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Enhanced Powergaming Scripts

Guest morpheus562

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@morpheus562 Significant improvement with this one, I'm not seeing any of the retargeting behavior I mentioned previously. Shaman is still the same though - keeps toggling her dance and even if I set her to not attack enemies she stops dancing once something is summoned.

I'm running a relatively modern system, Win10 on an i5 9600K and a 1060, 32GB RAM. Some things that come to mind just now, I am running the game off an HDD instead of an SSD, and I usually run it windowed with other stuff in the background, but I haven't noticed any issues like this with other AI scripts - even ones that override the "Advanced AI" menu. Still, I'm happy to test those conditions out if you think they might be the cause.

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FWIW I've reworked my party comp to take the shaman out, if I'm the only one seeing this idk how worthwhile it'd be for you to keep digging and I don't wanna waste your time. If I ever want to play with one later I can use the mo_core script. The help you've given already has been spectacular, thank you so much! That said I'm also a game dev and totally get if it's gonna bug you, here to help with whatever testing you need :)

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That's totally fair!
I've tested it with pretty much every permutation of toggles I could think of. When the permanent find traps is on it overrides the dancing entirely, with every other combination it does the dance on/off toggling - including with everything turned off (except one of the buff toggles ofc).

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