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IR Revised V1.3.800 (2022 January 11th)

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I decided to check the system help; there is, at least, a way to merge folders Windows-style on a Mac:


If you have two folders with identical names at two different locations, you can merge them into a single folder.

On your Mac, press and hold the Option key, then drag one folder to the location that contains a folder with the same name. In the dialog that appears, click Merge.

The Merge option appears only if one of the folders contains items that are not in the other folder. If the folders contain different versions of identically named files, the only options are Stop or Replace.

And I tested it; it works. So, here's what you do on a Mac.

- Download both IR and IRR. Unpack them, if the system doesn't do so automatically; in my testing, the .zip files unpacked automatically and the .tar files didn't.

- Open Finder windows to both top-level folders that the downloads unpacked to; each of these folders should have a version number in its name and should contain a folder named "item_rev".

- Hold Option down and drag the "item_rev" folder from the IRR folder to the IR folder. You should see a green + icon while dragging the folder.

- A dialog box should pop up, with "Stop", "Replace", and "Merge" options. Choose "Merge". If no dialog box comes up, you missed and probably copied the folder to somewhere else, such as . Delete that instance and repeat the previous step.

- Once the merge is complete, move or copy "item_rev" from the IR folder to your game folder. Plus any installers you intend to use. Install the mod, and enjoy.

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7 hours ago, Bartimaeus said:

Yeah, it's why the original post has this warning near the top:

"If you are on a non-Windows OS, make sure that the two folders are combined: if the "change-log.txt" file still exists in "(game directory)\item_rev\", then you should be good - if it doesn't, post in the thread for help.


Definitely my error, thank you for your assistance. 

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16 minutes ago, a.greene said:

Definitely my error, thank you for your assistance. 

Eh, not really - it's kind of a useless warning, to be honest. If a user can't combine the folders, they'll have to post in the thread for help; if a user doesn't realize the folders didn't combine correctly, they'll have to post in the thread for help. Pretty much the same result either way, and it's usually pretty obvious what the issue is as soon as I see the actual error that some essential file is missing entirely. Still, I figure the warning there is good to have nevertheless.

1 hour ago, jmerry said:

I decided to check the system help; there is, at least, a way to merge folders Windows-style on a Mac:

And I tested it; it works. So, here's what you do on a Mac.

- Download both IR and IRR. Unpack them, if the system doesn't do so automatically; in my testing, the .zip files unpacked automatically and the .tar files didn't.

- Open Finder windows to both top-level folders that the downloads unpacked to; each of these folders should have a version number in its name and should contain a folder named "item_rev".

- Hold Option down and drag the "item_rev" folder from the IRR folder to the IR folder. You should see a green + icon while dragging the folder.

- A dialog box should pop up, with "Stop", "Replace", and "Merge" options. Choose "Merge". If no dialog box comes up, you missed and probably copied the folder to somewhere else, such as . Delete that instance and repeat the previous step.

- Once the merge is complete, move or copy "item_rev" from the IR folder to your game folder. Plus any installers you intend to use. Install the mod, and enjoy.

Oh, cool, glad to know there is a way to do it. I know Luke here at G3 at one point ran into the same issue but was able to start solving it themselves, perhaps they figured it out the same trick. Thanks, I'll provide a link to your comment in the original post.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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Hello everybody,

received this error message in the log, when installing IRR v4beta10 in an EET megamod installation using Project Infinity:

//[C:\Mods\Tools\WeiDU\249.00\weidu.exe] WeiDU version 24900
//Using Language [English]
//Using .\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk
//Installing [Item Revisions by Demivrgvs] [V4 Beta 10 (Revised V1.3.800)]
//ERROR: charsets were not converted because iconv could not be found in item_rev/languages/iconv
//Stopping installation because of error.
//Stopping installation because of error.
//Stopping installation because of error.
//Stopping installation because of error.
//Stopping installation because of error.
//ERROR Installing [Item Revisions by Demivrgvs], rolling back to previous state
//Will uninstall   0 files for [item_rev\item_rev.tp2] component 0.
//Uninstalled      0 files for [item_rev\item_rev.tp2] component 0.
//ERROR: Failure("ERROR: charsets were not converted because iconv could not be found in item_rev/languages/iconv")
//Please submit a report regarding this problem, including the information contained in Setup-item_rev.debug and look for support at: Bartimaeus in the IR Revised thread at forums.gibberlings3.net
//Automatically Skipping [Item Revisions by Demivrgvs] because of error.
//Using Language [English]
//NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Item Revisions by Demivrgvs
//WARNING: unpausing installation will continue from next component.
//WARNING: item_rev:0 has encounter errors durring installation, exited with ExitCode = 2


Looked into the folder mentioned: Iconv is where it is supposed to be.

What am I doing wrong?



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46 minutes ago, Azaghal said:

Hello everybody,

received this error message in the log, when installing IRR v4beta10 in an EET megamod installation using Project Infinity:

//[C:\Mods\Tools\WeiDU\249.00\weidu.exe] WeiDU version 24900
//Using Language [English]
//Using .\lang\en_us\dialog.tlk
//Installing [Item Revisions by Demivrgvs] [V4 Beta 10 (Revised V1.3.800)]
//ERROR: charsets were not converted because iconv could not be found in item_rev/languages/iconv
//Stopping installation because of error.
//Stopping installation because of error.
//Stopping installation because of error.
//Stopping installation because of error.
//Stopping installation because of error.
//ERROR Installing [Item Revisions by Demivrgvs], rolling back to previous state
//Will uninstall   0 files for [item_rev\item_rev.tp2] component 0.
//Uninstalled      0 files for [item_rev\item_rev.tp2] component 0.
//ERROR: Failure("ERROR: charsets were not converted because iconv could not be found in item_rev/languages/iconv")
//Please submit a report regarding this problem, including the information contained in Setup-item_rev.debug and look for support at: Bartimaeus in the IR Revised thread at forums.gibberlings3.net
//Automatically Skipping [Item Revisions by Demivrgvs] because of error.
//Using Language [English]
//NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Item Revisions by Demivrgvs
//WARNING: unpausing installation will continue from next component.
//WARNING: item_rev:0 has encounter errors durring installation, exited with ExitCode = 2


Looked into the folder mentioned: Iconv is where it is supposed to be.

What am I doing wrong?



I'm fairly sure I've run into that particular error before and I feel as though it requires wiping the entire item_rev folder - swear that it's the result of a partial/failed/aborted install and weidu getting confused by the necessary EE-specific character set conversions having already happened, but I'm not sure how that would figure into your Project Infinity method of installation. Assuming you haven't installed any components, I would delete the entire item_rev folder in your game directory and use this pre-combined .zip I just made for you: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/legeebej9uo7fp5ynep0u/IRR.zip?rlkey=eefe1ym5treolggb20huksmuu&dl=0

Edited by Bartimaeus
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You are right. The installation had previously been interrupted due to problems. As I am a total newbie with PI I just figured a way to continue the installation not really knowing what I was doing. And that probably caused the problem. Restarted installation from scratch with a new folder and it worked.

Thank you very much.


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Hey Bartimaeus, decided to start a new BG1EE playthrough with both your revisions mods and have small problem with Paladin Cavalier class. Remove fear and Detect Evil spells do not have any description. I have a fresh install with only SR Revised mod, nothing else. Additionally, grease spell has only 10' radius compared to the desription on the first page. Thank you for your reply.

EDIT: moved to the right thread, sorry,

Edited by Fjodik
Wrong thread
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Hi, I don't know if it's the right thread for this question.


Item Revisions:

Remove Cleric Weapon Restrictions from Multi-Classed Clerics

PnP Equipment for Druids

Tweaks Antology:

Loosen Equipment Restrictions for Cleric Multi- and Dual-Classes

Change Equipment Restrictions for Druid Multi- and Dual-Classes


Both components do the same things or differently?


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1 hour ago, Janvitus said:

Hi, I don't know if it's the right thread for this question.


Item Revisions:

Remove Cleric Weapon Restrictions from Multi-Classed Clerics

PnP Equipment for Druids

Tweaks Antology:

Loosen Equipment Restrictions for Cleric Multi- and Dual-Classes

Change Equipment Restrictions for Druid Multi- and Dual-Classes


Both components do the same things or differently?


I believe IR's component only affects weapons, which is what the Anthology Tweaks component for clerics does as well, but the Anthology Tweaks druid component does additional stuff such as making dual/multi-class druids able to use e.g. plate armor. My personal choice is to use IR's loosen weapon restrictions for druids only option: unlike clerics whose gods specifically forbid it, druids can already (albeit rather inexplicably to me) use certain types of bladed weapons such as scimitars, so I don't really get the restrictions against some but not others.

(e): I also use the PnP Equipment for Druids option, as it doesn't make sense to me that a multi-class druid could suddenly start to wear plate. So...better weapon options, worse armor options is the net result for druids in my game.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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8 minutes ago, jmerry said:

Fighter/druids in vanilla can already use all armor (unless they have a kit that restricts it). If a component does anything there, it would be adding restrictions, not removing them.

You're right: the cleric component is "Loosen Equipment Restrictions for Cleric Multi- and Dual-Classes", but the druid component is "Change Equipment Restrictions for Druid Multi- and Dual-Classes" and allows it to go either way, either loosening (less weapon restrictions) or tightening up (more armor restrictions). Ideally, I'd like to enable both options (as I don't think multi-class druids should be weapon-restricted but I do think they should be armor-restricted), but I don't know if you can with just Anthology Tweaks.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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Guest morpheus562

Just defeated Yaga-Shura in his camp, and it was definitely much more difficult to damage him than I remember. After winning, I took a look at his cre file and saw, due to ascension and/or scs, he had 99 physical damage Resistance. That alone isn't a big deal, but I also had your revised armor component installed. With the +15% Dr from shuruppak's plate he has equipped, he had well over complete immunity to physical damage. I still managed to defeat him, but wanted to report it.

EDIT: After thinking about this, there are a number of mods that can force Yaga-Shura to have complete physical damage immunity due to changes in armors. I have gone ahead and performed a pull request for Ascension and posted the finding within the Ascension mod compatibility section.

Edited by morpheus562
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Yes, that version of Yaga-Shura loses resistances per round. He starts at fire immunity, 50% cold resistance, 90% other resistances. He then loses 1% to all non-fire resistances per round for thirty rounds. So that's an eventual end point of 69% base physical resistance. If you're adding 15% to that, that's halving his physical vulnerability even if the fight drags on a very long time, and making it so you need about fifteen rounds to get to the point you can hurt him at all.

Obviously, you could take Shurrupak's Plate off. But that opens up other issues, like him possibly losing his fire immunity. You see, Yaga-Shura casts Aura of Flaming Death, which sets fire resistance to 90%. With the armor on, he gets +20% from that and is still immune. With it off, he can become vulnerable to fire.

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