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Sword Coast Stratagems v34 (edit: 34.3) now available

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Maybe copy-paste the output as plaintext then, I uploaded it as an image earlier to ensure you see the folder connection with Explorer.

Also, why Potions for NPCs is earlier? I'm pretty sure the AI components should be installed in order.

Edited by Graion Dilach
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The component hasn’t ‘failed’. The situation is exactly what the warning message says: those files are corrupted (probably by another mod) which means that SCS can’t patch them. It used to just refuse to install when that happened, but by popular request I now just skip unpatchable files. (There is some danger this will cause WEIDU instabilities, but so far it seems to do ok.)

If you (or someone) want to address the issue, you’ll need to confirm (in Near Infinity) that the file is broken, work out which mod broke it, then take it up with the mod maintainer.

EDIT: sorry, I now see that you got a fail with PI. If manual install worked then I can’t really help - it’s possible NI is fussy about warnings? (I don’t use it.)

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5 hours ago, DavidW said:

For baseline scripting, there is an (ancient, but still good) scripting guide by SimDing0 at https://www.pocketplane.net/tutorials/simscript.html. (Largely ignore its advice about tools -  use Near Infinity or WEIDU). Read it, and then look at some of the scripts from the unmodded game to get the idea of how it works.

For my SSL tool, there are some informal lessons at https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/13725-coding-scripts-in-ssl-some-lessons/.

There isn't really a tutorial on how to do AI SCS-style - to be honest it's complicated enough to be beyond tutorials. You need an advanced understanding both of scripting and of WEIDU.

(The bottom line is that there isn't really a simple modular way to get lots of in-game creatures to use your added spells. AI is fairly holistic.)

Thank you much for this, ive been struggling with scripts for a while now since im not really an adept programmer, il give these a good read

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Just looking at what's in common on those files that mage_edits_main failed on, it looks like the "Improved Identify Spell" component from Tome and Blood is what broke things. Since this function is what builds spell selections for SCS mages, it makes sense that a spell mod would be what causes trouble.

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2 hours ago, DavidW said:

The situation is exactly what the warning message says: those files are corrupted (probably by another mod)

FWIW the Improved Identify mod does this:

COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.cre$~ ~override~
    READ_BYTE 0x273 class
    PATCH_IF (class == 1) BEGIN // wizard casters
      REMOVE_KNOWN_SPELL ~spwi110~
      ADD_KNOWN_SPELL ~%spell_res%~ #0 ~wizard~ // [where spell_res is the ADD_SPELL'd new version]

I could always be wrong, but I hardly think using standard Weidu commands to remove known/memorized instances of Identify (which, presumably, no non-joinable mage would ever have reason to use) and adding one new known spell (but not memorized) should corrupt the file... Moreover, I have installed SCS over this mod plenty of times. The CDTweaks component probably just adds an axe proficiency, or something; and I don't know what ARestoration does.

Anyway, he already said

5 hours ago, Oloriniel said:

While I was typing this, the installation succeeded manually, so the issue may be Project Infinity.

I don't know what it is about PI, but this seems reminiscent of this error, where files copied into the override folder did not seem to be registered by the installer... like the installer is moving too fast or something? I really don't know. But why would things like that work in manual installs but fail when automated with --force-install?

At any rate, I don't think there's actually an error here.

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Guest morpheus562

I can't seem to find it, but I thought I saw something in the last week regarding SCS and having to do a manual update to point mages or some such to the correct file? Sorry I'm vague on the details, but I can't remember and hoping someone may know it more in-depth.

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During the final battle in the Throne of Bhaal, Melissan is scripted to appear once any member of the five are killed. Is it possible to change this so that appears once atleast 3 members are killed? This is more for personal use as I am modifying a bunch of areas, looking at the .BCS for the ToB, I am out of my depth. I get that once a member dies the item she has equiped is destroyed and she subsequently takes damage and loses its buffs, but I cant find the mention of her appearing in the first space.

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Melissan's appearance in the SCS/Ascension final battle is difficulty-dependent. If you want her to wait until three of the Five are down, that's Tactical or maybe Improved difficulty.

In detail, there's a counter variable FiveDead. One point each for Sarevok, Gromnir, Yaga-Shura, and Abazigal. Two points each for Illasera, Sendai, and Balthazar. That counter needs to reach 1 on Insane, 2 on Hardcore, 3 on Tactical, or 4 on Basic/Improved for her to come in.

The logic for this is in the area script AR6200.BCS.

That battle is a significant difficulty spike. Don't feel bad if you have to lower difficulty a notch or two to get through it.

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2 hours ago, jmerry said:

Melissan's appearance in the SCS/Ascension final battle is difficulty-dependent. If you want her to wait until three of the Five are down, that's Tactical or maybe Improved difficulty.

In detail, there's a counter variable FiveDead. One point each for Sarevok, Gromnir, Yaga-Shura, and Abazigal. Two points each for Illasera, Sendai, and Balthazar. That counter needs to reach 1 on Insane, 2 on Hardcore, 3 on Tactical, or 4 on Basic/Improved for her to come in.

The logic for this is in the area script AR6200.BCS.

That battle is a significant difficulty spike. Don't feel bad if you have to lower difficulty a notch or two to get through it.

I didnt realise it was dependant on dificulty. The last playthrough I did was a few versions ago and it was on LoB, she showed up after only 1 member of the Five had died, it didnt matter who it was. I am currently modifying their previous encounters and I do want to add those changes to the final fight, but I remember it was just a hot mess before having to deal with Mel and the Five. Is it possible to give all members the same points and to ensure that she will only show if 2 or 3 are dead regardless of who it is?

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LoB is the same as Insane for this purpose, so it's only one point to bring in Mel on that difficulty. Which means that killing any one of the enemies does it.

As I said, the logic for this is all in the area script. That's pretty easy to edit. As for where in the mod it comes from ... not SCS. Ascension, /ascensionmain/baf/plot/ar6200.baf

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