS")- does not exist
  3. I noticed two of the early talks from Ajantis has been repeated. I'm not sure whether it is because I installed both the romance option from BG1NPC MOD and also the standalone Ajantis MOD. For example:
  4. It is totally different from the feeling of playing an original BioWare content, but I treat it as “paid mods’ like what Skyrim has, and I kinda enjoy it, there are several quality stuffs that could be difficult to achieve by real mod. the problem is I remember the battle in sod is not really enhanced by SCS mod and there is not many options of npc mods, which reduce its replay value for me (I consider most of the beamdog written npc in sod not really satisfactory). that is also why I decided to skip sod in my current play through since I’m not taking any mod npc that has content in sod.
  5. Tried it previously so I know this MOD is very impressive, I will definitely use it for my future heavily modded playthrough, can save a lot of time for precast.
  6. Thanks for your words and suggestion. I enjoy reading reviews and I hope there will be more people writing reviews. I deleted the warnings, it just I feel that sometime I might not be able to use the correct words to convey my feeling due to own limits, and perhaps there are too many mistakes and hurt someone eyes
  7. I can understand why we will have less content if we do not romance certain character. This happens in almost all games with companions. In fact, I consider Dusky has sufficient good content even if I do not romance him. It just I quite like him and so wanted to have more although I understand this. The reason I still enjoy Orra is because I feel like she is purposely designed to be less exciting, her personality fits that, in fact, some dialogues choices have what I think about her, so it is actually quite obvious that the author has expected what others will think about her. I agree that we need more variety of npcs. A party with everyone talks like Minsc or Viconia could be too unrealistic and even insufferable. That is always why I always bring at least one relatively "normal" npc in my game. For example this year: BG1 and 2: Isra IWD1 : Holvir I consider this type of npc is needed, and I quite appreciate your effort in writting her, considering most your iwd npcs are quite unusual, its good to balance up. Its just.. when I rate them, generally I will still like those unusual one more Perhaps I mentioned too many times short quests in my review. My intention was "quality and fun more important". Long and good quest is indeed impressive. However, sometime we need good and short quest, depending on the stories and other situations. In fact, I think I like your shorter quests more. As for 8 of your quest mods that I played this year, if I do not play these IE games starting from now, after 10 years, perhaps what I will vaguely remember are those shorter one: - there was once I played a mod with many weird colors stuffs - a funny behoulder who scared of zombie - An underground inn Yes, short and memorable. That is good enough.
  8. I have updated the following: - changed some scores for BG2EE mods - added 5 reviews for IWDEE NPC mods - added 4 reviews for quest mods. Thanks again to the modders. Replaying IWDEE made me remember how dull and monotonous most original contents are...There is no reason for me to replay it without new MODs from Lava and Aionz (I completed the game 7 years ago with Kulyok's npcs). It is great I can revisit those beautiful areas in IWD1 again due to the new contents added by the modders. I'm looking forward to my future playthrough as there are some npcs I really interested, especially Urchin, Ina, Minerva and Dendjelion. And I know Aionz is writing more npcs, really looking forward to it. --- The next plan is for IWD2 with NPC mods from Domi. I hope I can finish it this time, old game on new system...hopefully no game breaking thing occurs.
  9. is the bug fix applicable for English version as well? Will play iwd2 with this mod soon..
  10. click here to find where the game was installed.
  11. I have to agree with this, I don't think I notice anything wrong with the mage after finishing bg2 with 33.7. The only time that I noticed something slightly weird was during the mage vs mage duel in Underark, as the enemy mage stand still after a long fight, and I considered it normal that time because he run out of spells, didn't bother and just continue my game. I probably won't remember it if I didn't see the bug report here.. I guess it is more obvious in BG1, but I think don't mind if the mage run around or stand still after run out of spell...since he is useless then..and I always kill mage ASAP
  12. Glad to know someone feels enjoyable I should be the one who say thanks, enjoying your MOD very much (including those I have played in IWDEE), I always prefer MODs that look like original content, really amazing. Athkatlan Grounds MODs are in my "definitely will play list" for my next playthrough Not sure if you have any quest mods with interjections from your NPCs (I will bring Verr'sza next time).
  13. Thanks for your advice, I can't imagine some mods have to be installed like this (different components from same MOD have different install order) if you didn't mention here. Really appreciate it. Is there any reason IWD spells component has to be installed before item randomiser? I thought spells should be installed after item.
  14. I have updated the following: - How I rate mods- added Area Art - updated 5 new reviews for Quest MODs And so I finished all my reviews for 2021 BG playthrough. To be honest there were moments I thought I could not finish these reviews due to poor writing. It is like taking forever for me to finish it. Million thanks to all MOD authors. I like all of the MODs installed this time, including tweaks, UI, portrait, SCS etc which significantly improved my experience. I should probably write something for SCS (I installed it in BG2 only) as the gameplay has improved so much that I can't really go back to vanilla now. I think I might not be able to finish this BG2 playthrough without it because I played BG2 too many times. Perhaps I will leave it until the day I play a complete BG1 to TOB playthrough with SCS. === The next reviews will be IWDEE mods. If everything goes as planned, I will probably write for the NPC mods for IWD2 and some modules for NWN. Hopefully I won't get jaded or stuck somewhere.
  15. I have updated the install order, red colour is newly added one. I am playing IWD1 now and quite like the casting and spell graphic. Included IWD spells (via SCS) may also make the gameplay feels new. Not very sure whether the install order is appropriate though. According to author of cosmetic enhancement mod, they should be compatible with each other. I would probably finish IWDEE, IWD2 and some modules from NWNEE first before returning to my next epic BG playthrough, so probably will still see and add something that I find interested.
  16. I didn't experience this weird mage behaviour in BG2 with 33.7, probably because they never finish their spells.. I guess it is recommended to use 33.4 for bg1 now?
  17. Is there any way to use the BGT map (clearer version) in the OP for non-eet game? If I install the BP-BGT-Worlmap v10.2.6 from Spellhold, the one I have is quite blurry. If I replace the with the WORLDMAP.MOS file K4thos uploaded here, the map is nice but the locations are wrong...
  18. G) IWDEE NPCs To update following after completing current game: - Sird Nord - Hildury - Diriel - Rizdaer - Peony
  19. E) IWDEE NPC 1) Dusky (from Dusky NPC for IWD EE) Overall Experience: B Lore friendly: B+ Screenshots: 2) Holvir (from Icewind Dale NPCs) Overall Experience: B Lore friendly: B Screenshot: 3) Nella (from Icewind Dale NPCs) Overall Experience: B Lore friendly: B+ Screenshots 4) Karihi (from Karihi, a fire genasi pyromancer NPC for IWD:EE) Overall Experience: A- Lore friendly: A Screenshot 5) Orra (Orra NPC for IWD EE) Overall Experience: B- Lore friendly: B+ Screenshots F) IWDEE Quests 1) Tale of Our Lady Dreamless Overall Experience: B Lore friendly: B Area art: A+ Screenshot 2) Below & Below Inn Overall Experience: A- Lore friendly: A- Area art: A+ Screenshots 3) Night of the Blinking Dead Overall Experience: A- Lore friendly: A+ Area art: A- Screenshot 4) Terror of the Skin Eater Overall Experience: B+ Lore friendly: B+ Area art: A- Screenshots
  20. D) BG2EE Quests: 1) Tales of the Deep Gardens Overall Experience: B+ Lore Friendly: B+ Area Art: B+ Screenshots: 2) Innershade Overall Experience: B Lore Friendly: B Area Art: A Screenshot: 3) The White Queen Overall Experience: B+ Lore friendly: B+ Area art: A- Screenshots: 4) I Shall Never Forget Overally Experience: A- Lore Friendly: B+ Area art: A Screenshots: 5) The Sellswords Overall experience: A Lore friendly: A+ Area art: A Screenshots: Fading Promises Overall Experience: B Lore friendly: A+ Screenshot: Back to Brynnlaw Overall Experience: A Lore friendly: S Screenshots: Heroes, Thieves and Moneylenders Overall Experience: A+ Lore friendly: A- Area art: B+ Screenshots: Ooze's Lounge Overall Experience: A- Lore friendly: A+ Area art: A+ Screenshots: Southern Edge Overall Experience: A Lore friendly: A+ Area art: A- Screenshots: Tangled Oak Isle Overall Experience: A+ Lore friendly: A Area art: A+ Screenshots: Foundling: Between the Shades (As a Quest MOD) Overall Experience: A- Lore friendly: A- Screenshots:
  21. C) BG2EE NPCs: Adrian (from Adrian, a renegade Zhentarim sorcerer with a taste for decadence) Overall Experience: B+ Lore friendly: A+ Screenshots for Adrian Isra (From Isra, earnest, engaging female paladin of Sune for BG2:EE) Overall Experience: B+ Lore friendly: A Screenshots for Isra Sirene (From Sirene, a tiefling paladin of Ilmater NPC for BG2:EE) Overall Experience: A- Lore friendly: A- Screenshots for Sirene Xan (From Xan BG2 NPC) Overall Experience: A Lore friendly: A- Screenshots for Xan Yoshimo (Vanilla NPC with MODs- Yoshimo Friendship + Yoshimo's Remorse) Overall Experience: A- Lore friendly: A Screenshots for Yoshimo Imoen (Vanilla NPC with MOD- Imoen Friendship) Overall Experience: B+ Lore friendly: A+ Screenshots for Imoen
  22. B) BGEE Quests (with SOD) Baldur's Gate Romantic Encounters Overall Experience: B+ Lore friendly: B+ Screenshot: The Stone of Askavar Overall Experience: B Lore friendly: A+ Area art: B+ Screenshot: Balduran’s Seatower Overall Experience: A+ Lore friendly: A+ Area art: S Screenshots: Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification (BGQE) Overall Experience: A+ Lore friendly: A+ Screenshots: Shades of the Sword Coast Overall Experience: A+ Lore friendly: A- Area art: A+ Screenshots: Ascalon's Questpack Overall Experience: A- Lore friendly: A+ Screenshots:
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